He is eating the God Emperor

Zhong Kui seems to be unable to use the teleportation method now that he is in harmony with heaven and earth.

Chen Qing was stunned: “Kui Bao, can’t you remove the law of heaven and earth?”

“If he regains his true body now, it will explode directly.”

Zhong Kui shook his head: “Kuibao has eaten too many Asura gods, their essence The blood is so strong that it needs to be digested for a while.”

Chen Qing’s eyes lit up: “Kui Bao, if you digest all this this time, you should be able to get a lot of benefits, right?”

Zhong Kui was slightly startled.

Suddenly his eyes lit up: “Is this treasure going to be an Asura divine treasure?”

After thinking about it, he still shook his head: “No! They are too ugly.”

Zhong Kui said hey: “But this treasure is not far away from becoming a saint in the physical body! In the future, if We can still see those ancient figures, so we need to have a good competition!”

Oh my goodness!

What level of explosive news is this!

In this way, Zhong Kui protected Fugui and ran all the way.

The Asura gods worn on Zhong Kui’s fingers howled like strings of talking dry food.

After Fugui finished eating one, Zhong Kui took another one and gave it to him.

After a long time like this, Chen Qing was stunned: “Huh? Why didn’t those things come after me for so long?”

“They must be afraid of this treasure.”


Just right, save yourself the trouble.

It won’t be too late to look for them after Fugui has completely grown its wings.

All was calm.

Chen Qing looked at the vast pool of blood, with waves roaring and crashing.

But my heart couldn’t be calm for a long time.

Because of Zhong Kui, the greatest danger in life is turning into the greatest opportunity step by step.

A lifeless game turned into a crushing game.

The feeling of making a comeback is so great!

Time passed slowly, and the wings of wealth finally grew.

Chen Qing’s heart was full of pride: “What do you

think, would it be nice to follow the boss?” Fugui looked at Zhong Kui with fear and admiration, and raised his hands in the air, probably as a gesture of surrender.


Good guy!

Your real boss is me! !

I! ! !

Although… Zhong Kui is indeed a little stronger than Ben Bao.

Zhong Kui frowned, grabbed Fugui like a bottle of water, pressed his head in front of Chen Qing, and almost pushed half of his body into the ground.

Fugui’s bones crackled all over his body.

“If you dare not listen to Qingbao, I will beat you to the bone!” Fugui

immediately faced Chen Qing and raised his hands high.

Chen Qing: “…”

“Let’s go! Four Wings!”

According to Chen Qing’s estimation, the Second Wing should be a powerful existence in the Yinshen.

If he only fights with his physical body, he will definitely be the top Yin God.

The four-winged magical power should be on par with Yin gods like Bo Xun.

And the six wings…

are already beyond measure.

I’m afraid it already belongs to the existence above the Yin God.

Chen Qing’s eyes were fiery.

When the blood pool opens again, he will bring back the power to reverse the situation!

Chen Qing can’t wait!

What kind of expression should Shura make when he sees the Shura ancestor in his hand?

“Go, go, go, go!”

“Get four wings!”

and in the real world.

Kunlun, outside the blood pool.

More than a dozen Shura Kings with monstrous auras gathered at the entrance of the Blood Pool Cave.

The body of the blood elder who was killed by a sneak attack by the white dragon was placed in front of him.

In the middle is a woman in a bloody dress.

She stood indifferently, her face as white as paper. There was a blood tree above her head, and blood drops condensed on the blood tree.

Each one exudes a terrifying aura.

She is the Blood Princess at the summit.

She stood indifferently, and all the Shura kings lowered their heads and dared not speak.

Luo Luohong’s body was stiff and her expression was ferocious.

For some reason, her body was twitching.

“White Dragon betrayed, Xue Luo Hong died in the battle, and Hun Luo brought outsiders into the blood pool.”

Xue Ji looked at the Shura Kings indifferently:

“Sixteen Shura Kings cannot defeat Chang’an.”

“What kind of teachings have I made in this palace? Waste!”

A Shura King whispered: “My Lady, if there are eighteen Shura Heavenly Demon Arrays that can break Chang’an, Bailong and Xueluohong didn’t come…”

Xue Ji looked at him coldly.

Suddenly, the blood at the base of King Shura’s arm boiled.

With a pop, his right arm fell to the ground without any warning.

King Shura’s face turned pale, but he did not dare to speak.

“Because of you losers! I have to come here. If I can’t get back to the stone ship…”

She glanced at him.

King Shura was silent and did not dare to say a word.

At this time, Luo Luohong was twisting on the ground.

Her eyes went straight and suddenly turned pure black in an instant.

The voice was dull and cold:

“Outside…Shura, open…open…the blood pool!”


Everyone’s expressions changed drastically!

This means that unprecedented drastic changes have taken place in the blood pool.

This is never the case! Never! Something that never happened.

Blood pools are always broken from the inside out.

The Shuras are waiting outside, waiting for the new emperor to be born.

But right now…

what does this mean?

It was the first time in countless years that a foreign race was brought in, and such a catastrophic disaster occurred!

Xue Ji looked ugly and murmured: “Is this the foundation of the human race? Why is it that after planning for thousands of years, the ending is still the same…” “The

human race has been weak for five thousand years, but its destiny is still so strong…”

At this time, Luo Luo Hong’s face twitched, and his voice was slow, but it seemed like he was screaming:


“Blood pool…invading…monster…”


“He is…killing me !!”

Xue Ji looked ugly and gritted her teeth: “Okay! Okay! Okay!”

From Luo Luohong’s intermittent voice, everyone gradually gathered a very terrifying fact: In the

current blood pool, someone broke into A certain peerless power of the human race.

And this great power may be planning very early.

Judging from the fact that he colluded with Bai Long to break the blood pool, this man took everything into consideration.


maybe Shura’s millennium layout is all part of his plan.

“Bring Thousand Chances!”

In a moment, Thousand Chances were brought.

There is no Qianji that replenishes soul power, just a plain, foot-long roll of parchment.

A drop of blood fell from the blood tree on Xue Ji’s head and dripped on Qianji.

A billowing mist of blood suddenly rose up from Qianji’s body, and it instantly became one foot in size.

Xue Ji’s idea is very simple.

If the blood pool is opened in advance, it will only be a incomplete God Emperor after all.

If it can’t be opened, it won’t be opened.

The use of Qianji is very skillful.

But Xue Ji naturally knows.

To put it simply, if you ask it who is the most beautiful, it has no answer.

But if you ask who has the biggest eyes, it will immediately give the answer.

In the same way, if you ask who is stronger, there is no answer.

If you ask who has the most energy and blood, you will give a standard answer.

“Who has the most vitality in the blood pool?”

Blood mist boiled on Qianji.


it stopped.

Xue Ji’s eyes narrowed slightly, and another drop of blood dropped.

The blood mist boils on Qianji.

The blood mist rolled and entangled in the air.

In a moment, Zhong Kui’s appearance was formed.

He was picking up an Asura god and stuffing it into his mouth!

A chill ran down everyone’s spine. What the fuck is



How did this monster get into the blood pool!

The most important thing is that he is actually eating the God Emperor! ! ! !

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