Chen Jing took it and looked at it.

The words were written beautifully.

But the content was really confusing to him.

"This..." Chen Jing looked back at the electronic clock on the wall, compared the year, month and day, and made sure he was not wrong, "The property management fee here is paid from 50 years?"

"I asked!" Chen Bofu said indignantly, "It turns out that they pay year by year, and they often delay it!"

"Didn't they pay it yesterday... What about the 50 years..." Chen Jing asked in amazement, "What are you asking them to pay today?"

"Pay for another 50 years, make it an integer." Chen Bofu said seriously, "One hundred is a lucky number! Good for them!"


"But when I got up today, I saw! Those grandsons all ran away! They ran away with their families! They didn't even want the real estate certificate!"

Mr. Chen!

You are still not satisfied after collecting the property management fee for 50 years!

The owners have become poor ghosts!

There is no oil and water to squeeze!

They paid for 50 years yesterday, and today they are asking for another 50 years. What about tomorrow... With your temper, who knows how you will extort money from them!

What are you waiting for if you don't run away!

Wait until you get angry and beat them into pieces that can't be buckled on the ground?

"If it were me, I would run away too."

Chen Jing flipped through the stack of receipts in his hand and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

This old man is even more evil than the capitalists!

"But fortunately, three families have paid..." Chen Bofu suddenly sighed and took out three brand new receipts from his pocket, "Look at how well-mannered they are! Look at those grandsons! As for running away with their families!"

"Are these three families the suckers?"

Chen Jing wanted to ask this, but he didn't dare to speak after a while.

He took the receipt and looked at it.

They are one household on the 30th floor, one household on the 29th floor, and... the underground garage on the third floor below ground?

Is there anyone living there?

Could it be that the parking fee was written as the property fee by mistake?

"Jingjing, I have something to do later. Please help me deliver these receipts to others, so that others won't gossip about me taking the money and not paying!"


Just as Chen Jing put the receipts into his pocket, the light screen that he had closed last night suddenly popped up in front of him.


[Additional question: Top 10 Neighbors]

[Hint: One cannot make a difference alone. In this dangerous world, please try to build friendly relationships with your neighbors. ]

[*Note (1): Scoring is based on comprehensive performance and completion. The higher the score, the richer the reward]

[*Note (2): They who help the creatures of each plane ascend are kind. If you complete the additional questions well and please them, you will get more rewards - rewards can effectively increase the survival rate of candidates in the inner world]

[*Note 3333333): Neighbors like [*Invalid characters detected] 30000 Fruits Fruits Fruits [*Invalid characters detected] 2229999 Delicious food Things Things [*Invalid characters detected] Underground garage garage Eyeballs Eyeballs Eyeballs Eyeballs]

Chapter 9 The world is chaotic but stable

The additional questions have appeared again, which is not surprising.

But what does the last line of garbled characters mean?

Chen Jing stared at the light screen in confusion, and his mind quickly flashed through the scenes of seeing garbled characters several times before.

This kind of garbled information is not the first time.

The first time it appeared was when he just came to this inner world, after the light screen displayed two big questions...

The second time it appeared was when he was reading the exam rules.

Rearrange the garbled text messages.

You can probably get three messages.

Don't kill the examiner.

Don't believe what they say.

Be careful of them.

You can connect to the other information given by the examiner on the light screen, but Chen Jing found that these three tips are contrary to it.

Want to submit an answer sheet that will satisfy "them" for this civilization.

There are only two ways to go.

Either destroy the core of the inner world or kill the examiner.

This is contrary to the first tip "Don't kill the examiner".

The second tip and the third tip...

Don't believe what they say.

Be careful of them.

This is contrary to the information given by the examiner.

It seems that in the eyes of the examiner, they are kind, and it is because of their existence that there is such a fair civilization test, but...

The tip is not to believe them.

"I couldn't tell the authenticity of those tips before... But maybe I can try this time..."

Chen Jing said in his heart, and carefully compared the receipts.

