Blue Star, China, Star City, Tianma Village.

An energetic old man, holding a cane, walked slowly here, his eyes full of memories of the past.

The old house of the Su family in Tianma Village was surrounded by the Dragon Group.

Just to protect the hero who had turned the tide and saved Blue Star from dire straits.

Thirty years have passed since the earth-shaking battle between Su Yue and the God of Death.

That battle not only witnessed the destruction of the God of Death Island, but also made the God of Death itself become the dust of history.

However, what is puzzling is that the lone wolf who ended the God of Death with his own strength.

But like his former opponent, he never appeared again.

Could it be that the once invincible hero also died together?

According to the interpretation of later generations, it was the God of Death who intended to break free from his shackles that led to the arrival of the end of the world.

And the lone wolf alone, started a duel with the most powerful God of Death on Blue Star.

Although no one knew about the process of this life-and-death struggle.

But every living being on Blue Star deeply felt the aftermath of the violent explosion that shocked the world.

Afterwards, when Li Xusen and the survivors rushed to the scene of the incident.

All they saw was emptiness and silence, and even the remains of the ruins were not spared.

The traces of the Grim Reaper and the Lone Wolf, along with their proof of existence, also disappeared into thin air.

However, people have not yet withdrawn from shock and grief.

Because the entire process of the end of the world came to an unexpected halt at this moment.

Since that day, Blue Star has completely bid farewell to the haze of zombies rampant, strange beasts rampant, and demon trees spreading.

No new zombie creatures have appeared.

Under the heroic leadership of the Huaxia Dragon Group, all mankind has gone through years of fighting.

Finally, all the zombies on this land have been cleared.

The Lighthouse Alliance suffered heavy losses in that battle and completely lost the power to compete for hegemony.

And China once again stood proudly on the top of the Blue Star, becoming a veritable Celestial Empire.

So far, Blue Star has officially entered a new era of peace!

In order to remember this history, especially to pay the highest respect to Lone Wolf.

Dragon Group leader Li Xusen announced that a towering monument would be erected in Tianma Village, Huaxia Star City, the hometown of Lone Wolf.

It is not only an ode to Lone Wolf himself.

It is also an eternal symbol of the spirit of unity and struggle of all mankind to overcome difficulties.

This monument will be remembered and admired by everyone on Blue Star.

Capitals of various countries followed suit and spontaneously erected the same monument.

Although they are thousands of miles apart, they tell the same story together.

The old man stood in front of the monument, gazing at the monument that pierced the sky.

The short twenty-odd words engraved have long been deeply engraved in the hearts of all Blue Star people:

This monument will be used to commemorate forever: the shadow of the lone wolf on the top of the Blue Star, working tirelessly for the glory of mankind!

"Grandpa, you come to visit me every month without any effort. Were you also a die-hard fan of the Lone Wolf God?"

"Oh, of course!" A hint of pride flashed in the eyes of the old man Feiqiu, "Little guys, let me tell you a little secret. I was lucky enough to compete with the Lone Wolf God, and he couldn't hurt me at all!"

The old man's name is Feiqiu. Although he surrendered to Su Yue voluntarily at the first martial arts conference, it also became his biggest boast capital in this life.

As the old man finished speaking, a group of curious children gathered around him, staring with curious eyes, as if the scene was still in front of them.

"Wow! Really? Grandpa, can you share with us the legendary experiences of the Lone Wolf God outside of the textbooks?"

"The story of the Lone Wolf God is a long story..."

From Su Yue's awakening talent to slaughtering the Bai Shi family in Xingcheng...

To how he won the first martial arts competition and led the Dragon Group to defeat the emperor-level Great Tengu...

Then he led the Dragon Group to unify China, and traveled across the ocean to slaughter the Sakura Country and wipe out the Lighthouse Alliance...

Every chapter is so thrilling, as if people have personally experienced that legendary period.

People are keen to discover various stories about the Lone Wolf, and even the gossip about Lu Wei, Mu Gui and Kurosawa.

It is also widely circulated in the unofficial history.

The children listened with relish, and even the Dragon Group soldiers who stayed at their posts and guarded the monument were deeply attracted by these stories.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Tell me, did the legendary Lone Wolf really perish with the God of Death?"

"Yes, Grandpa! The teacher always mentioned that the Lone Wolf God had a hundred ways to save his life. Did he really not survive?"

As the story came to an end, a group of curious children gathered around and raised their doubts.

After the battle that year, Feiqiu followed Li Xusen and searched for the Lone Wolf in the vast ocean, but never saw him.

But according to the rules of the end of the world, once a person dies, he will be removed from the Blue Star rankings.

Not only the Lone Wolf, but also Lu Wei, Hei Ze, and Mu Gui disappeared from the rankings.

"Who can know this question?"

"The Dragon Group has ventured to the waters of the Death Island several times, but they all returned empty-handed."

"Perhaps, the Great God has really perished with the Death God..."

"Or perhaps, he is just tired of the troubles of the world and is waiting for the opportunity to return again..."

"Children, it's getting late, it's time to go back and rest."

After that, the old man placed the things he had prepared in advance in front of the monument.

A plate of braised pork, which was Lu Wei's favorite when she was alive.

A jar of fine wine, specially prepared for Kurosawa.

In addition, there are a few things collected based on gossip, which are said to be things that Mu Gui likes.

The most important thing is a rare treasure that was bought at a high price in an auction house - "Ten Famous Bows·Eagle Shooting Bow".

"Lord Lone Wolf, see you next time!" The old man said, feeling a little disappointed.

At this time, a child's childish and surprised voice came from the side.

Look, why is there a figure on the monument over there? "

He raised his little hand high, pointing to the top of the monument, his eyes full of disbelief.

The old man looked in the direction pointed by the child's finger, but saw nothing.

This monument is more than 30 meters high, how can ordinary people get up there?

Besides, he and the guards are both top-notch masters, so it is impossible for them not to notice it.

When the old man came to his senses, he was shocked to find that the things originally placed in front of the monument had disappeared.

"Child, what does the man you saw just now look like?" The old man's tone was eager.

"He was wearing a black robe, carrying a red bow and arrow, tall and handsome! Just like..." The child's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Just like, just like the lone wolf god on the cover of the history book. "

"Grandpa, I shouldn't be mistaken for bragging when I say this, and then be invited to drink that 'special' tea, right? "

The child couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and turned to look at the old man beside him with a playful and serious expression.

When the old man heard this, the wrinkles on his face seemed to be instantly smoothed by joy, and he smiled innocently like a child.

He nodded repeatedly, his voice full of excitement and confirmation: "It's him, it's him, it's him!"

In this world, who can take away treasures quietly under the eyes of everyone without leaving a trace.

Apart from the legendary lone wolf god, who else could it be?

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