The End of Technology

Chapter 258 Public Affairs Private Affairs

"I am angry."

Ning Zi said calmly, which was probably a different kind of emphasis. After all, although March is powerful in many aspects and can be said to be far more powerful than humans, under many conditions, it is difficult for an artificial intelligence program to accurately perceive human emotions.

For example, March can know through analysis that Ning Zi is angry at this time, but the degree of anger cannot be accurately grasped through various data. Especially for humans who are good at controlling emotions, this is probably a level that artificial intelligence can never reach.

"Meow..." March responded.

It means that it has experienced Ning Zi's emotions at this time.

"But I probably won't be able to help much if I go back now."


Ning Zi could hear that this meant recognition.

"How long does it take before you receive news from Earth?" Ning Zi asked.

Communication is indeed a troublesome problem.

Not only because the distance here is too far and the number of communication buoys built is insufficient, but also because the Kuafu needs to fly next to the comet most of the time. The complex external environment will cause the communication to be unstable for a long time. Even if the signal can be received, it is severely damaged and cannot support the interaction of huge information.

This is a problem that needs to be solved in basic physics. After all, information needs a carrier. Whether it is radio waves or lasers, the essence is actually the same. Even signals passing through medium space require tachyons as carriers. There is attenuation during the space conversion process. Coupled with the complex environment around the comet, Kuafu will not have any signal access most of the time.

Unless there is a breakthrough in basic physics, information can be transmitted without an intermediate carrier. But at least there is no hope under the current circumstances.

Even March's database does not have similar messaging technology.

Of course this is normal. If ghost communication without medium assistance can be realized, even cross-universe communication will be possible.

"Meow, the time is uncertain. The current average communication interval is 19.8 hours, and the average communication window retention time is 162 seconds."

"How long is it expected to take to complete UN271's integration into Mars orbit?"

"Meow, it will take at least 3800 hours."

Ning Zi nodded, it would take at least half a month.

Of course, this is already the most optimistic estimate. In fact, various accidents may extend this time. At present, there are still more than 40 days before UN271 can be changed to merge into the orbit of Mars. If you can succeed before then, it will be considered a victory. But it will take at least two months to wait until you can see the comet hitting Mars with your own eyes.

The timeline is still stretched too long...

It was indeed a very tangled matter. Ning Zi really wanted to go back to Earth to vent his temper, but the matter at hand did not allow him to be willful.

The movement of celestial bodies has its own rules. This time to guide UN271 to impact Mars, the preliminary simulation calculations and preparations alone took a full two years. Basically, if the guidance is successful, the mass of Mars will reach the standard. There are not many opportunities like this, and if you want to wait for the next time, it may take more than ten years.

Of course, if you are willful, you can also pull a planet into the orbit of Mars, but this method will consume a huge amount of resources. The current resources on Earth are probably enough to bring Enceladus to the vicinity of Mars. During this period, the gravitational effect of the earth must be used.

More importantly, if we give up now, the initial investment of nearly 100 billion will be in vain.

Money is still a small thing, but the corresponding resources consumed are not so easy to regenerate.

After all, planetary mining technology is not yet mature, and the productivity jump in the space age has not yet been fully unleashed. Human civilization still relies on converting solar energy into one-third of an acre of the earth, and indeed does not have much willful capital.

So I closed my eyes and meditated.

When she opened her eyes, Ning Zi had already made her decision.

The most important thing now is the search and rescue work. He can't help if he goes back. If he misses this opportunity just to lose his temper, it is naturally impossible. Of course, he still needs to have an attitude.

In the end, all the anger turned into calm words: "Temporarily leave the orbit, find a way to contact the earth, and keep communication open for at least ten minutes. I want to talk to the base."

" will be able to leave the orbit in about 18 minutes and find the cursor signal to establish a stable communication channel. However, it will take about 48 hours to safely return to the orbit of UN271. The entire project plan may be delayed for more than ten days, and part of the project plan may fail. sex increased by 0.3%.”