After Master Chen made a feat of collecting property fees for 50 years, there are only three households left in this high-rise residential building besides the Chen family.

One is on the 30th floor.

One is on the 29th floor.

And one is in the underground garage on the third floor below ground.

"Although the information given by the garbled code is a bit confusing... but it can probably be matched with these receipts..." Chen Jing murmured.

What do neighbors like...?

30,000 fruits, fruits, fruits...

Does it mean that the family on the 30th floor likes fruits?

From this point of view.

The family on the 29th floor should like delicious food...

And the one in the underground garage...

Like eyeballs?

"This is for me to give gifts to my future friends..."

Chen Jing remembered that the additional questions were about making friends, and he thought that these hints might be really useful to him, but he felt that this matter was not that simple.

Because he always remembered it.

This was an exam that could determine the survival or extinction of civilization.

If everything was that simple...

Then this would not be an exam.

"My dear grandson, come and eat."

"I'm coming!"

Hearing Chen Bofu's call, Chen Jing gathered his thoughts and walked towards the dining room.

The old man was still busy in the kitchen. Two dishes were already placed on the dining table, and there was a smell of stir-fried meat in the air.

It was different from Chen Jing's imagination.

The two dishes on the table were not outrageous.

At least they were not strange foods like offal.

They were just two cold dishes, one meat and one vegetable.

One plate of smashed cucumbers, and one plate of hand-shredded chicken.

The hand-shredded chicken was definitely chicken.

Judging from the chicken head on the plate, this was the most common variety in the real world.

"Grandpa, I'll help you with the food!"

"Just sit down, it'll be ready soon!"

"Then I'll get the dishes!"

Chen Jing put the dishes on the table, then turned back to look at the TV in the living room.

The TV was broadcasting the noon news.

The host was a male weirdo with compound eyes similar to those of a fly.

The huge compound eyes extended from the forehead to the philtrum, replacing the position of the nasal cavity. The red surface had hundreds of grids connected into a piece, like a honeycomb, which made Chen Jing's intensive phobia almost break out.

It must be said that the news host in the other world was quite normal. Except for looking like a fly man, he had almost no other shortcomings.

When he opened his mouth, he spoke in a pure broadcasting tone, without that kind of crazy energy.

"Dear viewers, the monthly 'Moon Worship Period' is coming again. I hope you will not forget to protect your own safety during your leisurely vacation..."

"Please remember to reinforce the doors and windows..."

"Don't go out unless necessary..."

"Viewers who have the conditions can light the 'Moonlight Incense' produced by the [Moonlight Hermitage] at home to avoid those out-of-control Old Descendants..."

Just as Chen Jing was concentrating on watching the news broadcast.

There was a clang.

Chen Bofu, wearing an apron, slammed the plate full of dishes heavily on the dining table.

"Those bastards only know how to cheat people!"

Chen Bofu sneered, as if he had a big prejudice against the [Moonlight Hermitage] mentioned by the host.

"It's a pity that they can sell the 'Moonlight Incense' so expensive. That thing can obviously only deceive the Old Descendants who haven't entered yet..."

Old Descendants.

This word again.

Chen Jing took the inner pot of the rice cooker from Chen Bofu and helped him fill a bowl of steaming rice, thinking in his heart.

Although from the information revealed by the old man before, it is not only the mother and son of Aunt Hong, but also the old man himself who are the old descendants... But combined with the information in the news, the old descendants do not seem to refer to "everyone".

These natives in the other world are not all old descendants.

There should be only a part of them.

Chen Jing originally planned to continue watching the local news broadcast, but Chen Bofu was obviously stimulated by the host's mention of the [Moonlight Hermitage]. He turned off the TV with an impatient look and started to pick up food for Chen Jing.

"Eat it, your favorite stir-fried pork!"

Chen Bofu's face was still smiling, and his kind look really made it hard to remind people of the old madman who went downstairs to kill people last night.

"What kind of meat? It looks quite tender..."

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