Maybe this is the marquee of life...

"Aren't you familiar?"

Suddenly, Chen Jing felt like he was thrown to the ground. He breathed heavily for almost half a minute before he slowly regained his strength.

At this time, Wu brain squatted beside him and stared at him without saying a word.

"You're really unfamiliar?" No-brain looked suspicious, "Then what receipt did you give him?"

"If you don't send him away, beat me." Chen Jing replied without hesitation.

Upon hearing this, Wu Nao Nao immediately felt as if he had met a close friend. He patted Chen Jing's shoulder so hard that he almost burst into tears. There seemed to be a sentence written on his face, "I have been a bitter old madman in Sunset Red Community for a long time."

"I just said that old madman is not a good person!"

"Not a good person!"

"Having paid property fees for fifty years is not enough. He even asked me to pay for another fifty years. If I don't pay, he will attack me..."

"Did you fight?"

"if not?"

No-brain sniffed again, holding back the tears in his eyes, and forced a proud smile on his bruised and swollen face.

"But it's okay, it's evenly divided."


You can't say it evenly!

Chen Jing couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Thinking of the old man's peaceful appearance at home, and then looking at the miserable condition of this eldest sister...


If you think about it from another angle.

He was beaten up by the old man and still alive...

Even the cleaners didn't put it in bags and take it away as biological waste...

Does this prove her power from the side?

"What is this bag in your hand?"

No brain pretended not to care, he asked while flipping through the plastic bag, his eyes fixed on the lunch box containing stir-fried pork.

"I thought it was almost time for dinner...I'll bring you something to eat on the way..." Chen Jing rubbed his still sore neck and expressed panic without changing his expression.

"We don't even know each other...why are you so nice to me?" No brain is still very wary of the people sent by the old madman.

But not much.

"Forget it, considering that you were bullied by the old madman, I will accept you as my little brother..."

No-brainer took out the lunch box naturally, wrinkled his nose and smelled it, and couldn't help but praise: "It smells delicious! The cook must be a great chef!"

"Well... you're right."

"Don't worry, wait until I recover from my injury..." Wu brain gritted his teeth and raised his hand to touch his panda eyes, "If you wait for tens or even hundreds of years, when the old madman is half buried in the ground, I will take my revenge. I’ll give it to you!”

"But what if dozens or hundreds of years have passed and the old madman is still half buried?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"Then just wait! I don't believe I can't survive him!"

"You are really ambitious..."

"Why don't you come in and sit down? It's okay to lie down in the corridor..."

Wu brainlessly reached out and pulled Chen Jing up from the ground. Then he held the lunch box in his left hand and the plastic bag in his right hand, then turned around and walked into the house.

"By the way, little brother, what's your name?"

"Chen Jing."

" name is Wei Nan. The name on the receipt must have been written by that old lunatic. What nonsense, I have the most brains!"

"Yeah, boss, you're right!"

Chen Jing held the smelly feet against his will while observing the room calmly.

From the doorway to the living room, it would be an understatement to say it was a mess.

The house looked as if it had just been visited by a demolition crew.

There is no good spot at first glance.

"The old man really went too far..." Chen Jing sighed in his heart, and when he saw that he was clueless...

Ah no, look at Wei Nan again.

I saw her squatting pitifully in the living room, cooking, and sniffling while eating. It was obvious that she was still aggrieved but embarrassed to cry.

See this scene.

Chen Jing felt a little sorry.

You can bully anyone.

But bullying fools...

This is so inappropriate!

"Ever since I was a child! I have never suffered such a great injustice!"


"That old madman is so fucking unreasonable!"

"It's really unreasonable!"

"Just wait, I will kill him sooner or later!"

After saying that, Wei Nan glanced at Chen Jing and seemed to feel that it was a bit unreasonable for others to watch him eating, so he tentatively raised the lunch box in his hand.

"Would you like some?"

The look of reluctance on her face but trying to pretend to be generous was like a child with no acting skills, looking at Chen Jing pitifully with her big eyes open.

"I've eaten, you can eat." Chen Jing waved his hands and smiled, then wandered around the living room minding his own business.

