The General Trend of the Eighteenth Generation

Is it possible that there are such birds singing, flowers fragrant, wine pools and meat forests here because of Jade Ruyi?

Don’t know where this thing is?

Is it buried here, or is it set up in a magic circle.

Chen Qing was greatly moved.

Originally, this belonged to the prince’s baby, so it makes sense to take it back now.

Thinking about it in my mind.

But Yun Er looked thoughtful.

Isn’t this guy suspicious?

Chen Qing frowned and suddenly became murderous.

At this time, Prajna Dashi picked a lychee into his mouth, looked at the lychee in his hand, and said with a smile: “I took off the red robe, but I still have white clothes, and underneath the white clothes there is a fat black man. What kind of fruit is it?”

Chen Qing: “…”

No, big brother, you are on your side While looking at lychees, you make up riddles, are you afraid that I won’t be able to guess them?

Chen Qing thought hard for a moment, and finally said with a solemn expression: “This riddle is so difficult, I guess… it might be a lychee!”

Prajna pouted, threw the lychee heavily to the ground, and picked it up with four hands: “Hmph! It’s your turn. !”

Chen Qing thought for a while: “Yu Ruyi’er can run into the sky, and Yu Ruyi’er can go underground. Tell me, where is Yu Ruyi’er today?”

“Ha! Yu Ruyi’er is at the bottom of the peach blossom pond every day!” Prajna The general situation was overjoyed: “Wrong, wrong, wrong! Your question was wrong, wrong, wrong! But I don’t care, I guessed it right!”

Chen Qing was overjoyed.

But his face was ugly: “You actually guessed it again? Hey… Prajna Dashi really has great wisdom!” ”

Of course!” Prajna Dashi asked again: “Little girl, enjoy the cool night. Bring a silver needle and hang it Silver bag. The stars are twinkling and the clouds are beginning to rise. The sparrows are catching birds but the food is not cold. Tell me, what kind of festival is this? “What

kind of festival is this? ”

Who knows!

Chen Qing was about to ask Qianmian Niang when he saw Yun’er step forward: “Chief Commander, the people of the Bailong family are going in the direction of the eighteenth generation!”

Hiss… not good!

Chen Qing set off immediately.

Prajna General was not happy at the sight, and for some reason, he suddenly appeared in front of Chen Qing. He stood on three legs and opened his four hands to stop Chen Qing: “The winner hasn’t been decided yet!”

Chen Qing turned around and was about to go around. The general trend of Prajna appeared in front of me again.

Huh? !

This guy has something!

But Chen Qing didn’t have time to fight with him at the moment. He waved his hand and said, “I can’t guess! You won, I’m a fool!”

and left quickly.

“Oh…” Prajna murmured.

He won!

But it’s not fun to win!

where is the problem?

The brain is flawed! He couldn’t figure it out!

Chen Qing hurried on, his teeth itching from the rush.

If there wasn’t this thing beside me, I could just rush over with a golden light and tie up the person.

On the way, let’s take a look at who the big trend in Loulan is.

Go to the bottom of Peach Blossom Valley again and look for opportunities to play with Yu Ruyi.

There is no reason why such a good thing should be cheap.

But now Qingqingcao is following, Chen Qing has no choice but to grit his teeth and hurry on.

And then…

it was too late.


This is a mountain col with a very gentle slope.

But it’s already densely packed, and it’s all a general trend!

At a glance, there are more than a hundred thousand people in the general situation, covering the mountains and plains, like grass on the prairie.

These general trends have surrounded the people of the Bailong family.

The Bailong family is also quite large, with two to three hundred in total.

Five of them have amazing momentum!

A black Rakshasa.

A golden Rakshasa.

A minotaur.

An old man with green air all over his body sat in a green mist that looked like air and hairballs.

The last one is a huge stream of water floating in the air.

Especially the last one, which seems ordinary but is breathtaking.

