Yan Que discovered that the ancient alchemists were different from the alchemists in the Hanging City.

At least for the ancient alchemists like this one, he focused more on performance when transforming himself, and didn't care about how strange the appearance was... Of course, it could also be that the bionic technology was not mature in the era when the ancient alchemists lived.

Rather than saying that his fingers were fingers, it would be better to say that they were a few white jade pillars with blurred outlines and no knuckles.

"In this secret realm... I am invincible..."

Zhao Weixian sneered, and then glanced at Ryan's head.

At this moment, the soul fire in Ryan's eyes was still not extinguished.

But looking at the dim color and the small flame that seemed to be extinguished by the wind... It is estimated that it will not take long.

Ryan might really die.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you now. I will take you to the palace and to that little beast... I want him to see with his own eyes how I tortured you all to death."

Zhao Weixian's two fingers were as firm as a vice, clamping the tip of Yan Que's sword tightly, and no matter how she struggled, she couldn't pull it out.

The next second.

He raised his hand seemingly casually, and Yan Que's staff sword flew out of his hand instantly.

Zhao Weixian was ready to deal with Yan Que like he dealt with Wei Nan.

Beat her to the point of losing her ability to move first, and then take them away together.

But at this moment.

Zhao Weixian only felt a piercing chill coming from behind him, and then he smelled a smell without warning... that should have disappeared from this world long ago.

That was the old days.

The unique smell of a special ethnic group.

Like an old book or moldy wood.


When Zhao Weixian looked back at the sound, he saw that since some time... in the shadow of the trees, a burly and tall figure stood.

The dark golden armor was covered with thick bloodstains.

The cloak with the totem of the Yellow King printed on it had long been tattered.

A cross-shaped broadsword exuding death was stuck in the ground.

Like a tombstone.

"I don't know if your life will be of any use to the coronation of the 'king'..."

The voice came from under the armor mask.

But through the open mask, Zhao Weixian could not see the face of the person, only a cluster of black flames burning silently inside.

"You...you should all be dead..."

Zhao Weixian's face, as stiff as a plastic model, showed an expression of fear.

"You should know that we will not die."

"But your Yellow King has fallen!" Zhao Weixian almost yelled hysterically, "The deep space can no longer protect you! After the Yellow King dies, all the relatives will follow..."


Yegtos interrupted Zhao Weixian's words, then turned his head and looked around for a while.

Confirming that everyone here was still alive, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Take you back first."

Yegtos suddenly pulled out the cross broadsword stuck in the ground, and the dark golden spells and totems on the sword were now shining with a slightly dim light.

"I've seen you dressed like this... You're a hunter in deep space!"

"You're knowledgeable." Yegetos praised.

"Monitoring deep space, hunting heretics... Many of my fellow practitioners died at the hands of you hunters!"

Yegetos didn't care about Zhao Weixian's increasingly hateful tone.

He held the hilt with one hand, slowly raised the cross broadsword in his hand, and then smashed it at Zhao Weixian with lightning speed...



It was just like throwing a javelin.

With a shrill scream.

The air along the way and the long sword in Zhao Weixian's hand were split in two by it.

When the broadsword pierced Zhao Weixian's body head-on.

Yegetos had already walked to Ryan's "corpse" with a heavy heart.

It picked up the cracked skull and studied it in confusion.

"Is this also the family and friend of the 'king'?"


"What if he dies..."

Chapter 160 The king is about to come to the world

Although Ryan has been deprived of the sequence power, he did not die instantly after his head and body were separated... Maybe it was because of his own race?

Being beheaded was not enough to kill him.

As long as the fire in his eyes is not extinguished.

Then he still has a chance to live.

"There is still hope." Yegetos said holding Ryan's head, looking around, and finally focusing on Wei Nan, "I'll send you out first."

"Send out?" Wei Nan was stunned and didn't react for a while, "Where are you going to send us?"


Yegetos carefully collected Ryan's bones, then slowly stood up and pulled out the cross broadsword that faintly emitted a yellow light from the ground.

"The old man said that as long as you return to the outside world, this little injury won't kill you..."

