The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 739: Autopsy

& 1t; /

Under a red moon, more than a hundred mountain people with sly expressions ate food in the village, which is the kind of cyan bug with a child's arm length. & 1t; /

If you bite down, a squeak will sound, and a blue liquid will spray out, and the worm will also make a similar squeak. & 1t; /

Looking at it all, Ren Baqian and the Emperor were all creepy. & 1t; /

"They ... what the **** is going on here?" Qing Jie Hongxi and the white faces asked in a low voice. & 1t; /

"Should they say, are they still alive?" Ren Baqin asked with a frown, "Is there any legend about the magic in the Sixty Thousand Mountains?" & 1t; /

"As far as I know, no." The Emperor shook her head and asked Yasheng to call again. & 1t; /

Ren Baqian asked again, and Yasheng shook his head to say no. & 1t; /

"They were like this when you came last time?" Ren Baqian asked again. & 1t; /

Yasheng shook his head: "They didn't do this when they came last time. When I came last time, people in this village now like night, but not daytime. Besides, they look dumb and speak slowly, which makes me feel weird. , And left quickly. & 1t; /

Unexpectedly, this time it became like this. "& 1t; /

"When did you last come?" & 1t; /

"Sixteen years ago. At that time, I saw a trace of Shansong, and I came here all the way. I just saw that the place was weird, and there was no trace of Shansong. After a few days of searching, I retreated. "& 1t; /

Ren Baqian naturally did not know what Songsong was. In fact, there were countless various beasts in the 60,000 mountains. The area where no one has ever set foot was even larger than the area that is currently known. & 1t; /

So he didn't bother to ask the strange beast in the mountain. Anyway, when I saw it, I knew it naturally. & 1t; /

I didn't expect the justice next to me, but I was a little surprised: "Is there still Shansong?" & 1t; /

"It should be true. I heard the old man in Zhaizi said that Shan Song likes to grind his teeth with stones, and there will be all kinds of dirt on the stones. I happened to see them at the beginning. Not only did the stones have dirt, but also molars formed. Traces. & 1t; /

In fact, I heard that there is deep, but this area has not been seen for many years. "& 1t; /

Seeing the meaning of these two people, this strange beast is still a bit special, and Ren Baqian was curious at this time: "What is Shan Song?" & 1t; /

"A monster that resembles a human is generally over a foot tall, awkward in movement, but has great strength, likes to eat people, and has two long fangs in its mouth. There were many such monsters in the past, but later in my ancient clan Under the siege of the village, it gradually became less and less. "Yasheng explained. & 1t; /

"It's a bit strange." Ren Baqian casually said that Da Yao's one foot is more than three meters, and the height of one foot is at least between three and seven meters. It is still humanoid. I don't know if it is an orangutan Creature. & 1t; /

King Kong? It's almost the same size. & 1t; /

Then he talked about things in the village: "According to Yasheng, these people have not always been like this, but have gradually become like this. This is a process.

So they are affected by something that will become what they are now. "& 1t; /

The empress looked up at him: "What do you think?" & 1t; /

"No idea, I don't even know whether they are dead or alive now. Or ... we can take a look at it!" Ren Baqian was stared at him as soon as he finished speaking. & 1t; /

"You must first understand what they are in before you can decide what to do next. Anyway, they are no different from being dead. & 1t; /

Or they are now a group of puppets with temperature and heartbeat. "Ren Baqian does not matter. & 1t; /

"Your Majesty, if you want me to live like this, you might as well die." Justice said aside. It is a terrible thing to think about living like a puppet. & 1t; /

"Dissection can find out why they became this way?" The Empress asked, pondering. & 1t; /

"Of course ... not." Ren Baqian gasped, her emperor's eyebrows leaping straight, and punched him with a punch. & 1t; /

Ren Baqian was hit more than 20 meters and knocked down a "puppet" of the kind closest to them. & 1t; /

When Ren Yaqian got up, the puppet slowly sat on the ground. & 1t; /

At this point the mountain people in Zhaizi finished eating the worms, and all sat there without saying a word, even the language that seemed to be set aside. & 1t; /

There was silence in the whole village. & 1t; /

However, in the moonlight, a personal figure can be seen sitting there, full of strange atmosphere. & 1t; /

Ren Baqian took another look at the "puppet" who was knocked down by himself before returning to sit opposite the Empress. & 1t; /

"They look like they can only find the cause a little bit, and all of them have to be used. Even so, they may not find the cause. After all, their looks are so weird that they can't be caused by ordinary circumstances. Dissection is just one of them. Options, see if there are any differences from normal people, and you may see something. In our case, this is called an autopsy. "& 1t; /

Ren Baqian had looked at these people as active bodies at this time. & 1t; /

Fortunately, these people do not bite people, otherwise he will think that it is a biochemical crisis in another world. & 1t; /

"I see." The Empress sighed. & 1t; /

She knew that Ren Baqian was right. & 1t; /

"Do what you say." & 1t; /

"Come, look for a break, I'm dizzy." Ren Baqian kicked justice. & 1t; /

He didn't really expect much of this approach. & 1t; /

The situation of these people is weird. & 1t; /

In particular, these people are always repeating certain words that seem to be set, which is not the usual method. & 1t; /

In this case, even if brought back to the earth, there is no way. & 1t; /

However, these people are already like this, it is better to live horses as dead horse doctors, maybe they can find something. & 1t; /

Gong walked around the zhaizi, and finally found an old man to come back and throw it on the ground. & 1t; /

The old man shook his body on the ground, and got up again and walked towards the original sitting position. & 1t; /

"Hold him." Just yelled. & 1t; /

Then they pressed him to the ground. & 1t; /

Fairly holding the knife for a long time, he turned around and asked Ren Baqian: "Where do I get the knife?" & 1t; /

Let him kill him, he did it, let him do it but never did it. & 1t; /

Although Ren Baqian has killed a lot of people, he has never done this, and he always feels weird. & 1t; /

I looked at the justice, and then looked at the "puppets" they pressed to the ground, but said helplessly: "You have to turn him over first ~ ~ what's the matter with your back showing? ; /

When they turned the person over, Ren Baqian said: "Strip the skin of your arm first and look at the blood." & 1t; /

With a wave of the long knife in Justice's hand, ten centimeters of length were drawn on the arm of the "puppet". & 1t; /

Everyone frowned. & 1t; /

None of the people present had seen blood and knew what it would look like if their skin was cut open. & 1t; /

This "puppet" is absolutely different from a normal person. & 1t; /

It took a full ten seconds for the puppet's wound to slowly ooze dark red blood. & 1t; /

The other person's blood is not only small, but also very sticky. & 1t; /

"Tummy," Ren Baqian said again. & 1t; /

The male made a gesture on the stomach of the other person, the "puppet" seemed to feel dangerous, his face suddenly became stubborn and crazy, struggling hard, bursting out great power, and even let the two flying ride It takes some effort to hold him down. & 1t; /

"唔" & 1t; /

A flying horse snorted, and the "puppet" who was held down suddenly twisted his face and twisted his neck to bite him. & 1t; /

At this time, the knife in the hands of justice fell. & 1t; /

A bloodline appeared on the other's chest. & 1t; /

Then it suddenly changed into protrusions, and several things like blood vessels projected out of the opponent's body, and they went straight to the flying riders on both sides. & 1t; /

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