"These risks are worth taking. At least for now, the earth must remain stable enough. Without a stable rear, we can't accomplish anything. So I must express my attitude on this matter. Even if I know that they have realized the seriousness of the problem Sex, but they may not dare to make that determination, and even if they do, they may compromise due to pressure of one kind or another. So I need to express my position." Ning Zi said without thinking.

Yes, Ning Zi felt that she had to stand up and bear the pressure. And he believes that no matter what angle you stand on, this is something that must be done.

Not to mention that Chen Xi was his student and the whole world knew about it.

So no matter what the original purpose of those people was and whether it had anything to do with Chen Xi, he had to give an attitude on this matter.

In other words, just to be responsible for the students, he must give an attitude.

The order was quickly given. Although many scientists on board were extremely puzzled, no one questioned anything. This is the advantage of keeping your word. There is no need to waste more time in unnecessary arguments. Of course, the prerequisite is that you have that prestige.

There is no doubt that at least Ning Zi has this prestige in the entire scientific community. It just so happens that the Wu Gang is a scientific research ship, and it is also a scientific research ship produced by Ning Zi as the chief designer. The point is that the Wu Gang is also connected to the Zhinao automatic driving system. Zhinao will not pay attention to the so-called democratic opinions and only listen to him. Things are much simpler.

The calculations in March are also extremely accurate. Of course, this is the strength of artificial intelligence. As long as there are enough and accurate data and brought into the automatically generated mathematical model, it is easy to obtain relatively accurate results.

So only nineteen minutes later, the Wu Gang successfully broke away from the orbit of UN271 and established communications with the earth.

Ning Zi was too lazy to calculate the time difference at this time. The most important thing was that if the person hadn't been found yet, the people at the base wouldn't be able to sleep no matter what time it was.

Ning Zi's judgment was correct.

Although it was already two o'clock in the morning in Huaxia, the floating building in the base was still brightly lit. Although it is already time to get off work, almost no one chooses to go home from get off work.

Just as Zhuo Mingqian struggled with it at the beginning, the floating building is floating in the air after all. In my heart, I always feel that my every move is being watched. At this time, people who are still thinking about going home from get off work early will most likely have no chance to stay in this building.

It’s no secret that Academician Ning doesn’t rub sand in his eyes.

Even if people can't see it, the various cameras scattered throughout the floating building and even the entire base are not just decorations. Even if you have reached the position of director in the base, you basically have no access to these surveillance contents, and you don't even know how long these contents will be kept. There is no way, the base's administration, security, and confidentiality units belong to two different systems, internal and external. This is the tone set at the beginning of the base's establishment.

But it's understandable.

Every bit of information within the base is kept top secret, and probably no one can afford the losses caused by leaks. You can only come according to the arrangement.

Fortunately, all offices in the floating building have resting areas. The only thing that makes people depressed is probably those guys in the south who need to take a shower before going to bed every day.

After all, it is a floating building. Electricity can be connected directly from the sky, but domestic sewage cannot be discharged casually. Therefore, there is a circulating water system in the entire floating building. Generally, the water for drinking is bottled pure water. There is a special department to deliver it to each office every day, but the water used for washing is recycled water.

To put it simply, the water used for flushing toilets and bathing is the same batch of water, which of course has been purified and separated. All kinds of solid waste in the building will be compressed and sent away through special elevators, and the water will be recycled and reused in the building. The rainwater collection device on the roof and the pure water converted into urine by the human body are basically Can compensate for losses between cycles.

But in fact, it is okay to drink the water that has been purified directly. After all, the quality of the purified water is automatically detected in real time. Speaking of which, the water circulation system in this building is actually part of the life support circulation system on a large spacecraft, and it has already been certified in space.

Therefore, there is no need to introduce purified water at all, but it is inevitable that some people will have psychological barriers when using it. But at this time, a little psychological barrier is obviously not comparable to the future.

Temporarily tolerating these less-than-comfortable circumstances proved a wise decision in real time.

