Another corpse-level ghost pet

“Kill the Giant Spirit God!”

The hilt of the sword appeared in Feng Qingyang’s hand.

Feng Qingyang’s hair turned white instantly, without wind, and her eyes were filled with snow and white light.

“Swords are coming!”

The next moment, there was a constant buzz in the sky, and hundreds of thousands of swords appeared, forming a hilt.

Xuanyuan Sword appears.

It is three hundred meters long, golden in color, simple and heavy. On one side it is engraved with the sun, moon and stars, on the other side it is engraved with mountains, rivers and vegetation. On one side of the sword’s hilt is written the art of farming and raising livestock, and on the other side it is written the strategy of unifying the four seas.

As soon as Xuanyuan Sword came out, the whole space buzzed and shook.

The messenger ghost is the most powerful ghost among the Hundred Ghosts. none of them.

The Giant Spirit God naturally noticed Xuanyuan Sword’s exaggerated movements.

Looking at this giant sword that was taller than him, his expression changed.

His feet slammed onto the ground…


The ground is collapsing!




With the Giant Spirit God as the center, a giant shock wave spread out.

Everything for miles around exploded to pieces.

The ground is broken like ice caps, tilting, or sinking, and the sound is terrifying.

At this moment, Chen Qing’s eyes narrowed slightly as

countless pieces of rubble the size of a building crashed .

The cracks are hundreds of meters deep, and there is a “floor” beneath the rubble.

The floor was extremely hard and not damaged at all. It seemed that it was the true body of the stone ship.

But now the rough stone outside is just adhered to the upper hull of the stone ship.

The shock wave hits!

Wherever he passed, the ground cracked like thin ice under a steamroller.

But when passing by the Xuanyuan Sword, it quietly dissipated in front of the most powerful sword in the world.

At this time, Feng Qingyang also moved!

Holding both hands on the hilt of the sword, the Xuanyuan Sword thrust straight forward!

The expression of the giant spirit god changed.

The huge palms slammed together!


another blast of air that seemed to overturn the world exploded.

The ground shook violently!

In just an instant, numerous boulders condensed together to form a giant stone pillar several miles long, blocking the Xuanyuan Sword.

The stone pillars made constant crackling sounds and were rapidly solidifying and shrinking.

Xuanyuan Sword made contact with the boulder.

There is no obstacle!

It seems that there is no such thing as a stone pillar in front of me.


In the blink of an eye, Xuanyuan Sword crushed several miles of stone pillars.

Destroyed half of the body of the giant spirit god.

But Xuanyuan Sword didn’t stop for a moment, and went straight towards the flowing water that was chasing behind him.

Even before Xuanyuan Sword touched the water, the sword energy it carried had already burned out all the water within a few miles.

Feng Qingyang’s white hair was dancing wildly, and she gritted her teeth to hold on.

“Such evil thoughts are so poisonous! If you are allowed to be born, I don’t know how many lives will be harmed! Feng will never tolerate you!” “Feng

, don’t agree!”


Xuanyuan Sword quickly flew away, with the sword below it. The river disappeared in an instant.

In an instant, several miles were cleared.

Chen Qing’s Candle Snake Eyes could see clearly that the abyss-like malice carried by the water flow was as fragile as paper in front of the Xuanyuan Sword.

However, the 300-meter Xuanyuan Sword is still too small compared to the current.

What it can clear is only a river five to six miles wide, and the river is now more than a hundred miles wide.

Xuanyuan Sword’s momentum finally weakened.

The sword body quickly disintegrated into hundreds of thousands of swords that fell and disappeared.

Feng Qingyang was exhausted.

This guy never considers the consequences, and doesn’t even leave any room for retreat.

Feng Qingyang fell from the sky.

Nine swords flew out together, caught him, and flew high.

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

The moment Xuanyuan Sword killed the Giant Spirit God, a golden light flashed in the Giant Spirit God’s position.

——The distance is too far, and the Demon Suppressing Tower cannot accept it as a ghost pet.


