"Can I enter the palace with a key?"

"That's right."

"Do we need to pay any price?" Chen Jing asked calmly, "Just like we need to pay a price for using old relics..."

"Old relics?" Zhao Puxian seemed to find this term unfamiliar, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Is it a magic weapon? A precious phantom? Or something else?"

When Chen Jing heard this, he could only bite the bullet and explain the concept of relics to him.

Fortunately, Zhao Puxian was not stupid and understood quickly.

"No price required."

Zhao Puxian's tone became a little impatient, and he seemed to have lost interest in continuing to chat with Chen Jing. He slowly drew out the long sword from his waist as if to make a move.

"It's just a key to open the door! There's no cost!"

"Don't do it, don't do it!"

Chen Jing hurriedly raised his hands to express his surrender, with a hint of excitement hidden under his seemingly panicked expression.

"The key you mentioned seems to be with me!"

In just an instant, Zhao Puxian stopped raising his hand and swinging his sword.

"You...have the key to enter the palace?"

"Yes! This really does exist!"

Chen Jing was still shaking as he spoke.

In Zhao Puxian's eyes, this trembling might be due to fear, but only Chen Jing himself knew that it was because he was too excited to control himself.

"How could we come to the Yellow King's Courtyard rashly without a key?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing quickly took off his backpack and took out the "Key to the Door" under Zhao Puxian's confused gaze.

"Is this the key you are talking about?"

Chapter 152 The Function of the Door Key

Chen Jing still remembers the information displayed on the light screen when he first obtained the key.

The content is probably...

This key is an old relic from the Yellow King's Courtyard. The user needs to pay the price of his life to show his devout faith, and then he can use the door key to open the door of the courtyard.

Simply put, it will kill you if you use it.

Although Chen Jing didn't know why this message called the palace a courtyard.

But he knew very well that the authenticity of this message was no joke.

As for whether the dead can still enter the palace with this key...

Probably not?

According to the description in the information, it is very likely that someone needs to actively sacrifice this key, and then others can use the key to open the door and enter the courtyard.

So...think about it from another perspective.

Can this key be used to kill someone?

Chen Jing didn't know.

Chen Jing is not sure.

But Chen Jing wanted to try.

After all, Zhao Puxian had already drawn his sword, so it seemed that he was not prepared to continue the conversation.

If you don't find a way to stabilize him first, you'll probably end up burping before the old man and the others can rescue him.

"You...how do you have this key?!"

Zhao Puxian almost screamed out this sentence. Seeing Chen Jing holding the key in his hand like a treasure, he grabbed it without any hesitation.


This is the key that can open the palace door!

"Finally found……"

Zhao Puxian's electronically synthesized voice trembled, and he stared at the key in his palm as if admiring a rare treasure, not even daring to look away, for fear that this hard-won treasure would escape.

The key is as long as the palm of your hand.

The front end looks like a copper rod with some irregular serrations.

The tail end is hollowed out with a totem of the Yellow King.

"Can this change my life?" Chen Jing lowered his attitude and asked cautiously.

"Can, can, can, can!"

Zhao Puxian kept repeating this word, a sound similar to the rotation of mechanical gears came from his head, and steam gradually came out of his nostrils and ears. He seemed to be too excited to control himself.

"Then go quickly!" Chen Jing urged calmly, "The palace is right there! If you don't hurry up and fulfill your lifelong dream, why are you waiting!"

After hearing this, Zhao Puxian seemed to calm down a little, but his tone of voice still revealed unconcealable excitement.

"You come with me!"

With that said, Zhao Puxian ignored Chen Jing's objection, grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the palace.

"I won't go..."

"You have to go! You have to bear witness for me!" Zhao Puxian was still spitting out white steam from his mouth as he spoke, "When I found myself trapped in this secret realm... I thought my whole life was over..."


"You and I are destined by God! You should be allowed to bear witness for me! Look at how this real person embarks on this path of becoming an ascension!"

Chen Jing felt that this bastard must be crazy. His half-literate and half-white tone exuded a kind of blabbering sound. He was even more nervous than the old man when he went crazy!

