The End Is Approaching: People In Yingjiang, Crazy Zero Yuan Shopping

094: Land On The Island And Open Up A Small World Of Space!

The sun was setting.

Reflected in the deep blue sea, it reflects golden red waves.

Xiao Yuan overlooks the horizon in the City of Angels.

An exquisite small island, inlaid in the sea, like a pearl falling from the beach of Angel City.

"Master, that's Wilson Island."

Laura reminded loudly.

The helicopter is very noisy, the sound is too small to be heard.

Xiao Yuan picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Attention all units, let the helicopter lift off to 600 meters from the sea surface.

Xiao Yuan has an extra heart.

Wilson Island is very close to the coastline, about 0.5 nautical miles away.

Especially from the air.

After zooming out, the distance is closer.

This natural geographical advantage is likely to lead to the occupation of the island.

So you can't drive the plane too low.

In case the survivors on the island have bazookas, it will be troublesome if they are shot down with one shot.

Although most of the people in the helicopter can use teleportation to escape before the crash.

But Melansha and other researchers can only wait to die.

Not long after.

Three helicopters came over Wilson Island.

Xiao Yuan immediately released his perception.

After strengthening his physical fitness again yesterday, his perception range has reached 700 meters.

That's why the helicopter is required to lift to an altitude of 600 meters, which is safe and at its own detection altitude.

Let go with the perception.

Xiao Yuan captured 33 signals on the island.

All human.

"There are 33 survivors on the island, let's observe first."

So three helicopters immediately circled the island.

But there was not even a single person on the island.

If you were an ordinary person, you might think it was an empty island.

But Xiao Yuan trusts his own perception.

You can't go wrong.

Now that no one can be seen, it means that they are all hiding.

If you land rashly, you will definitely be shot by this group of LYBs.

Xiao Yuan observed for a while.

Still no one came out, let alone an attack helicopter.

"Helicopter listening."

"Descent to an altitude of 400 meters."

The height of 400 meters is also a relatively safe distance.

Even with a rocket launcher.

The people in the helicopter also had enough time to escape.

Another point.

At present, the teleportation distance of the player 10 is 600 meters, and the helicopter is hovering at a height of 400 meters. Even if it teleports to the ground, there is still 200 meters of teleportation energy left.

It won't run out of blue in an instant.

Even in emergencies.

Can also teleport in time to escape.

"Except for the driver, everyone obeyed the order and teleported to the roof of the tallest building."

There is a twenty-story hotel on the island.

However, according to the information detected by the perception, the people on the island are hiding in the villas.

The hotel was empty instead.

Xiao Yuan was the first to activate space teleportation and came to the top floor of the hotel.


A figure teleported over one after another.

"Take a five-minute break."

"When your energy is fully restored, we will start to act.

"Remember, catch alive!"

In the past, Xiao Yuan never stipulated whether to live or die.

But now it's different.

The next step is to open up a space world on the island. Once the small world is formed, it is necessary to plant and breed in it.

A lot of labor is required.

It can also be said to be a tool man.

So now we can't kill any more casually, and even after the settlement is settled, we have to go out and catch some people back.

Five minutes passed quickly.

"All right.

"Time to act."

"Notify me immediately after completing the task.

Xiao Yuan doesn't need to do this kind of thing himself, the number of people on both sides is basically equal.

Players all have spatial abilities.

Everyone also has the ability to detect and teleport to directly imprison in a space, just like catching dead chickens.

next moment.

35 people left the top floor one after another.

Less than five minutes.

Margaret notified Xiao Yuan with a Bluetooth headset, and everyone was caught.

Concentrate on the main villa on the island.

That is the villa where Laura used to live.

Xiao Yuan teleported over.

In the hall of the villa, a total of 33 people were tied up and squatted on the ground.

And within Xiao Yuan's perception range.

No other signal exists.

It shows that the survivors on the island are all concentrated here.

"Lin Yuan, Dai Ni, Di Lila, you can land now."

After speaking, Xiao Yuan turned his attention to the group of captives.

33 people.

He was captured alive without firing a single shot.

Twenty men.

Ten women.

Moreover, these ten women are all good-looking, most of them are white, and there are a few black and white mixed.

Light chocolate complexion.

Looks very sunny and healthy.

It doesn't look disgusting like a purebred pitch black.

Among the ten women, there is also an extremely beautiful and unparalleled stunner.

Put it among your poker friends.

It is also absolutely superior.

She is tall, beautiful, sexy and hot.

Xiao Yuan walked over and raised her chin: "What's your name?"


Laura immediately realized: "You should be Cecil, the beauty queen of the City of Angels, right?"

