The End Is Approaching: People In Yingjiang, Crazy Zero Yuan Shopping

080: Xiao Yuan, I Want To Play Cards With You, Fried Golden Flowers!

If you don't know Xiao Yuan, you can give the target a space ability at will, Lin Yuan should choose to take the weapon and ammunition and leave.

but now.

Even if she was killed, she didn't want to just let go.

It's like discovering a mountain of gold. Although the gold is buried in the mountain, there is no tool to mine it for the time being.

But never give up.

Even if you keep it until you die, you have to keep it.

Maybe one day you will be able to think of a way to mine it.

This is what Lin Yuan called attention to.

By Xiao Yuan's side, maybe one day he will change his mind, don't play cards, and is willing to give me the ability?

Xiao Yuan nodded calmly.

"I promise you."

"Just come back with me, don't force you to the poker table.

"Of course."

"If you want to, I welcome it too."

Lin Yuan gave Xiao Yuan a white look.

You bastard, I won't be dragged into the water by you.

Don't even think about it.

I swear!

"By the way, after you go back, you have to teach everyone how to use machine guns and mortars as soon as possible."

I don't believe you didn't play poker in your life.

Those gamblers, who didn't just start watching other people play cards, just watched and wanted to play.


Xiao Yuan opened the space to return to the city, and a huge portal appeared.

Everyone—go in.

The next moment he returned to the capital.

Lin Yuan was dumbfounded again.

"Is this what you're talking about?"

"The capital of Eagle Sauce?"

Xiao Yuan nodded: "Yes, is there a problem?"

Lin Yuan was speechless.

This courage is too fat, and it is an understatement to regard the capital as his home.

I'm afraid it's just you.

At this time, Lin Yuan noticed that there was not a single zombie in the entire capital.

On the contrary, outside the fence, densely packed zombies wanted to come in.

But as soon as they get close to the fence, they will disappear immediately.

What the hell is this?

"Why did those zombies suddenly disappear, where did they go?"

Xiao Yuan sighed.

"Why are you such a curious baby?"

"Margaret, you are in charge of answering and solving all her problems at once."

Xiao Yuan teleported.

Go directly back to the solarium room on the top floor of the main building, lie on the sofa and take a rest in the sun.

Margaret introduced Lin Yuan patiently. 10 learned that the entire capital was shrouded in space folding.

Lin Yuan was already numb from shock.

Space jump, space teleportation, space warehouse, space return to the city, forget about it.

It is still within the acceptable range of abilities.

As a result, another folded space appeared, covering the entire capital, and zombies outside could not enter.

People inside can go out at will.

No wonder Xiao Yuan said that if he came back with him, he could absolutely guarantee his safety.

But the more and stronger these spatial abilities were, the more Lin Xue felt like a cat scratching her heart.


Really want.

I also want to become a space power user.

Next, Margaret took Lin Yuan and chose a guest room in the main building, which will be her bedroom from now on.

Then the crowd came out onto the lawn.

After Xiao Yuan rested, he also teleported over, took out the mortar and cannon from the space warehouse, and asked Lin Yuan to teach everyone.

In fact, it is not difficult to learn how to use and maintain it.

Just repeat it a few times.

The difficulty is the accuracy of the launch.

But today I just swept away so many ammunition, so I can squander it casually.

It was past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Everyone has basically learned the disassembly, maintenance, and use of machine guns and mortars.

Xiao Yuan asked everyone to do a live ammunition operation.

In the future, when it's time to use these weapons, you won't be in a hurry.

11 mortars lined up.

Aim at the river bank outside the capital, where the concentration of zombies is very high, and it is estimated that one shot can kill twenty or thirty.

In theory, the mortar can be operated by one person.

Of course.

In fact, the army of each country has a mortar formation of at least 3 people.

One ammo hand, one aiming hand, one hand.

Xiao Yuan also divided 22 substitute players and 11 official players into 11 small teams according to this system.

Exactly 33 people.

Xiao Yuan operates a mortar by himself.

Lin Yuan was in charge of giving orders.

After everyone takes aim.


12 mortars, loading shells at the same time, the next moment, swish swish.

The shells fluttered.

In a blink of an eye, it landed on the banks of the Marco River, and there was a deafening cannon sound for a while, blowing up everywhere.

The zombies in the center of the explosion were directly dissected.


Xiao Yuan immediately absorbed the life energy of these zombies.

Anyway, killing zombies can also gain energy.

There is no such thing as wasting ammo.

Moreover, there are 20,000 mortar shells in the space warehouse, which can withstand Guoxiang.

After all, as long as you gain experience from live ammunition practice, you don't need to shoot every day in the future.


With an order, the second round of shells was fired.

Although the landing point may be a lot worse, there are zombies everywhere outside, and you can kill a group of them with your eyes closed.

when it gets dark.

The cannonade along the Marko River finally stopped.

Xiao Yuan put away all the mortars and fired 1,200 shells this afternoon.

The payoff is also huge.

Everyone can already quickly aim and fire shells, and the landing point is also very accurate.

After all, it is live ammunition practice.

