Advancement, Ten Thousand Enemies

The current Wu Zhuangyuan is sweeping thousands of armies with every move!

The enemies are getting denser and denser, and their branches are getting longer and longer.

From one person per cubic meter, to ten people per cubic meter, to hundreds of people per cubic meter!

“Three thousand five hundred and forty-one enemies!”

“Three thousand six hundred and ninety-nine enemies!”

This guy should be good at math, but he’s still counting!

The giant that extended from his body was now as tall as a mountain.

As soon as he swallowed it, hundreds of soldiers collapsed and disappeared, as if a puff of yellow sand was raised.

There seemed to be a few more powerful ghosts behind them, and they spread out quickly.

Yanyun’s Eighteen Cavalry are charging into the battle, unstoppable.

At this time, the Shura girl’s ghost pet “Xianfo” slowly rose.

The two cymbals almost as big as him behind the small body slowly rose up.

Immediately, there was a heavy collision!

Clang! ! ! !

In an instant, hundreds of monkeys and ghost soldiers exploded into flesh and blood.

The Eighteenth Cavalry of Yanyun immediately changed direction and rushed towards Xiangfo. They used some kind of ability at the moment of running, and their speed suddenly increased!

Like an arrow!

Xiangfo probably didn’t expect Yanyun Shibaqi to be so fast, and the two giant cymbals hit each other hard again!

Clang! ! !

The brilliance shrouding Yanyun’s Eighteenth Cavalry was shattered!

But at the same time, their extremely sharp momentum has penetrated into Xiangfo’s body!


Without any obstruction, Xiangfo’s chest pierced, and a hole the size of a basketball appeared.

At this time, there was a whining sound in the sky, and a seven-eight-meter-long tree trunk had been thrown from the mountain, and in an instant it was on top of Yan Yun’s Eighteen Cavalry.

They wanted to disperse, but were affected by the sound of the Buddha’s cymbals and their actions became stiff.


The tree trunk hit Yanyun’s eighteen riders hard, and nine of them were turned into flesh on the spot. Two of them were seriously injured and it seemed that they would not survive.

The remaining seven Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry changed their formation into a Beidou shape and rushed towards the old abbot.

The momentum is like a rainbow!

Xue Di Zi quickly stood in front of the old abbot, his hands suddenly tore forward…

the heads of the two Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry fell in response!

But the long knives of the seven warriors had already penetrated the old abbot’s chest!


Master Qingtian threw out a lottery ticket!

The next moment, the old abbot appeared in front of him.

If he hadn’t been transformed, with Shura’s defense power, this sword probably wouldn’t be able to break her defense.

Chen Qing quickly pulled out the knife, and with a thought, Wu Zuo appeared and immediately treated her.

The incision was not deep, and coupled with his ability to operate, the wound healed immediately.

The old abbot looked a little pale. He nodded towards Chen Qing and looked at the battlefield: “Bring Sun Wukong over here!”

She seemed to have some kind of remote command ability?

The two Yishan Four hands pinched together and tightly grasped Sun Wukong, who was already entangled in the spider web.

There are three spider spirits on Yishan’s hand, and they are wrapping up layer after layer of webs.

And this net is bloody! It was even dripping with blood.

The Shura girl sneered: “This is Bodhisattva’s blood, specially designed to catch you, this monkey!”

Sun Wukong inside was slowly becoming silent.

Wu Zhuangyuan’s momentum is still rising!

He has long been the target of public criticism. If it were not for the protective cassock, he would have died countless times.

“Eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-two enemies!”

“Nine thousand one hundred enemies!”

He turned over and jumped again, rushing into the crowd again.

Wherever the long tree passes, everything disappears.

After scanning two more times, the number of people was already close to 10,000.

“Nine thousand nine hundred and nineteen enemies!”

The last shot!

Buzz –

A circle of golden light spread out from Changshan’s body, and hundreds of monkeys and powerful ghosts were annihilated.

Wu Zhuangyuan’s movements suddenly stopped.

Stand quietly.

The huge phantom slowly retracted into his body.

