So scary!

Although Su Yue possesses the talent of "Dance of Death", which is enough to penetrate any armor and cause real damage.

However, the two talents displayed by the Death God are "Death God's Body" and "Shadow Escape".

Its defense ability, dodge ability, and resistance to various negative states.

It was countless times more exaggerated than any opponent Su Yue had ever seen!

Moreover, with the blessing of many talents and abilities.

Su Yue's series of attacks were even more powerful.

After this confrontation, Su Yue came to an extremely terrifying conclusion.

Driven by the Death God's "Death Aura Strengthening" talent, its vitality seems to never run out.

Continuously drawing death energy from nothingness, replenishing every passing trace of vitality.

Who knows, how much death energy is there in this Death Island that he can use?

Su Yue realized that his current conventional fighting methods alone might not have any effect on the God of Death.

However, the pressing situation did not allow him to hesitate for a moment.

Because the God of Death had no intention of giving Su Yue much room to breathe.

While speaking, the God of Death had already grasped the legendary Death Scythe tightly, and his figure turned into an afterimage, approaching Su Yue in an instant, with the tip of the knife pointed directly at Su Yue's head.

The summoning spells and long-range spells previously cast were nothing more than insignificant auxiliary means in the eyes of the God of Death.

What he is most comfortable with is close combat!

At this moment, the battle of life and death is quietly beginning!

Su Yue activated silently and quickly distanced himself.

At the same time, he issued orders to drive the Overlord to activate his support skills.

He moved in front of him in an instant, standing in the path of Death's attack.

Immediately afterwards, the anti-injury blade armor surrounding Overlord was activated.

The sharp metal spikes, which are more than two inches long, are like a wall of thorns.

In the next four seconds, all damage received by the Overlord will be reflected back to the perpetrator.

Moreover, the reflected damage is real damage that ignores spell immunity.

Not only that, Su Yue also blessed Overlord with "God's Protection".

Under this sacred aura, it is almost immune to damage from the outside world, with a damage reduction rate of up to 99%.

Su Yue knew very well that facing the God of Death's extraordinary talent and skills.

If you follow the rules and deal with them one by one, you will only be controlled step by step and fall into endless passivity.

Therefore, Su Yue took the initiative to seek change and tried to use Overlord's anti-injury mechanism in order to reverse the situation of the war!

"Clang——!" A harsh metallic symphony suddenly sounded.

I saw that most of the sharp spikes covering the Overlord's body were cut off by the fierce attack of the Death Scythe.

Even the complete Overlord, supplemented by the nearly invincible injury-free barrier of "God's Guard", was almost on the verge of life and death.

Just imagine, if he was really killed by one blow, he might not even be able to trigger the counter-injury effect.

It was this bold attempt that brought an unexpected turn of events to Su Yue.

The ultimate counter-injury effect miraculously caused the arm of the God of Death to wield the scythe to split instantly.

However, in the blink of an eye, Death's injured arm appeared.

Driven by the power of the Death God's body, they miraculously rejoined and returned to their original state.

Its speed was so fast that even Su Yue's SS-level talent "Body Regeneration" could not match it.

"How many years have passed, and you are the first person to hurt me! Mortal, you have successfully aroused my curiosity!"

While the God of Death was furious, there was some unexpected interest in his words.

At the same time, the death badge on Su Yue's chest flashed again, finally receiving good news.

【bite! The stage goal is achieved - complete a heavy blow to the God of Death! The second stage of "Death Badge" has been unlocked! All skills that are in the cool-down period will immediately come into contact with the cool-down state! 】

What a timely rain!

Kill in ten steps and the artifact of protecting the country, these powerful skills that have entered the cooldown can be used again at this moment.

Obviously, this Death Badge will be continuously unlocked based on the battle situation between Su and Yue. This is only fair!

However, Su Yue didn't have time to think yet.

The god of death was as fast as lightning, using the same skill that Su Yue had released just now - silently!

Unexpectedly, this skill was actually stolen by the God of Death!

A series of ghostly movements once again narrowed the distance with Su Yue.

The iconic scythe in Death's hand was breathing out a deep black light at the moment.

That light contained the will of the God of Death, as if it was pulling all living beings into the abyss of darkness.

The dark energy was like a tide, carrying a majestic momentum that dominated the world, and suddenly rushed towards Su Yue.

Facing this blow that was so close that it could shake the world, Su Yue could naturally feel the destructive power contained in it.

Su Yue's "Freedom and Ultimate Intention" flexibly mobilizes every cell and commands the body's instincts.

Relying on "silence", Su Yue tried to avoid this fatal blow.

The god of death is like a maggot attached to the bone, no matter how Su Yue teleports and changes position.

I can always capture its trajectory with the same "silent" precision, following it closely like a shadow.

Like a shadow, he followed Su Yue closely.

He looked like a lost rat, scurrying around.

In fact, it is a careful layout to guide the god of death step by step into the encirclement net that has been laid out by the summoning units.

Because Su Yue knew that if it was normal.

With the moving speed of these summons, they are nothing more than insignificant harassment to the God of Death.

His ingenious strategy was to first let the Grim Reaper mistakenly believe that he had won.

When he was most relaxed, he would give him the most fatal blow!

Even though the strategy was set, Su Yue still did not forget his instinct as an archer.

During the teleportation process, he flexibly moved around the battlefield and shot at the Grim Reaper continuously.

However, the Grim Reaper, relying on his immortal body, seemed quite contemptuous of Su Yue's offensive.

He was certain that once he made a fatal move, the human in front of him would definitely not be able to dodge this blow!

At this decisive moment, the Grim Reaper's fatal blow was already following him, almost penetrating Su Yue's body.

At this critical moment, the Grim Reaper's movements suddenly paused.

Sure enough, more skills are better, and this is what Su Yue was waiting for!

Unexpectedly, the S-level talent taken from the Armored Giant King - True·Earth-shaking, was triggered at this moment!

Although it was only a negligible 0.1 second dizziness, it was enough to stop the Grim Reaper's figure.

For Su Yue, this moment of stagnation was enough for him to turn the tide!

Without any panic or hesitation, Su Yue quickly activated the "Wings of God".

His speed increased suddenly, and he easily got rid of the fatal lock of the god of death.

At the same time, the god of death suddenly woke up from a brief dizziness.

But the offensive did not decrease, and the sickle, with the momentum of destroying the world, fiercely chopped the huge stone pillar on the side.

There was a loud bang, and the stone pillar was split in two.

The Chinese heroes summoned by Su Yue had been waiting for a long time, and suddenly swarmed out.

As Su Yue's fingertips flowed, a gorgeous and huge mushroom cloud suddenly bloomed, instantly swallowing the god of death!

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