Ghost Mansion

“I have something important to do, so I won’t go on this trip.”

Boss Shu was stunned and shocked: “With my Taoist friends’ magical powers, how can I get one of several treasures and why not go?”

Chen Qing said flatly. Said: “If you live as long as me, you will also let go of these external things.”

Boss Shu stayed for a while and slowly nodded: “My fellow Taoist’s vision is indeed not as good as mine! I am not talented, but I will put those few things down.” Objects are more important than the sky. That’s it, let’s say goodbye.”

As he said this, he waved his hand and saw that Chen Qing had returned to Ximing City.

Looking at this once bustling city, it has now become a dead city.

“Goodbye, Ximing City.”

With a pinch of the space ball, a crack opened in front of his eyes.

The existence time is extremely short, but with the acceleration of the law of time, it is enough for Chen Qing to get in.

With one step forward, Chen Qing has stepped into an extremely unfamiliar land.

Dark, gloomy, cold, vast.

There is a bright moon in the sky, emitting gray light.

The terrain is somewhat similar to grassland, with slopes and valleys, but not much undulations.

The plants are rare and it is rare to see one.

At this time, the cold wind suddenly rose, whistling and cutting into the earth like a knife.

The next moment, Chen Qing’s expression changed!


Not like!

This is a pair of wind knives!

Bang –

bang –

some exposed stones were blown by the wind knife and broke into many pieces with a crackling sound. The fragments flew away, making the nearby sand and gravel ground cratered.

Chen Qing was protected by the royal robe and possessed by the Thousand-faced Lady, so he was not afraid of this stone.

He was also amazed.

Good guy!

Is this wind knife an accident, or does it happen every day?

There are probably very few wandering souls who can withstand this wind knife.

With this thought in mind, Chen Qing slowly moved forward.

Where is Chen Kuan?

Logically speaking, he should take his own.

Do you want to crush another one?

Chen Qing thought for a while and shook his head.

There’s only one left, so save some.

But…how to find Chen Kuan?

Really his grandma’s.

I feel like an unaddressed letter now!

Chen Qing sighed.

“Xiao Qian, where is the human race?”

“The three thousand ghost mansions in the underworld were granted by the King of Hell, occupying the place with the strongest ghost spirit. But since the King of Hell disappeared, various ghost kings have proclaimed themselves kings. Anyway, the land of the underworld is vast and boundless. Boundless, I am afraid no one can count the ghost mansions big and small nowadays.

“It is said that the human race is in the ghost mansion in Zhongzhou. That was the core ghost mansion, and its prosperity was comparable to that of the human world. But many years ago the sun died and fell into Zhongzhou, causing the earth to collapse and the abyss to appear. Countless heroes have been fighting there for more than a thousand years. ” Legend? ”

Chen Qing was startled, “Have you never been there?” Qianmian Niang smiled bitterly: ”

Master, do you know how big the Yigui Mansion is?” “Is the Tang Dynasty as big as that? ”

More than that. ” “Qianmian Niang shook her head, “Each ghost mansion spreads tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of miles, and the ghost mansions are always growing, and new ghost mansions will always be born.

“The evil spirit level of the salesman is called Xingjiufu, and the Taoist corpse level is called Baifu Gong. Those who can do Baifu are already first-class people, and their knowledge is as vast as the abyss~ “You must know that the

underworld is vast and has barriers. The worlds on both sides are completely different, and there are many crises. Just like the wind knife just now, it is as common as wind and rain in the human world. In some places, natural and earthly disasters, ancient evil places, may hide the evil thoughts of some peerless demon. Even if A person like Master Chen Kuan can only hide.

“What’s more, the most indispensable thing is bandits, demon cults, evil cultivators, and evil ghosts. Being able to travel to many ghost mansions is also a symbol of strong strength. The slave has lived for many years in vain, but is weak in strength. The ghost mansions he has visited It can only be counted in one palm…”

At this point, Qianmian Niang solemnly warned: “Master! Why is the underworld always growing, and new ghost mansions are constantly being born? A great master once said that every ghost mansion, It is a small world of death. Such a world is inherently full of all kinds of evil thoughts.

“The better ones may produce some weather conditions such as wind, knife, fire, rain, poisonous miasma, and the worse ones, the entire ghost mansion will be full of evil thoughts.” There is no return. ”

Chen Qing was stunned.


is a little bit scary!

If it is true as Qianmianniang said, this place is composed of the corpses of countless worlds after death, the vastness will reach an appalling level.

Moreover, In theory, there seems to be no upper limit.

“The earth dies, the sun dies…then will the moon die?” ”

“Yes! That is Moonset. But unlike the death of the sun, the death of the moon will be gentler.

“The death of the moon is called moonset. Legend has it that the moon’s corpse will turn into invisible, colorless and tasteless ‘water’ as thick as a mountain, which will drown all living creatures in the area covered by it. The place covered by the moonset will be It was a tragic disaster with no survivors, but after a few decades, this place will become a treasure land with first-class ghost energy.”

Chen Qing was amazed and asked: “How strong is the ghost energy here now? ”

It’s very low. It’s probably not the Three Thousand Ghost Mansion. Even if it is, it’s one of the lowest among the Three Thousand Ghost Mansion.”

Having said this, Chen Qing had a little understanding of the underworld.

To put it simply, the three thousand ghost mansions canonized by the King of Hell are genuine ghost mansions with ID cards. It is also the most prosperous and wealthy ghost mansion.

The other ghost mansions are all wild ghost mansions. Barren and vast.

Of course, no matter how barren the ghost mansion is, there will be countless crises and countless opportunities.

“Then what should we do when we go to Zhongzhou Ghost Mansion? We can’t walk all the way there, right? How long will it take?” ”

If we go, I’m afraid we will only be able to get out of two or three ghost homes in our lifetime.” Qianmian Niang said with a smile: “But There are teleportation arrays in all three thousand ghost mansions! Except for a few ghost mansions that have encountered unknown crises and have not been heard from for hundreds of years, the other ghost mansions are all remote, and you can always get there if you go around a few times. Especially the Zhongzhou ghost mansion. , a first-class prosperous place.”


Zhongzhou is equivalent to a big city.

There are many direct flights to various places.

“Then let’s go! Uh… where are we going?”

“I don’t know… and I don’t have a map or a moon stone.”

“The moon stone is a compass?”

“There are two kinds. One is similar to a compass, but it points. The moon. One points to the nearest teleportation array.”

Beidou navigation in the underworld.

“Then we have to get one.”

Chen Qingzheng said, and suddenly a crack appeared in front of his eyes.

Chen Qing’s golden light was already far away, looking at the crack coldly from a distance.

An extremely huge figure appeared.

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief and said happily: “Brother!”

“There was an accident and it has been solved.” Chen Kuan nodded, “Let’s go and have a look at our human base.”

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