The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 559: Zhang family is ready

Jing Street, this is a brand-new neighborhood, where all the Jing people brought from the place of Tianjing.

Except for a few who were sent to the glass factory by Ren Qianqian and took care of the garden in the palace, others were settled here.

What attracts the most attention in Jingjie is the world's first master Li Fu.

On the previous road, few people knew about this, but here, every day, the members of the cadre came to challenge him. Others didn't want to know him.

But if we say that these Jing people have the highest status in their hearts, it is not Li Fu, but Qingyun Sword.

After all, Li Fu is not a Jing nationality. For him, the country and race have no meaning. He only shots when someone quarrels with him. If he gets upset, he goes to Zizhu Xuefu to urge Ren Qian, or to get in trouble with him.

Over time, he felt that it was still relatively quiet. When he was okay, he rarely stayed in Jingjie. Most of the time, he found a place to sleep near Zizhu Xuefu, or sat outside the guesthouse for a while, listening to what he said Those things he didn't understand.

Qingyun sword is completely different.

He is a pure Jing nationality. He was a master of the insurgents 70 years ago. He has never let go even if he has lived in seclusion for many years.

Zuo Cheng stayed in Gucheng to sit in the town. Qingyun Sword, as one of the only two god-wheeled powerhouses in Tianjing, has become the guardian of all Jing people here.

In this month in Lancheng, everyone knows the name of Qing Yunjian and respects from the heart.

"Today, three more people were injured. Outside the street, a barbarian civilian was at hand. Those of the Public Security Department always arrived last." An old man sat in front of Qing Yunjian and looked dissatisfied.

"The Department of Public Security arrested that person?" Qing Yunjian was not too surprised, because this was not the first time this month.

"Catch it and release it with three whip strokes," said the old man.

Qingyun Jian nodded his head, and the law and order department favored the ancient people, which is for sure. It used to be this way. Sometimes Ren Yaqian asked, the situation would be better. But not much, after all, he can't always be here.

The ancients turned towards the ancients, and even Qingyun Jian could understand this situation.

"He still did what he promised us, but just wanted to really achieve what we wanted, or to take it slowly." Qing Yunjian comforted.

"I understand. But in just one month, hundreds of people were injured, more than a dozen people were seriously injured, and one person died. I always feel angry."

"There are still more than 10 million people in Tianjing Land, and they must bear it for their sake," Qingyun said. "Tell them, in any case, do not conflict with the ancients, whether it is abusive, embarrassing or provocative. After all, those barbarians have straight tempers, but they are happy for a while and don't think too much.

Qing Yunjian has no way to deal with this situation. After all, now on the ancient land, his strength of the **** wheel is not much. If there is any problem, you can only go to Renbaqian.

Fortunately, Renba Qian severely punished several ancient people who provoked and hurt people. In recent days, the provocation was much less.

The main thing is not to conflict with the ancients no matter what happens. If there is a conflict, the ancient people who used to speak with their fists would not pay attention to those laws and regulations, even among the ancient people. They got into a fight and were caught by the Department of Public Security to whip.

In fact, this is the case for many Jing people who were injured.

It is just that the ancient people have thick skin and thick meat, and generally have people with more than human strength, while the Jing people are ordinary people, and being injured is a common occurrence.

If it weren't for the civilians of the ancient ethnic group who saw them too infrequently, they would not be able to get up on the ground with one punch, and more than a dozen people would be seriously injured.

In general, everything is changing in a good direction.

This is just the beginning. As long as time passes, Qing Yunjian believes that the Jing people can live freely outside the heavenly landscape.

At this time, Ren Baqian was sitting on the emperor's carriage and accompanied the emperor to play cards and play golden hook fishing. He was on his way back from Fenghun.

At this time last year, Ren Baqian once participated as a participant and also experienced the first personal killing in his life. This time, the situation is completely different.

Except for a few young people who joined the army last year, the rest of them have not changed much.

Such as the red line, such as the Liu Ruoyao who had conflict with Ren Baqian, such as Du Changkong.

Ren Baqian is completely different. As a member of Sipin Group, this time participating in Fenghun is only to accompany the empress, making many people envious and envious.

"This year is a lot less for His Majesty's birthday." Ren Baqian sat while sitting opposite the Emperor and drawing cards.

Last year, he was a grandson and a grandson. All the foreigners who celebrated the female emperor passed through his hands. He was naturally clear.

And this year, at this time, half an month before the birthday of the empress, he paid a little attention, and the people who came to celebrate the empress were not only missing too much, but basically not.

In fact, he also wanted to see if there was any idea of ​​daring to play the female emperor this year.

It turns out that the guys still know how to be good, at least knowing that the empress has a master, which makes him quite fulfilling.

The Empress said without looking up: "After playing with Daxia this year, and with Yun Guo and Chen Guo ~ ~ Who dares to come?"

Anyway, in her heart, Qing Sheng's only value was to receive a lot of valuable things to use as weapons.

To those people, she didn't care at all.

"What gift does Your Majesty want?" Ren Baqian laughed?

"You are asking me?" The Empress raised her head and her eyes waved sideways.

"Even if it's the moon in the sky ... Although Chen can't take it off, he can take a picture of His Majesty!"

After a short while, Ren Baqian got back to driving, sitting in front of the female emperor, and continued to play cards.

However, he must carefully prepare for the empress' birthday.

Last year Hongwu gave a jade tire. Such treasures can't be obtained by himself, but it must always be able to impress the female emperor.

After the group returned to Lancheng, Ren Baqian continued to tune into the steam engine.

During the period when Li Fu was hiding quietly in Zizhu Academy, Ren Baqian began to wonder how to use Li Fuyu as a sweeping monk in the Academy.

In terms of Li Fu's strength, improper sweeping monks are really a waste.

To know the three most legendary professions are the doorman, the sweeper monk and the librarian.

Ren Baqian determined to make the Zizhu Academy into the highest institution in the world. At that time, a sweeping old man would be the best master in the world.

Unfortunately, Li Fu scoffed at Ren Baqian's deception. Although he has a good character, he is not a fool.

He is now staring at Ren Yaqian to make his hot air balloon and rocket early.

One week before the emperor's birthday, Zhang Junzheng found Ren Baqian again, and the Zhang family was ready.

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