The golden light flowed on the armor, and the armor slowly turned into a golden helmet, the golden armor, and the company commander also turned into a golden helmet.

Wu Zhuangyuan slowly said: “This general… is an enemy of ten thousand people!”

Chen Qing was stunned!

“It turns out that the enemy of ten thousand people is the evil spirit level of Wu Zhuangyuan!”

“This guy has been talking about the enemy of ten thousand people, but he actually means this!”

At this time, Yishan picked up a giant stick and rushed over. .

Wu Zhuangyuan…should be said to be the enemy of ten thousand people. The enemy of ten thousand people slowly raised his eyes and looked at Yishan indifferently.

Throw out the golden spear!

Jin Hao appeared directly in front of Yishan without any warning.


Yishan’s head exploded into countless golden particles and disappeared.

With one card in the hands of ten thousand people, Jin Hao quickly recalled it in his hand. His tone was extremely cold: “This general… I am the enemy of ten thousand people!”

This is unreasonable!

Chen Qing grinned almost to his ears. Seeing that it was done, he took it back with a thought.

At this moment, a person appeared on the hillside.

Han Yuan!

He was sitting on a white horse, and beside him, there was a young general holding a spear. He was not old, but his aura was extremely sharp, as if it could pierce everything.

The spear in his hand had drank a lot of blood, and when the wind blew, it buzzed softly, like a dragon roaring.

Han Yuan shouted: “Don’t let them take Sun Wukong away!”

The young general ignored the audience and slowly raised the spear in his hand. His voice resounded throughout the audience:

“Everywhere the sun and moon shine is Han, and wherever the rivers are, everything is Han.” Your Majesty.”

“Those who offend our strong men!”

Thousands of soldiers and ghosts shouted in unison: “Even if they are far away, they will be killed!”

The voice penetrated thousands of mountains!

Following these four words, silver light appeared on all the soldiers and ghosts, and in an instant they all transformed into the Eighteen Cavalry of Yanyun!

The young general is the champion.

The spear in his hand is the Dragon Soul Hanwei Spear.


Following the young general’s command, thousands of Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry rushed towards the large group of ghosts with the power of a landslide and tsunami!

Eighteen Yanyun and eighteen riders can forcibly kill the evil spirit-level Ringing Buddha.

What will happen to the power of thousands of Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry charging forward?

Everything is invincible!

Everything falls apart!

Wherever it passes, the huge mountain-moving figure breaks into pieces if touched.

The layers upon layers of big trend ghosts seemed as if they never existed.

In front of Sun Wukong, a hundred-meter giant with six arms suddenly appeared.

The lower half of his body was buried in the ground, and he thrust his hand into the earth. The next moment, he lifted up a piece of land the size of dozens of football fields!

People on the ground were turned upside down, rivers poured in, and houses collapsed.

All the monkeys and the powerful ghosts fell towards the direction of the army.

This is the evil spirit level that moves mountains – the Mountain God.

The Champion Hou pointed the Dragon Soul Hanwei Spear in his hand: “Shock!”

All the soldiers shouted in unison: “Shock!”

The earth seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer the size of a mountain, and fell back to the earth with a crash!

The hundred-meter giant seemed to have been hit hard, vomiting blood and fell to the ground.

The old abbot stared at these terrifying enemies, gritted his teeth and said: “Pass!”




Four figures suddenly appeared:

a Taoist corpse-level Eternal Winter.

A Taoist corpse-level golden body Rakshasa.

A Taoist corpse-level black Rakshasa.

An evil spirit level Asura!

As soon as these four people appeared, the space began to tremble slightly.

Although there were only four people, the overwhelming momentum overwhelmed the entire audience.

The champion showed no fear, raised his gun and shouted: “Who dares to die!”

Thousands of Yanyun’s Eighteenth Cavalry shouted in unison:

“Who else would you rather me!”

Information that can be released now:

Wufu → Wu Zhuangyuan → Wan Human enemy →?

Make the holding ghost → move the mountain → the mountain god →?

Snow Girl→Snow Boy→Frost Sky→Eternal Winter→?

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