The End Is Approaching: People In Yingjiang, Crazy Zero Yuan Shopping

089: The Ultimate Form Of The Virus Appears! The Ghost In The Research Room!

Dabing's response was also quick.

After opening the door, he saw two zombies, so he drew his gun and shot while retreating.

Due to the close distance.

The first shot hit the zombie professor's head, but the zombie assistant had already rushed forward.

The soldiers can only fight and retreat.

Although it didn't hit the head, it effectively interrupted the moving speed of the female zombie assistant.



"Hurry up, there are zombies in the lab."

The soldiers kept shouting.

Even if he didn't yell, the sound of gunfire alarmed everyone, and soon a group of soldiers rushed over with guns.

Everyone set fire.

The zombie female assistant was killed almost instantly.

At this time, more and more people came together.

Everyone put the corpses of the two zombies together, everyone was puzzled, and they didn't understand how the zombies appeared.

The virus outbreak period has passed.

Why are people still infected.

Melantha and Mela were also on the scene. At this time, they noticed that the abdomen of the female zombie assistant seemed a little strange.

It looks shriveled.

It's like the belly is empty.

So Melansha untied the bath towel of the female zombie assistant, and saw a hole in her abdomen.

A piece of intestine also fell out.

At this moment, everyone collectively broke out in a cold sweat.

Even my stomach felt a little dull pain.


"Did something go into her belly?"

A soldier pointed a gun at the female zombie vigilantly.

He was worried that the things that entered the female zombie's stomach would suddenly come out.

"Quick, step back."

"Keep away from the corpse!"

Everyone retreated immediately, and the soldiers held their weapons nervously, as if they were facing an enemy.

After all, it was too weird.

No one knows whether there will be unknown dangers.

Melantha and Mela looked at each other, and they thought of the conversation at the same time.

The ultimate form of the virus will metamorphose into a living body.

Then kill the host.

Get out again!

This is Melansha's inference after in-depth research. At this moment, the shock and fear in her heart far exceed those of others.

But Melantha believed it.

If the ultimate virus really appeared, then it must have left the host's body.

Obviously not in the stomach.

Melansha put on her gloves, picked up the scalpel, and walked over carefully.

Mela followed behind her.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Oh, 10 grams!"

"Dr. Melantha, come back, danger."

"Meira, you don't want to die."

Everyone was terrified, what if something that got into the stomach of the zombie suddenly came out and attacked people.

But Melantha was convinced.

That thing has left.

What she has to do now is to confirm her guess!

Melansha didn't care about everyone's dissuasion, and picked up a scalpel to cut open the zombie's stomach.

Except for the internal organs.

Nothing else.

"It left!"

"We have to be careful."

At this moment, everyone was even more puzzled. Judging from Melansha's tone, it seemed that she knew something.

"Dr. Melantha."

"Tell us, do you know something?"

Melantha hesitated.

She didn't intend to tell it, after all, this result could easily lead to fearful lies.

But now it can no longer be hidden.

Because she doesn't know what the ultimate form of the virus is.

Is there any threat to the people in the scientific research room?

The only thing I can do now is to publish my own research results to make everyone more vigilant.

"OK, I hope what I say next won't break you down."

"T virus is not a virus in the traditional sense."

"It's a parasite, a living organism!"

Next, Melansha told everyone the results of her research in detail.

Including virus evolution to the end.

There is a high possibility that it will kill the host, and then get out of the body.

Finished speaking.

The looks of everyone on the scene were wonderful.

There is fear, there is doubt, there is despair, and there is helplessness.

Melantha ignored them.

Instead, he pointed to the corpse of the female zombie on the ground and said, "Obviously, the virus in her body has evolved into its ultimate form.

"So leave the body."

"What I'm not sure at the moment is what the ultimate form of the virus looks like and whether it's a threat to us.

"The only thing that is certain is that it is in the scientific research base."

"And I have another doubt."

"According to my experiments, it takes a long time for the virus to evolve to its ultimate form."

"However, why did the virus in her body transform into a living body so quickly?

"What are the conditions that make the virus evolve so fast?"

"If the reason can be found."

"We can avoid the accelerated evolution of the virus.

For everyone on site.

This is good news.

Because according to Melanza's research, the virus cannot naturally evolve to its final form within at least three to five years.

The female zombie in the scientific research room was an accident.

The cause of the rapid evolution of the virus has been found.

It means that you can avoid being killed by the virus.