Chen Qing has a water-fire boy who can distinguish the bloodline of drowned ghosts and can feel that this water flow is at the level of Yin God!

Naturally, it is not as good as Baidi’s Qiancheng River, but it should also be a very famous Baicheng River.

“Bian Que, I have an old man here with green energy all over his body. Is he the Poison Immortal?”

After Chen Qing told him his appearance, Bian Que immediately said, “He’s the Poison Immortal! Master, you must be careful, he is poisonous.” It’s not curable at all! It may not even be curable.”


Chen Qing responded solemnly.

An Asura stepped on a disc, suspended in front of the Poison Immortal. He said loudly: “In the peach blossom situation, the Luo Hong family bullies their own people and kills innocent people indiscriminately. Why are you so stubborn!” With

just one sentence, the group exploded.

“Bullshit! It’s none of our business to kill yourselves! Are you bothered by the chatter in my Peach Blossom Valley?” “That’s right

! You brothers have pig shit in your head and insist on killing each other. It doesn’t matter. It’s our general trend!”

“Go, go, go! I won’t follow anyone! You all get out!”

“Yes! All get out! Otherwise, we will drown you all here with just a spit of spit!”

“Get out!!”

” Get out!!”

In a moment, the voices became one, and more than 200,000 people roared in unison, which really had the momentum to shake up the world.

“Open your eyes and see clearly the trend of the peach blossoms! There is a Poison Immortal beside me! But Baichengchuan! What I am not afraid of the most is your human sea tactics!” ”

Ha! Come on then!”

“We are afraid of you!”

“Mother Pi! Brothers! Beat him to death!!”

“Yes!! Beat them to death!”

“No one is afraid of death. Come on!”

“Kill! Kill them!”


“Kill !!”


At a certain moment, the voices became one again. The sound shook the valley.

Chen Qing’s heart moved.

With a wave of his hand, Shuihuo Boy’s short body appeared behind a peach blossom.

With a gentle rub of his hand, a fist-sized ball of water and fire appeared in the middle of the general trend…

While countless generals were scolding and spitting, the ball of water and fire suddenly exploded!

boom! !

The ground shook violently!

The area with a radius of more than ten meters was either reduced to a pulp or blown up into the sky. Broken limbs, minced meat, blood, and soil were splashed across half of the slope.

The general trend was slightly suffocated.

Chen Qing was about to take the lead in making trouble.

However, he saw Da Shi, who was very close, holding a big ax and rushing towards Bai Long’s house regardless of the risk.



“Kill these pigs!”

“Avenge us!!”

In a tense situation, any misfire would detonate the whole place.

Not to mention such a big bomb.

Chen Qing secretly gave Xiaohu a thumbs-up sign and quietly put him away.



Asura, who was standing in the middle, was furious and gritted his teeth.

Of course he could see that it was not his family who did the trick, but it was useless to say anything at this moment!

We can only fight!

Asura gritted his teeth and waved his hand…

buzz –

the whole place froze slightly.

The bodies and clothes of countless Dashi who were close to him turned gray-white, like paper figures.

I saw a paper moon rising in the sky!

Asuras and Rakshasas are physically powerful, so they basically follow the path of physical cultivation.

But this Asura turned out to be a rare ghost cultivator.

The Poison Fairy sat in the green poisonous mist, scratching his flesh with his sharp nails.

Dark green blood suddenly flowed out.

It drips into the Baicheng River.

Chen Qing’s figure kept retreating.

I was greatly moved:

There are so many people here, it’s a good opportunity for the general to gain military glory!

Suddenly a voice beside him sounded: “Master Jufu, don’t worry! Master Bo Xun is here!”

Looking back, he saw that it was the big-eyed guy he had sent back to move the reinforcements.

Bo Xun?

The king of Rakshasa?



that can be announced now:

Doctor → Wu Zuo → Bian Que/Nan Gu → Medicine King/Poison Immortal →?

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