Pray that nothing will happen to Chen Jing.


"This is a superpower!"

Zhou Zixuan covered his face and followed Kenneth. Thinking of how majestic he was before and how he summoned the angel, his grievance was immediately reduced by half.

This is an extraordinary power!

When I return to the surface world...I will be a superman, right?


I want to be a ancestor.

I want to let those who have offended me know...what is the price of offending me!

Zhou Zixuan imagined a beautiful future in his heart. Like his teacher Kenneth, he lay on the railing and looked at Chen Jing lying in a pool of blood with interest.

He should just look like that Chen Jing, right?

But he is just as annoying.

He didn't die from falling from such a height?

He is so lucky...

"Thanks to the blessing of the Moon God."

Hearing Kenneth's happy voice beside him, Zhou Zixuan subconsciously turned his head to look.

At this moment, Kenniel was holding his hands together in front of his chest, expressing his gratitude to the moon god Gehero with a pious face.

"Fortunately, you have blessed Chen Jing and saved his life... I am so grateful to you..."


"Ah Jing! Are you okay?!"

As soon as Wei Nan landed, she rushed directly to Chen Jing's side, even ignoring the terrifying mountain of flesh.

This was the first time she saw Chen Jing injured like this.

Although the wound on his abdomen had begun to heal rapidly, it could be seen from the blood on the ground and the scattered organs... that he was seriously injured before.

"It's okay." Chen Jing was relieved inexplicably when he saw Wei Nan coming to his side, and a smile appeared on his face, "I am also an old descendant after all, it's not that easy to die..."

Seeing that there was a little mist in Wei Nan's red eyes, Chen Jing could probably guess what she was feeling before, and couldn't help but whispered to comfort her.

"You are so old and still crying. I am not dead..."

"If you die! I will kill them all!" Wei Nan gritted his teeth and said.

Perhaps because he had determined that Chen Jing's problem was not serious, Wei Nan, who was on the verge of losing control of his mind, began to calm down gradually.

The scarlet eyes became black and white.

The blood mist that was like steam wrapped around his body also completely dissipated.

"I really thought you were going to die..." Wei Nan squatted beside Chen Jing, looked down at the pool of blood on the ground, raised his hand and patted Chen Jing's face, "It's good to be alive."

"I'm sorry..."

Yan Que stood aside timidly.

She had a lot more to say, but in the end she could only hold back these three words.


She felt so guilty now.

If it wasn't for her own reasons that attracted the hermitage, Chen Jing would not have been injured so inexplicably.

"Don't blame yourself, it has nothing to do with you." Chen Jing smiled, then turned his head to look at the organs that were constantly decaying on the floor, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The old descendants are indeed different from normal people.

They can even be considered two species.

They can regenerate after losing so many organs... This is really outrageous!

Chen Jing touched the wound on his abdomen that was healing, and felt that the information in his memory was indeed correct.

The organs of the old descendants will decay faster after leaving the body... In the words of [Great Buddha Mother Temple], is it that the main body absorbs the life energy of those organs?

"I'll go up and take a look."

The pigherd suddenly spoke, as if he had realized that it was his turn to show off, and there was an impatient expression on his fat pig head.

"As long as we are right! Uncle Pigherd will definitely help you vent your anger!"

"I'll go with you."

Chen Jing slowly stood up with the help of Wei Nan and Yan Que.

He felt very empty in his stomach, as if he hadn't eaten for a long time, and he was so hungry that his chest was sticking to his back.

"You... Can your body hold on?"

The pigherd looked worried, but he was showing off between the lines.

"The special medicine I fed you just now is the 'Eternal Night Blood Essence No. 1' specially provided by our parliament's top leaders. It will take more than ten minutes for it to take full effect..."

"It's okay."

Chen Jing looked up calmly and happened to meet Kennel's eyes.

This fire has finally started.

If I don't go and see the effect with my own eyes...

It would be such a pity.

Chapter 120 Eaten alive

When the swineherd and Chen Jing and his party took the elevator back to the sixth floor, Bishop Kennel was hesitating whether to take the opportunity to run away.

For him, face is definitely not as important as life, but...

If he just ran away.

Not to mention whether the old madman would come to settle accounts with him afterwards.

The Pope would definitely turn against him.

After all, Kennel's identity is also a bishop above ten thousand people.

Just run away.

Wouldn't that be a slap in the face of the [Moonlight Hermitage]?

Just when Kennel was hesitating, the elevator door suddenly opened.