Progress is very fast.

"Okay, hurry up and make dinner."

"Tomorrow we will practice cannon operation."

There are so many zombies outside, it's better to use machine guns to clean up a batch, and get acquainted with the operating procedures by the way.

It was past seven o'clock in the evening.

Lin Yuan had dinner, washed up, and lay down on the comfortable big bed.

This is the first time she has been lying on such a comfortable bed since the outbreak of the doomsday.

The guest rooms in the capital are exquisite in materials.

The layout is exquisite and warm.

Sleeping on the bed, the whole body and mind are relaxed.

"No wonder Xiao Yuan wants to occupy the capital."

"If I have his ability, I will also occupy this place."

Before she knew it, Lin Yuan began to feel sleepy.

So turned over.

Hugging soft pillows, ready to fall asleep.

at this time.

The sound of playing cards suddenly came from upstairs, especially crisp and loud in the quiet night.

"What are you doing!"

"It's a big night, don't you sleep well?"

Lin Yuan immediately hid in the bed, but the sound of playing cards was too loud, and when the bets got excited, she screamed with excitement.

Simply unscrupulous.

I was full of sleep.

Now it's gone.

Lin Yuan looked at the ceiling, thinking in her heart, at least twenty or thirty minutes, after a game of cards, she should go to sleep.

But she never expected it.

The game didn't end until 12 o'clock.

She was so angry that she almost ran away.

"It's finally over, I can sleep in peace."

Lin Yuan calmed down.

Ready to fall asleep.

But within ten minutes, the sound of playing cards sounded again.

"Also keep people from sleeping."

"You gamblers, are you so addicted to poker?"

"Can't you play during the day?"

Although she was roaring in her heart, Lin Yuan had no choice but to endure it quietly.

You can still hear it with your ears plugged.

Besides, the game is too long, and the ears will be blocked all the time, and the hands will be tired,

Just stop blocking.

Just listen to it, there is no way.

But the more she listened, the more unhappy Lin Ying felt, and gradually, her own Pai Nan was also hooked.

This is even more uncomfortable.

Card addiction, that feeling is really uncomfortable.

Many people have to call to borrow money.

Even loan sharks!

Lin Yuan didn't want to be a gambler, so she kept controlling herself, but the more she controlled, the more uncomfortable she felt.

It was not easy to stay up until more than four o'clock in the morning.

Those gamblers upstairs may also be sleepy.

After the game was over, there was no more movement.

"Finally I can sleep peacefully."

The next day, it was 1 o'clock in Tiantian.

Lin Yuan woke up comfortably, washed up, and went upstairs to find Xiao Yuan.

Prepare to discuss it with him.

Can you adjust the entertainment time? If you really want to play cards, you can do it during the day.

Anyway, now is the end of the world.

You don't need to go to work, and you don't need me.

He also hoarded a lot of food, drink, weapons and ammunition, which he would never use up in his lifetime.

Lots of time for entertainment.

It doesn't have to be at night.

After reaching the third floor, Lin Yuan pushed the door, but it was unlocked.

The door opened directly.

In the living room were Margaret, Edel, Kim Carlosan and Lilia and Park Min Hye.

At this time Hui Luoshan had already spread out the card table.

Park Min Hye is shuffling the cards.

It's time to start playing again.

"Lin Yuan, do you want to come over and fight together?" Margaret asked seriously.


Lin Yuan closed the door with an uncertain expression on her face.


You don't know how to close the door when you gamble. Before the end of the world, the police and Uncle must arrest you.

Lin Yuan went downstairs angrily.

Went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Then wandered alone on the lawn.

so boring.

Looking at the zombies outside the folded space, he took out his pistol and killed the zombies for a while.

It was very interesting at first.

In less than half an hour, I got bored again and kept killing zombies, feeling numb.

I looked at the time.

It wasn't lunch time yet, so I went back to my room, and the gamblers upstairs were still playing.

Listened to it all night last night.

I seem to be used to it today, at least not as harsh as last night.

listen listen.

Instead, I have a sense of substitution, as if I am also at the poker table.

But the sense of substitution is never the real sense of participation.

The more substituted, the more unable to solve the card addiction.

"Gambling addiction is human nature, why should I suppress it.

"I'll have a showdown with Xiao Yuan in the afternoon."

Lin Yuan also figured it out.

It's the end of the world, who cares if you are a gambler or not, just figure it out and be happy.

the most important is.

You can ask Xiao Yuan to return the ability to himself.

When eating at noon.

Lin Yuan intentionally sat next to Xiao Yuan: "Xiao Yuan, I want to talk to you about something this afternoon."

Xiao Yuan replied without thinking.

"In the afternoon, everyone will practice machine guns with live ammunition."

"Let's talk about it tonight."

Lin Yuan feels mentally blocked, I'm ready to have a showdown with you, don't you have time yet?

Hateful bastard!

in the afternoon.

Everyone assembled on the lawn, and Xiao Yuan fired 34 cannons.

20mm, 25mm, 30mm are available.

"Listen up, the machine gun fires very fast."

