Chen Jing felt that something was controlling him.

He would never let him act out.

But after thinking about it, Chen Jing felt that he was a little stupid.

It seemed a little unrealistic to act in a place like a mental hospital like the wasteland, and the satisfaction that could be obtained from these lunatics would not be too much.

"Eat quickly, and go back to sleep after eating."

Chen Jing urged impatiently, and then looked up at the huge shadow that appeared in the holy light.

That should be the projection left by King Huang.

It has existed for many years.

The huge and ancient figure was like a veil, and the breeze could cause waves. It looked very real but revealed a trace of nothingness. The tattered robe with a dull color seemed to cover the starry sky...

When this figure from the ancient days disappeared, the dazzling holy light also disappeared without a trace.


The tinnitus caused by the violent vibration of the Holy Grail was slightly relieved.

Chen Jing could also gradually hear other sounds clearly.

"What's wrong?" Wei Nan was so anxious that she jumped up and down, but the old man's palm was like a seal, and she couldn't get away no matter how hard she jumped.

Until the old man took the initiative to put down his hand.

Wei Nan and Yan Que were able to see...

"Where are the people?" Wei Nan asked tentatively.

"In its stomach." Chen Jing squatted on the ground and drew circles in disappointment.

"No one is left for me?" Wei Nan asked again.

"Go ask it!" Chen Jing was so frustrated that he didn't want to say a word.

Unlike Wei Nan, Yan Que behaved very quietly from beginning to end.

She just looked up at the giant crow circling in the sky, then lowered her head, glanced at Chen Jing with a subtle expression, and her fair face suddenly turned a little red.

"You said I could have some fun! Why are you eating alone?"

Wei Nan was so angry that he wanted to lock Chen Jing's throat, but considering the old madman was present, he could only grab Chen Jing's shoulders and shake him wildly. He felt so wronged that he wanted to cry.

"It doesn't matter if I eat alone or not..."

Chen Jing sighed, with a look of despair on his face.

And just at this moment.

Chen Bofu suddenly looked at him, and the eyes of the grandfather and grandson made a brief contact, and then there was an indescribable reaction...

That reaction was probably like an elder finding that the younger generation had seen something they shouldn't have seen, and he was inexplicably there.

That kind of subtle embarrassment.

For a moment, they both didn't know what expression to put on each other.

"Then...then what...Ryan! Come with me to find something to eat!"

The old man coughed dryly, then avoided Chen Jing's gaze, and ran away with his hands behind his back.

At that moment, Chen Jing only wondered if he had hallucinations, because he vaguely heard the old man sigh softly.

"The child has grown up..."

Chapter 142: The violent death of the Tuso Tree

The damage caused by the Yellow King Holy Grail to the gathering place of wanderers is incalculable.

This is what Chen Jing discovered afterwards.

The dazzling yellow holy light burned almost everything on the surface into a terrifying white ash. Even within this killing radius, most of the metal utensils were burned to melt and deform.

"Prodigal son." Chen Bofu scolded.

Although there is nothing good in this gathering place, you can make a lot of money by picking up some rags and selling them back!

But in just one minute, everything is gone!

"I don't want to..."

Chen Jing squatted on the ground with a helpless look on his face, feeling a little depressed by today's incident.

Look up.

Kuai Nanyan Que and Ryan, who were protected by the old man before, were arranged to pick up rags at this moment.

They were like homeless people picking up garbage, bending down and stopping every step, looking around for valuables...

"Who knew the lethality of holy light could be so strong..."

Chen Jing sighed.

"It's a pity that it can only last for one minute... The cooling time is 24 hours..."

"One minute is not enough for you to be arrogant?" Chen Bofu glared and wanted to scold him a few more times, but he felt a little reluctant, so his tone slowly softened, "Next time this happens, you kid are not allowed to take action, do you hear me?"

Chen Jing hummed, his expression a little aggrieved.

Isn't this all caused by the old man himself?

If you didn't want to play the pig and eat the tiger, this matter wouldn't have come to this point...

You have to suppress your breath and pretend to be a rookie and weak, and you want to take this opportunity to teach me a lesson about the law of the jungle... Please, I'm not that naive!

"Bai Aji seems to have evolved again."