"Old man?" Yan Que was startled and asked hurriedly, "Is it the old man who was attacked by the ancient alchemist?!"

"It's him." Yegetos nodded, then pointed to the skull in his hand, "He was more seriously injured than this little monster, and his whole body was almost torn apart... But I went there in time, and I sent him out."

"Then we..."

"You should go out too."

Although Yegetos spoke in a calm tone, that calmness could be described as indifference and disdain, because he didn't take the creatures of this era seriously at all.

For Yegetos.

These creatures of the present age are nothing but the descendants of those betrayers during the old war, so how can he look at Wei Nan and others with equal eyes?

"The Yellow King Courtyard is not for creatures like you to set foot in..."

Yegetos said these words without any thought, and he didn't realize that he seemed to have offended the relatives and friends of the "king".

The armor on his body emitted waves of golden halos that spread like ripples. Every time a huge halo spread out, its brightness would increase by more than double...

Until the end, Wei Nan and others could only close their eyes.

The intense golden light made it impossible for them to open their eyes, and even with their eyes closed, they could vaguely see those strange lights.

About five seconds later.

Wei Nan and others found that the dazzling lights disappeared.

And the location where they were was no longer in the woods of the Yellow King Courtyard, but outside... in the ancient ruins of the Yellow King Courtyard!

The wind was very strong at night, blowing in the ears.

The old man who was almost killed by Zhao Weixian was now sitting cross-legged on the huge stone door frame leading to the courtyard of the ancient ruins.

When Wei Nan and the others opened their eyes and saw the old man.

The old man, covered in blood, was panting violently. His face seemed to have just been fished out of the blood. His slightly hideous and twisted expression was an indescribable anger, and his scarlet eyes flashed with an eternal murderous light.

"You are really alive..."

Yegetos looked at Chen Bofu, and he was surprised to see that the old man recovered so quickly.

"It seems that I can go back and report."

After saying that, he put the Ryan skeleton in his hand on the ground, and once again confirmed that the fire in Ryan's eye sockets had not been extinguished, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Where is my grandson?"

Hearing this voice that seemed to ring in his ears, Yegetos was stunned for a moment, and instinctively looked up and saw that the huge stone door frame was empty...

The old man who was sitting cross-legged on it before had now appeared silently beside him.

On that bloodstained face, there was a kind of worry that was almost panic.

"You mean... 'king'?"

"Where is my grandson?!"

Yegetos hesitated for a while, and seemed not to want to answer this question.

For him.

"King" is everything.

How could information about "King" be disclosed to outsiders?

Even if these people are relatives and friends of "King", it is not allowed!

"Speak!" Chen Bofu was a little anxious, as if he had forgotten the humiliation he had suffered before, and his mind was on his invisible grandson, "Where is my grandson?!"

Yegetos did not answer, turned around and prepared to return to the Yellow King Courtyard, and a golden light that spread outward in a ripple-like manner was shining on his body.

But at this moment.

An old and withered hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder, and almost instantly made the golden light on his body disappear completely.

"Tell me..."

Yegotos looked back and saw that the old man had changed. He had turned into a chaotic and disordered amorphous black mist. Thousands of creatures' eyes were twisted and appeared on the surface of the mist. Even the air was filled with an ominous smell...

"Where is my grandson???"

In order to stop this unknown weirdo, Chen Bofu completely lost his human characteristics at this moment, revealing his true appearance that had not been revealed for many years.

The terrifying black mist spread behind the old man, and twisted and painful faces appeared in it.

At this time.

Yegotos seemed to hear thousands of different voices, and they were roaring the same sentence in unison.

"Where is my grandson?!!!"

Yegotos still did not answer the old man's question, and his body gradually trembled as if he was resisting the old man's suppression.

But the more he resisted.

The more surprised Yegotos was in his heart.

Because he found that this old man was ridiculously powerful, even catching up with some "pseudo-kings" in the old days.

"You won't say it, right?!"

Chen Bofu was not a normal person, especially when he was dominated by emotions, he became crazy and didn't care about anything.

"Believe it or not, I will kill you!?"

Seeing the atmosphere between Chen Bofu and Yegetos becoming increasingly tense, Wei Nan was frightened and even a little confused...

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