Monkey Mountain Fights the Ghost Army

With a thought, he quickly put the cassock away.

Chen Qing said happily: “Xiao Qian, this is a cassock made of boundary stones. Even compared with the original version, it’s not much weaker!”


At this moment, the new general has begun to transform.

One divided into two, two divided into four, four divided into eight…

In a moment, many places were crowded together.

Looking from a distance, the mountains and valleys are covered with pavement.

Chen Qing had no idea about such big trends. He only thought that one hundred thousand should be available.

In the distance, Sun Wukong, who was squatting on the golden cudgel, chuckled: “More than people? I have one too!”

As he said this, he plucked out a bunch of hairs and blew them, and each hair floated into the air, turning into a bunch of hairs. Monkey holding a stick.

The number is uncountable.

“Children, come on!”

The monkeys shouted and rushed forward.

“Bear spirit, suffer death!”

Sun Wukong shouted and beat him with a stick.

The black bear spirit didn’t have any fighting spirit, so he picked up the long cherry gun and ran away.

The huge body stepped on the ground, and the whole earth trembled slightly.

With his current size, he could cover a hundred meters in one step and disappear without a trace in an instant.

Amidst the shouts of killing, countless monkeys and the general ghosts collided fiercely like two torrents.


The sound of metal collision, the roar of monkeys, the shouts of powerful ghosts, countless sounds intertwined together, forming a buzz that shook the world.

Wu Zhuangyuan’s voice suddenly sounded: “Master, I will fight!”

At the same time, Xiao Wusheng’s voice also sounded: “Master, I… I also want to fight!”

Chen Qing felt strange and released the two of them.

Wu Zhuangyuan is a martial arts fanatic and likes to fight.

If a young martial artist wants to dream of Li Yuanba, it may be beneficial to fight among thousands of troops.

Chen Qing felt somewhat uneasy, fearing that these two guys would die accidentally.

At this time, Gui Che also came to join in the fun: “Master, Master! I can advance to the next level!”

“Hold it!”

No matter what time it is!

No, you have to calculate a hexagram!

Chen Qing came to the third floor, and Mai Ma Liu knelt down to go through the process.

As he was about to finish reading, the prince was already standing in front of him.



Sign it?

Chen Qing frowned!

A very bad omen!

Mai and the prince also widened their eyes.

If it were anyone else, please come and sign, I would be so happy.

And Chen Qing, who had long been accustomed to Tai’s signature, felt awkward looking at this signature.

“Master, this is a good sign…” Mai explained: “If you shake it up and sign it, you are at least 99% sure of doing something.” ”

Only 99%?” Chen Qing frowned even more. Wrinkle: “This is too dangerous!”



The prince’s eyelids twitched.

Mai was speechless and choked.

Chen Qing returned to the arms of his personal secretary and signed the petition.

Qianmianniang said with relief: “Master, this is a good sign! Don’t worry, there will be no problem.”

At this time, Wu Zhuangyuan gradually got into shape.

The big tree in his hand looked like a snake or a dragon, and he danced it into flowers.

Sometimes it’s like a gun sticking into someone’s throat, and the inside is like a hammer hitting someone’s head, and almost no one misses.

And this guy is obviously a little crazy. He will beat the opponent to death regardless of whether he is a monkey or a ghost.

Every time he knocked down someone, he would keep a count in his mouth:

“One enemy! Two enemies! Three enemies!”

Chen Qing went to ask for a signature and now he had counted ninety-one enemies.

A one-meter-high mountain of corpses has been built under his feet.

“Ninety-two enemies!”

“Ninety-three enemies!”

The young martial artist on the other end was dumbfounded. He had a lot of brute strength, but he mostly fought with brute force and a little bit of skill.

Seeing Wu Zhuangyuan’s miraculous skills, his eyes gleamed.

“This martial arts champion is really great!”

Chen Qing sighed, while looking forward to the “Emperor”. If he canonize a bunch of martial arts champions, he can sweep everything here!

