Sword Immortal versus Taoist Corpse

The young man’s figure was thin, as if he could fall down if the wind blew.

But Lobby Stone’s eyes were solemn and he didn’t dare to be careless at all.

What a terrifying sword intent this is!

Soaring straight into the sky, like a dragon roaring.

Lobby Stone’s heart seemed to be pinched by something at this moment.

If this human’s golden scales were not indestructible, even if they risked their lives, they would die together with him.

But since he is indestructible, there is no point in fighting him.

Without hesitation, he took one step forward, with six arms like six walls, and slapped him hard!

Feng Qingyang took a step aside…


Six palms were struck, and the earth shattered! Suddenly there was a pit with a radius of ten meters on the ground.

But Feng Qingyang actually stood firmly in the gap formed by the six palms, jumped back, and while he was still in the air, a sword fell at his feet, holding him firmly.

Qianmian Niang’s heart almost jumped out of her chest, and she was furious: “Feng Qingyang! Are you crazy! Stop doing this! Have you forgotten what your master said?!” With

this slap just now, her heart skipped a beat. trembling.

With Feng Qingyang’s body, even if this palm scratches him a little, he will become a pile of meat!

Feng Qingyang flew up with his sword, drawing a big circle with one hand, and the sword box behind him opened like a fan.

A sound of sword sounds was heard, and nine swords slowly flew out of the sword box.

The complexion of the golden Rakshasa changed drastically!

These nine swords are all peerless swords with sword spirits!

He had forgotten how long it had been since he last saw the sword spirit, but nine sword spirits appeared here in a row!

The sharp sword intent filled the entire world.

The hair on those who were closer stood up inexplicably.

The stone in the lobby stares at the nine swords.

He doesn’t dare to run!

He cannot be faster than these nine swords!

He didn’t know how to hide or block it!

In an instant, he understood.

This place today is his burial place.

Then let’s die together!

As long as you can touch this young man, you can kill him!

There is a glimmer of life!

The lobby stone roared, golden light emanated from his body, and he ran towards Feng Qingyang.

“Sword Swinging Style!”

Nine swords came out at once!

But strangely, it didn’t go to his vital parts, but slashed towards his legs.

One sword!

Right in the middle of the thigh.

The sword energy was suffocating, and it cut in for a full foot.

At the same time, the second sword had already struck, hitting the wound exactly, and the sword energy was spit out again, entering another foot!

The third sword strikes at the same time!


golden blood burst out!

A thigh that was five meters long and one meter thick flew away from the body and hit the ground heavily.

With a rumble, the entire ground shook.

The golden Rakshasa lost his balance and collapsed!

But the moment he fell to the ground, he used his hands as his feet and bounced on the ground! Pounce on Feng Qingyang again!

This change is like a rabbit rising and a falcon falling, only in an instant.

Lobby Shi’s face flashed with ecstasy!

There are only two steps between him and the young man!

At this time, Feng Qingyang’s sword hilt was cut down again, drawing an arc in the air.

An unimaginably terrifying sword energy was a hundred meters long, raging towards him.

Lobby Shi’s body came to a sudden stop, his hands acting as his feet put all their strength on the ground, and his body flew up.

When he was in the air, he heard an indifferent “Sword is coming”.

And the next moment, he was stunned.

In the sky, countless swords suddenly appeared, rushing towards him like a torrent.


clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang

clansman and so many swords! there are too many swords!

There is no way to avoid it.

The stone in the lobby squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, golden light rippling from his body.


Like raindrops falling into the pond, the golden light makes countless ripples.

At a certain moment, the golden light broke through with a crash.

The remaining flying swords were densely packed and clanking across his body.

Sparks fly!

In an instant, nearly a thousand flying swords rushed past.

These flying swords seem to be just ordinary long swords, but with a weak sword energy.

After the attack of thousands of flying swords, the golden skin on his body had been cut through.

Poof –

a few drops of golden blood splashed down.


a few more drops of golden blood.

And this is only within one second.

And behind, there are hundreds of thousands of flying swords!

The more than a thousand flying swords at the front shot out sparks and made a clanging sound.

Later, the clanging sound turned into a chirping sound like the sound of cutting cowhide, and instead of sparks coming out, there were dots of golden blood.

In just an instant, these specks of golden blood turned into a torrential golden rain!

The flying swords that washed over the body of the golden Rakshasa were all more or less golden.

In just ten seconds, there was no more intact skin on the golden Rakshasa’s body.

The golden blood brought out dyed the entire street golden.

Hundreds of thousands of flying swords passed by together, and thousands of them were broken into two pieces. If they were smashed into two pieces, they fell next to the golden Rakshasa and were pushed half a meter high.

Feng Qingyang stood on the flying sword bush, half a foot white hair without wind, eyes filled with snow and white light.

The golden Rakshasa roared several times, put one foot on the ground, and slowly stood up.

At this moment, he seemed to have fallen into a strong acid, half a foot of his skin melted away, and golden blood gurgled out from all over his body.

“You are strong! Better than me…”

There is no need to struggle anymore.

He could see that the human boy’s weakest point was defense.

If you have a black Rakshasa, there are countless ways to die together, but you are a golden Rakshasa.

If you miss the first opportunity, you will never have another chance.


Is this the legendary sword fairy?

If he tried his best, he might be able to kill hundreds of small soldiers and ghosts, but he was a king against a king and a general. How could he kill just a few soldiers and ghosts?

“Come on!”

He stood up alone, with six arms spread out, “Show me your strongest sword.”

“As you wish.”

Feng Qingyang clasped his hands together!

In the sky, two swords suddenly flew to Feng Qingyang’s bare hilts.

Then, the second, third, fourth…

the sword quickly grew longer.

Three feet, one foot, ten feet, one hundred feet…

At this moment, Feng Qingyang was already holding a giant sword hundreds of meters long in his hand.

The body of the sword is golden in color, simple and heavy. On one side are the sun, moon and stars, and on the other side are mountains, rivers, and vegetation. On the hilt are the techniques of farming and animal husbandry, and on the other side are the strategies for unifying the four seas.

The entire space trembled violently, and space cracks appeared in the clear sky.

The lobby stone was shocked.

Looking at this sword in disbelief.


This is a soul-shaking power!

It is extremely powerful and dignified, as if this sword is the master of the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, able to command the six paths and control the stars!

It’s worth dying under this sword…

Rakshasa is a warlike person, and being able to die under such a royal sword is the best destination for a hero.

Worth it.

Feng Qingyang’s long sword advanced.

Qianmian Niang said anxiously: “Feng Qingyang, keep his bones!”

Xuanyuan Sword touched the forehead of the golden Rakshasa and stopped abruptly.

At this time, all the flesh and blood of the golden Rakshasa was completely wiped out, leaving only a bare skeleton.

There was a roar and he fell to the ground.

Smash the asphalt road into pieces.

But Feng Qingyang’s body froze slightly, Xuanyuan Sword collapsed, and hundreds of thousands of flying swords fell to the ground like soul-destroying birds.

While still in the process of falling, they all returned to Jianshan Mountain.

Qianmianniang felt better now.

The aftermath of Xuanyuan Sword’s sword energy crushed at least dozens of soldiers and ghosts who were close to him.


Feng Qingyang just doesn’t have a good brain.

Why use this killing move to kill someone who is bound to die?

With Xuanyuan Sword’s CD, at least Feng Qingyang can’t be counted on in this battle.

But she was also very happy because Feng Qingyang’s strength was confirmed.

“Master! Feng Qingyang killed a golden Rakshasa one on one!”

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