
When we found Han Yuan, he was… not naked.

According to Han Yuan, he is regarded as a reserve for the gods. Perhaps because of this reason, he has grown very quickly. One day is ten days long.

At this moment, he looks like a six-year-old child, almost the same as Chen Man.

“You haven’t replied for so long, what’s wrong with you?”

Han Yuan didn’t need to hide anything. Chen Qing immediately told everything about what happened these days.

“What a fool!”

“What a fool!”

“Oh, what a fool!”

Han Yuan’s eyes widened. Every time he came to the key point, he immediately urged: “Then what, then what?”

Until the end, Han Yuan was still excited. It’s hard to control myself.

“Awesome! 666666!”

“With this Asura God, you can’t walk sideways when you see Asuras again?”

“What a chicken feather!” Chen Qing poured a bucket of cold water: “Hundreds of Asuras came out God! Even if you think about it with your knees, these things must have gone to Shura.”

Upon hearing this, Han Yuan also calmed down: “Hey… won’t the days to come become more and more difficult!”

” No matter what, the soldiers will stop him and the water will cover him.” Chen Qing looked at Han Yuan thoughtfully.

This guy didn’t react at all when he heard about God Asura. Is this the god of heaven?

“Stop talking about me, look at your boy scout.”

“Haha! Watch it, hold your chin, don’t drop it!”

Han Yuan was proud and led Chen Qing to a huge stone room.

Inside, there were blah blah blah, hissing and harsh sounds intertwined together.

Chen Qing took a look…

what a guy!

There are already a hundred mummified children here.

His buttocks were bare and his whole body was as dry as firewood. The face is roughly similar to that of a human being, with a pair of eyes without the whites of the eyes and a completely black body.

They can basically be seen as copy and paste, the only difference being the horns on the forehead.

Some are just small protrusions, and some have grown into shapes, like sheep horns, wide and rough, with horizontal edges.

“What abilities do they have?”

“There are so many!” Han Yuan said proudly: “Invulnerable, extremely fast, everything on their body is a weapon, and they grow at an alarming rate.

“By the way, we already have a number, it’s called ——” Han Yuan stared at Chen Qing with cold eyes: “Huang! spring! ghost! infant! ”

Chen Qing: “…”

Chen Qing was speechless for a moment, “No, this name is even more exaggerated than Tianyuan Daozu. Can we not be so second-rate? “You know nothing! ”


Yuan said angrily, “It doesn’t matter, just the name, whatever you like!” ”

“Okay, okay, okay, okay. ” ”

After chatting with Han Yuan for a few words, Chen Qing sorted everything out. He

originally went to see the six-eared macaque, but he was still in the process of training, so he didn’t care.

Let Mai draw a lot…


That’s it. .

With a thought, Chen Qing has come to the real world.

This should be the Hengduan Mountains.

He didn’t care, and the golden light continued to shine.

Occasionally passing by a city, naturally, all of them were occupied by Shura.

To Chen Qing’s surprise, these cities The high-level Shura people here are very weak.

Basically, an Asura is already the top power.

This made Chen Qing unable to react for a while.

He was already used to fighting with beings such as King Shura and Golden Rakshasa.

Looking at it today, it was just Suddenly, he discovered that many cities were just silver and gold games, but he had always been the king of games.

There were Shura who would not kill the bastards.

There were people who would not pick up the idiots.

Chen Qing suddenly put on the royal robe, flew up from above, and appeared in the city openly and honestly. Above the center.

Without Zhong Kui, the Fa Tian Xiang Di at a height of half a kilometer in Ximing City would naturally be unable to be used.

But it is useless.

“Shura here, listen! I am the third commander of the Ghost Control Army, Jin Lin! ” Come and fight! ”

Chen Qing summoned the ancient evil, and then let the monkey come out, and released his ancient evil.

One of the two ancient evils, one specializes in killing Shura, and the other specializes in killing Rakshasa. With these two ghost pets, The Shura in this small town can no longer make waves.

Chen Qing summoned the Water and Fire Boy to suppress the formation.

“Golden scales?” What it is! ”

An Asura appeared in the middle of the city with a bunch of Shura and Rakshasa, with a menacing momentum.

But the next moment, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Looking at the ancient evil, he felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart: “Then What is it! ”

In the city, many people poked their heads out tremblingly.

A man who looked like a skeleton and covered in skin staggered towards the window: “The Ghost Control Army… Is the Ghost Control Army still there? how could it be possible. ”

City center.

The killing has begun!

Chen Qing’s ancient evil is the first to strike!

The red knife is thrown out, and the moment it is released, the red knife disappears. Without a trace of delay, it has been inserted directly into Asura’s shoulder.

“Hehehehehehahahahahahahaha Ha ha ha ha! ”

Gu Zhilai smiled ferociously, and his body suddenly appeared in front of Asura, grabbing the handle of the knife. His

huge body was extremely flexible, and when he was dragged aside, Asura’s shoulder split open.

Asura was shocked and angry, He retreated violently.

But before retreating far, a white sword suddenly appeared on his chest.

The next moment, the huge figure of the ancient evil suddenly appeared!

Two giant palms slapped together hard!


Asura’s head exploded Broken!

This is an Asura!


All the Asuras and Rakshasas were frightened, “Run away!” ! ! ” Escape! ”

! ”

Gu Zhilai laughed ferociously:

“Hey hey hey hey hey! “Hahahahahahahahahaha! ”

He laughed violently and tore Asura into dozens of pieces.

At this time, the monkey’s ancient evil spirit also moved! With

one jump, he was already a hundred meters away!

His body fell to the ground like a cannonball!


Ten shapes appeared on the ground . The inside of the rice-sized pit has been broken into a spider web.

Two large knives were slashed into the void like meat. The

fleeing Shura’s back cracked open, and most of the bones were visible.

And the Rakshasa was there. Not so lucky.

Some were broken into two pieces at the waist while running away, and some were suddenly broken into seven or eight pieces.


A deep trench with a length of a hundred meters appeared on the ground.


Another one!




The whole earth was torn apart, like a cutting board that had been used for several years.

The Water and Fire Boy timidly hid behind Chen Qing. With every boom, his body trembled violently and he was about to cry.

The battle ended quickly.

The two ancient evils had been killed until their eyes were red.

But there was no choice but to kill.

Chen Qing summoned the Netherworld Team.

They had Chen Qing’s mark and could enter and leave the Demon Suppression Tower at any time without being contaminated by the breath in Guangfu County.

Hidden. A sedan appeared.

It was equipped with high-power speakers.

Ten people got down one after another.

They looked at Chen Qing with wild eyes: “Master Jinlin! ! ”

” Lord Jinlin! ! ”

Chen Qing was slightly startled.

There are four new faces?

Chen Qing didn’t plant mind poison on them, so how did they come out?

“Master, it’s me! me! Yin Jiao became proud, “I can come out with it! ”

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