Advance and retreat together?

Chen Qing turned his head, opened his eyes in the center of his left hand, and tried hard to look at the direction of the stone wall.

Originally, these eyes were not very controllable. Once they were opened, they would be forced to see to the end, as if a light was sweeping across them.

He was also forced to see many strange and messy things.

Very annoying to the eyes.

I have been practicing on the stone wall for the past three days, which is considered a small achievement.

At this moment, Chen Qing let his body float toward the stone ships, but his eyes were fixed on the stone wall to see where they were flying to.

After a while, the lantern led Chen Qing through a huge gap that was a thousand meters high and forty to fifty meters wide.

The lantern seemed to have completed its mission. The light spread out, turned into yellow mist, and penetrated into Chen Qing’s body.

Chen Qing’s eyes narrowed slightly.

After thinking for a while, he summoned a Shura immediately.

It was used when he was locked up in the Demon Suppression Tower and planned to be beheaded in public during the trial meeting.


The blood mist exploded from Shura’s body, and some kind of force drew out all the blood in his body.

He was shocked and angry, but his body kept rattling, and a gray and black color spread quickly, turning into a stone sculpture.

Chen Qing’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Sure enough, if you want to cross the border illegally, you can’t.

Try again.

This time, a soldier ghost appeared in front of him.

Chen Qing was nervous and looking forward to it.

everything is normal!

very good!

This means that ghost pets should be able to play.

After testing step by step, he finally confirmed that all his ghost pets could play.

With a thought, the Thousand-faced Lady was draped over her body.


As expected, it’s more comfortable to have my own personal secretary.

I’m used to it, when the Thousand Faces Girl is not on me, it’s like she’s not wearing pants. Not only is it cold, it’s also very insecure.

At this time, Chen Qingcai looked at the environment here.


Unimaginably huge!

There is a roof here, a hundred kilometers above the ground. It was so huge that there were even clouds in the sky, which were floating slowly, and unknown birds were slowly passing by among them.

Chen Qing looked at it, feeling shocked.

I don’t know if it’s a cabin or a small world somewhere.

The size of this ship has been calculated in terms of thousands of kilometers. If it is a cabin, it seems reasonable.

A golden light flashed into the air. From a distance, the ground seemed to be a huge boulder, and the overall appearance was relatively flat.

But once it hits the ground, there will often be bumps or subsidences of more than ten meters high.

Chen Qing was thoughtful, and with a thought, little Zhuge appeared on his shoulder.

“Little Pig, what do you think?”

“Please call me Little Zhuge…” Little Zhuge rolled his eyes, “Master, isn’t this a place for some kind of gigantic giant?”

It’s outrageous.

But…it’s quite reasonable.

After all, the stone ship is so big.

Just like this ground, maybe the floor at home is magnified 10,000 times, and it is just as bumpy as before.

Chen Qing summoned Pegasus and moved forward slowly.

The further we walked, the more I felt that Xiao Zhuge was right.

Especially when I saw a giant plant that was nearly fifty kilometers high, and this plant was planted in a giant stone pot that was rough and as big as a mountain.

The eyes of the candle snake opened.

The skin of the giant plant has become transparent, and there are huge channels in the stems, which are transporting powerful spiritual energy.

Continuing to look, the roots were not only rooted in the stone basin, but also penetrated deeply into the boulders underground. They penetrated deeper and deeper, and huge spiritual energy quickly entered the ground.

Something’s not right…

Logically speaking, don’t the roots of plants absorb nutrients from the earth?

Why is it the opposite here, sending spiritual energy to the earth?

At this time, Chen Qing saw a ghost.

With fluttering sleeves, he stepped on a roll of bamboo slips, his beard and hair fluttered, and he looked extraordinary.

“Lord, that’s the Master, Taoist corpse level.”

Chen Qing nodded.

No matter who it is, as long as they get the stone wall, they can board the ship.

Master didn’t want to have too much contact with Chen Qing. The two were far apart and could miss each other.

After a while, someone suddenly said in surprise: “Hey! There’s someone there!”

