The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 887: Big Baby (3)

Li Yuanzhu was actually in the ranks of the ancients, which surprised many experts in this area.

I couldn't figure out why Li Yuanzhu would be with them.

Fortunately, Li Yuanzhu was not together with Qi Zixiao, but was in a position of no mutual help. What was the reason for this?

This surprised everyone, but not too shocked.

Night after night, the bonfire on the mountain in the distance is bright, and many masters in the dark are uncertain.

It was also seen that the ancients began to connect in secret after so many masters came, but there were very few.

All the people present were arrogant and disdainful.

The next morning, a hundred rides came down from the mountain peak, divided into more than twenty teams and headed straight to different places.

"Teacher, someone came to us! Five people, they seem to be flying rides!" On a mountain bag, unlike other people who sleep out in the wilderness, a white tent was set up, and a white robe The man sat on the chair above, and there were two men and one woman around.

And a dozen attendant disciples in red clothes below.

"It should be a messenger." Zheng Tian, ​​the leader of the heavenly seat, sitting on the top, was a handsome man, looking forty and forty, gentle and elegant. However, those eyes were so horrifying that they were almost invisible.

"Qi Xiaoxiao sent a messenger to do?" An old-looking man with a beard and a beard wondered.

"Master, what do you think is in Qi Xiaoxiao's letter?" A woman in purple with a mole in her mouth asked with a smile.

"Li Yuanzhu went with Qi Zixiao, maybe Li Fu wasn't there too, and invited us to go over and talk about it!" Lin Dong said with a smile.

"How is that possible?" The old-looking man was surprised again. Li Yuanzhu's presence with Qi Zixiao was already a big surprise. How is Li Fu possible?

"No, no!" Another feminine man shook his head and shook his head.

"You know every day that you can't speak well, what can you say is good?" The old man aired.

"No, I can't say this either!" The feminine man didn't care and continued shaking his head.

The old man is called Lan Ling Dao Zuo Chi, the feminine man is called Yun Zhongyue, and the purple-faced jade-faced fox Xu Jiaojiao is a high-level executive in Zhengtian Education. Left and right make two.

After a while, someone came in with an arrow and the letter was tied to the arrow.

Lin Dong opened the letter and glanced at him. His eyes were like black holes, and there was no light, as if there was only a black hole in his eyes.

"Sure enough ... from the time I received the letter, I thought it was a little weird ... Sure enough!"

"Leader, what is said in the letter?" Xu Jiaojiao asked.

"Look at it for yourself!" As soon as Lin moved his fingers, the stationery seemed to be held by something, and slowly floated towards Xu Jiaojiao in the air.

"Where is it?" Lin Dong asked, looking up. "Are you gone?"

"Master, they shot the letter before the account and left!"

"Well? Li Fu is actually in Qi Zixiao's army! He also invited us to go up to the mountain to tell a story?" Xu Jiaojiao was surprised when he looked at the stationery.

"What?" Lan Lingdao left to hold back and watched, and immediately looked up: "Godmaster, there must be fraud in this matter!"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say!" Yun Zhongyue shook his head.

"Don't you fight with me today?" Zuo Chi was furious.

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say!" Yun Zhongyue continued shaking his head and shaking his head. The whole person suddenly became short, or his head suddenly disappeared, almost shrinking into his chest, avoiding the sudden flash of the knife.

"Stop!" Lin Dong gave a light drink, Zuo Chi immediately closed the knife and said, "Godmaster, this is a bit weird, if I say, ignore them!"

"Master, what do you think of Li Fu?" Xu Jiaojiao asked.

"Since Li Yuanzhu is here, Li Fu should be here too!" Lin Dong said calmly.

"Teacher, what do you know?" Xu Jiaojiao looked at Lin Dong's face, and felt that the person in front of him knew something.

"This time the Secret Man of God and Man is a scam from beginning to end. The target is not the Secret Man of God and Man, but our people are. As for the people outside, most of them are pond fish!" Lin Dong said.

"Even if Qi Zixiao's appetite is too big, she can't eat it? And we have no grudges with her for a long time and no revenge!" Zuo Chi said immediately.

"Not good! Not good!"

"You ...!" Zuo glared again.

"Teacher, shall we go back?"

"No, check it out at night to see what tricks they are going to play!" Lin Dong's complexion was always calm, and then there was no flash of light in his eyes.


"Master, what should I do? They are fighting!" The beggar asked with a smile.

"Next fart, this is an invitation!" The old beggar knocked at him immediately.

"The name is an invitation. Actually, it's not a battle book? Or we can run now, anyway, you're shameless anyway, naturally you don't care what other people think." The beggar had something to say at this time.

The old beggar pondered for a long time before sighing: "My curiosity ... I knew I would die on it one day!"