"But Doctor."

"They are already dead, even if they are alive, we cannot get the answers we want from the mouths of the zombies."

A soldier pointed to the zombie corpse on the ground and said.

Melantha also nodded.


People have been turned into zombies and killed, and the answer has disappeared.

Then Mela said:

"Maybe the corpse can answer us too."

Pointing to the corpses of the two zombies, she said: "Dr. Horschel has no clothes on, and his female assistant is only wrapped in a bath towel.

"We can deduce it."

"Maybe they played cards before their death. Is this an incentive to accelerate the evolution of the virus?"

As soon as this is said.

Many people at the scene were immediately terrified.

A lot of people have been playing poker lately.

Does it mean that the virus in everyone's body will accelerate evolution?

Melantha nodded.

"It's possible."

"But this is only one of the incentives, definitely not the main factor.

"There must be something we don't know, and it is the most important key point!"

Everyone thought about it for a long time.

But still no idea.

"Why don't we check the monitoring of the two of them and see what they did yesterday."

"Maybe we can find some clues."

For now, that's the only way to go.

So everyone went back to the monitoring room and played back yesterday's monitoring screen.

Although cumbersome and time consuming.

However, the most indispensable thing in the last days is time, and there is nothing to do anyway.

With video playback.

Really found a suspicious clue.


Mela immediately called to stop. In the picture, Professor Hoschel was in the cell where the zombies were held.

It seems that they want to extract zombie specimens.

This is a very common thing.

Many scientists in the scientific research room have taken samples from the zombies for laboratory analysis.

But in the picture.

Professor Hoschel was actually bitten by a zombie.

Through slow playback and zooming in on the screen, it can be seen vaguely that the bite does not seem to be deep.

At least there's no blood to be seen in the footage.

At this moment, Mela seemed to have come to her senses.

"Could it be that being bitten by a zombie and playing cards before there is no corpse change will cause the virus in the body to evolve faster?"

The credibility of this statement is extremely high.

After all, judging from the evidence shown so far, only Professor Hoschel was bitten is doubtful.

But Melantha had a different opinion.


"If this is the case, it should be Professor Hoschel who evolved the ultimate virus in the body."

"Not his female assistant."

"I think the cause of the rapid evolution of the virus into its ultimate form may be the last bomb of Professor Horschel, who is about to turn into a corpse."

"After Wang Bo, the virus in the female assistant's body accelerated.

"In a very short period of time, it transformed into the ultimate form."

"Then tear open the belly and get out."

After saying this, everyone suddenly realized.

Melansha's analysis is more reasonable, that is to say, as long as the card is not played on the premise of imminent corpse change, the virus will not accelerate its evolution.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But immediately became tense again.

"The ultimate form of the virus has left the body of the female assistant, and it is likely to be hidden in the scientific research room."

"Whatever it is."

"Is there any threat to us?"

"We all have to hurry up and find it."

Human beings have an innate fear of the unknown.

Only find the virus in its ultimate form.

To reassure everyone.

"Okay, let's go."

"A team of two, carefully searched every corner.

"Sergeant Mark, I hope you can share some weapons with us."

"After all, we don't know whether the ultimate form of the virus is offensive.

"Since we are going to search for it."

We must have weapons. "

Sergeant Mark is the highest rank of all the privates, at least for now what he says works.

Every private except automatic rifles.

And pistols.

The people in the scientific research room hope to distribute the pistols to everyone.

But Sergeant Mark refused.

"NO, you are not trained to use guns easily."

"Isn't it the ultimate virus body?"

"We'll just go find it."

Sergeant Mark is discreet, the weapon represents control.

If the weapons are distributed.

It means that they have lost the absolute control of the scientific research room, and he will not do such stupid things.

In Sergeant Mark's view.

The ultimate form of the virus, even if it evolves into a living body, is at worst as big as a mouse.

Because the hole in the abdomen of the female zombie assistant is very small.

Therefore, the ultimate form of the virus cannot be very large.

It can even be trampled to death with one foot.

"Come on guys, time to work.

Twelve soldiers, in groups of two, began to search the entire underground scientific research room.

"Guys, be careful."

"That thing is small."

"Just like a mouse, we have to pay attention to some blind spots, maybe it's hiding under the table."

The soldiers were very relaxed.

All of them survived from the pile of zombies during the virus outbreak.

I've seen all the big scenes.

Naturally, he is very courageous.

"I'm going to the toilet." A black soldier said.