Not a moment.

Zhao Puxian took Chen Jing outside the palace.

In front of this huge and towering pointed arch, Chen Jing felt much more oppressive than before.

The door is like a heavy and cold mountain of iron.

No keyhole, no handle.

Only the outline of the exterior proves that this is the palace gate.

"I have tried to force my way into this palace countless times...but I have failed without exception..."

Zhao Puxian raised his hand and stroked the Yellow King totem engraved on the door. He heard an inexplicable sticky sound, like the sound of tearing tape... When he raised his hand again, the palm of his hand had been corroded away. layer.

"Fortunately, I didn't rush to kill you before..." Zhao Puxian said with lingering fear, "Thanks for chatting with you for a few words...otherwise..."

"So, you can't be too murderous!"

Chen Jing struggled quietly, only to find that Zhao Puxian's hand holding his arm was as firm as a vise, and his slender fingers actually gave him an irresistible clamping force.

"I will pay attention to it in the future." Zhao Puxian decided to listen to Chen Jing's opinion, and suddenly began to reflect on himself, "God has a good life, I understand what you mean... you are doing it for my own good!"

"Open the door quickly." Chen Jing couldn't help but urge, "After opening the door, go see your Yuhua Dao, that's for your own good!"

"Since you are good for me, you should open the door." Zhao Puxian said calmly.

"Huh?" Chen Jing was startled, "You want me to open the door for you?"

"That's right."

Zhao Puxian nodded and suddenly thrust the key into Chen Jing's hand.

"Among the kings of the old days, King Huang was the most insidious and cunning. You don't know how many traps there are in this courtyard that almost killed me... So I feel that this palace must not be that easy to enter. Maybe there is some danger inside. Something is waiting for me.”


"Since you are doing it for my own good, then do it for my own good."


Are the thoughts of such ancient alchemists so dark?


Didn't you just say before that we were destined for each other... and now you're letting me be the guinea pig? ! Are you a little too sinister? !

"Open the door."

Zhao Puxian calmly took a step back and raised his hand to make a polite gesture.


"Zhenzhen Zhao...are you serious?"

"I am serious."

Zhao Puxian nodded and said calmly.

"All creatures that enter the Yellow King's courtyard will be deprived of their own sequence of powers, and I am no exception, so now... I can only be careful."

"Deprived of power?" Chen Jing was stunned.

"That's right, the abilities brought by the own sequence will be taken away."

Zhao Puxian looked up at the palace gate in front of him, his tone becoming helpless.

"This is the miracle left behind by the Yellow King before his death. No matter how powerful the creature is, it will become a mortal here."

"...Zhenzhen Zhao, why don't you open the door yourself?"

Chen Jing's face turned pale at this moment, because he suddenly realized that if the reality was that his power was deprived like what Zhao Puxian said...

Then wouldn’t I be dead if I use this key? !

"The ability of the deep space sequence is the price of being immune to the relics of the three pathways. If this ability really fails..."

Chen Jing looked at the key in his hand, and his eyes became horrified, because he knew that he seemed to be out of luck.

"My little friend, please open the door for me."

Zhao Puxian stared at Chen Jing calmly, and flicked his fingers lightly on the hilt of the sword. The threatening meaning was self-evident. The smooth electronically synthesized human voice was like a reminder that Chen Jing could hear it. Goosebumps all over.

"Move quickly."


"The fate between us is about to end."

Chapter 153 The blood outside the palace

at this moment.

Chen Jing only felt that what the old man said was indeed correct.

The alchemist really doesn't have any good stuff.

These guys have dark hearts!

"How about you do it yourself?"

Chen Jing asked cautiously, speaking in a humble tone, for fear of accidentally offending this lunatic.

"You have been waiting here for so many years. I don't dare to rob you of such a memorable event as opening the palace door..."

Hearing Chen Jing's words, Zhao Puxian just laughed.


Zhao Puxian urged calmly, holding the hilt of the sword tightly in his right hand as if he was impatient.

"I can't wait."


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