Chen Qing caught up at the last moment.

The Giant Spirit God has been taken into the Demon Suppressing Tower.

In a flash of golden light, Chen Qing had caught up with Feng Qingyang.

Put away Feng Qingyang.

The surging waves were blocked by the clear wind, and their momentum was greatly reduced.

The surges gathered together, and the waves soared into the sky again.

At this time, Chen Qing had already flashed several golden lights in the cabin nearby.

This should be the plant room that the monk mentioned.

The first thing that came into view was a giant mushroom with an umbrella covering a radius of two miles.

Chen Qing jumped up to it and looked back.

The waves came again.

The eyes of the candle snake opened, and Chen Qing stared at the wave.

Wow –


The waves hit the mushroom, causing huge waves hundreds of meters high.

But…it’s okay!

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

This wave can only swallow flesh and blood, not plants.

so far so good.

Several rays of golden light kept flashing on Chen Qing’s plants, and he had traveled dozens of miles in a moment.

While running, he opened the eyes of the candle snake and looked at these plants.

As before, these plants all send spiritual energy toward the ground in the opposite direction.

But the roots are deeply buried, and you can’t see where they are going.

The monk said that the plants here are also first-class treasures.

Not to mention other things, even if it is just a potato, such an exaggerated size is enough to feed Guangfu County for ten and a half days, right?

It’s just that Chen Qing’s goal is the second prize. Is it worthwhile to waste it on these plants?

With a thought in his heart, Chen Qing said: “Xiao Qian, ask the Giant Spirit God if he knows what treasures are here?”

Chen Qing did not dare to enter the Demon Suppressing Tower.

He doesn’t know the rules of the stone ship. The ticket is his. If he disappears here, will he be regarded as “out”?

It’s hard to say anything when you come back.

Looking at these plants, Chen Qing felt hot.

It’s just that you can’t take them all away, you can only selectively pick some.

After a while, Qianmianniang came back.

“Master, the Giant Spirit God doesn’t know much about plants, but he has some interesting information.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Like the monk, he also said that this is the ninth stone ship, and there will be big stones on the tenth ship. Opportunity.”

The tenth ship…

I’m afraid it will take several decades, right?

By then, your fists should be hardened, so you can just swagger into the last floor to grab them, and beat them to tears when they come.

“The Giant Spirit God also said that it is said that the stone boats came from the other side of the Six Paths. They came out of the depths of the mist. He also said that the disappeared great gods and immortals took the stone boats.”

Chen Qing listened without comment.

As long as the word “legend” is involved, listen selectively and believe cautiously.

With a thought, Bian Que appeared beside him.

“Bian Que, you know the medicinal materials, let’s see which ones are good.”


Bian Que looked at the front of him in shock, his cherry mouth opened wide, and murmured: “It’s so big…how can it be so big?”

Okay. After a while, Bian Que regained his concentration and pointed at a grass plant that was about two hundred meters tall: “That plant looks a bit like a double tower, but, I have never seen such a big one…” ”

It’s okay! Just point to it, no need to say anything. Reason.”

Unplugging this thing is also a huge project, and it took a super coolie, so Chen Qing naturally had to make good use of it.

With a thought, the hundred-meter-tall Giant Spirit God appeared in front of him.

There was still a look of horror on his face, and he said respectfully: “What are your orders, Master?”

As soon as he spoke, it was as if a strong wind had swept over him. The sound buzzed and rumbled.


So well-behaved?

Chen Qing was startled.

Qianmianniang whispered: “Master, he was very arrogant just now, so I let Fugui scare him.”

Chen Qing “…”

Well, apart from his name, Fugui is indeed the most terrifying existence in the world. .

Chen Qing pointed at the giant grass: “Pull it out!”


The giant spirit god grabbed the roots of the giant grass. Without using much force, the grass was about ten meters in diameter and more than two hundred meters high. Pulled it out.

With a thought, Chen Qing put it into the Demon Suppressing Tower: “Dragon Bones, bring some help to plant them, but don’t kill me.”

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