Elder Liu

Yili suddenly felt that the man in front of him was a first-class good person in the world.

Chen Qing replenished her soul power, put on the Thousand-faced Lady, and was about to leave when she looked at the waves below and was slightly startled.

The water waves have faded a lot!

This thing can turn flesh and blood into waves of water, but it won’t last long.

Chen Qing actually felt that since he was able to avoid water droplets, he might not be afraid of strange water waves.

But thinking about it, there is nothing I can do to stop myself from getting contaminated by that thing.

After asking Kui Guan to release many mosquito scouts, Chen Qing took Yili and cautiously headed towards the forest.

The madness of the forest continues.

Many tree people, often several miles high, were walking with heavy steps, and the movement was like the earth shaking and the mountains literally shaking.

The next moment, a tree man was stunned and rushed towards Chen Qing crazily.

Good guy!

This movement is so scary!

At this time, Yili sat on Chen Qing’s shoulder, frowned and shouted: “Hei Da!”

The little mouth said a lot.

The tree man immediately bowed respectfully, then turned and walked back.

Along the way, more and more tree people returned to their original positions.

But they did not return to the appearance of plants, but continued to look like tree people, waiting in place.

Yori pointed deep into the forest.

Chen Qing immediately mounted the Pegasus and flew forward slowly with Yili.

The eyes of the candle snake are kept open all the way, looking for treasures wherever they are.

At this time, a huge mountain appeared in the distance.

Very round and very steep.

In front of these giant trees, they can still maintain the advantage of “standing out from the crowd” in terms of size. This giant mountain is at least ten kilometers high.

Flying closer and closer, Chen Qing’s complexion gradually changed!

This huge mountain… is not a mountain!

But a towering tree!


The closer you get, the more you can feel the suffocation caused by the huge size.

Too huge.

Each wicker branch is dozens of meters thick, and each leaf is like an aircraft carrier.

At this time, the wicker slowly stretched to both sides, revealing a gap.

Chen Qing is now holding the emperor to command the princes, but he is not afraid and enters slowly.

Suddenly, an old voice came directly to Chen Qing’s ears:

“Little friend, please come this way.”

Chen Qing was startled, but his face was calm as usual, and he slowly flew towards the place where the old voice said.

Beyond the messy intersection of willow branches and branches, Chen Qing saw the main trunk of the willow tree.

This is a giant willow glowing white.

Like a vertical white jade mountain, every fold is as majestic as a mountain range.

And on top of this jade mountain, an old face can be faintly seen.

The place where the voice spoke was the mouth of this face.

Chen Qing’s face was calm, and his flight path did not waver at all.

In a moment, he landed here.

An extremely old man in linen clothes, with leaves growing on his body, was already waiting for Chen Qing.

The old man looked at Yili, shook his head and sighed: “Alas…”

Yili’s face was full of guilt, and his big eyes were full of tears. He stood there with his two chubby little hands entangled with each other, lowering his head and looking at his toes.

How does this look like a queen?

No matter how you look at it, she is a little girl who made a mistake.

The old man sighed: “On weekdays, the whole forest would give way to her. She is used to being naughty. I told her that the stone boat was sailing again and she had to be good, but she didn’t listen. So to this point…”

Chen Qing was silent.

I feel embarrassed.

He is now a human trafficker who was caught by his parents.

The old man sighed, shook his head, took out a three-bowl that seemed to have grown naturally, and filled it with a cup of…tea?

Suddenly, an indescribable fragrance came out.

It’s like the freshness in the forest after the rain, very light yet very rich.

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Chen Qing took it and thanked him. He didn’t drink it in a hurry, but pretended to be blowing the cold tea.

On the other side, let Mai do a fortune telling.


That’s it!

Chen Qing then took a sip.

Immediately, an indescribable spiritual energy spread from his mouth. It was extremely huge, but extremely gentle, and penetrated into the whole body.

His soul power is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In just a moment, he was already approaching the late stage of the Ten Yuan Realm.

Chen Qing was stunned and looked at the old man, full of shock: “Is this…?”

“It can only last for half a stick of incense. Drink it all.”

Chen Qing drank it without hesitation, but there was still some left. Halfway through, my heart moved and I stored the tea on the first floor of the Time Tower.

There shouldn’t be too many ways for him to improve his soul power.

On the contrary, Uncle Xia, Xizhilang, Uncle Hou, He Yirou and others need this.

After drinking it all, Chen Qing stood up solemnly and bowed: “Thank you, senior!”

The old man smiled and said: “It also depends on your own character. If you hesitate, it will not take effect. It is fate that you believe in me, the Wood Clan. ”

If there is no Thai sign, I will not drink it even if I say it…

” Chen Qing thought in his heart, but said in his mouth: “The name of the Mu clan is like thunder. I naturally have no reason to disbelieve it.”

He was afraid that the other party would ask to stay. In Yili, Chen Qing was the first to say: “Today, by some strange combination of circumstances, I signed a contract with Yili. Alas, the senior has given me such a generous gift. I should have taken the initiative to put Yili back, but… I can’t help it.”

“It’s fate. It’s destiny.” The old man shook his head slowly: “If you take her away, it may be a glimmer of hope for the Wood clan.”

This time, it was Chen Qing’s turn to be stunned.

Chen Qing suddenly realized that no one knew as much information about Shi Chuan as the old man in front of him.

“Senior, can you make it clear?”

The old man was a little lost and shook his head: “I can’t say.”

Chen Qing was stunned, and his heart moved, “Then the junior asked, is it okay?”

The old man nodded.

Chen Qing was overjoyed and summoned Xiao Zhuge.

Xiao Zhuge pondered for two seconds and asked: “Senior, will there be ten ships in total?”

The old man nodded.

As the old man nodded, a green leaf quickly withered.

Yili burst into tears.

Chen Qing and Xiao Zhuge both frowned.

The old man waved, and Yili threw herself into his arms, grabbing the old man and crying loudly.

Chen Qing had countless questions in his mind.

But I also know that I can’t ask questions randomly.

Chen Qing frowned, waved to little Zhuge who was about to speak, and said respectfully: “Senior, this junior can’t bear to ask any more questions, so I’m leaving.”

The old man shook his head and said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, I’m already alive. It’s been long enough, but for your questions, I can only shake my head or nod. I can’t answer a few questions, so I must think carefully before asking.”

Xiao Zhuge was startled and nodded heavily.

Yili was still crying.

The old man hugged her lovingly and said softly: “Don’t cause trouble in the future, and I can no longer serve the princess…”

He did not use the language of the Wood tribe, but the language of the Human tribe.

Yori cried harder.

Old slave?

Chen Qing was stunned. He also said that this old man was Yili’s father or grandfather.

The old man smiled and said: “Old man is this old willow tree, and he is probably the elder of the Wood clan.”

He touched Ye Ye’s head and said with a smile: “I don’t want to hide it from my little friend, I have my own means to cancel the contract of the Demon Suppression Tower, but No. You have great luck, can you promise me to be kind to Xiao Yili?”

Chen Qing’s expression changed!

Demon-suppressing tower! ?

He actually knows that the Demon Suppressing Tower is in my hands?

This…how was this discovered?

Chen Qing stood up solemnly and bowed respectfully: “Senior, I will be kind to Yili!”

The old man smiled happily, suddenly pinched his little finger, twisted it gently, and tore it off.

The finger quickly turned into a slender willow stick.

The old man handed over the wicker stick and said with a smile: “Yili is naughty, please bear with me.”

Chen Qing took it with fear and respect.

At this time, Xiao Zhuge raised his head and said, “Senior, I have thought of the second question.”

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