The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 55: The past

He first listened to a part of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and then to the vernacular version of the three chapters "Fengshen Romance", and it was already dark.

When leaving the palace, Ren Baqian hesitated whether he told the Empress about Shijing's affairs, but thinking about the matter of Yanjing himself would be half sure. If he did it, it would affect his value in the emperor's heart. Decided to wait for your position to be higher, and then use this method to change credit.

If the sweet potato is done again after it matures, the impact will not be great even if it fails.

Bian Ren returned to the Beast Garden at 8000, found some mutton to eat, and went back to sleep.

起来 I woke up early the next morning, took a camera around the beast garden, and took pictures of all the places I felt beautiful.

He didn't dare to shoot those animals in the Beast Garden. After all, many of them are different from those on the earth. If they were shot back and posted online, it would be too easy to go wrong. Maybe they would expose themselves.

I have to hide what I want to show off, which is Ren Baqian's current situation.

I remembered the words of the emperor last night, and Ren Baqian was suddenly interested in things before Dayao ’s founding, and went to ask for rattan gourd and iron knife.

The two men were resting in the shade of several large tubs, and the tubs were all soaked animal skins.

After listening to Ren Baqin's inquiry, the two talked about some things they knew.

Xi Dayao people were originally mountain people. This is something Ren Baqian knew.

Seventy years ago, these Da Yao people now seen by Ren Baqian are actually ancient people, but they have been called outsiders by the outside world. They are mainly scattered in the 60,000 mountains in the west and south of Da Yao. Hunting for a living.

That is a continuous mountain range, vast and boundless, surrounding the west and most of the south of today's Great Yao Kingdom, among which there are countless beasts and many ancient villages.

There was originally a country in this plain, called Hao Country. At that time, Hao Country had been established for more than 300 years, and its culture was extravagant. The owner of this Hao Country was as savage as Shang Yang and very happy.

古 The ancient women are generally physically fit and distinguished. They are completely different from Hao Guo's weak women and have a unique flavor.

The emperor of Xi Haoguo didn't know who he was listening to, so he ordered the ancient people to give a hundred women, or they would send troops to attack.

The ancient people are not subject to the jurisdiction of Hao State. Coupled with their violent temperament, they will naturally ignore it, and directly throw the person who conveys the will to the mountain.

After being rewarded, the emperor of Hao Kingdom was furious, and immediately sent troops to 50,000 troops to conquer. And ordered the slaughter of the cottage, leaving the young woman back to China for their enjoyment.

The Laogu tribe was based on the village, and there was not much defense. When five villages were broken, the people in the village were killed and the woman was taken away. And Hao Guo's army continued to march into the mountains.

At this time, the ancient people reacted. The anger spread like a mountain. The ancient people who heard the news gathered together, but the time was too short, and the number of people who could gather was not too much. They depended on the characteristics of the mountain forest. , Intercept under layers of cloth.

After breaking through the three-layer interception, the army of Xi Hao-guo was stopped by the fourth-layer interception, making it difficult to advance.

Both sides can say that both lost a lot.

Although the Barbarians are strong in their individual strengths, they face thousands of troops and defensive interceptions, and have lost thousands of people.

Xi Haoguo's army did not adapt to mountain forest operations and suffered even greater losses, burying nearly 10,000 bones in that mountain forest.

At this time, those who had previously told the Emperor Hao Guo to ask for women were again planning for the Hao Guo Emperor.

Why can the ancient ancients dare not listen to the orders of the emperor Hao Guo? Just because the barbarian hunts, wears animal skins, and picks wild fruits for a living, they have nothing to ask for, and they can live freely in the mountains and forests, and it is difficult for the Hao country to send troops to fight, otherwise it will be as it is now.

I want to let the barbarians submit, they have to make them unable to live in the mountains and forests and have to listen to Hao Guo.

蛮 The barbarian in that mountain range does not know how many, but there is one thing that everyone must have, which is salt. There is a piece of stone salt in the mountains, and almost all the salt used by the ancient people was obtained there.

As long as the poison is in that piece of stone salt, those ancient people must listen to the emperor of Hao Kingdom if they want salt.

After hearing this, the emperor of Xihao Kingdom immediately rejoiced, and immediately followed this method.

At the same time, I also had another thought in my heart. Although Hao Guo was strong when facing the ancients, he was weaker than Yun Guo and Chen Guo in the east. If those ancient people can join the army and be used to attack the city, they will have an extraordinary effect.

The final consequence is that the ancients suffered heavy losses after being poisoned in salt.

The village where the first generation of Emperor Yapeng of Dayao Kingdom was located was half dead and wounded. After his grief, he directly contacted the other Zhaizi to raise soldiers to resist, bypassing the tens of thousands of troops in the forest and directly attacking a city near the mountains.

Both sides can now be said to be in deep blood.