The swineherd eagerly supported Chen Jing and walked out of the elevator slowly.

"Is it them?" The swineherd raised his carrot-like finger and pointed at Kennel first, then Zhou Zixuan.

"Yes." Chen Jing nodded, his face full of grievance, and he said with tears in his eyes, "We just came to go shopping, but they came up and wanted to kidnap people. When they didn't succeed, they wanted to kill us... How unfair!"

"Unfair! Very unfair!"

The swineherd nodded without hesitation, with a face full of integrity.

"Look at your uncle the pigherd delivering justice for you!"

"Thank you so much..." Chen Jing held the swineherd's slightly fat palm tightly, and the emotion on his face seemed not to be fake, "You are our eternal master Qingtian!"

"Well...what does Mr. Qingtian mean?" the pigherder asked humbly.

"That's a good word! I praise you as the person with the most sense of justice in the world!" Chen Jing explained patiently.


The swineherd touched his chin. It was obvious that he couldn't help but want to have fun, but he also considered keeping serious in front of outsiders, so he kept a tight expression on his face.

It's a pity that after stretching for a long time, I couldn't completely stop it in the end...

In the eyes of outsiders.

The corners of the swineherd's mouth twisted up as if having a convulsion.

That twisted crooked smile combined with his serious expression looked awkward no matter how you looked at it.

"Sir Pigherder." Bishop Kennel was very polite. He bowed to the Pigherd first and spoke politely. "What happened today was just a misunderstanding."

"I misunderstood your mother..."

Before Wei Nan could curse the word "Beep" at the end, Chen Jing grabbed her and gave her a look to signal her to be silent.

Now is the time for the [Round Table Council] to perform, and we must not steal their limelight casually.

"Whether there is any misunderstanding or not, we will decide in our own order." The pigherder snorted coldly.

The word "order" in his mouth, for some reason, always reminded Chen Jing of the old man who said "This is fucking order".

"This is really a misunderstanding..." Bishop Kenil said with a grimace, "We just want to take away the suicidal bird..."

"Take him away?" The pigherder was merciless. Even in the past, these things could be regarded as unspoken rules of Yongye City, but at this time, he had to implement justice. "I think you just want to kidnap me!"


Kenil looked at the swineherd with a bewildered look on his face, wondering if his grandson couldn't speak or something? Isn’t this what happened to those who defected from the Priory? When I had dinner with your leader last time, he said...

"Yes, kidnapping!" The pigherder raised his hand and touched the down on his chin. The pig's face was full of contempt, "If people don't want to go with you, you have to take them away by force. What the hell is this not kidnapping? Next do!"


"I think you guys are tired of the good life in the monastery, so you have to go to Taiping District for excitement..." The pigherder walked forward with his hands behind his back...well, that doesn't actually count as his hands behind his back.

Because compared to the terrifying body of the Pigherd, his two arms are really a bit short. He has been trying to carry them behind his back, but he can't reach the right position.

It looked like it was being scratched.

Anyone can see that he is straining even his little finger!

"Don't these monks in your monastery take our council seriously anymore?"

The swineherd stopped beside the corpse of a monk and looked at the huge depression in the corpse's face.

"Who did it? This punch is quite cruel..."

"My friend." Chen Jing said calmly.

"Oh, your hands are very strong, and your future life will be formidable!" The pigherder smiled happily.

"Lord Pigherd."

Kenil's face dropped.

He had already seen that the relationship between Chen Jing and the pigherd was unusual, and his tone of voice could not help but become solemn.

"We are qualified to arrest those who defect from the monastery."

"Who said you are qualified?" The swineherd looked at him with a stupid look, and asked strangely, "Which law of the Parliament stipulates this? Can you tell me?"

"You..." Kenil was stunned and explained tremblingly, "You clearly said that we were qualified last time! Why now..."

"Yes, you said it, that was last time."

The swineherd put his hand into his coat pocket and slowly took out a cigar.

He had just ordered it and took a few puffs when he suddenly remembered that there was a young master to serve and hurriedly turned back to look at Chen Jing.

"Jingjing, would you like one too?"

"No, no, I won't..."

"No? That's great!" The swineherd praised him whenever he got the chance. His spirit of preferring to kill the wrong one made Chen Jing feel a little embarrassed. "Smoking is bad for your health. It's right not to smoke!"

"You should get down to business first..." Chen Jing's face was full of helplessness.

"Yeah, that's right! It's business!"

The swineherd hurriedly looked back at the gloomy-looking Kenil and asked him.

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