The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 343: storm

"Master Ren, have already withdrawn and are on their way back."

When Ren Baqian heard the voice from the intercom, he first looked at the two camps, but no Da Xia army chased them out. After all, in such a dark night, the personal strength of the ancients can be brought into greater play.

Moreover, the two big camps are now barely calming down. It is estimated that treating the wounded, extinguishing the fire, and gathering the unrest will be enough for a while.

"Things are done, withdraw." Ren Baqian had people carry mortars, machine guns, and ammunition boxes, and everyone hurried back. When they got down, they saw the gates wide open and the mermaids rushed into the city. .

It didn't take long for everyone to return to Chenglingfu, and the war damage was also delivered.

The damage was not great, but there were hundreds of people, including flying horses. The damage was minimal. The Central Government Guards lost three to four hundred people, but half of them were seriously injured and returned, only about two hundred were killed.

The loss of the ancients was negligible compared to that of Daxia.

The loss of the Da Xia Army was at least 20,000 to 30,000, and a large amount of grain was burned.

But Ren Baqian was attracted by something described by the returning flying rider.

At the end of the night raid, due to ancient soldiers hacking and killing in the camp, a group of teams barely gathered together would encounter a batch of bombs, which could not be counterattacked. The eastern camps launched several artillery.

This thing flying ride was not taken seriously, but after the opponent ignited countless iron nails squirted out of it, several flying rides were beaten under the care, and died on the spot.

There were more injured flying riders, at least twenty.

Ren Baqian held in his hands the iron nails they sent, half a foot long, the thickness of the little finger, and the whole body was made of pig iron. The bottom was a hexagon slightly larger than the diameter.

"What's the range of this thing?" Ren Baqian asked.

"About two hundred steps. At one hundred steps, people can be killed." A flying captain said.

"That is to say, the few who were killed by this thing were others facing him with this thing within a hundred steps. Don't you know the stupid person who hides?" Ren Baqian was unhappy.

"The main thing was that I didn't expect that although this thing could not be hit far, but when it was close, it was not too small." Nafei said, scratching his head, and he felt that the subordinates were too unjust to die.

"There are so many unexpected things, I use this thing to face you, can you hide?" Ren Baqian pulled out his pistol directly from his waist and pointed at the flying head.

"Of course you must hide!" Said the captain quickly. The former governor poisoned tens of thousands of people before, and today he took out a weapon that can hit the Daxia Army a few miles away. Although it is not clear, he can sweep out a pile of steel **** to blast people out after an explosion. They knew they were playing like a sieve, and many flying riders saw this scene in the distance.

Now Ren Baqian is in the minds of the flying riders. Although he looks thin and weak, everything in his hands is life-threatening.

No one dares to underestimate as long as it is something he has taken out.

"Anyway, the night raid was a big victory today, and any of the adults must take the lead." Li Qianqiu laughed.

Although the loss of three to four hundred people, compared with the loss of Daxia, it is enough to satisfy people.

Ren Baqian waved his hand, a fame that made me look like a cloud.

"Although I don't know how much the other party's rations were lost, they must have lost some. During the night raids, Feiqi and the Central Army also saw that the place where they stored their grain was on fire."

This is Ren Baqian's deliberate attention.

"If the other party's loss of grain is huge, the other party will definitely rush to allow the rear to transport the grain. After a while, some walkie-talkies, a repeater and a radio station will be sent away. A radio station went out for investigation and scattered search. If Xia Jun's fast horse was intercepted immediately, if he met the food team, he could eat it together in one place.

If you ca n’t eat anything, contact the city via radio and send personnel to support it. "

Both the Empress and Li Qianqiu nodded slightly. It was necessary to intercept the other side's food passage. Ren Baqian's suggestion was not wrong.

"And the Da Xia Army here may have two options next.

The first is to shrink the force defense, mainly siege, after all, this night attack should also hurt them.

But I think another point is also very likely, that is, the dog jumped off the wall.

If the other party ’s grain losses are too great, it will take a long time for the grain transport team to arrive, and the other party may attack aggressively, consuming their own strength with us. "

"What is Duizi?" Li Qianqiu immediately asked.

"If the other party is severely short of food, for example, only 100,000 people have two days of rations left, but the food team will arrive in seven days, what to do? It is not enough to halve the food for each person. With a big offensive, they didn't even have a chance to fight back.

In this case, it is better to consume most of them. If it is best to break through the city, we can consume our troops if we can't break it. It is a deadly death. And their remaining army, even if there is insufficient food and grass, is enough to support the arrival of the food team. "

"If the other party loses too much forage, it is likely to do so."

"To trade our lives for their lives is to exchange them." Ren Baqian concluded.

Li Qianqiu frowned for a long time, and slowly nodded: "It's not impossible."

If you are in the position of the opponent's general, you may choose this way if you have no choice.

The people discussed for a while, and when they saw that the night was already deep, they went back to rest.