"No wonder you look familiar to me."

beauty queen

No wonder it is so beautiful.

"You are mine!"

Xiao Yuan announced domineeringly directly that Cecil was his man.

"Do not!"

"Sir, you can't do this, she is my wife."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man in a white shirt with a gentle appearance.

"You can't take Cecil."

"Sir. There are a lot of women here, and you have so many around yourself."

"Why do you have to rob my wife?"

Xiao Yuan was puzzled by this question.

Do I have to give you a reason for being a Cao thief?

It's not to kill you.

A beautiful woman is only worthy of the strong.

"Sir, I recognize you, you are Space Bandit Xiao Yuan."

"I know you are powerful and can come and go as you please."

"You can make conditions."

"How can we let us go?"

Xiao Yuan smiled and let you go, how is it possible!

"How about this."

"I have more than 600 pounds of gold in a safe at Chase Bank, and a pink diamond the size of a pigeon egg."

"If you like."

"I can lead you the way, with your ability [you can easily enter the underground vault."

"After getting the gold and diamonds."

"I hope you will let me and Cecil go."

At this moment, a man who had been squatting on the ground suddenly said:

"Xiao, don't trust him."

"If you take him to get gold, he will definitely sneak up on you from behind."

"He is Smith, the biggest drug lord in the City of Angels."


Xiao Yuan turned around and saw that it was Kaili.

"Why are you here?"

"Didn't I let you go to the high seas, or the primeval forest?"

Kaili lowered his head, not daring to meet Xiao Yuan's eyes.

"Xiao, I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you.

"We got here on a cruise ship and..."

Carey told all the ins and outs of leaving, including the deaths of Richard and Alex.

"Xiao, in fact, I recognized you as soon as you appeared."

"But I have no face to face you."

"The food and weapons you gave me were all robbed by them."

To Nima's!

Xiao Yuan glared at Kaili angrily.

Get away, you idiot.

He just didn't listen to Lao Tzu, he deserved it!

"Xiao, you must not listen to Smith, this man is insidious and cunning."

"And very brutal."

"There were more than 50 people on our island, but he killed almost all of them.

"Only seven men survived."

"Those unattractive women were all killed by him."

"He doesn't want these people wasting food."

"You can't be fooled by his gentle appearance."

Without Carey's reminder, Xiao Yuan would not go to Chase Bank with Smith.

Gold and diamonds can't be eaten.

If you know of an arsenal, maybe I'd be interested.

However, Xiao Yuan was a little unhappy about the deaths of Richard and Alex.

Beat the dog to see the owner.

Although Xiao Yuan was very upset about the fact that they didn't listen to him and went to settle in Wilson's Island.

After all.

I used to follow myself for a few days, but was killed.

It's Alex.

He took one more look at Cecil and was beaten to death.

Xiao Yuan squeezed Smith's face: "You are crazier than me!"

Smith stared at Xiao Yuan with a smile on his face.

He knew that there was no point in explaining more.

"Xiao, let's talk, as long as you are willing to talk, we will be able to find a point of coexistence.

"There's no need to be so stiff."

After all, he is someone who has seen the world.

Instead of crying for mercy, he was extremely calm.

"I'm sorry, I don't like to negotiate conditions with Yingjiang people, and you are not qualified to negotiate with me. y

Xiao Yuan turned around and pointed at everyone behind him.

"Knock out all the men, and talk about the space warehouse.

"The woman stays."

At this moment Margaret asked: "What about him?"

Naturally, it refers to Kaili, who has been on the Superstar for so long, so everyone in his family knows him.

Since we are acquaintances.

Maybe it can be avoided.

But Xiao Yuan waved his hand: "Smack me too!"

"Tell you to go away, you have to die!"

Just as Kaili wanted to explain, he was knocked out by Li Huiduo with a knife in his hand.

Li Huiduo didn't know him.

Naturally, there is no need to show mercy.

Then Xiao Yuan gestured for the woman to untie her.

"From now on, you are the maids on the island, responsible for daily cleaning.

"You don't need to cook the meal."

Although Carey said just now, these women are not with the mob.

But Xiao Yuan still couldn't believe it.

After all, we just met each other, and we haven't met each other, so what if we get poisoned.

Every time they are asked to take the test drug first, it is also troublesome.

"I will give you food, and you are responsible for what you eat.

As for Xiao Yuan's diet, it is still up to the substitute poker player to take care of it.

"Okay, you all go to pick a bedroom of your own first."

"I still have something to do."

Xiao Yuan carried Smith and went upstairs at Cecil at gunpoint. Everyone knew what was going on.

But no one said.

After all, they basically came here like this.