That is, the black man who wanted to invite Mela to eat last night.


"I'll smoke a cigarette and wait for you here."

"Damn it, last cigarette."

The white sergeant who was traveling with him cursed.

The black soldier came to the toilet to pee, and at this moment, a tentacled

The little thing suddenly ejected from the urinal.

It's extremely fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it fell on the face of the black soldier.

The powerful tentacles wrapped tightly around Da Bing's neck, making him unable to breathe, and the black soldier opened his mouth involuntarily.

The eye sockets are also rapidly congested.

Less than two minutes.

He was strangled to death, and his mouth grew too big.

The little monster covered with tentacles immediately got into his mouth and entered his belly.

The white sergeant finished a cigarette.

Haven't seen any black soldiers yet.

So I walked into the toilet and was taken aback.

"Fack squid!"

"Mogor is dead!"

Soon, the body of the black soldier was carried to the morgue by the crowd.

Here are also the bodies of Hoschel and his female assistant.

"He was strangled."

Melantha pointed to the black soldier's neck, which had clear strangulation marks.

"What strangled him?"

"A virus in its ultimate form?"

No one can answer this question. After all, it has been analyzed before that even the ultimate form of the virus is about the size of a mouse.

It is impossible to have so much power to strangle a strong soldier to death.

But except for the ultimate form of the virus.

Who else?

There was no one else in the toilet, and the white sergeant had been out, not seeing anyone in the toilet.

A strange atmosphere immediately permeated everyone's hearts.

"Boss, are you still searching?"

"Fack squid!"

"I won't go, he won't search when he's hungry

"We'll just stay together."

"We've got eleven guys left, and whatever comes up, eleven automatic rifles fire and can smash it into a sieve.

The soldiers were frightened.

In Eagle Sauce, warrior is just a profession, without a sense of honor and dedication.

Let them risk their lives to search for the weird murderer.

They will not dare.

827 Only the Hollywood movie that brainwashed the whole world would do that.

Sergeant Mark looked at everyone.

"From now on, we will take over the research room.

"Everyone is not allowed to leave without authorization."

"All together, let's go!"

Sergeant Mark led everyone to the rest area, and shortly after they left, the black soldier's fat body suddenly bulged.

Then it was torn apart.

A pitch-black head, stained with blood, drilled out.


It's a baby hunter!

It completed its final transformation in the body of the black soldier and became a perfect hunter.

It's still weak.

A lot of food is needed.

The hunter quickly bit the black soldier's body.

Don't look at its small size.

But you can keep eating, because the food you eat will be absorbed quickly.

Its body is also growing rapidly.

In less than ten minutes, the black soldiers were eaten up to the skeleton.

The size of the hunter has grown to the size of a dirt dog.

The steel whip-like tail is already about two meters long.

It smells of more food.


With a low growl, the hunter quietly climbed to the ceiling and entered the ventilation duct.

the other side.

Xiao Yuan got up early today.

Because it was planned yesterday, to go to the biological research base in the small town of Field to see if we can find the surviving researchers and study the origins of the hunters.

The reason why Xiao Yuan is obsessed with figuring this out.

It is because hunters and zombies have something in common.

Their corpses will quickly weather.

These are two totally incompatible creatures that have such striking affinities.

Xiao Yuan believed it.

There must be some unknown secret behind this.

It even involves the origin of the last days.

In his previous life, he was struggling to survive, and he didn't have time to think about it, but this life is different.

He is powerful.

But I always feel insecure.

Especially the presence of aliens.

If he can't sort out the truth behind this, he will feel that he has been living in a conspiracy.

Even hiding in the folding space.

It is not necessarily absolutely safe.

Soon, the poker players came to the lawn one after another, and two helicopters were already on standby.

This mission is only to search for scientists.

There is no need to go all out.

Xiao Yuan rolled the roll and chose ten people to go with him.

"Let's go, let's go."

The two helicopters lifted off slowly, and then flew out of the space folding area, heading towards the small town of Field.

at the same time.

The iron-blooded hunters Hogg and Imsh near the capital also found Xiao Yuan's whereabouts.

"He finally came out."

"Without the protection of the space device, we can hunt him now."

"Come on, follow up.

Hogg and Imsh immediately started the airship remotely, and then automatically drove to their side.

The two sat in.

The two helicopters locked onto Xiao Yuan followed up.

Their airships are stealthy.

Even the naked eye can't see it, it's as silent as a ghost....

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