It’s a pity that he is human

Chen Qing is still working hard.

Suddenly three Rakshasa appeared at the door.

The leader Rakshasa sneered: “There is only one human being among the Blood Ten Captains. Are you Chen Qing?”

“It’s me!”

Rakshasa sneered:

“Humans, have you ever heard of Rakshasa’s rules and the rules of the Kingdom of God?” ? No matter what kind of ghost you get, you have to hand it over first. We don’t want it before it’s your turn. The same rules apply to other treasures and techniques! Get out of my way!” As he said this,

Rakshasa led two of his men and swaggered. Just enter the room.

Chen Qing stretched out his arm and sneered: “Why?”

“Just because I am a Rakshasa! You are a human!”

“Interesting.” Chen Qing sneered: “Asuras are higher than Rakshasa because of their strength or blood?” ”

Naturally It’s strength!”

“Yes!” Chen Qing shouted loudly: “I, Chen Qing, only value strength in my life!”

“I worked hard for many days to get it, but you, a red-faced beast, are so shameless! Give it to you? With these three of yours Are you trying to make a fool of yourself?”

Rakshasa was furious and struck directly with three pairs of fists!

The ten thousand enemy Jin Yan stabbed him, and the two collided hard…


The aftermath of the collision spread out, and the other two Rakshasa stepped back a few steps. His face looked shocked.

“Shura became the master of the human world. I accept it because of his strength! Without strength, who would dare to be superior!”

Following the words, Dragon Bone had already joined the battle.

Every Shura has the ability to fight across levels.

There are basically Rakshasa as well.

Among the same level, Rakshasa is also the most powerful ghost clan.

But no matter in front of thousands of enemies or dragon bones and skeletons, it is not enough.

If fighting in an open place, Rakshasa still has room to move around and struggle for a while longer.

But here, in the narrow passage, the bone chains of the keel are almost covered, making it inevitable to avoid them.

Just one second!

Puff puff puff puff puff…

Dozens of bone chains have been accurately inserted into Rakshasa’s body.

Then he straightened his six arms and legs and froze him in the air.

Chen Qing stepped forward and slapped Rakshasa on the face, “And you, this red-faced beast, are not even qualified to carry this hero’s shoes in terms of strength.”

After that, he shouted: “Kill him! ” Arm!”

Poof –

one of Rakshasa’s arms was torn off!

Then Dragon Bone threw him to the ground.

He cried out in pain, covered his broken arm, and looked at Chen Qing with fear in his eyes.

“Get out!”

Rakshasa’s body trembled and he quickly ran away.

Watching him leave, Chen Qing was thoughtful.

Shura and Rakshasa are bloodthirsty and cruel, but one thing is that there shouldn’t be a plot like beating the young one and then getting the old one.

What’s more, with Kui Bao and Kuan Bao, Chen Qing didn’t panic.

Get everything organized and put away.

Chen Qing came to the mall openly, dug a big pit, and buried four members of the Ghost Control Army.

Let the dragon bone move a wall four to five meters long and wide, and write: “The Tomb of the Unknown Hero of the Ghost Control Army.”

Then he left.

Not long after, a luxurious carriage slowly arrived, and the window of the carriage opened.

The sixth-grade Shasha shook his head and sighed: “Chen Qing behaves like an ancient Shura! It’s a pity that he is a human race. If he is a Rakshasa or a Shura, he will definitely become the pillar of our race.”

Luo Luohong shook his head: “Don’t be too embarrassed. Over-emphasis on bloodline. Shura and Rakshasa are not from the same clan.”

The seventh-grade Shasha nodded: “That’s right!”

About an hour later, Chen Qing sent a message to Luo Luo Hongfa:

“Shura, where are you? I have a surprise for you. Give it to you.”

Luo Luohong chuckled, “Do you think I don’t know what it is?”

After saying that, he sent a message back to Chen Qing: “You will participate in the banquet tomorrow. Give it to my father yourself.”

Look. Chen Qing was slightly stunned when he saw this reply.

Zundu and fake toot?

Is this an upgrade?

There is one day left before the banquet, and it will be ten days in the Demon Suppression Tower.

Every minute is precious these days and cannot be wasted.

The restoration of the boundary pillar is coming to an end, and Guangfu County is about to be merged into the dirty land.