This house must be renovated.

But this money...

It's a bit unreasonable to let No-Brain do it on his own.

But let the old man step in. With his character, he might overturn the table as soon as he hears this request.

"Okay! I'll pay for it! I'll even pay for her coffin and cremation fees!"

Chen Jing imagined the scene of the old man going crazy in his mind, and then couldn't help but shudder.

You can't rush this.

Wait until the old man comes back in the evening to have a good communication.

"By the way, are you familiar with the neighbor upstairs?" Chen Jing suddenly remembered Yan Que's instructions and asked.

"It's familiar. Why isn't it familiar?"

Wei Nan was still happy that Chen Jing didn't compete with her for food, but when he heard that he mentioned the neighbor upstairs, his expression suddenly fell.

"That woman is sick." Wei Nan raised his head and looked at Chen Jing seriously, as if to remind him, "You have to stay away from her, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble."

"There will be trouble?" Chen Jing was stunned.

Wei Nan nodded: "Yes, you should know her origins, right?"

"Is she a believer of the [Moonlight Hermitage]?" Chen Jing remembered the silver totem hanging on the girl's chest.

"She used to be the death bird of the hermitage, but later defected..."

Wei Nan sneered, lowered his head and put another piece of meat in his mouth.

"In recent years, the [Moonlight Hermitage] has been wanted for her. If it weren't for her living in this community... Haha, I'm afraid she would have been tied to the firewood pile by those fanatics."

Chapter 12 The Ancient Sect in the Other World

The Death Bird of the [Moonlight Hermitage]?

Is this a priestly duty or...

"Anyway, just listen to the boss and don't get in touch with that crazy woman, otherwise you'll get yourself into trouble sooner or later."

After finishing her lunch, Wei Nan seemed much happier and no longer sniffed in grievance.

She leaned against the sofa that was almost a rotten sponge, patting her belly lightly with enjoyment.

"Why did the [Moonlight Hermitage] want her?" Chen Jing asked curiously, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Defection." Wei Nan took out a toothpick from somewhere and swung it in his mouth. "No one knows the specific reason, and the hermitage didn't say it clearly, but I guess it's not a small matter."

Chen Jing nodded thoughtfully, secretly digesting the information he got from Wei Nan.

From the books in "his" bedroom, it can be basically confirmed that the geographical features of the inner world and the real world are completely different.

This place is not like the six separate and independent continents in the surface world.

In this world (or planet).

All creatures live on the same continent surrounded by the "Old Sea".

This continent is divided into three regions.

But to be more precise, it is divided into three cities.

Except for the biological restricted area called "Old Wasteland", other areas that can accommodate creatures are divided into these three cities.

These three cities are located in the north, east, and south of the continent.

The city in the north is called "Polar Day City".

The city built on the east coast is called "Hanging City".

As for the last one in the south, Yongye City...

This is where Chen Jing is.

The social structure and legal provisions of each city are obviously different. It can be said that only Yongye City is the city closest to the real world.

In these three cities, there are different ancient sects preaching in them.

There is [Great Buddha Mother Temple] in Polar Day.

There is [Turing Research Society] in Hanging City.

As for the native religion of Yongye City, it is naturally [Moonlight Hermitage].

Chen Jing didn't know much about this sect, and it was even difficult to find a detailed description of them in books. He only knew that the beliefs of these believers were extremely special.

They all believed in a moon god named "Gheluo".

That's right.

They believed in the strange moon above their heads that always had a mocking expression and looked down on the world for thousands of years.

"From the news..."

"The three cities in this world are all managed by the [Round Table Council]... They are the real rulers of this world... But the power of these ancient sects seems to be no less than that of the [Round Table Council]..."

"That little girl is actually wanted by the hermitage..."

Thinking of this, Chen Jing suddenly realized a key point.

Whether it was Yan Que or Wei Nan, the information they revealed had one thing in common.

Yan Que said that the old man was a good person, but a little crazy, and with him around, the property fee was worth it.

And Wei Nan said...

If Yan Que didn't live in this community, I'm afraid she would have been tied to the firewood pile and burned by those fanatics.

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