The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 660: Righteousness

"The test was submitted by you. The Tu family agreed. The time will be a week later ..... Before that, you were here and you were not allowed to go out." & 1t; /

Du Lao's father threw him into the room and said to him. & 1t; /

I did n’t know what I was thinking when I was out of the gate. I stopped and turned to look at Du Lao Liu: "You are really helpless. But I sent you to Zizhu Academy to one day you can win others, not to Keep losing! "& 1t; /

After speaking, turn around and go out and close the house 'door' fiercely. & 1t; /

"Send him three meals a day to the house. He is not allowed to go out of the 'door' half a step." & 1t; /

"Sir, someone wants to see him. It's the Xu family." & 1t; /

"Let him in." & 1t; /

Within a short while, Xu Peng rushed into Du Lao Liu's house and yelled rushing: & 1t; /

"Are you crazy? The picture" Jade "is the strength of the heavens. Although it hasn't been long since entering the heavens, it is not something you can compare." & 1t; /

Du Laolu said blankly: "I know, I'm crazy, I've gone crazy. I will run away with Jiyue if I am crazy, but this time I must be crazy, if Jiyue marries Tu'yu ', Figure' Jade 'will certainly not let her go. "& 1t; /

"What to do now? Your appointment time will be one week later, not to mention such a short time, even if one year later, you will not be able to fight him." Xu Peng worries in circles around the room. & 1t; /

"Please, please!" Du Laoli said, sitting at the table with one hand over his head. & 1t; /

"Say, I can help if I can help." Xu Peng stopped and looked at Du Lao Liu and said. & 1t; /

"I should have gone in person, but I can't go out. You help me to be a ghost, he must have a way." Du Lao Liu looked up earnestly. & 1t; /

Xu Peng hammered his own bald head. This is a solution. The strength of the ghost is so low that there is no need to question it. Even a child could not beat it a year ago. & 1t; /

However, there are a lot of good things about the "chaos" of the miser. & 1t; /

If you can get a few, maybe you will win. & 1t; /

"Good!" Xu Peng nodded immediately. "I'll ask for a ghost tomorrow." & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

Early the next morning, Xu Peng was surrounded by many students when he arrived at the school. & 1t; /

"Du Lao Liu was arrested? Although he was arrested, it looks like a man!" & 1t; /

"He is bidding with Tu" Jade "? He must not be opponent of Tu" Jade ", what does he think?" & 1t; /

"What do you think? Even if you die, you have to fight! Shi Jiayue was run away and she was arrested. Now the picture 'Jade' also hates Shi Jiyue. If Du Lao Liu persuaded now, I would look down on him! "& 1t; /

"Okay, don't quarrel anymore!" Xu Peng had to shout loudly: "Anyway, Du Lao is my brother, this time I definitely want to help him. Everyone helps to think of a way, how can I win Picture 'Jade'. "& 1t; /

Then everyone was quiet, one by one frowning. & 1t; /

"Sifangtian can't win against nature," Tonglan hummed coldly. & 1t; /

"It is impossible to win according to the normal, but if you want to use abnormal methods-you have to ask the miser." Shi Gan chuckled aside. & 1t; /

"I think so too, I'll ask a ghost later." Xu Peng nodded. & 1t; /

Shi Gan thought for a while and thought, "I'll go with you! How many people would you better go to, Tonglan?" & 1t; /

"Don't go! Although Shi Jiyue is a bit pitiful, but I don't want to ask him." Tong Lan hummed. & 1t; /

"Go and ask him if the ghost is here?" Xu Peng asked. & 1t; /

"Wait for school." & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

After class that day, when Ren Baqian returned to the office and sat down, he saw several people coming in at the gate, Xu Peng, Shi Gan, and two women students. & 1t; /

"Teacher, Du Lao Liu was arrested and is now locked in the house." Shi Gan said. & 1t; /

"I knew it yesterday." Ren Baqian looked at the crowd: "You just came to tell me about this?" & 1t; /

Xu Peng stepped forward quickly: & 1t; /

"Teacher, please help Du Lao Liu. Du Lao Liu ran away with Shi Jiyue and was already hated by the figure 'Jade'. The picture 'Jade' will not have a good life after marrying it. 'Jade' appointment, just a week later. & 1t; /

If it is a normal test, Du Lao Liu will not be an opponent of the picture 'Jade' anyway. Only the teacher can you help him! "& 1t; /

