Floating Eyes

Candle snake? !

Chen Qing was a little surprised.

The three towers are integrated into one, but Chen Qing really has no precise idea of where the first three floors are located, except for the fourth floor that borders each other.

This little guy doesn’t look very smart, but he is still the same as before, no matter what he looks at, he gets to the essence!

“Okay!” Chen Qing was about to leave, but turned back: “Xiaoman, do you want to go with me?”

Chen Man shook his head, “If I go, he will disperse.”

Chen Qing was shocked again!


What level of existence are you now, my little man!

I secretly tested it with a ghost watch…


Chen Qing: “…”


Is Chen Man Wuxiang to Guibiao?

“You’re stupid!” The prince whispered, “You’re using something used to detect ghosts to test the gods?”

That’s right!

Chen Qing slapped his head. He looked at the prince in surprise: “You have changed!”

“Tell me! Is there some spirit that has taken over my Taijun’s body?”

“Go away! You are the Taijun! Your whole family is too Jun! You can call me a pig, You can’t call me a Japanese pirate! You are the Japanese pirate! Japanese pirate, Japanese pirate, Japanese pirate, Japanese pirate!”

“Okay, okay, okay!”

Chen Qing waved his hand.

OK, now confirmed. Still a treasure of my own.

Saying a thought, he appeared on the first floor of the fire tower.

Chen Qing’s complexion changed slightly!

When Bai Bailong opened his ancestral soul ring that day, the ancestral soul contained in it was the soul of Zhu Snake.

Chen Qing transformed into Bai Bailong and deceived a lot of information from Zhu She’s mouth, including that the blood pool was located in Kunlun, and that Huo Tower and Black Stone Square each had a ticket for the stone ship.

Candle Snake claimed that he was seeking a way out for the Three Realms.

After realizing that he had been deceived, Zhu She was so angry that he wanted to beat Chen Qing, but Zhong Kui soaked him with snot and turned him into a crystal ball.

What Zhu Snake said may be crazy, so you can’t believe it all, and you can’t believe it all.

But at least it makes sense logically:

I want to go to Shichuan, but there may be fog there →

I need a pair of eyes to see through the fog →

I need the [actor] spirit guide, because the Monkey King at the Mengzhen level has “Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes” →

Various targets Sun Wukong’s arrangement was actually set up by Chen Kuan and Bai Di, and they were killed in Chuntai Fang →

After Chen Qing got the fire tower, he really found the ticket for the stone ship – of course, the premise is that the four or five-story high wall If the slate is really a ticket.

At the very least, it makes logical sense to put it this way.

What I can’t figure out now is:

Candle Snake is closely related to Shura. It may be a relationship of worship or even symbiosis.

Xue Ji has been spending all her energy looking for the tickets, but Zhu Snake has hidden two tickets under Shura’s nose.

This is unreasonable.

Chen Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, not too anxious.

Because Chen Man has pointed out that the candle snake is still in the fire tower!

The first floor is not big, so you can see everything in just a moment.

Chen Qing quickly reached the second floor.

The golden light kept flashing, looking around.

After a dozen golden lights passed by, Chen Qing stopped.

In the distance, an eyeball was floating in the air, with bloodshot eyes all over it.

He was looking around quickly.

——It’s like a person’s eyes shaking crazily in extreme panic.

This eyeball is the candle snake!




“Where is the road!?”

“I can’t see it!! I can’t see it!!”


“Fog! Fog! I need to see through the fog!!”

Chen Qing listened and his eyes narrowed.

How could his soul turn into an eyeball when he touched it?

Could it be that the obsession with finding supernatural powers is too strong and that he has become some kind of crazy person?

Thinking in my heart.

Now that you have found it, there is no rush to do it.

Look what he’s going to do.

His eyes suddenly drifted out for a moment, then paused, his eyes wandering around wildly.


“Where on earth is it!”


“I want to find the road!”

But for a long time, he kept repeating these words frantically.

Chen Qing frowned.

I didn’t intend to intervene, but if I wait any longer, it seems that I can only repeat these few sentences.

With a thought, the fat doll appeared in front of him.

When Ye Ciao was a child, he could only strengthen and deepen his negative emotions. When he was a Fat Baby, all emotions could control him.

Especially the simpler the mind, the easier it is to be controlled by the fat doll.

For example, children, such as gold cannot be exchanged, royal power and wealth, evil from the past, ten thousand enemies…


Chen Qing was suddenly stunned.

Damn it, what’s wrong?

Has our house become a shelter for the mentally retarded?

After a moment of pause, Chen Qing said, “Fat doll, I want to ask this question, please think of a solution.” The

fat doll was pink and cute, except for the fact that her skin color was abnormally white, and she was very cute.

He nodded and immediately jumped up, clapping his hands and laughing as he jumped: “Fat baby~Fat baby~Fat baby~”

There is a process of brewing emotions.

Chen Qing and Fat Baby followed the floating eyes and moved forward slowly.

Suddenly the fat baby tugged on Chen Qing’s trousers.

“Is it possible?”

Chen Qing took a breath.

Suddenly there was a golden light, and Chen Qing came to the eyeball, almost eye to eye.

Qianmianniang’s mind control method was also used!

His eyes froze slightly.

He stopped looking around and focused on the sky.

Chen Qing asked word by word: “What are you looking for?”

“”The Guide to the Road”!” ”

“The Guide to the Road”! “The Guide to the Road”!”


Chen Qing’s brain felt like it had been hit by a sledgehammer. !

His consciousness suddenly fell into a trance, but he suppressed it and wrote down the name despite the severe pain.

My brain hurts so much.

Chen Qing had no choice but to sit down as a golden light flashed in the distance.

After waiting for a while, Chen Qing asked: “Xiao Qian, have you heard of what Zhu She said?”

“I haven’t heard of it.”

Chen Qing frowned.


There was an inexplicable chill down my spine.

The name of this thing matches what Zhu Snake said before.

Could it be that he was really looking for a way out?

For the Three Realms?

That’s a bit bullshit.

After thinking about it, he repeated his old trick. With the cooperation of Fat Baby and Qianmian Niang, he weakened his mind and disturbed his remaining soul, and Qianmian Niang asked the question.

But Chen Qing had already left the golden light before he could tell the answer.

——I’m smart, and I won’t do something like this where I’ll be hugged for nothing.

After a while, Qianmianniang came to report, and it was still the same scripture.

Tried three more times and still only got this answer.

Chen Qing fell silent.

There is no other choice but to kill!

This thing should be regarded as one of the crazy ghosts. If he is killed, he will be collected by the Demon Suppression Tower.

For example, Jin Buhuan and Fat Baby are simple-minded and cannot speak, but this thing can make sounds and should be able to ask questions.

Turning his hand, a bronze sword appeared.

A golden light flashed, and Chen Qing appeared in front of the eyeball.

A sword flashed…

the bronze sword passed directly through the eyeball.

But his eyes were like a shadow, still looking around in fear.

A bit troublesome.

Chen Qing frowned, thinking of something.

Suddenly a golden light came in front of the ticket.

It’s really outrageous to say it’s a boat ticket.

Because this is a huge stone wall with a radius of ten meters.

It was erected three or four stories high.

The strange patterns on the stone wall are intricate and intertwined into seemingly irregular patterns, but they are also irregular.

Chen Qing’s idea is very simple. Since this is one of Zhu Snake’s obsessions, he should have a reaction after seeing the ticket.

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