The war between the dirty earth and the fire earth is in full swing. The general is at ease with tens of thousands of troops, and he can use his fingers like an arm.

Qianmian Niang, Chen Qing, and Chen Man practiced quietly.

Now the person guarding the safe house has been changed, replaced by Chun’er from the Abandoned Baby Tower.

——It’s that big girl Ga Li Hongya.

It has been more than half a month in the real world and half a year in the Demon Suppressing Tower. Her mood has stabilized, but Qianmian Niang knows Uncle Xia’s position in Chen Qing’s heart, so she still planted a poison in her heart.

In that era of cannibalism, how many girls were lucky?

Being thrust into the Abandoned Infant Tower at the age of ten already speaks volumes.

Girls from poor families are honest, responsible, hard-working, able to endure hardships, observant of words and expressions, and are careful in everything they do and every word they say.

Asking her to take care of Uncle Xia and the safe house moved her to the point of kneeling in gratitude.

Qianmianniang took Chun’er for two days. She was not very clever, but she was afraid of missing the opportunity that she regarded as “a great favor from heaven.”

After racking his brains and studying hard, he can basically use daily electrical appliances and take care of the family farm.

But because he is illiterate, he cannot view the messages on his mobile phone. I can only report every piece of news to Qianmianniang.

Chen Qing took the time to watch it once, and Chun’er almost wiped every crevice in the house clean.

As a modern person, Chen Qing tried to persuade her several times, but when he couldn’t persuade her, he just let her go.

Chen Man was still focused on practicing and had to set an alarm clock to force him to take a rest.

During his break, he watches documentaries.

Regardless of whether he is practicing or resting, he has the ability to interpret what it means to stand like a pine and sit like a bell. With his straight body and his ever-changing serious expression, Chen Qing is how he looks and loves.

The Internet-addicted young prince has become obsessed with “Hades” in the past few days. He has become a little obsessed. He often screams in a dark way: “Father, I will definitely kill you this time!”

Chen Qing is giving Feng Qing a Yang brainwashed.

“If you are successful, you can help the world; if you are poor, you can be alone

. What does this mean?” Feng Qingyang sat respectfully and thought for a while, “When you are not ambitious, you should clean yourself and improve your personal cultivation and moral character; when you are successful, you should be successful. Punish evil and promote good, and be a hero in the world!”

“Yes! The saints have said that when you are frustrated, you must take care of yourself. What about you? If you still hold the sword, you will always have the ability to do chivalry, but if you throw away the sword , and you were captured without mercy. Not only did you lose your own life, but you also killed countless people!”

Feng Qingyang frowned: “Disciple doesn’t understand! How could I kill people?”

“You idiot! Now the dirty land is attacked by demons from the Demon Cult. Thousands of people are killed and injured every day. How many can you save if you have a sword in your hand?”

“With a sword in your hand, I can save at least a hundred people a day.”

“Yes, but now you are injured because of your attempt to die! These hundred With no one to save them, they can only watch and wait for death! Tell me, did you kill them?”

Feng Qingyang was stunned.

His intuition told him that there was something wrong with this logic, but with his personality, he couldn’t find any loopholes.

“A hundred a day, three thousand a month, a year, you will kill thirty-six thousand people!”

“And this is just because of your stupid benevolence!”

“In the past, the master was mighty and powerful, and he was the best in the world. Only then can he travel around the country preaching and teaching. If he is a weak chicken and is beaten to death when he leaves the village, can he have thousands of years of Confucianism?” ”

No… no.”

Feng Qingyang listened, with a cold sweat on his back.

“In this life, you and I will encounter countless choices, and we are only mortals. We will have regrets in everything, more or less. At this time, we have to be more selfish and calculate the gains and losses.” ”

Think more, you have to spend your life in Save the three people in front of you somewhere. Keep your life, keep your sword, and save thirty thousand people who are in dire straits!”

Feng Qingyang suddenly knelt on the ground: “Disciple knows his mistake!”

Chen Qing scolded: “Go! I’ll punish you by facing the wall for a month!”


Feng Qingyang respectfully accepted the order and faced the wall seriously.

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the time. It was almost time for the banquet.

Put on the Thousand Faces Girl and return to the real world.

The sun has risen to eleven or twelve o’clock, which is very dazzling.

“Finally we are going to see the top of Asura.”

“This time, can we find out the news about God Asura…”

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