"I can't help this." Ren Baqian shook his head. & 1t; /

"Teacher!" Xu Peng was startled. He had high expectations. He did not expect Ren Qianqian to refuse. & 1t; /

"Teacher, Du Lao Liu is a disciple in the academy. After studying at the academy for a year, if you can't even beat a picture" Jade ", isn't your teacher good-looking, isn't it?" Shi Gan chuckled on his face. Said on the side. & 1t; /

"That is, teacher, please help them. If Shi Jiyue marries the figure 'Jade', it will be bad." & 1t; /

"Teacher, do you have the heart to see your students being separated like this?" & 1t; /

"I don't want to help, but I can't help." Ren Baqian shook his head. & 1t; /

"The marriage was settled by the Tu family and the Shi family. Du Laoliu and Shi Jiyue ran" privately "because they abandoned the family to do it. & 1t; /

I ’m your teacher. What I do is preach and teach ‘confusion’. Knowing that you have made mistakes, the first thing is punishment and let you correct it. & 1t; /

Is there something wrong with the picture "Jade" in this matter? No, everything is on their own. & 1t; /

So I won't help you achieve your goal to defeat someone who hasn't done anything wrong when I know you are wrong. "& 1t; /

Ren Baqian's words instantly made everyone's face stunned. & 1t; /

"So I can't help this." Ren Baqian put things down and got up and walked in front of several people. "I have something in the office. If you lose it, all four of you will have to wash the toilet for a month." & 1t; /

After speaking, regardless of the reaction of several people, he took his guard home and went to the palace. Picture ‘Jade’ is right in this matter, but the mouth is too smelly ... Huh! Bad breath will be unlucky! & 1t; /

"What do you mean by ghost?" Xu Peng was a little stupefied. & 1t; /

"Stupid! He told you everything is in the office! But the four of us had to be punished to wash the toilet for a month!" The smile that had been hanging on Shi Gan's face finally disappeared. & 1t; /

When did you wash the toilet last time? It seems that it was just two months ago, no different from what was born yesterday. & 1t; /

"Don't he disagree? Why did he leave it again?" Xu Peng didn't want to understand. & 1t; /

"If he agrees, then he's" inserting "his hands. He obviously didn't want to" insert "this, but if we steal it by himself, we can't blame him. Then he will punish us "" Shi Gan's face was ugly. "He had a good idea for a long time, you can come by yourself, I don't have to come at all!" & 1t; /

The other two 'female' students are also speechless, & 1t; /

"Wash it!" Xu Peng grinned. "Look quickly, where is the thing!" & 1t; /

"It must be in a conspicuous place, such as this box!" Shi dare to open a box at the corner at will, and sure enough, he saw a pile of messy things inside. & 1t; /

"What is this? Who do you know?" & 1t; /

"This is a flash bomb, used during the siege of the skyscape!" Shi Gan said with a few flash bombs. & 1t; /

"No, this one still has a note attached, a shocking bomb written, and this one, a sound bomb & 1t; /

Then came out a doubt ‘confuse’ that was a little different from the flasher: “I do n’t know what it is ...” & 1t; /

Qing Lian, who walked outside the door, saw Shi Gan's hand in the room, and her face 'color' changed suddenly. & 1t; /

Others can't recognize it, but she can recognize it as gray! If she could, she wouldn't want to see it again in her life. & 1t; /

"Don't mess around with that thing! Where are you from?" Qing Lian yelled at the window. & 1t; /

"Do you know what?" Shi Gan asked? & 1t; /

"The stink bomb, the Emperor Daxia was stink to death with this thing!" Qing Lian said ugly. & 1t; /

"Drink!" A few people were shocked. When they heard Qing Lian's words, they knew what it was. This was a big killer! & 1t; /

The problem is that this thing is completely used up! & 1t; /

"And this, I remember how many adults wear this?" & 1t; /

"It's sunglasses, can withstand strong light!" & 1t; /

"Look again, there may be other useful things. Anyway, they are punished, so you can get more without losing ..." & 1t; /

"There are two sticks ~ ~ The electric stick written above!" & 1t; /

"This shoe is full of nails, and a dagger can pop out in front." & 1t; /

"Take it away and take it away in a while." & 1t; /

"The ghost is really telling the truth. He even prepared so many things and said that he didn't want to 'plug in'! I said, anyway, Du Lao Liu is also his student, he can never watch Du Lao Liu lose." & 1t ; /

"Where's the ghost's gun? Look for it." & 1t; /

"Here you find it!" & 1t; / ...

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