Little Zhuge

Arriving in Guangfu County, Xiao Zhuge had recovered.

But what he recovered was only external injuries, and he was still in the state of a human pig, with all his limbs cut off at the base.

She has a very cute and Q appearance, but is very cold and silent.

Chen Qing asked: “Are you Xiao Zhuge?”

Xiao Zhuge did not answer, but looked at Chen Qing calmly: “Thank you for your great kindness. Can you kill me?”

Chen Qing was startled, a little surprised, but looked at his miserable appearance. , not too surprising.

There was no agreement or rebuttal.

“Can you tell me the reason?”

Xiao Zhuge raised his arm with almost no flesh left, “Isn’t it normal to look like this and seek death?”

Chen Qing frowned and looked at Bian Que: “Can his hands and feet be restored? ?”

Bian Que seemed to have been thinking about this problem and shook his head: “Difficult.”


That is there is still hope.

This was the reason why Chen Qing didn’t kill Xiao Zhuge immediately.

Even if he becomes the ghost pet of the Demon Suppressing Tower, he will probably look like a human pig.

This is still too miserable.

Xiao Zhuge glanced at Chen Qing with some surprise, “You are different from Shura.”

“Definitely different. We talk about human nature.”

Chen Qing smiled: “Don’t worry, you are not that important to me. I have a brain myself, too.” It’s quite useful.”

What did Xiao Zhuge think of: “Are you the one who arranged to separate Bailong and Luo Hong?”

Chen Qing was slightly stunned.


Good guy, can you tell that it was Ben Bao who started the estrangement?

Chen Qing was a little surprised: “How did you see the estrangement?”

“Your arrangement is perfect, but there are also flaws. But I will only analyze the possibility based on the intelligence Bai Long knows, and will not dig out these flaws.”

Gui . , most of them have obsessions.

Chen Qing realized this understanding more and more deeply.

Little Zhuge is as smart as a devil. If he has obsession, it must be wisdom.

To be precise, he has a strong sense of superiority over his high IQ.

Sure enough, Chen Qing just mentioned that he had enough brains, and he started to refute…

Hahahaha, I was so anxious.

Chen Qing was suitably surprised, but still shook his head: “Flaw? This is a trap I carefully set up, there will be no flaws.” ”

Yes! And it is extremely fatal.” Little Zhuge looked straight at Chen Qing: “Just need I convinced Bai Long to talk to Luo Hong face to face, and all misunderstandings will be solved.”

“You are just quibbling. At their level, do you still expect to drink and eat meat together like they were when they were weak?”

Chen Qing was already quibbling.

But this view, which is too subjective and has no hard answers, is precisely the one that can be entangled the most.

For example, if you say this book has more gifts than the next door.

Numbers are the answer. If it is, it is, if it is not, it is not.

But if you say that the book Next Door is good-looking, the two sides can get along for a week.

When Xiao Zhuge wanted to prove his point and argued with Chen Qing, Chen Qing won.

But what Chen Qing didn’t expect was that Xiao Zhuge fell silent and did not continue to argue.

This little guy has to be tricked into joining the team.

Chen Qing changed her mind and continued to speak.

“Since you already know it’s a estrangement, why do you still want to help me?”

There is a very practical trick in psychology.

If you want someone to remember you, the best thing is not to give him something, but to owe him something.

If you give him a hundred gifts, he may not even remember you.

But if you ask him to do a small favor, he will remember you.

Therefore, Chen Qing deliberately said that Xiao Zhuge was helping him.

Xiao Zhuge is good at analysis, but he should not have any precautions against these little tricks.

He didn’t refute, and just said calmly: “I can’t say he helped. I just responsibly calculated the answer from the conditions he provided.” ”

If the conditions he provided were one plus one, my answer would be two.”

“And I didn’t. I don’t want to take the initiative to say this ‘one’, it may be false.”

“But it can be considered a big help!” Chen Qing nodded and said: “Asura is cruel, he must have done something to you.”

Little Zhuge fell silent.

The eyes are sad.

He spoke slowly: “Originally, we built our own tiny world. It was very small and life was very difficult, but we lived very happily…” ”

We often played chess, but later we felt it was boring, so we created many chess of our own, like Wang Qi. , Snake chess, chess played in the world, there are more and more elements, and the rules are becoming more and more complex, ranging from urban sanitation and the number of cats and dogs to the changes in the situation and court battles…” ”

Often after a game is played, the number has passed. Heaven, even longer.”

“Little Zhuge uses his brain and makes plans to increase his soul power. We have been deliberately controlling it, but in the last game of Heaven’s chess, my father and mother played together for a year, and they actually reached the level of the evil ghost silently. Tenth level.”

“But, which little Zhuge is willing to advance to the next level?”

“We are born with active brains, and we can never stop for a moment. Those who think too much are tired of their hearts, those who are heavy-hearted are painful, those who are wise are in pain, and those who are in pain are unclear. …”

“In the later stage of being an evil spirit, little Zhuge often went crazy. So he had to abandon the seven emotions and six desires, abandon the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and become a thousand machines that only know mechanical calculations.”

“But living like that, what’s the difference between living like that and dying? ”

So later on, my father and mother slept for a long time, trying to suppress the soul power. Only my brother and I were left, day after day, in front of and behind the house, slowly growing up.” ”


Little Zhuge Smile to yourself.

“I actually really believe that father and mother are sleeping for a long time…”

A deep sadness appeared in his eyes.

“I found out later that my father and mother gave up their lives. They just wanted to figure out a new path for little Zhuge.” “It’s just

… Before the path was figured out, Shura broke our little world.”

” It drove my parents to death and turned them into ‘Qian Ji’.”

“Before leaving, my father wrote two words to me: seeking sainthood.”

“I thought about it for a long time and guessed that it might be the path of Guiguzi. Follow the path of the Zongheng family.”

“The two little Zhuges are divided into two camps, one is vertical and the other is horizontal. Once you help one party to destroy the other, you can achieve a new evil spirit level.”

Little Zhuge said this and stopped. Mouthed.

He suddenly frowned, obviously finding it unusual for him to say so much to a stranger.

Chen Qing knew the answer he wanted.

He immediately put away Ye Ciao’er and asked Qianmian Niang to withdraw her magical powers.

Interrupting Xiao Zhuge’s thinking, “Then why are you seeking death?”

Xiao Zhuge, under the influence of Ye Xi’er and Qianmian Niang, had already said so much that he simply stopped hiding it and said in a deep voice:

“Human nature !”

“I can’t follow the path shown by my father, I want to try my own path!”

“I want to give Qianji humanity.”

“I want to use my life to awaken Qianji’s humanity.”

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