His words and deeds were completely different from his performance on TV.

Of course, it could also be because the old man was present. He kept a low profile from beginning to end, and expressed his meaning with an extremely smooth attitude:

Chen Bofu, you are strong.

I am a wimp.

I am scared.

So I won't argue with you, and you don't bully me.

"Jingjing, I heard that you have become an old descendant..." Bishop Sati's smile was very friendly, and his handsome uncle's face was full of sunshine, which made people feel good.

When shaking hands, Chen Jing and Sati were always observing each other.

I have to say.

Although Sati's aura was well hidden, Chen Jing's perception of aura increased sharply after he was promoted to Sequence 2.

He was almost certain... the strength of Sati and Kennel was definitely not as simple as a difference of ten numbers.

As everyone knows.

The ranking of bishops of [Moonlight Hermitage] is not a bit of water, and it is completely based on personal strength.

So Chen Jing knew from the beginning that Sati would be stronger than Kennel.


He didn't expect it to be so much stronger.

It is no exaggeration to say that Sati gave Chen Jing the same feeling as Xu Ye, and even a little stronger... This was something Chen Jing could not imagine in the past.

Because in his opinion.

The old descendants of Evernight City should be divided into only four levels.

The top group of old descendants seemed to be only the old man, the great councilors of the [Round Table Council], and the Pope of the [Moonlight Hermitage].

And in the second echelon.

Logically, there should be only Xu Ye.

Even the old man said that the bishops of the hermitage could not be Xu Ye's opponents at all. Except for the bishops at the top who were a little troublesome, the others were all vegetables for Xu Ye... But now it seems that this is not the case!

At this moment, Chen Bofu suddenly turned his head to look at Sati, and there was a hint of surprise in his seemingly sarcastic tone.

"Sati, have you been taking the heavy metal elixir of the research institute recently or something..."

Chen Bofu said in amazement, constantly looking up and down at Sati.

"I remember seeing you last month, right? You weren't as strong as you are now then... Have you been promoted again?"

"No, no!" Sati hurriedly shook his head and said modestly, "I just received a small gift from the Moon Goddess..."

"What? Did it poop for you to eat?" Chen Bofu asked.

Sati was silent, his expression was speechless.

"I didn't have much fun on this outing, and I ran into you guys as soon as I entered the city..."

Chen Bofu cursed, first looked at Xu Ye who looked innocent, and then cast his eyes on Sati who looked more aggrieved.

"You are here to make trouble for me, right?"

"I heard that you were going back to the city, so I came to greet you..." Xu Ye explained awkwardly.

"Oh, and you asked someone to monitor me." Chen Bofu nodded.

"Don't say that..." Xu Ye looked at Chen Jing helplessly, wanting this good brother to help him say a few words, "In this wasteland next to the city, there are spies from our parliament everywhere. This is not targeting you..."

"What about you?" Chen Bofu looked at Sati.

"I also..."


Chen Bofu interrupted Sati, puffing out smoke with a half-smoked cigarette in his mouth, and raised his index finger and shook it.

"Give you a chance to reorganize your words."


"Go ahead, you have at least three sentences to say." Chen Bofu said calmly.

Hearing this, Sati couldn't help but remain silent, and his mind quickly worked and began to think about the meaning of Chen Bofu's words... Did he know what I was here for?

"The Pope asked me to bring you sincere greetings?" Sati said tentatively.

Chen Bofu held a cigarette in his mouth and shook his head: "Not this sentence."

"Kenniel and his followers were all killed by us. This is the explanation given to you by the Moonlight Hermitage." Sati hurriedly changed his words.

"Not this sentence either." Chen Bofu shook his head again.

"That's right! The Pope said! The dead bird Yanque will no longer have any relationship with our hermitage in the future!"

Hearing this, Chen Bofu was about to shake his head again, but before he could move, Chen Jing, who was standing next to him, gently touched him with his foot.

"That's it." Chen Jing smiled and gave the answer for the old man.

Chen Bofu glanced at him, flicked the ash of his cigarette without showing any expression, and shut up after listening to his grandson's words.

Seeing that Sati only dared to nod with a smile, the old man asked impatiently.

"Anything else? If not, don't delay us from going home and sleeping!"

"Nothing, no! Send Mr. Chen back home!"

Soon, under countless pairs of awed eyes, Ryan started the RV again and drove straight back to the Sunset Red Community.

"What do you mean?" The old man looked at Chen Jing.

