The End Is Approaching: People In Yingjiang, Crazy Zero Yuan Shopping

036: Portable Vulcan Machine Gun, Crazy Harvest!

The second is fuel.

Now that he has decided to move to the capital bunker to settle down, he will definitely need a lot of fuel to keep the bunker's power facilities running.

Pennsylvania, next to Ugly State, has a large fuel reserve base.

In the previous life, Yingjiang soldier took the survivors to carry them several times.

Xiao Yuan followed him once.

Of course, Xiao Yuan at that time was just a coolie and bait.

Every time Yingjiang soldiers go out, they will bring many people with them.

In name, it is everyone's responsibility to go out to find supplies, but in fact it is to bring some low-level people with them, and they can throw them away as bait in case of danger.

The fuel problem is not urgent for now.

With such a large reserve base, most people would turn into zombies after the apocalypse broke out.

No one can take that fuel away.

Moreover, the fuel reserve base has a large area, is heavily guarded, and is monitored everywhere.

If you go to sweep now.

It will inevitably be discovered, and there will inevitably be friction with Yingjiang Dabing.

It's better to wait for everyone to turn into zombies, and then move the fuel with peace of mind.

Most important food right now.

There are more and more poker players, and more food and daily necessities need to be hoarded.

And then there are seeds.

As a native of Xia, the farming talent engraved in his genes cannot be forgotten because of the end of the world.

Although Xiao Yuan was reborn, there was no spontaneous combustion disaster.

But there is no guarantee that this end-time natural disaster will make the living environment of human beings worse.

Anyway, collect some seeds.

There is no harm in leaving a way out for yourself.

Then there's livestock.

After the outbreak of the T virus, as the survivors fled the city, the zombies would also wander outside.

Many livestock will be killed.

Take advantage of the present to collect more livestock to the space warehouse.

So as not to be ruined by zombies.

Finally, there is the issue of water sources, although Xiao Yuan had never heard of water sources being polluted before his rebirth.

But there is no guarantee what will happen in the future.

Anyway, the space warehouse is very large, and now Iloty, Lilia, and Margaret all have space warehouses.

Can be used to stockpile water.

It just so happens that there is a very clean Qiaozhi Lake in Chouyue State, which is fed by mountain streams and springs.

Just row a boat to the center of the lake and open the space warehouse to collect lake water.

At this time, the three poker players had rested and came to Xiao Yuan in bikinis one after another.

Everyone wanted to show off their figure in front of Xiao Yuan.

It made Xiao feel dizzy.

Everyone has their own characteristics, and there is no telling who is better.

On the contrary, it aroused Xiao Yuan's anger, and he wished he could fight the landlord again soon.

But now there is a task for them.

There will be time to enjoy later.

"Iloty, Lilia, I have a task for you."

"Now you are driving Angus' car to Qiaozhi Lake to collect a lot of lake water."

"Fill your space warehouses."

"I will share with you the coordinates of returning to the city in space. After collecting the water source, come back directly."

Although the lake water is not directly drinkable.

But Xiao Yuan raided so many supermarkets and shopping malls, and took a lot of household water purifiers.

At that time, it can be directly purified and drunk.

Besides, there must be more advanced water purifiers in the bunker in Yingjiang's capital.

So it is enough to hoard the lake water directly.

"You take these weapons."

"Shoot directly when encountering mobs."

Xiao Yuan distributed two carbines, two shotguns, two pistols, and some bullets to the two.

The eagle sauce woman grew up in a gun culture environment since she was a child.

You can use a gun without Xiao Yuan teaching them.

It's past five o'clock in the afternoon.

If there is no accident, you will arrive at Qiaozhi Lake after eight o'clock.

"Margaret, you will sweep the supermarket with me today."

"We're running out of time."

Margaret nodded. Although Xiao Yuan didn't make it clear, she had already guessed it.

The end of the world is coming.

"Master, when are we going to leave?"

"Right now."

The ugly contract has been messed up, the daily number of new infections continues to rise, and shopping malls and supermarkets have been closed one after another.

Thugs took to the streets.

The Yingjiang soldiers and the police were unable to deal with these riots alone.

There is no time to take care of Xiao Yuan.

"Go, let's go."

Xiao Yuan pulled Margaret up and teleported to a building 600 meters away.

Today's destination is still Times Square.

There are the most large shopping malls in that area.

Xiao Yuan gave Margaret a carbine.

"Don't hesitate to see mobs, shoot directly."

Margaret nodded.

Don't look at her charming and glamorous, as the wife of Yingjiang's largest arms dealer, it is impossible for her not to know how to use a gun.

Maybe his marksmanship is better than Xiao Yuan's.

After teleporting a few times, the two crossed the Brook Bridge and came near Times Square.

The gunfire from this side became more intensive.

Smoke was billowing from burning cars on the street, and black people poured into the streets to beat, smash, loot and burn.

White people also mixed in.

The shops on both sides of the street have long been closed, especially the large supermarkets and shopping malls, which are reinforced with steel plates around them to prevent them from being damaged by mobs.

Xiao Yuan took Margaret outside a W-Mart supermarket.

A group of thugs with long guns and short cannons gathered at the gate of the supermarket.

There was also a thug driving an off-road vehicle and was crazily crashing into the gate of the supermarket.

Even if it is a gate reinforced by steel plates.

At this moment, it has also become shaky, and it is estimated that it will be smashed away after a few more hits, and the thugs will rush in to grab supplies.


The supplies in the supermarket belong to Lao Tzu.

Xiao Yuan immediately took out the portable Vulcan machine gun.

"Margaret, fire me!"

"Kill all these thugs, and then teleport to the supermarket."

After the words fell, Xiao Yuan clicked.

Da da da da.

Bullets rained down...

PS: Thank you for the reward from the boss with the mobile phone number [739].

Thank you guys for the flowers and all kinds of tickets, thank you for your encouragement.

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