"Your Majesty, guess how many people will come at night?" Ren Baqian sat on the stone with her emperor in her arms.

"What is there to guess!" Said the Empress lightly.

"Does life have to be a little fun!" Ren Baqian laughed in her ear, and then blew into her ear!

Ning Qing in the distance pointed at the two people on the stone and shouted, "These two people are too blind to see, and they hug in front of so many people, they are sore, their goosebumps are covered Get up, sister, do you mean? "

"Sister?" Ning Qing turned her head to see, Li Yuanzhu was watching them dull.

"Sister, aren't you going to spring?" Ning Qing looked worried.

Li Yuanzhu gave her a backhand.


"I was wondering what their backhand is!" Li Yuanzhu said lightly.

"Don't you know tomorrow?"

"That being said, it is inevitable that I was a little curious." Li Yuanzhu chuckled. "After all, manpower is sometimes poor, and I can't think of anything that can move like Li Fu, and many people outside the mountain. But looking at them, they are confident and not worried at all, so they are a little curious.

"They don't tell you anyway ... right?" Ning Qing spread his hands. "So don't even think about it, you and me are pointing at those two people. Under the broad daylight and thousands of people in the eyes, the two of them are not even ashamed!"

Li Yuanzhu rolled his eyes. What about other people's eyes for people like them?

And they are couples!

In the evening, the flying ride on the mountain began to retreat down the mountain, leaving only dozens of fires and a few tents on the mountain.

Ren Baqian took a few iron awl racks to roast meat on the fire. The meat was brought out from the palace and sealed with ice all the way. At this time, it was just right, and the aroma of barbecue was not long.

"Now, boy, you have done so many things in my name, and I don't want any good from you. This meat is half of me." Li Fu smelled the scent of meat in the distance. Shining body fell to Ren Baqian.

"Your lord is the first Li Fu in the world? I didn't expect to see it today. Dismount the red jade!" A clear man's voice came out in the darkness, and then a man in a black gown came out of the darkness.

"Old man Xugong, I have seen you!"

The two remained silent afterwards.

Li Fu waved his hand: "Whatever comes first in the world, you call it, the old man is a blunder!"

"Well, I didn't see it, when did you know so well?" Ren Baqian sat in front of the fire and laughed.

"Well, boy, your dog can't vomit ivory!" Li Fu suddenly cursed.

"Would you like to vomit it to me?" Ren Baqian grinned.

"Zhengtianjiao, Lin Dong is here!" A sound of breaking air came, and four people appeared.

For the next half hour, someone appeared from time to time.

"Yu Jialin Yue, have seen you!"

"Poor and white clouds, it's early for you!"

"Well, my husband's blood!"

"Mr. Gao Yi!"

I saw dozens of firesides, almost all standing or sitting on one or several figures. When they arrived, they reported their names, and then stopped talking.

Ren Baqian waited for time while estimating the number of people.

There were a total of nineteen positions issued yesterday, but by this time only seventeen people had arrived.

No one appeared again until the appointed time, Ren Baqian knew that those two groups of people should not come.

As time passed, everyone's eyes began to fall on Li Fu, waiting to see what the trick was tonight.

"Please come here today, mainly before you start, please look at a baby!" Ren Baqian chuckled.

"who are you?"

A man suddenly spoke.

Ren Baqian took a look at him. If he remembered correctly, this person is Hua Xianmen's Su Xianxian, who ranks 23rd in the list of masters, and ranks among the top three in the world.

"He is my Prince Zhao of the Dayao!" The voice of the emperor came out of the tent, and then the emperor in a red dress came out slowly.

"Haven't heard it!" Su Xianxian scorned.

"Look for death!" The empress looked pale, and her body appeared instantly beside Su Xianxian.

However, Su Xianxian in the place suddenly shattered into countless petals, and then a laughed voice came: "I had some respect for the world's first prestige, but I did not expect it to be the so-called human fox and fake tiger power. ! "

"Your Majesty, stop chasing, why bother with the dead!" Ren Baqian chuckled and stopped the iron emperor's face.

Then he glanced at the others: "Is there anything left?"

"What happened this time ~ ~ is it Li Fu or do you decide?"


"Da Yao?"

"you could say so!"

"Li Fu, Li Yuanzhu, what can you say?" The crowd immediately set their eyes on the two.

Especially Li Yuanzhu.

Li Fu has always heard of his name, but few people see him. Although he is the best in the world, what everyone cares about at this time is what Li Yuanzhu said.

After all, she came with the ranks of the ancients. If she didn't know anything, it was a joke.

"This time there is a reason, please be calm and calm, and wait for Prince Zhao to finish." Li Yuanzhu said lightly.

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