Because in the middle of the night, the alarm that had not been thought of since the construction of the floating building suddenly rang.

Really, I'm not afraid of disturbing people's dreams...

But it’s such a big fanfare...

After all, most sirens are not that pleasant to listen to.

At the same time, the originally silent base beneath the floating administrative building seemed to wake up. Countless lights lit up, making the entire base instantly look like daylight.

There are always people who wake up from their dreams and feel at a loss.

However, most of the underground laboratories are still in operation at this time. As we all know, large-scale laboratories are not much different from factories. Before a test is completed, people can rest in different shifts, but the machines cannot be stopped.

But even sober people probably look confused.

What the hell is the sudden siren sounding in the capital city in the middle of the night? Could it be that... the person has been found?

Fortunately, the answer came soon.

Except for the special computer that was controlling large-scale equipment, all the computers in the base automatically turned on and lit up, and then Ning Zi's figure appeared on each monitor.

Although most of the scientists at the base are used to all the data in the entire base being under the control of the Intelligent Brain, this is the first time they have seen this.

In fact, there are many holographic devices inside the base, but they are probably too far away. In order to save bandwidth and computing power, holographic devices were not used for this communication, but people appeared on various idle display screens. But that's enough.

Ning Zi's figure appeared at the base at this time, which already explained a lot of things.

Not to mention that the way he appeared was so special. The sirens that sounded in the early morning were enough to explain a lot.

Zhuo Mingqian was sitting upright in front of the computer at this time, quietly looking at Ning Ji who was also sitting upright on the monitor.

In fact, normally, even when he met Ning Zi, his sitting posture was not so upright.

But this time things were different, especially the sirens that had just sounded. That's enough to explain a lot of things.

Zhuo Mingqian knew Ning Zi, so even if he didn't know whether Ning Zi would call up his image, he could at least show his attitude by sitting more upright.

Yes, attitude is really important at this time. At least that's how it seems to Zhuo Mingqian.

"I know about Chen Xi..."

The opening remarks are very concise, and people who are familiar with Ning Ju are used to it. This is the style.

Not to mention that most people in the base knew what Ning Zi was busy with and roughly knew his current location. If bandwidth is viewed as a resource, this call is expensive. This is indeed the case. Just for this communication to get the spacecraft out of the orbit of UN271, it cost a huge price, not only time, but also countless resources.

"I don't think I blame you for this, but I must blame you. Speaking more broadly, the base is responsible for the safety of the Earth-Moon Channel. Although it has always been safe in the past, safety has always been relative. We compromised five years ago Because of this, the International Lunar Management Committee was established, and then the member units of the committee had the right to pass the earth and the moon. Of course, I also admit that the member units also made some contributions to the lunar base.

But this does not mean that contributions can be offset by faults. I have carefully considered that if there are no other aerospace ships that do not belong to the base on the Earth-Moon Channel, this kind of thing will not happen again. Therefore, I have decided that the base will withdraw from the International Lunar Management Committee with immediate effect. At the same time, the base will take back the operating rights of all aerospace vessels leased to other units of the International Lunar Management Committee, and the Earth-lunar waterway will be taken back to the direct management of the base. "

In the real-time video, Zhuo Mingqian watched Ning Zi calmly make the final decision, continuing his previous style of flipping the table.

This made Director Zhuo twitch his eyebrows subconsciously.

It's not that he can get any benefits from the International Lunar Management Committee, but that he knows what this operation means.

Okay, now I'm going crazy.

He originally only wanted to kick Japan and South Korea out of the management committee. Zhuo Mingqian originally thought that his decision was very bold, but as expected, his structure was still inferior to this one.

But after all, everyone is no longer in their twenties. Things like flipping the table sound happy, and it may also be happy to execute, but the subsequent results are actually very troublesome, very troublesome.

But before Zhuo Mingqian could finish his emotion, the person in the video spoke again.

"What we just talked about is business, let's talk about some private matters next. You all know that Chen Xi is my student..."

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