At this time, a person came to rely on Yapeng, saying that his home was damaged by the emperor Hao Guo, and he wanted revenge.

At the beginning, Yan Peng also let people watch over and guard against each other. Later, he saw that the man had been devoting himself to the plan and destroyed the 40,000 troops under his plan. Then he began to trust him.

At this time, the anger of the ancients had faded a little, and there was no survival crisis after the 40,000 army was destroyed. But all the salt is poisonous, and they can only rob the city to obtain stone salt. Therefore, the various villages must be united together and robbed.

I have to say that this is what the monarch Hao himself did.

The loss of the ancients also began to increase.

At this time, the man gave suggestions to Yapeng again, saying that going on like this is not the way. You ca n’t always grab salt to get the salt. It ’s better to occupy a few cities first, and then you have the capital for negotiation.

After hearing this, it was true.

Xi then contacted some villages deeper in the mountains. Using that person as a military division, he went down the mountain to attack the city, and captured four cities in the country.

Because the 50,000 troops in the southwestern part of Hao State have been completely destroyed, other armies have to guard the east and north. At the same time, due to the absurdity of the Emperor Hao State, there has been a rebellion in the local area.

Also, the emperor of the Hao Kingdom thought that the barbarians were just grabbing something. The key was to quell the rebels, so they ignored these barbarians for a while, which led to the capture of these cities without much effort.

At this time, the military division once again said that the ancients' lives are now in the hands of others. No matter who is the emperor, if they don't change salt to the barbarians, they can only rebel again in the end. This will never end.

And now is a good time. The upper layers of the Hao Kingdom are rotten, the military is not high, and the domestic chaos is raging. It is better to capture the palace directly and cut the culprit under the sword. You can also set up a country. All future generations of the barbarians You can live and work here.

At that time, because of this man's plan, whether it was the destruction of the 40,000 troops or the capture of the city, the barbarians did not suffer much damage, and everyone trusted him, so they were moved.

The people of the ancient ethnic group who had never thought about it in the past had a heartbeat after hearing this idea. The prosperity they see in various cities these days makes them envious.

人 This person has made a plan again, and the current strength is also a little insufficient. It is only necessary to contact the ancients deeper in the mountains to send troops.

At the same time, attacking now will definitely make Hao Guo focus on them.

I might as well occupy these cities first, and make a gesture of no longer attacking, and contact the merchants of Yun Guo and Chen Guo to use the materials in these cities to exchange salt. In this way, the emperor of the Hao Kingdom will certainly relax his vigilance and eliminate the rebels in the country first.

After listening to this, Ya Yapeng thought this idea was good. Although the barbarians in the depths of the Sixty Thousand Mountains had other ways to obtain salt and were not so easy to be persuaded, he sent a few passers-by to convince them.

The fact is, as he said, the Emperor Hao Kingdom did not even realize that these ancient people dared to fight his idea, and all their energies were devoted to suppressing the rebellion.

Another eight months passed. The ancients have been in these cities for half a year, and have not attacked again, which has also made the emperor Hao Guo feel relieved. The war in his colleagues' country has intensified, and he has assembled all the troops that can be mobilized to suppress the rebellion.

Only a small part of the army guards the north and east.

At this time, a large number of ancient warriors stepped out of the mountains, merged with Yapeng and others to march toward the imperial city. These ancient warriors from the depths of the mountain ~ ~ are more powerful due to the harsher living environment and the appearance of various beasts.

During the period of siege, the city encountered siege and encounters water and water. Among the two most difficult dangers, some people directly opened the gates late at night. It turned out that the military division had already arranged people in it when everyone did not know.

It took ten days for the barbarian army to strike all the way under the imperial city, and finally executed the emperor Hao in public.

Yan Yapeng and the ancients were only for revenge and anger, and looting of living materials. As a result, the army division gradually induced the destruction of Hao country.

The emperor Hao Guo was shocked when he saw the military division. When he knew that he was an ancient military division, he shouted everything out.

众 At this time, many people knew that the emperor who had previously urged the ancient people to ask for 100 women and poisoned them in stone salt turned out to be this army division.

The military division did not stop or justify, and let the emperor Hao Guo speak everything.

After the emperor Hao Guo had finished speaking, he only announced another news that shocked everyone. He had arranged several rebellions in Hao Guo, and other rebels had contact with him.

The purpose is to destroy Hao Kingdom.

All of this he planned for fifteen years. Together with these two years of military planning, a total of 17 years.

By this time, it can be said that everyone had been tricked by him, whether it was the emperor of the Hao Kingdom, the ancients, or even the rebels.

The rebels have always thought that these ancient people are for revenge. On the one hand, this was always emphasized when the military division contacted them. On the other hand, they did not expect that the ancient people would capture the imperial city, let alone that they would establish the country here. Because this is something that has never been done before, if it was not for this time, the ancient people would not have walked out of that mountain.

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