Chen Jing leaned against the back of the sofa, his seemingly careless expression hiding a vigilant heart.

"Sister Xu Ye, you also know that my grandfather has such a temper. He lost his temper as soon as he went to the parish, and he almost got into a fight with the Pope in the end..."

"But the Pope probably wanted to settle the matter and kept trying to persuade my grandpa. Finally, the old man saw that I was fine, so he gave the Pope a slap in the face, and the matter was settled for the time being..."

When Xu Ye heard the answer, he didn't know if he believed it or not. He just said "Huh" and then fell silent.

"Sister Xu Ye, let's leave the city first." Chen Jing didn't want to continue the phone call at this moment. He still understood that talking too much will lead to mistakes, "We'll talk later when we have a chance."

"Well, I wish you a safe journey!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

The old man sitting in the passenger seat also turned around and looked at him with a meaningful expression.

"Let's go."

When Chen Bofu finished speaking, Ryan drove the RV out of the city gate.

After driving into the extremely white fog.

Chen Jing could feel that the car was heating up rapidly.

About ten minutes passed.

The RV finally drove away from the seemingly endless fog.

And the real wasteland.

It also came into Chen Jing's eyes at this moment.

" is this different from what's on TV..."

Chapter 135 The Lost Starry Sky

The wasteland outside Evernight City.

There is no lingering haze or dust.

There are no desolate scenes of yellow sand filling the sky as imagined.

What caught Chen Jing's eyes was a gorgeous and dreamy world.

In this endless dark wilderness, the soft soil for plant growth seems to be non-existent.

There are no common trees and shrubs here, and the gray-brown gravel ground is covered with bright green thick moss.

These fluorescent moss seem to replace the grass.

When the wheels roll over, they sink like rubber, and many firefly-like spores fly out. When the wheels leave, the moss bounces back up again and returns to its original shape...

Perhaps because of their smell, Chen Jing only felt a fresh and moist smell in his nose.

It's like the soil after rain or the woods in foggy weather.

This smell that symbolizes vigorous vitality is really difficult to associate with a place of death like the wasteland.

This place is different from Yongye.

There are sunrises and sunsets.

When I looked up at night, I could no longer see Gehro's figure in the sky.

It was as if that strange living celestial body only existed in the sky of eternal night, and once it entered the wasteland, it could no longer be found.

"I haven't been to the wasteland for a long time..." Wei Nan opened the car window and took a few deep breaths, with enjoyment written all over his face. "Sure enough, the air quality in the wasteland is better... There is always a smell in the city's air. The smell of stone from Gehro..."

"I haven't been here for a long time..."

Like an innocent and ignorant little girl, Yan Que lay on the car window and looked out, her eyes reflecting the light of those "fireflies".

"My dear grandson, does the scenery in the wasteland look good?"


Chen Jing replied blankly.

He was more curious about the starry sky above his head than the scenery on the ground.


This should be considered a starry sky, right?

Maybe so.

There are no stars in the traditional sense in the cloudless night sky, only countless gracefully curved lines emitting various colors of light, just like star trails captured by long exposure...

They seemed to use the dark night sky as their canvas.

These lines seem to be chaotic and disorderly outlines, but they wantonly draw a beauty that is unimaginable by Chen Jing.

Perhaps Van Gogh also visited here a hundred years ago and witnessed such a spectacular and beautiful scene with his own eyes.

The starry and moonlit night he painted was just like the night sky Chen Jing was seeing at this moment.

"It's not the same as on TV." Chen Jing stared at the night sky in a daze, his black and white eyes seemed to be illuminated by the chaotic starlight, "The night sky here... is really beautiful..."

“Beautiful and wonderful things are often accompanied by unimaginable dangers.”

Chen Bofu opened the car window, lit a cigarette, and put his right hand on the window frame of the car door.

"Look there..."

Following the direction pointed by the old man, Chen Jing glanced to the southeast.

I saw a few all-terrain jeeps parked on the hillside over there.

Two of them were just driven up.

On the left side of the hillside, the moss covering the wilderness is constantly undulating, like rough water, and something seems to be crawling beneath the surface...

"Someone is targeting us!" Wei Nan raised his hands in the air and cheered.

"Are you so happy?" Chen Jing was dumbfounded for a moment, "What's the point of being happy about being stared at?"

"Oh, you don't understand..."

