The Third Commander

Back in the real world, the sun was already slanting around six o’clock.

“It’s going to be a blood moon again…”

Chen Qing muttered, and if he didn’t notice, it had been almost two months since he was reborn.

The second blood moon in the previous life was a disaster for Chen Qing.

But this time…

Chen Qing tried hard to convince herself to be more careful.

But there are very few things that really make Chen Qing care.

If it weren’t for Xue Luohong, Bo Xun, and a certain Yasha boss, Chen Qing would now be qualified to challenge Shura in Banxi Ming City.

But be careful. If you regain the city, you will definitely become the target of public criticism. Then five or six Asura kings will come and repair you from head to toe.

Therefore, be restrained and keep a low profile.

It is always right to accumulate food widely and become king slowly.

But this time, Chen Qing’s plan is to take advantage of the chaos of war to eliminate Shura’s vitality as much as possible.

At the same time, catch some more people.

It is still too far away to reach the “civilized” level just by relying on the population of Guangfu County. It will take at least one or two generations, and we cannot wait that long.

But you can’t go door to door to arrest people, right?

Now nine out of ten rooms are empty. How many arrests can be made in one day?

After thinking about it, I still need to hold a meeting…

to brainstorm ideas.

Returning to the dirty land, with a thought, the champion is still sitting on the battlefield.

With his deterrence, the generals are at least ten miles away from this blood-stained land.

That’s called Xiao Zhuge.

After calling Xiao Zhuge back from the general’s shoulder and Han Yuan, Chen Qing expressed his thoughts.

“Robbing people?” Han Yuan was stunned: “No, I am a god! Am I the one who does this kind of thing?”

“You chicken-feathered god! Even a god is a reserve!” Chen Qing rolled his eyes at him: “And now we are doing it The important thing is to save people! The intensity of the second blood moon ghost wave is at least twice as strong as the first blood moon ghost wave. How many of them can survive without me?” ”

Hiss… is it so serious?”

Ichibian Whatever method the magpie used, small sprouts sprouted from little Zhuge’s limbs, and it would be just around the corner to grow complete limbs.

He thought for a while: “Lord, you said that nine out of ten houses in Ximing City are now empty?”

“Yes! They are almost dead.”

“It would be too slow to search from house to house. It’s best to let them come in person.”

“Oh? Say? Say!”

“What do the people of the world want? Just a way to survive. In the year of famine, if you say where there is food, they will flock there.” “In the year of war,

Liu Xuande gave up one hundred thousand people just in the name of benevolence. The common people dragged their families and families to accompany him to the death, and even more common people came all the way to join him.”

Chen Qing nodded slowly.

This little guy’s brain is really good!

“Tell me more specifically.”

“Simple. My lord, don’t you have a hidden sedan? Put a note in it and write something to follow so-and-so to save your life. Just sprinkle some in Ximing City. You can also find a few voices. Big ones, shouting all over the street. Of course, the person being pushed out must be somewhat famous. ”


But the method can be improved.

What era is it? It’s just a matter of throwing notes, but it’s just a matter of occupying a base station and sending group text messages… Hey, I wonder if mobile phones still have power now?

After thinking about it for a while, I really need to print some flyers.

But who should we choose among the people who are introduced?

Han Yuan could have done it, but now he has become a naked brat.

“Don’t think about it. Just use the name ‘Golden Scale’ for the publicity. You will introduce it sooner or later anyway. Just use the ‘third commander of the Ghost Control Army’ as your identity.”

Chen Qing was stunned for a moment.

For some reason, when he heard this name, his heart trembled slightly.

This is identity, power and responsibility.

Han Yuan frowned: “What? Is there a problem?”

Han Yuan said slowly: “Everything you have done now is already. Even better than the commander.”

Chen Qing was silent for a while.

He wanted to say that he was just a villain who wanted to take revenge and repay kindness, but speaking from conscience, what he had done had long gone beyond that.

Chen Qing laughed loudly: “Hey, this is not playing house. Where is the appointment letter? It must have an official seal or something? Just say it is?”

Han Yuan rolled his eyes at Chen Qing: “I am speechless…”

With that, Han Yuan He walked up to Chen Qing and said, “Let’s go to the first floor of the Golden Pagoda.”

Chen Qing was startled and looked a little stiff.

But he still held the two little things in each hand, and a few rays of golden light reached the first floor of the golden pagoda.

There were many supplies piled up in an orderly manner on the ground.

Firearms, bullets, heavy weapons, Kunwu knife.

There are also many silver metal boxes with passwords, which are very thick.

The 100-inch TV I watched last time is still there.

There is no change, everything is the same.

When Han Yuan saw it, he was suddenly in a trance.

After a while, Han Yuan said: “I am really convinced, no, no one said what you have to do after opening the box! You haven’t opened all the boxes?” Chen

Qing said angrily: “If it belongs to Shura, Whether it’s stealing or robbing, I don’t have any psychological barriers. But this is the last wealth of the Ghost Control Army! How can it be justified if I take it?”

Han Yuan also scolded: “You are also a member of the Ghost Control Army!”

“Yes. Come on, come on, stop talking. Tell me what it is.”

“That box.”

Chen Qing walked to the box and said, “Where’s the password?”

After saying that, Chen Qing saw the note on the box: “Password 928356”

Chen Qing rolled his eyes, and in order to cover up his embarrassment, he complained: “Aren’t you afraid of falling into the hands of others?”

Han Yuan looked at him like an idiot.

He left so many clues, so naturally only Chen Qing could find this place.

Enter the password and open the box.

There is something like a bank K token inside, and the numbers jump every once in a while. It should be for anti-counterfeiting.

In addition to this, there are two letters, four very exquisite notebooks, and various large and small seals next to them.

Chen Qing already knew what this was.

For some reason, my heart was not happy, but slightly sad.

Picking up the letters, one was covered with wax and read: “Hu Qihai and Tao Guanzhi need to open it together.”

One letter said: “Chen Qing receives it.”

Chen Qing opened it carefully:

Chen Qing, when you see this When I wrote this letter, I was already dead, so there was no need to feel sad. My death should have been worth it, right?

I gave you the code name “Golden Scale”. You are a smart person and you should know my little thoughts.

There are too many traitors in human beings. The old man doesn’t know who to believe, but you can. Han Yuan is trustworthy, but his intestines extend from his mouth to his butthole. He is too pedantic and upright to do anything.

Just take pity on me, this old man, the third commander of the Ghost Control Army of the Tang Dynasty, and just obey.

I prepared two sets of appointment letters, one for appointing “Chen Qing” and the other for appointing “Jin Lin”.

Old man, I have misjudged that beast Ji Wei once in my life.

At other times, my vision has always been very accurate, and you are the perfect choice for the third commander.

Just take pity on me, please.

The letter ends here… No, there is more!

At the end, it was written in handwriting two sizes smaller:

If you don’t agree, I will kneel down and beg you. The USB flash drive contains a video of me kneeling. The old man wasn’t kidding.

If you agree, save some face for the old man and destroy this USB flash drive.

Next, there is really no follow-up.

Chen Qing was silent.

Suddenly the appearance of this old man whom he had only met twice appeared before his eyes.

He sighed and casually crushed the USB flash drive beside him.

Qiang smiled and said: “Isn’t he just a commander? I’ll take it!”

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