"Being targeted." Chen Jing smiled helplessly, "Grandpa, you should have seen it, they are obviously suspicious..."

"Suspect that you are an old descendant of the Deep Space Sequence?" Chen Bofu asked.

"No, no, no, they can't doubt this. After all, my aura at this stage is no different from yours. Unless I reveal my identity, no one can guess it..."

Chen Jing lay on the back of Chen Bofu's co-pilot seat, looking at the constantly changing scenery in front of him, and whispered softly.

"They probably suspect that the golden light column is related to us. Although the ancient site is far away from Yongye, judging from the photos they took, they are probably also wondering whether we have been there."

Chen Bofu didn't say anything, frowned and lit a cigarette again, looking uneasy.

"But they have no evidence." Chen Jing's expression was very calm, "The situation was special at that time. There was no one else except us within a hundred miles. Even those brainless polluting species were scared away, not to mention those old descendants who were as smart as monkeys."

"Are monkeys smart?" Chen Bofu asked.

"Metaphor! This is a metaphor!" Chen Jing said with a headache, and he was too lazy to think about what the monkeys in this world were like.

"In other words...they can only judge that our driving route may pass through there...but there is no evidence..." Chen Bofu said thoughtfully.

"The Yellow King Courtyard has only appeared in the past two days. We are lucky to have caught an early market. If it was a few days later, it would probably be filled with people from the Parliament and the Hermitage..."

After saying that, Chen Jing casually threw the remaining apple core into the trash can and turned to the interior of the carriage to pack his luggage.

"If they really find something..."

Hearing the slightly worried tone of the old man, Chen Jing said without looking back.

"Then we pack up our belongings and run away. Before we run away, we will find a way to give them a big job so that they will never forget the kindness of our Chen family in their lifetime."

"Well... that's great!"

When passing by Yan Que and Kui Nan, Chen Jing suddenly found that someone was secretly grabbing the corner of his clothes.

He turned his head and saw that it was Yan Que.

"Thank you..." Yan Que still looked like he didn't know how to speak. His expression looked dull, but anyone could see the gratitude in his eyes.

"What's there to thank for?" Chen Jing didn't take the previous forced statement of Sati seriously. He smiled and touched her head to tell her not to worry. His tone was as gentle as ever. "I said, we are friends." Chapter 169 Lawrence's New Job When the RV slowly drove into the Sunset Red Community. It's no exaggeration to say. Everyone in the car thought they were hallucinating. A velvet red carpet about ten meters wide was laid from the gate of the community to the downstairs of the unit. There were many wooden puppets holding various musical instruments on both sides. The RV just drove into the community one second ago. The next second, these puppets began to beat gongs and drums and play music crazily. This... Is this still the Sunset Red Community? Chen Jing was stunned. The music played by these puppets filled his ears. I have traveled to the Golden Hall of Vienna...

"What the hell is this..."

Chen Bofu rubbed his eyes hard, opened the car window, looked around, and suddenly seemed to remember something and started to yell.

"Lawrence, you bastard! I count to three! Get out of here!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Bofu yelled.


"Mr. Chen...how can you count like that!"

Lawrence's voice came from the direction of the underground garage, and everyone looked in the direction of the voice and was immediately shocked.

It is well known.

Lawrence is a dirty old man who doesn't like to wear clothes.

Although his body seems to be made of mud, it doesn't matter whether he wears clothes or not, but in the end, he doesn't wear clothes...

But today?

He wears clothes!

He wears a suit and tie.

He also wears a pair of brand new white gloves on his hands.

For a moment, Chen Bofu was stunned.

"You... Is your brain..." Chen Bofu hesitated, as if he felt that speaking too directly would hurt others. After all, they were neighbors in the same community, so he could only ask tactfully, "Why did you think of wearing clothes?"

"I think I used to be a little unrefined."

Lawrence had already run to the side of the RV, took the initiative to help the old man open the door, and welcomed the old man down like a doorman.

"Come, take a look!"

"What are you looking at?" Chen Bofu glanced at Lawrence strangely, feeling a little alert for some reason... Why is this old guy so abnormal today?


Lawrence smiled proudly, bent down and rubbed the ground with his white gloves, then raised his hand and almost stuck it on Chen Bofu's nose.

"This is called spotless!"

"...Why don't you just put it in my mouth?"

At this moment, Chen Jing suddenly remembered the day when he just left the community.

I remember that at that time.

The old man had warned Lawrence very seriously and threateningly.

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