We have to protect the Ji family

“You… why are you here!”

“Clan leader!”

“Clan leader!”

Everyone stood up one after another.

Ji Wei nodded, “Thank you for your hard work, everyone.”

“Clan leader! Didn’t you say that after entering here, it will take at least twenty years before you can contact the outside world! Why did you come here only a month ago?”

Ji Wei sighed and was silent.

After chatting for a few words, Ji Wei and Chen Qing left.

Returning to the heavily guarded 16th floor, Ji Wei was still silent.

What did Chen Qing think of: “By the way, how did you clear your memory?”

“Dream-eating tapir.”

Dream-eating tapir? This ability is very good!

In order to enrich his “Hundred Ghosts”, Chen Qing immediately became excited when he heard about the new ghost species: “Do you know the whole lineage and spirit guide of ghosts?” ”

Wandering ghosts, evil ghosts and nightmares, evil spirits are Dream-eating tapir. I won’t know what happens next.”

Spirits are precious, even just their names are precious.

But Ji Wei’s entire family is now in the hands of others, so he has no choice but to hand over this precious news.

Ji Wei’s expression was always heavy.

He looked at Chen Qing and asked, “What do you think of Shura…”

Chen Qing raised his hand to stop him from speaking, and asked Qianmian Niang to use Forbidden Wind, and then said: “Continue.”

“I have a formation here, but they can’t listen. Arrived.” Ji Wei explained and continued: “What do you think Shura knows about the Ji family?”

With a thought, the general appeared in front of him.

“General?” Ji Wei was slightly surprised.

“He has a good brain and can help the general staff.” Chen Qing said, briefly explaining the current situation to the general.

The general nodded slowly and asked, “How is Shura’s behavior?”

“Domineering, super domineering.”

The general pondered and said slowly: “Since Shura has determined that the Ji family has rebelled, he obviously knows or has considered it important. Evidence. Whether it is sending bloodline fire to other places, or running a small world privately, the general thinks that it has not risen to the level of ‘rebellion’.” ”

So, the most likely thing is that round of high-sky sunshine. For others It’s nothing to humans, but to the ghost tribe, the bright sun in the sky is too deadly. Hiding this thing secretly is no different from hiding weapons and raising military horses in secret before.”

Chen Qing nodded, “I think so too. The question now is, Gaotian Yanyang is originally in a small world, and Qianji may only be considered a vague possibility. We can try to use ‘Yangzhao’ to take the blame.”

Ji Wei was silent.

With the wisdom of this old fox, it is impossible to think of this.

He is just calculating the gains and losses.

One of the bright sun and sunshine in the sky must be handed over.

But…who to choose?

After a long while, Ji Wei gritted his teeth and made a decision: “The small world is related to the life and death of the Ji family and the rejuvenation of mankind. We can’t hand it over!”

“Hand in on Yangzhao! And that miniature world. If you still can’t pass this level, I, Ji Wei, Even if you risk your life, you still have to protect the Ji family’s small life… Guangfu County!”

Chen Qing nodded: “Okay, you can choose the people who will be handed over together. If there are people in Guangfu County, give the list Give it to me and I will release it. Just this once.”

Ji Wei remained silent.

There was sadness and anger in his eyes.

Chen Qing looked into his eyes seriously: “Ji Wei, to be honest, in the crucial battle with Zhu Snake, you killed three Zhuguo, and the commander’s injuries were also caused by you! Your Ji family colluded with the Ghost Slayer Team Attack at the critical moment, and the human defenses fall instantly!”

“Your Ji family is guilty of Ximing City, and even the entire Tang Dynasty! Even if I kill all of your family, I will not feel a trace of guilt.” ”

But after developing Kai Ling Dan, it can be considered a significant contribution to the human race. I will not embarrass the Ji family in the county, but you must also think about how to give an explanation to the Tang Dynasty.” Being reprimanded by a

junior who had just touched the threshold of the Ten Yuan Realm, Ji Wei But he didn’t dare to say anything.

Although embarrassed, I felt relieved.

Chen Qing walked out of the door and left a message: “I will find someone to cooperate in this play. Get ready on both ends.”

The emperor can tolerate corruption by ministers, but he will never tolerate rebellion.

The Ji family will be stabbed bloody this time.

After walking out of Ji’s community, there were a few golden lights in the secret place and returned to the safe house.

It seemed like a long time to do this and that, but in fact, it had only been a day since Uncle Xia saw Chen Qing.

Uncle Xia is still listening to audio novels at 3x speed.

In the past, Chen Qing only heard a lot of blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blahs, but as his five senses strengthened, he could hear it clearly.

The house is still neat and tidy. As Uncle Xia said, he has lived in the garbage dump for so long. There is everything here, and it will only be better.

After chatting a lot, Uncle Xia was silent for a moment: “Xiao Qing, are you worried about something?”

Chen Qing was startled, “Can you hear this?”

“You don’t like to talk nonsense. But you did today. A lot of nonsense.”

Chen Qing was silent for a while and then smiled and said: “I haven’t gathered enough courage yet…” ”

Then don’t be too anxious. Some things need to happen naturally.”

Chen Qing was silent for a moment and nodded in agreement.

After thinking about it, he wrote on the leather: “I have something to discuss.”

This time, Han Yuan did not reply.

There was a long silence.

This made Chen Qing very uneasy.

Because “looking for Han Yuan” is also one of the four major tasks of the Blood Trial.

None of the captains of the Blood Ten Husbands, even if they are just reserve captains, are simple.

The current situation of the Ghost Control Army is too difficult.

The commander has died in the battle, and the people in the team are unstable.

Outside there are top powerful clans such as Shura Rakshasa Yaksha Dashi, as well as evil wolves such as Ji Family and Taiping Dao who are eyeing him.

Chen Qing sat silently at his desk, with communication leather in front of him.

like a statue.

like a statue.


time seems to have frozen.

Every time the hands of the alarm clock on the table move, it seems that a lifetime of effort has been spent.

Finally, two words scrawled on the leather appeared quickly:

“Wait a minute.”

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the situation of the Ghost Control Army is indeed difficult, but people are not dead yet, and there is still hope.

Waited another hour.

Chen Qing had nothing to do and went to the Demon Suppressing Tower to renew the soul power of Chen Man’s spider suit.

I returned to my desk and opened “Civilization 8”. I just played it absentmindedly. I usually played the game for several months, but this time I ended the game in shame as I entered the dark age.

After watching two episodes of the TV series, Leather finally wrote back:

“It’s not convenient for me, please come over.”

Chen Qing’s heart suddenly jumped!

Didn’t the leather fall into someone’s hands?

He quickly wrote:

“You are fake! Correct code!”

“You are fake! I am Tianyuan Taoist!”

After hearing this title, Chen Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With a few golden lights, he had already arrived not far from his destination.

He asked Guan Kui to release bugs to explore the surroundings. It took him half an hour to confirm the safety before entering.

“Hey! You’re so fast!”

Han Yuan was a little surprised.

It could be seen that he had just experienced a fierce battle. His body was covered in blood.

Chen Qing used Forbidden Wind and got straight to the point:

“We have to protect Ji’s family!”

With just one sentence, Han Yuan’s expression changed!

Looking at Chen Qing, his eyes were cold and he said word by word: “What did you say?”

Information that can be released now:

Nightmare → Nightmare → Dream-Eating Tapir →?

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