
Just as Chen Qing was about to speak, the pig man in front also stopped.

He looked at Chen Qing warily. To be precise, the object of his vigilance was Chaos.

“Fellow Taoist, what do you want?”

Chen Qing smiled secretly in his heart.

The man in front of me might have been a powerful figure in the past.

But to be fair, Tyson has been hungry for half a month…how much fighting power does he still have?

Of course, Chen Qing is not here to fight.

Chen Qingchao said in confusion: “Hold your words!”

The pig man’s expression changed, and he looked at Chen Qing coldly: “What do you mean?” Chen Qing

said with a smile: “Fellow Taoist, don’t panic, I have a ghost pet here, who has already fallen asleep, and I just felt it. I admire my fellow Taoist’s supernatural powers very much and would like to discuss the Tao. I also ask my fellow Taoist to give me some advice, and I will give you a small gift.”

This is actually a threat.

But Chen Qing said it very modestly.

Pig Man still didn’t believe it and looked at Chen Qing coldly.

Chen Qing had a thought, and the six-eared macaque appeared in front of him.

The six-eared macaque has been working with Ten Thousand Enemies, Dragon Bone, Ancient Evil, and Feng Qingyang, and is one of Chen Qing’s strongest thugs.

But you must know that at this time, he is only an evil ghost!

And this time in retreat, he finally broke through to the evil spirit level as he wished, that is, he fell into a dream.

This is almost the highest level that 99% of actors can achieve.

Now that I have finally met an actor who has achieved his dream, naturally I cannot let him go easily.

As soon as the six-eared macaque appeared, the pig man said in horror: “It’s you!”

The six-eared macaque was also stunned: “Idiot?”

Chen Qing was stunned.

no! !

? ?

It doesn’t make sense!

Wu Sheng was only ten years old at most. How could he know this old monster who had been imprisoned for seven hundred years?

Zhu Bajie sneered: “Who do you call a fool? You deserve to be called a fool?”

“I called him a fool. How do you treat him? A fool, a fool, a fool.”

Chen Qing was slightly startled.

Suddenly I understood something…

Both of them were too deeply involved in the drama.

One really thinks of himself as a six-eared macaque, and the other really thinks of himself as a pig.


are all actors like this?

Are you so cruel that you even lie to yourself?

Not far away, several powerful monks arrived one by one. They are the monks summoned by Boss Rat.

On the opposite side, Xue Ji was confronting several people.

“This is the first time we meet outside the summit. Fellow Taoist, you are welcome.” Mr. Shu laughed, looking harmless to humans and animals.

Xue Ji looked at him indifferently, and with a wave of her hand, two four-winged Asura gods appeared beside her: “Fellow Taoist, the Asura clan is bound to get this soul of the Punishing Heaven.” “That’s

not what you said.” Old Shu laughed. Said: “Your Shura family has a great cause, why bother to compete with us casual cultivators for this little benefit?”

An old female cultivator next to Boss Shu coughed a few times, and her eyes were serious: “Friend Dao Shu, why should we talk nonsense with her? . Anyone who dares to stop us during this trip will be killed!”

“Harmony is the most important thing, peace is the most important thing…”

After a while, the four Asura kings slowly arrived.

Although they were only at the Taoist Corpse level, the aura of these four Asura Kings was extremely terrifying, and they all carried an extremely powerful aura in their every move.

On the other side, Boss Rat’s friends have all arrived.

The momentum of the twelve people rolled out, and at this moment, it even overshadowed the blood energy of the mountain.

There were a few people nearby who wanted to fish in troubled waters. When they saw this scene, their scalps suddenly felt numb, and they all fled in a panic.

Boss Shu narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: “Fellow Taoist, you don’t want to be left behind by some people, right? Those who are hiding are all seniors, what do you think…” ”

Them?” Ji sneered: “You dare to touch Xing Tian’s mind when you crush the bones?”


A golden skeleton wearing a crown of five Buddhas came step by step, with hundreds of various bones Hovering around the body. The bones exude all kinds of magical auras.

It was the Baili Bone Emperor in the first stone room.

“Today’s monks are really not simple!” Baili Bone King said in a strong voice: “If we didn’t have the bones of these old friends, we might have to give up. But now I want to see, after seven hundred years, three thousand ghosts What level of power is there?”

Following his voice, a woman with a human upper body and a spider lower body appeared.