Generally, there are spies on both sides of the war, and many useful information can be obtained. But in the war between Da Yao and Da Xia, the two sides had almost no spies in the opposing army, so all information can only be relied on to speculate.


The Da Yao crowd went back to rest, but the camp in Da Xia was brightly lit.

Rescuing the wounded, fighting fires, counting dead bodies, and counting losses until dawn.

Wu Shenghou sat in the big tent with a look of iron, and remained motionless like a stone statue.

A rush of footsteps made him raise his eyelids, watching the scribe who hurried in, Shen asked, "How?"

"Daying lost 11,000 casualties, Dongying lost more than 23,000 people, and 786 in Wuying remained 392.

Forage, only 60,000 troops in Dongying for two days lost 75% of the forage. Daying had 170,000 troops for ten days of forage and lost 60%, and Xiying did not lose. "

"How long can the remaining grain be used?" Wu Shenghou asked.

"There are still 60,000 troops in Xiying for two days, plus the remaining in Dongying, enough for 140,000 troops to use for one day. The remaining grain in the camp is enough for the army for more than four days. Enough to use for five days. If the daily supply of food is halved, it can support ten days. However, the soldiers will be unable to attack. "

"How long will it take to deliver the forage?" Wu Shenghou asked.

"Ten days left," the scribe whispered. "But General Wen Yuan and General Zhao Sheng should be able to assemble some of them. They are easier to resupply at the border."

"Notify them!" Said Wu Shenghou Shensheng.

"Notify, let the soldiers have enough food, and siege the city two hours later!"

"Sir?" The scribe was startled, and the soldier hadn't rested for almost a night. Is he so anxious to attack the city today?

"Can't drag it!" Wu Shenghou said ugly. "You know the kind of attack that Wuying encountered yesterday?"

The scribe nodded.

"In addition to the thing that attacked the forage last night, and what they exploded when they were thrown into the heap, I don't know if the other party has no means to make it out. I can't continue to drag it on, even if the damage is great, Take Liao Cheng down, or force their hole cards out. "

Wu Shenghou was stubborn. As far as generals are concerned, as long as they reveal their cards, they can always find a way to deal with them. Only the unknown is the most terrible. Because it is very likely that when you think you are about to win, you will be blown up and you will lose.

"I didn't expect such things in the hands of those barbarians." The scribe smiled wryly.

"I didn't expect it." Wu Shenghou sighed, he now felt that he was a barbarian.

"These things can't be Da Yao, someone gave them. Grab that person, or kill it."

"The general knows who it is?" The scribe asked, in fact he had a little guess in his mind.

"It should be the poisoner. Yesterday, Chen Shi went out with Wuying and saw a man controlling a weapon in the distance. It is him who is currently in Liaocheng. Besides, it is better to kill the mistake than let it go." Said.

Ren Baqian was speculation about the situation of the Da Xia Army, and naturally there were many discrepancies.

However, although the reasons are different, Wu Shenghou's decision is similar to Ren Baqian's guess.


In the morning, Ren Baqian sat in the hall with her emperor for breakfast, burrito, noodle soup, and a large pot of meat as large as a laundry tub.

He watched that the pot of meat disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye ~ ~ Is your Majesty full? "When the pot bottomed out, Ren Baqian asked softly.

The emperor crooked her head and thought for a moment and replied, "Semi-full, but I must take the lead to reduce the amount of food so that the grain in the city can persist for a few more days."

Ren Baqian: ...

The two didn't talk for a while, someone came to report from outside, and Daxia siege.

The two looked at each other and Ren Yaqian pointed to himself: "The wise man will have a lot of care!"

The emperor looked up and thought for a while, it seemed that there was nothing wrong, but she always felt that there was something wrong.

In the afternoon, Ren Baqian confirmed his previous thoughts.

The attack intensity of the opponent was indeed much greater than before. The soldiers of the Xia Army were climbing up the city wall almost every moment, and the soldiers fell miserably from the city wall every moment.

Another day later, Da Xia's offensive strength continued to increase, and hundreds of thousands of troops attacked almost in turns. The walls in the three directions had been fighting from morning to night.

Ren Baqian walked to the small hall of Chengling Mansion and saw Li Qianqiu who issued the order in it. When he had finished talking to someone, he stepped forward and asked. "Can it hold it up?"

"It's almost like they're coming to 100,000 people." Li Qianqiu didn't care.

Ren Baqian nodded. "If the pressure is too great, use the remaining explosives."

"Don't you use it all the night before?" Li Qianqiu wondered.

"I still have a box!" Ren Baqian said. The three hundred dynamite tubes contained two boxes, which he took out half when the trebuchet was blasted that day, and they were used during the night strike. Now there is one box left.

"Come, follow me to the home!" Li Qianqiu heard the words and stood up from behind the case, and strode out, and shouted as he walked.

Whoever uses this thing knows, anyway, in Li Qianqiu's eyes, this is the baby, no matter whether it is used or not, get it first and then talk about it.

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