Wei Nan chuckled and didn't explain much to Chen Jing. He turned to look at Chen Bofu who was smiling and smoking.

"As long as the old man understands!"

"It depends on their fate..." Chen Bofu yawned, with a hint of unnoticeable excitement in his lazy tone, "If they follow after a while, Wei Nan Yanque, you two go down and kill them all."

Hearing this, Yan Que nodded silently.

She had no objection to the old man's arrangement, only Wei Nan muttered unhappily.

"Why are you using me as a coolie again..."

"Do you think I'm letting you ride in this car for free?" Chen Bofu said angrily, "If you want to come out and play, you have to work hard, otherwise get back here!"

"It's not like I'm disobedient...Old man, why are you so angry..."

"Stop saying a few words." Chen Jing looked at Wei Nan with a headache, thinking that this girl really cares about food and not fights. She is obviously willing to listen to the old man's arrangement, but she has to mutter a few words to enjoy herself.

"Drive over there, we're on our way anyway." Chen Boxu glanced at Ryan.

Ryan nodded, but seemed a little nervous and couldn't help but ask one more question.

"Sir, there seems to be a large pollutant hidden in the moss field below the hillside. Do you want to go around it?"

"What a detour."

Chen Bofu put his feet on the dashboard, wearing the same pair of flip-flops that had remained unchanged for thousands of years.

"If it dares to jump out and look for trouble, I'll beat the shit out of it!"


As the saying goes, it's like running to death in Wangshan, but the same is true when driving.

The hillside I saw before felt not far away.

But it took almost forty minutes until Chen Jing and the others rushed over.

Perhaps sensing that Chen Jing and the others were deliberately approaching, the cars on the hillside ran down the road again, and the convoy dispersed in an instant...

Those cars gradually formed an encirclement, as if they wanted to observe this strange RV before taking action.

It's different from those few car options.

The polluting species lurking beneath the surface has never shown any intention of showing up.

During this process.

Wei Nan always seemed very excited, as if he wanted to jump out of the car and find someone to fight with.

But unfortunately...these people wandering the wasteland are not stupid.

After observing for a while from a few hundred meters away, the cars suddenly dispersed and sped away into the distance, as fast as if there were ghosts chasing them.

"These dogs have such sharp noses?!"

Chen Bofu looked a little disappointed, raised his arm to his nose and smelled it.

"It's all my damn fault! I forgot to suppress my breath..."

"Old man, are you okay?" Wei Nan couldn't help complaining and said disappointedly, "It's not easy to meet someone who came to my door..."

Hearing Wei Nan's words, Chen Bofu frowned and was about to curse, but before he could speak, the ground suddenly shook violently.

Directly in front of the RV.

The moss on the ground suddenly sank, forming a deep pit about ten meters in diameter.

The next second.

A strange creature with human arms that looked like giant worms came out of the hole with a howling craziness. It stood up high like a snake and was about to pounce on the oncoming RV...

"Here comes the one looking for excitement!" Chen Bofu's eyes lit up.

"Give me this!" Wei Nan opened the car window excitedly, as if he was ready to jump out.

But Yanque's movements were faster than them.

She just tilted her head and looked at the polluted species, then raised her hand and waved...

The giant crow that had been following the RV out of the city swooped down from high altitude.

It flapped its wings seemingly nonchalantly.

What followed was an overwhelming rain of arrows made of feathers.

"Why do I feel like I'm driving into the wasteland..."

Chen Jing looked at the tainted species with countless black feathers piercing his body with a dull expression, feeling that this was different from the dangerous adventure he imagined...


Yan Que secretly tugged at the corner of Chen Jing's clothes under the table.

She picked up the playing cards in her hand and waved them in front of his eyes, as if she didn't care about what was happening outside, with a very unwilling expression on her fair and tender little face.

"I've lost a lot, keep fighting, I want to win it back!"

Chapter 136: A gathering place for wanderers

As an old descendant, Chen Jing was able to determine through simple aura judgment that the tainted species that was instantly killed by the giant crow was definitely stronger than the human Tie he had met before...

Looking back now, Chen Jing suddenly felt that things were different.

At the beginning, he almost let those people force him to death.

But what about now?

Chen Jing stared blankly at the huge corpse of the polluted species, and Bai Aji's voice rang in his mind.

"That...can I eat it?"

Chen Jing nodded subconsciously, and before he could say anything, Bai Aji rushed out of his backpack.

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