She… seemed to be the one who was following Chen Qing and the others just now.


the chest is no longer flat, nor is it thin. It is full and as big as a grapefruit.

The expressions of the mummified old pig and the six-eared macaque, who were about to fight, also changed.

Zhu Bajie had a look of shock on his face: “Is this the top monk today? So awesome!” ”

Liuer, let’s go and fight in another place!”

Both of them had the ability to soar into the clouds, and they immediately chased each other and fled.

Xue Ji narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Chen Qing’s position.

She seemed to…

feel the aura of wealth.

“Madam, give me back my madam…”

Chaos followed closely.

Chen Qing frowned.

This thing is so weird, it can be soft or hard.

When it is soft, it is disembodied gray energy; when it is hard, it becomes indestructible.


Chen Qing had no means to kill him.

Of course, now that he was out of the stone room, Chen Qing couldn’t fight and tried to escape. This thing would definitely not be able to keep up.

The four of them moved away quickly.

When they came to a valley, the pig man waved his hand, and a nine-tooth nail palladium appeared in his hand, and he suddenly attacked the six-eared macaque.

The six-eared macaque is also a warlike person. He stretched out his hand and took out a stick and started fighting with the pig man.


When sticks and palladium meet, shock waves spread out!

All the plants in the valley were pressed to the ground.

The pig man swayed slightly, and the six-eared macaque took a step back.

What a draw!

There is a huge gap in realm. Fortunately, Zhu Bajie has been hungry for seven hundred years, which has greatly smoothed the gap.

Chen Qing’s eyes have narrowed.

Zhu Bajie…

is not simple!

Just like the Asura God and the Butcher can crush those in the same realm.

In the same realm, there is a huge difference in strength and weakness.

Zhu Bajie has been hungry for seven hundred years!

Now he can barely breathe, but he is still able to suppress the six-eared macaque. This is something Chen Qing did not expect.

“Madam… give me back my madam…”

At this time, Chaos came up again and looked at Chen Qing eagerly.

Looking at this person, Chen Qing was even more shocked.

Regarding the various ghost kings in Shiyan, I am afraid they are all Yin gods.

Being able to stand alongside them at the Taoist corpse level already shows how powerful he is.

Zhu Bajie is Meng Zhen, that is, Taoist corpse.

Chaos is also a Tao corpse.

But from Chen Qing’s observation, it is obvious that other Yin gods are extremely afraid of the Chaos in front of him.



“Master, let me talk to him.”

Qianmian Niang said slowly, having regained her consciousness.

Chen Qing frowned: “You are mine, not this thing’s wife, do you understand?”

“Hehe…” Qianmianniang smiled like a flower: “This slave knows.”

“You’d better know!”

Chen Qing Warning, and with a wave of his hand, the Thousand-faced Lady appeared in front of her.

She returned to her original appearance, neatly dressed and dignified,

tall, with long hair like waterfalls, eyes like stars, and lips like cherry blossoms.

The skin is even more delicate.

Like a carefully drawn painting, her beauty goes deep into every detail.

Even to the most critical eye, everything about this woman exemplifies what perfection is.

Even Chen Qing was slightly stunned.

In terms of appearance, this is already top-notch.

Even the princess of Shura would be eclipsed when she stood in front of her.

Qianmian Niang smiled slightly at Chaos and said, “Senior, Chen Qing, Qianmian Niang, would like to say hello to you.”

“Mother…” Chaos was stunned.

The word “lady” cannot be said out loud.

The gray energy all over his body was shaking violently, and countless faces were rapidly switching on his face.

There was a sadness in his tone: “You… you are my wife, right? Right…”

“Senior, I think you know, I am not.”

“No… no…”

Chaos was all over his body. Trembling violently, his voice gradually revealed a ferocious tone: “You guys!! Give me back my wife!!! You change back! You change back into my wife!!!”

As he spoke, more than a dozen tentacles of gray energy surged. Obviously he wants to take action!

“Damn it! Are you a lunatic that is entangled with me?!” Chen Qing was also angry: “Let’s try it! See if I can kill you!”

Qianmian Niang went to Chaos and bowed deeply:

“Perhaps, you It can be my father.”

“What…what, what?” Chaos was stunned.

He looked at Qianmianniang blankly.

The next moment, when he thought of something, he collapsed.

He fell to the ground, howling and rolling around on the ground.

Like a child who has lost his favorite toy.

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