The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 693: Evil gate

The actions of the two people shocked the surrounding guards. When they saw a little thing in front of the car, everyone was surprised: "What is this?"

"Looks like Pycnogen!" Someone said, looking ugly.

After all, the shape of this thing is very special, it is easy to distinguish.

"It's a misfortune of luck!"

The guards around were suddenly rioting!

The fame of this thing is not small, even in the sixty thousand mountains, it is also extremely mysterious.

What's more, the meaning of this thing makes everyone a little bit big.

But to the people around him, that pyracid did not respond at all, and he had been tussling at the empress, and the hair on his tail stood up.

Ren Baqian had a headache when she looked at Pi Chi and the empress.

How did this thing appear?

I have n’t taken the big white rabbit today ... the empress ate a piece of chocolate!

Thinking of Ren Baqian's careful look at the direction of Pi Chi on the ground, he looked at the driver again, reached for a big white rabbit from the back waist, and tore open the paper. Sure enough, Pi Chi's gaze shifted immediately to him.

As the same fire drilled into Ren's arms.

He just felt that there was a flower in front of him, and then his face seemed to be kicked, and the big white rabbit on his hand was gone.

The flare grabbed the big white rabbit and went straight into the darkness.

Ren Baqian couldn't keep up with his speed even if he entered the ground wheel.

"It looks like this thing was attracted to sweets again!" Ren Baqian cried and laughed.

How much does this thing like to eat sweets? Last time, this time too.

"Not a sweet." The Empress shook her head.

"No?" Ren Baqian revealed his gaze.

"Everyone must be vigilant from now on." The Emperor ordered the many guards before she served Ren Qiandao. "If it's sweet, there is honey in the mountains, why does it come here? For it, the taste of this candy may not be better than honey. And the smell of honey is greater and spreads farther.

"And the mountain people often pick honey, and never said that this thing was attracted by honey."

Ren Baqian nodded, the Empress did make sense.

"But it only appeared after taking out the candy twice! It happened once, it happened twice, wouldn't it be a coincidence?"

Ren Baqian wondered.

"You were present twice!" Said the Empress suddenly.

Ren Yachii: "What does Your Majesty mean?"

"It may not be aimed at the candy. The candy may be a little attractive, but it is only a little attractive. It cannot be attracted by the candy twice. And the taste of the candy paper is very little. But it is not so sensitive. "

"I think it may have something to do with you. In fact, you have been in the nearby dark place since you arrived here, so it suddenly appeared. And last time, I am afraid it is the same."

Ren Baqian thought about it, and was somewhat skeptical of the words of the empress. "What can I attract it?"

"I don't know. But it's very simple to know if this is the case. Let people leave with candy now and tear the paper apart ten miles away to see if it will appear." The emperor did it immediately and ordered arrangement four The individual left with sugar in both directions.

After half an hour, the four returned.

"Your Majesty, that thing didn't show up." The four of them reported.

"Sure enough," the Empress nodded, then looked at the four of them: "What's going on with you?"

I saw blood stains on two of the four people, and some dust on the other two, as if something had happened.

"The two of us met a group of wolves! It's weird. Often, wolves see that we all hate that we don't run fast enough! Today we dare to come around!" The two men in the back said. The beast is actually very smart and can measure the strength of both sides.

The murderousness of them alone can make the beasts dare not approach easily.

Today it is a little different.

"Falling rocks are rolling down the hill in front of us. If we didn't hide quickly, we would have been hit." The other two looked surprised and sighed equally.

This thing really is the same as the legend, it is too evil.

This is almost immediate.

Nothing was wrong for more than ten days, but when I saw the thing, something happened immediately.

The Empress and Ren Baqian both had the same idea. Even if Ren Baqian had experienced it, he felt it was too coincidental.

"Just step back and remind others to keep snacks even during breaks."

When the two retreated, the empress looked at Ren Baqian, took out a piece of chocolate from the box, tore it apart, and threw it directly from her driver.

A flash of red flashed, and the chocolate disappeared before it even landed.

"Sure enough, it was for you, and it followed in the dark." The Empress finally confirmed.

Seeing this, Ren Baqian was also indifferent.

Although I don't know what it is for, it seems that the empress is right.

But he was concerned about another thing.

"Your Majesty seems extraordinarily brilliant today!" Ren Baqian looked at the Empress a little strangely.

"Do you think Xun usually is not smart enough?" The empress sneered at him with a glance.

"How is that possible? I can organize Da Yao's well-organized, how can His Majesty's wisdom be guessed by ordinary people. I just feel that His Majesty rarely considered such trivial matters before, but he is so concerned today." Ren Baqian said.

Actually ... the Empress is not really the kind of clever.

After all, the strongest female emperor is force, and the best is also force.

The Empress will never think about what can be solved by force.

As for administering the country, there are adults from North Korea and China.

However, the empress today made Ren Baqian feel a little different.

Seems to be attached to elementary school students!

Just glancing at it, you can guess that the target of that thing is yourself.

And he didn't notice it at all.

"Just a little care," said the Empress.

"What now?" Ren Baqian asked, looking at the darkness outside ~ ~ If the emperor said, the little thing was looking at himself somewhere in the darkness.

This feeling really makes people feel hairy.

"That thing is too fast, and I can't catch up. Let everyone be on guard, and then see how long that thing can follow! As for what its purpose is, it will show up sooner or later." The emperor said.

"I'm afraid that there will be more twists and turns on this road." Ren Baqian has a headache, and no one likes to be a natural disaster.

The evil degree of this thing can be really possible!

Fortunately, the sky fell down and stood tall.

The empress can always keep herself?


By the next morning, the news of Pi Chi's appearance had spread and almost everyone in the entire team had heard of it.

Even the five students in the school came to see Yaqian for confirmation.

I want to know if this thing is really so evil.

After they started on the road, everyone started to work hard, but fortunately nothing happened.

Half a day later, the crowd came to a river, and the leading flying riders had just stepped on the wooden bridge, and they heard the sound of "click", and the wooden bridge under their feet also shook.

"Not good, run!" A few flying riders on the bridge were shocked, but at this time they couldn't come.

"Kacha" seemed to be in disrepair for a long time. The entire bridge made a sound, and then it broke directly from the middle into two sections and collapsed towards the bottom.

Several flying riders kicked on the mount and jumped into the air, dragged back by others in response.

However, they could only escape reluctantly, watching the jumping sheep fall into the water, and the water immediately set off a huge wave.

A ten-meter-long crocodile stuck his head out of the water and bit the jumping sheep directly in his mouth.

Then there is the second crocodile ... the third ...

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