At this moment, in the distance, a giant four or five stories tall with two horns came slowly.

There was a stick about ten meters long in his hand, which seemed to be directly hitting the trunk of a certain tree.

With a wave of his hand, all the ghost soldiers and monkey soldiers within his body were beaten into pulp!

And wherever the giant stick passed, it became a deep ravine.

This thing doesn’t seem to have a bright mind, and it doesn’t distinguish between friend and foe, but it’s really strong.

A kick hit a boulder as high as a house.


The boulder shatters!

It exploded into tens of thousands of fragments. These fragments fired at an alarming rate and penetrated everything.

But as he was not satisfied, he lowered himself, pulled up a stone Buddha that was five or six stories high from the ground, and slammed it towards the densest part of the monkey group!

Boom! !

The earth shook!

The giant Buddha hit the ground hard, bounced a few meters, and rolled away.

Wherever they passed, a ravine two to three meters deep appeared, filled with monkeys that had been crushed into a pulp.

“This is ‘Yishan’, right?”

“Yes, Yishan ranked first in the “Hundred Ghosts List”.”

“One hundred and ninety-one enemies!”

“One hundred and ninety-two enemies!”

As he spoke, Wu Zhuangyuan still fights selflessly.

Gradually, Chen Qing saw that his long hair seemed to be filled with some kind of energy.




At this time, the black bear spirit who had been chased by Sun Wukong ran back to the battlefield at some point.

Crying father and mother yelling for help, passing through the most intense part of the battlefield.

How old is Black Bear Spirit now?

Twenty meters!

It’s twice as high as moving mountains!

Each foot can crush several innocent souls to death.

Sun Wukong, who was chasing after him, happened to see Yishan pulling out the stone Buddha and killing many monkeys. He was furious and the somersault cloud suddenly rushed in front of Yishan.

A stick!


Yishan’s head was shattered, his body stiffened, and he slowly fell down…

Sun Wukong let out a sigh and kicked him away.

The body fell heavily into a river valley not far away.

“Bear spirit, take your life!” Sun Wukong shouted, and quickly chased after the black bear spirit.

“Move mountains!”

Chen Qing was overjoyed!

Jin Buhuan has already collected a bag of gold ingots and has been unable to find any large creatures. Now is the time!

There were too many people here, and there was no guarantee that there would be other great powers in the underworld. Chen Qing did not use the golden light, but rushed into the river valley with brute force.

Yishan is falling into the river, and its huge size has filled the small valley, like a dam, which has accumulated a small pool of water.

What surprised Chen Qing was that another person also chased him here. He looked at Chen Qing coldly: “Friend, everyone who meets you has a share!”

“You have a share!”

Chen Qing cursed, and the ghost car suddenly appeared from behind him. , slamming it into the river.

Chen Qing immediately put away Yishan’s body and entered the third level with a thought.

Mai was shocked!

“Master…Master, Mai just forced her to ask for a signature yesterday. There is absolutely no way she can ask for another signature today!”

“I’m not looking for you!”

Chen Qing flashed a golden light, away from the many ghost pets, and came to the corner of the third floor. , took out Yishan’s body.

“Jin Buhuan!”

Jin Buhuan appeared jumping up and down, still with a skinny body half a meter tall.

The huge one-meter-diameter pocket on the back is already filled with ingots.

“Jin Bu Huan~Jin Bu Huan~~Jin Bu Huan~~~”

Jin Bu Huan jumped up and down and jumped into Yishan’s corpse.

The golden transformation started, and gradually spread from the chest to the surrounding areas. When it stopped, the golden transformation only covered a small area of the left chest… The body

of Yishan was really too big!

It is roughly estimated that it will take ten more times to turn the whole body into gold.

Qianmianniang’s voice suddenly sounded:

“Master, come and take a look, Wu Zhuangyuan seems to have realized some kind of magical power!”

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