Looking around, three people came.

A young man, he was the one who spoke out.

A young man with a big sword on his back, his eyes cold.

There is another girl who is an acquaintance on the Great Wall and is known as one of the four geniuses. She is still barefoot with bells tied to her feet.

She looked at Chen Qing coldly: “So you’re not dead yet.”

The sword-carrying young man was startled: “Junior Sister Yuanzhen, are you having a holiday?”

Yuanzhen sneered: “Chen Qing has a ticket in his hand, but he doesn’t want to hand it over. Come out! If it is given to Senior Brother Daozhen, with Senior Brother Daozhen’s strength, he will definitely be able to break through again, and even find a huge opportunity for the human race!

“And this person, with mediocre strength and unknown, wasted a precious ticket. Said, he will definitely not survive today! Chen

Qing was very happy: “Your senior brother is so awesome, why don’t you give up your ticket?” Are you reluctant to part with it? ”

“you! Yuan Zhen glared angrily: “What do you know!” I can also find great opportunities! ”

Yes, yes,” Chen Qing didn’t want to tangle with her anymore. He just skipped it.

Just as he was about to leave, the young man with the sword on his back said: “Friend, the stone ship is dangerous and there are many good players entering it.” We are all humans, so it is best to travel together. After all, no mediocre person can enter here. ” Except Chen Qing! ”

Yuan Zhen pointed at Chen Qing and sneered: “I wonder why he has to come here to join in the fun!” “You saw, she was going to bite me. ”

Chen Qing shrugged, “I’d better not be annoying.” Just as he was about to

leave, the young man with the sword on his back said again: “I have collected a lot of legends about stone ships, do you want to listen to them?” ”


You really need to listen to this.

Chen Qing, who has a glorious undercover history, suddenly suffered from an occupational disease.

“Welcome to the team, my name is Gong Yangdao. This is Peng Tu, and this is Yuan Zhen. ”

“I am Chen Qing. ”

Gongyang Dao and Yuan Zhen are both in the Combined Spirit Realm, while Peng Tu and Chen Qing are in the Ten Yuan Realm.

“Junior brother meets me, where can I practice? ”

Uh…” Chen Qing didn’t know what to say, so he said casually: “Rogue cultivator.” ”

Junior Brother Peng should be a year or two younger than you, and he has already reached the late stage of the Ten Yuan Realm!” Some people don’t know what their dignity is and insist on coming to rub stone boats. Yuan Zhen looked at Chen Qing coldly: “Be careful, don’t risk your life here.” ”

Chen Qing was still shocked.

In the Tang Dynasty, the Eight Pillars Kingdom was only in the Heling Realm.

But here, although the people who come to Shichuan must be only one in ten thousand, there are two in front of them, which is really amazing.

Chen Qing saw Xiang Yuanzhen said, “This little fairy is so confident, she must have several Yin God-level ghost pets?” Yuan Zhen sneered: “Ignorant! ”


Dao said with a smile: “Junior brother is a casual cultivator, so he may not know how powerful the Yin Shen ghost pets are. Even if you want to make do with a weak Yin Shen level, it is extremely difficult. Many old friends in the Heling realm may not be able to do it.” Has a Yin God-level ghost pet. ”

The implication is that Yuan Zhen does not have the Yin God level.

Then you are still pretending to be a chicken feather in front of this great immortal.

Chen Qing became interested, “What about you, senior brother? ”

Don’t talk about this anymore,” Gongyang Dao ignored the remark and said gently: “There are dangers everywhere in the stone ship, and it is different every time. I heard from the seniors who returned from the stone ship that the stone ship has five floors.” , the one with the worst luck landed on the deck, which is the last level. We are lucky, we should be on the second floor. And those good things are all on the fifth floor. We should speed up. “Speaking of which…what do you mean by good things? ”

At this question, the three of them all looked over in shock.

Yuan Zhen sneered, with even more anger in his eyes: “You don’t even know what you have, so why are you here! Is the ferry ticket such a waste? “

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