Now that I think about it, I have no complaints at all.

If he hadn't been coerced by Xiao Yuan's double guns and became a card player, he wouldn't have the powerful space ability now.

Come to the second floor of the villa.

Xiao Yuan threw Smith on the ground and told Cecil to spread out the card table.

"Don't worry, I'm just talking to your husband

It's just for people to learn about card skills.

"you do not mind?"

Do you mind? Tell me if I mind!


Smith, who has always been gentle and refined, could no longer remain calm after seeing this scene.

"I have no grievances with you."

"We are all survivors."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

Xiao Yuan smiled faintly: "You didn't have any grudges with me before, but you killed two people I knew, and this grudge was settled.

someone you know

"Wait, make it clear."

Xiao Yuan slapped across the face, too lazy to beep with you.

Smith got up again.


"Cecil, you can't do this!"

Cecil looked at Smith and suddenly smiled.

"Why can't I?"

"I want to live, not die."

"I don't need to risk my life for you.

"Do you know why I married you?"

"It's not because you are the biggest drug lord in the City of Angels, you kill people like hemp, I dare not resist you.

"I don't like you at all!"

"I've been pretending all these years, I'm afraid you will kill me!"

Cecil yelled.

As if to vent all the grievances and anger of these years.

"Xiao, let's deal the cards."

"I'll let you see my most superb poker skills, and I hope you won't lose too quickly."

Cecil had a smile on his face.

Deliberately provoking Smith.

Take revenge on him with this behavior.

Smith wanted to beep, but Xiao Yuan blocked his mouth.

Then throw it into the bathroom in the bedroom.

Just be a good listener.


After the game was over, Xiao Yuan returned to the bathroom refreshed and looked at the glaring Smith.

I guess I'm about to vomit blood now.

"Let me tell you."

"Cecile's card skills are very good, I am very satisfied."

Smith kept struggling on the ground, probably trying to get up and bite Xiao to death 300 meters away.

"You don't have to be so angry."

"If you didn't kill Richard and Alex, maybe I'll give you a happy one."

"Of course."

"Now I am very happy, so I decided to give you a good time.

"Hopefully it's not too late."

After the words fell, Xiao Yuan snapped Smith's neck and put it into the space warehouse.

Although there is a lack of people now.

But Smith couldn't stay.

He is the leader of the mob, if he is left behind, even if he is thrown into the small world, he might cause trouble.

Xiao Yuan walked out of the bathroom.

Cecil had already put away the card table, and without Smith, it felt like the shackles on his body had disappeared.

The whole person has become a lot easier.

It looks more beautiful.

"Xiao, you won't kill me, will you?"

Cecil is smart.

Although Xiao Yuan killed a lot of people before the end of the world, he never killed a woman.

And he was accompanied by dozens of women.

Everyone's mental outlook is very good.

It means that Xiao Yuan will treat women kindly. Of course, the smart Cecil can also think that he will not treat women kindly for no reason.

So just now she used all the card skills she had never used before.

Xiao Yuan smiled.

"I am very satisfied with your performance."

"But I don't know you well, and you can't be counted as one of your own for the time being."

"I'll give you two days."

"After passing my test, you will have unexpected gains.

"Let's go downstairs to eat."

Xiao Yuan didn't say much.

Taking Cecil downstairs, dinner was ready, Xiao Yuan quickly finished eating, and came to the garden of the villa.

There are two important things to do first tonight.

The first thing to do is to arrange the spatial folds.

Xiao Yuan released the ability, and with him as the center, the space folding began to spread outward.

His mental strength is much stronger now than before.

Therefore, the speed of arranging space folding is also much faster.

less than half an hour.

The entire island, including the beach, and the offshore area outside the beach, are enveloped by space folding.

Even in the future swimming in the sea.

It will not be detected by the warships of the Iron Blood.

After the space was folded and arranged, Xiao Yuan teleported to a villa again.

This will be the entrance to the small world of space.

Xiao Yuan unleashes the ability and opens up the entrance to the small world first.

Soon, a blue swirl door appeared in the villa hall.

This is the entrance to the small world.

Walking into the whirlpool door, you can enter the small world.

However, the small world has not yet taken shape.

At this time, the vortex door is constantly absorbing natural elements, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, dark matter, dark energy...

As long as there is in the real world.

All are gathering in the whirlpool door.

The space inside the vortex door also began to grow little by little as these natural elements entered.

A full two days.

The vortex door finally stopped spinning, became calm, and no longer absorbed natural elements.

It shows that the inner world has been formed.

Xiao Yuan stepped in.

Finally, he came to the world he created.

Although only the area of ​​15 football fields.

But here are the roots!.

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