"Unless the firepower is suppressed, the trigger is always pulled. Normally, it should be 5 bursts, combined with 10 bursts.

"The combination of length and length not only has the effect of suppressing firepower, but also maintains good shooting accuracy.

Lin Yuan stood in front of the lawn.

After explaining the shooting essentials, everyone started shooting with live ammunition.

All of a sudden there was a burst of gunfire.

The sound of machine guns is not as loud as in the picture.

Very crisp and dense.

Like scrambled beans, it's less damaging to your ears.

As the cannon fires.

The zombies outside the capital fell one by one like harvesting wheat.

And the bullets of the machine gun are very powerful.

A single bullet directly kills a bunch of zombies, even if it misses the head, it will directly tear the body to shreds.

Even high-speed rotating warheads.

It will strangle flesh and blood into blood mist.

Looking out at a glance, the outside of the capital is full of black blood mist.

too violent!

Although everyone shot on the lawn, the zombies outside couldn't get in at all.

Pick up dead fish and practice marksmanship.

Both are correct.

After hitting a bullet chain, everyone will rest for a while.

After all long shot.

If there are too many zombies killed, there will be hostility in the heart, and if things go on like this, it may leave behind psychological hidden diseases.

So Xiao Yuan made a reasonable plan.

Entertainment in the evening, rest in the morning, experience experience in the afternoon.

Entertaining and killing monsters is right.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yuan stopped shooting live ammunition.

I don't know if it's because of the latest power advancement, which caused the number of physical enhancements to break through the bottleneck. Xiao Yuan felt that his shooting talent had been transformed.

In live ammunition shooting, the progress is very rapid.

So he ended practice early.

Back to the sunbathing room, it is also good to lie down and bask in the sun.

At this time, Lin Yuan's mind became active.

Originally, I had a showdown with Xiao Yuan in the afternoon, but he said he wanted to practice with live ammunition, so I didn't mention it again.

Now that we have left early.

And still alone.

Just in time to talk alone.

So Lin Yuan left the lawn and walked along the stairs of the main building to the sunbathing room on the third floor.

"Xiao Yuan, I have 850 things to do with you.

"Go ahead."

Lin Yuan hesitated for a moment, then mustered up her courage and said, "I want to play cards with you, ah, no! I want you to grant me the ability of space."

Oh, don't they both mean the same thing?

Why take a detour.

"Figured out?"

Lin Yuan nodded embarrassedly.

Anyway, he is also an agent, and he is also a goddess-level agent, so he even offered to play cards.

Make yourself look like a gambler.

What a shame.

"Okay, but to be my poker friend, you have to call me master."

"You can't call me Xiao Yuan anymore."

"Come on, call the master first."


You are too funny!

"Everything is boring. It's not like playing a master-servant game, but you still have to be called master?"

Xiao Yuan nodded seriously.

"Didn't you hear them all calling that? I can't let you do something special by yourself."

"Come on, call and listen."

Lin Yuan puffed her cheeks in anger.

Just call.

For the sake of space power, I will bear it!


Finally called out, Xiao Yuan smiled with satisfaction.

"Come here, the doctor will shuffle the cards for me."

Xiao Yuan took out the playing cards and surprised Lin Yuan a lot. The playing cards are custom-made, one card is worth two or three ordinary playing cards.

The material is thick and hard.

No wonder it hits the table so loudly.

The specially made playing cards are not easy to shuffle, Lin Yuan is clumsy.

"Come on, let me teach you."

"I don't need you to teach me, I'm not stupid, the big deal is to get used to it a little bit, and then I'll be proficient.

Xiao Yuan smiled.

up to you.

After the cards were shuffled, Lin Yuan said, "I've never played cards, I only know how to play cards."

Xiao Yuan smiled wickedly.

"It's okay, we'll fry golden flowers today."

"In the future, you can learn from everyone. Bullfighting, Sangong, Landlord Fighting, Running Fast, Texas Hold'em, they are all proficient."


Lin Yuan said angrily: "I don't want to play with them. The quality of the cards is too bad. If I lose, I will eat poker.

"I'll play singles with you."

"From now on, we will only fry golden flowers."

That's not possible, Xiao Yuan said with a serious face: "I have so many poker friends, and the game is so big, I can't spend time alone every day playing gold games with you, can I?"

Lin Yuan thought about it and thought it was right.

It seems that Xiao Yuan really doesn't have that much time.

"Then...then I can only accept Dou Dizhu and Texas Hold'em at most. The time is long, there are many people, and I don't know everyone well.

"I don't like that kind of occasion."

Dou Dizhu is Dou Dizhu.

When you become more familiar and have a close relationship, you will naturally learn all kinds of poker games.

At that time, I'm afraid you will beg to play together.

Aren’t all gamblers like this? At the beginning, they only learned how to play Jinhua. After playing for a while, they learned to fight landlords.

There is a process.

"Okay, I deal the cards."

Fried golden flowers, three tickets per person.

Xiao Yuan didn't even look at it, and just blocked it with one hand.

Lin Yuan's expression changed in shock.

Scoundrel, bullying me with wealth and power....

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