Chen Bofu seemed to be very interested in the changes in Bai Aji, and sighed with a sound of admiration.

"Since both the old descendants and the polluted species have a nourishing effect on it...why don't we find a way to get some more?"

"Okay." Chen Jing nodded, a little absent-mindedly, "It's just a matter of convenience. If you see a polluted species, kill one. It can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

For those polluted species that only retain the attack instinct, Chen Jing only thinks that they are similar to zombies in horror movies, and there is no chance for communication...just like the dog locked in the cage before.

It just looks more obedient. Once it leaves the damn cage, it will attack all creatures in sight.

This point has been verified before.

The extreme desire to attack other creatures made it ignore the holy light coming towards it. Before being burned to ashes, it still wanted to pounce on Chen Jing and bite him...

Perhaps this is the characteristic of low-level polluting species.

Like someone who is brainless.


Wei Nan ran back with Yan Que, with an expression of indescribable disappointment on his gray face.

"Nothing is left!"

"Those relics were also destroyed." Yan Que nodded. Compared with Wei Nan, she was much cleaner, with only a little white ash on her skirt. "No supplies were left, they were all burned."

"Forget it."

Chen Bofu waved his hand, then turned his head to look at Ryan who was still rummaging through the garbage not far away.

"Don't look! Let's change places!"

"Ah?" Ryan stood up in confusion.

Even if he rolled up his sleeves, his cuffs were still covered with dust.

"Do you want to change places? I'm going to drive now!"

"Let's camp somewhere else." Chen Bofu said, looking at his grandson unhappily, "There's too much dust here, I feel choked..."

"Let's go directly."

Chen Jing patted his pants and slowly stood up.

"It's not far from Ryan's hometown, just drive over and take a look..."

Hearing this, the fire in Ryan's eyes jumped twice, and his emotions obviously fluctuated, but he didn't dare to say anything with the old man present.

"So anxious?" Chen Bofu frowned, "Just walk slowly along the way, just take you on a trip."

"There will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Chen Jing smiled.

Chen Jing is not a person who is keen on striving for strength. If possible, he would rather find a comfortable place to lie down and spend his days.

But the reality does not allow him to do so...

The inner world is the law of the jungle.

This is even more so in the outer world.

Even in that world where people are eaten without blood, Chen Jing's sense of crisis will be even stronger...because there is no old man there, and his only support is himself.


You really can't slack off when you should work hard to become stronger.

Moreover, there is a time limit for the exam in the world of return this time.

The total duration is thirty days.

After this time, you have to go back...

God knows what that world will become after the candidates return this time.

But intuitively speaking.

Chen Jing feels that that world... I'm afraid it won't be peaceful.


"It will take about three hours!"

While Ryan was driving, he didn't forget to report to Chen Bofu, and his tone seemed a little impatient.

"I remember this road very well! There will be no mistake!"

"You drive yours..."

Chen Bofu shrank in the chair, and his gray fisherman's hat covered most of his face, looking a little uninterested.

He really planned to take Chen Jing to have a good time in the wasteland for a while.

But now it seems that the good grandson doesn't seem to be interested, which makes the old man feel a little disappointed.

"Hey, Birdman, why don't you play cards with us?"

"I don't want to."

"I think you can't afford to lose..."

"No, I'm just analyzing."

In the booth in the middle of the RV, Yan Que sat in the corner with his arms folded, staring at Wei Nan, with a hint of doubt in his cold eyes.

"I always feel that you are cheating, but I have no evidence..."

"What nonsense are you talking about! I'm not that kind of person!"

In fact, it's not Yan Que's fault for being suspicious. At this moment, even Chen Jing couldn't help but doubt... Is this bastard cheating?

Three people playing Landlord.

From leaving Yongye until now, Wei Nan has never lost a single game, which makes Chen Jing, who often wins beans in Landlord, a little confused.

"If you can't afford to play, you can't afford to play, and you slander me for cheating..." Wei Nan put away the poker cards on the table, his expression very aggrieved.

"If I catch the evidence, I will chop off your hand." Yan Que sneered.

Just then.

The RV suddenly shook violently, and Wei Nan instinctively opened the window and leaned half of his body out, looking like he was about to jump out of the car...

"What are you doing?" Chen Jing was confused.

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