Kunlun Dragon Veins

The summit is finally over.

Chen Qing suddenly appeared on the spot…

that is, in the air.

The Soul Eater has disappeared, and so has Liang Luohong.

With a golden light, Chen Qing landed lightly on the ground.

very dark.

Dust, ashes, fog.

Like volcanic ash after a volcanic eruption.

A thick layer of gray has accumulated on the ground, and every time you step on it, there is a gentle “poof”.

It’s quite fun.

If Zhong Kui were here, he would probably be able to roll around and have a lot of fun.

“Kui Bao…”

Chen Qing called softly.

“What’s wrong?” Zhong Kui seemed to be still sleeping, his voice was confused.

Chen Qing felt relieved when he heard that he was still in the service area.

This time when I went to the blood pool, I didn’t know what dangers lay ahead, so I felt more at ease with Zhong Kui around.

At that moment, Chen Qing smiled and said: “Oh, it’s okay, you change your position and go back to sleep.”


After comforting Zhong Kui, Chen Qing asked again: “Xiao Qian, have you ever entered the boundary barrier?”

“Of course there are. . The boundary barrier is the natural boundary of the ghost mansion. The two sides of the boundary barrier are so different. There are never two pieces of the boundary barrier that are the same.” “Not even one


“Probably not. The boundary barrier is because of the two sides. The worlds are formed by squeezing each other. If the attributes of the two worlds are similar, they will merge into one world~” That’s right

“In addition to soul-eating monsters and other things, the barriers in the ghost mansion also have to be careful of robbers. Those evil ghosts like to hide the most. You’re harming people in the boundary barrier.”

The two said and moved forward slowly.

With the Thousand-faced Lady protecting her body and the golden light stretching across the ground, Chen Qingzhen couldn’t beat her, so she turned around and flew away.

Chen Qing took out the Blood Token.

He already knew that this thing could transmit messages, but he had not yet figured out the principle and method.

Will it be the same as beetle leather?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw a few lines of small words on it:

“Where are you!”

“Are you safe?”

“Reply!” ”


“Chen Qing!”

“This Princess Luo Luohong cares about her master very much. .”

“She naturally cares about such a strange man like your master.”

As he spoke, he wrote on the blood token: “I’m fine.”

There was no movement…


it was a bit embarrassing!

How should I use this thing?

After thinking for a while, I input a little soul power…

in an instant!

Chen Qing felt like “taking him over”.

That’s how to put it.

It was like reaching out in the dark and suddenly grasping a handle.

Each groove on it fits perfectly with the palm and fingers.

Chen Qing’s thoughts came to mind: “I’m fine.”

Thinking of this, three words appeared on the blood token: I’m fine.


It’s actually a thought input!

The technological content of this thing is even higher than the voice input method.

“Where are you?”

“I’ll pick you up.”

“Are you still in the barrier?”

The words popped up quickly.

Chen Qing replied: “You’re still in the barrier, but I don’t know where you are.”

“The barrier is too confusing and I can’t sense where you are. You need to get out of the barrier first.”


Chen Qing moved towards it based on his feeling. Several golden lights in one direction.

The ash and black mist faded.

After a few quick steps, he had crossed the barrier.

The world is clear again.

But now the sunset has set, the sky is clear and cold, and the blood moon will come again soon.

He took out the Blood Token and said,

“I’m coming out.”

“I sense you! Wait for me!”

In just one minute, a cloud chariot flew over quickly.

Luo Luohong’s face turned red, her hands were trembling slightly, and she said angrily: “Why are you so ungrateful! There are 10,000 ways to drive away the Soul Eater. Are you crazy to feed it?” ”

Didn’t the princess say this? Is it dangerous? I’ll use my body as bait to lure it away.”

“Luring you… luring you…” Luo Luohong was furious and pointed at Chen Qing. She might have wanted to scold Chen Qing, but she couldn’t. I couldn’t say it either.

Finally, Henhen put down his finger: “Humph!”

Chen Qing straightened his chest: “I’m right! I will do the same if Shura scolds me!”

Bailu Luohong sneered: “Let’s go!”

The three of them got on the cloud chariot, Luo Luohong Still angry.

“It’s so stupid! It’s so stupid!”

“Then what do you think we should do?”

“You!” Luo Luohong gritted his teeth, and the flying cloud chariot suddenly stopped.

Luo Luohong pulled two slender white fingers from her forehead, pulled out a wisp of soul energy from her forehead, rubbed it a few times, and the soul energy turned into hair. She took Chen Qing’s hand and tied the hair with it. Chen Qing’s hand.

The hair disappears the moment it is tied.

Luo Luohong’s body swayed slightly, but her face was still filled with anger.

Bailu Luohong looked at all this in shock.

He looked at Luo Luohong blankly: “Are you crazy?!”

Luo Luohong waved his hand, and Yun Nian flew into the distance again. His already fair face became a little pale, and he ignored Bailu Luohong.

And Chen Qing…

didn’t feel it.

To be precise, this thing is tied to Qianmianniang…

“Uh… Xiaoqian, what is it?”

“I don’t know. But it seems to be able to connect souls together.”

Qianmianniang paused: ” Do you need me to destroy it?”

“Don’t leave it for now. It might be useful.”

This thing should be able to be located.

On the cloud chariot, Bailu Luo Hong still frowned: “Are you crazy?”

“I want to keep track of the movements of my Blood Ten Captain at all times. Is it wrong?”

“Are you lying to yourself?”

“Stop talking. .”

Luo Luohong shook his head and ignored Bailu Luohong.

The cloud chariot is very fast.

All the way to the west, the terrain gradually becomes flat, and mountains and plateaus slowly rise again.

Gradually, the mountains and rivers became higher and higher and became more and more deserted.

The top of the mountain gradually became covered with snow.

As the cloud chariot headed west, the snow cover gradually grew larger, and finally the entire mountain range was dyed white.

The whistling wind at this time was already full of chill.

“This is Kunlun…”

Chen Qing thought to himself, having grown up memorizing Kunlun’s poems since he was a child.

For example, I smiled at the sky with my horizontal knife, leaving my liver and gallbladder intact.

Another example…well, it’s just…


anyway, that’s what it means.

Kunlun is a sacred mountain in China.

It’s where the dragon veins are.

Even if Chen Qing’s cultural level was only noble, when God Asura chose this place for the blood pool, he knew it was very sinister.

“The evil being, by choosing the blood pool here, probably had the idea of killing two birds with one stone. Firstly, it can use the dragon energy here to strengthen itself. Secondly, it can destroy the destiny of the human race.”

“I know.”

” Really?”

“Looking for a fight?”

“I don’t dare, slave~”

At this time, just with the naked eye, Chen Qing also faintly felt something different.

This mountain range…

why does it look more and more like a winding dragon the more I look at it?

If according to common sense, the blood pool should be at the faucet, wouldn’t it be easy to find someone who knows Feng Shui?

With this in his mind, Chen Qing did not hesitate and asked directly: “Shura, even though I don’t understand Feng Shui, I can still see the dragon veins here. If the position of the God Emperor is at the dragon’s head, wouldn’t it be easy to find?”

“Of course he is not here. There.”

Luo Luohong said with a smile: “Many years ago, the dragon’s veins were severed, and the blood pool is at the heart of the dragon underground.”

“The blood pool is made from the blood of the entire dragon.”

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