Until there were sounds like shattering glass coming from the body, its skin cracked like a dry river bed, peeling off with gray smoke...

It only lasted half a minute.

It completely turned into a human-shaped tree with lush branches.

Flesh and bones, neural networks.

Everything becomes part of the tree.

The dense branches and leaves are covered with scarlet flowers, and when the wind blows, a strange fragrance comes to you.


Qiao Youning led Chen Jing and ran over, not noticing that her movements were a bit intimate.

"These flowers can be used to make tea!" Qiao Youning picked a flower from the tree and handed it to Chen Jing.

"Can you drink the tea brewed from this thing..." Chen Jing carefully looked at this strange flower that grew out of flesh and blood, and after a slight sniff, his nose was filled with a refreshing fragrance.

"You can drink it! This kind of scented tea can be used to soothe the mind! It also has a nourishing effect on the body!" Qiao Youning said as if she was afraid that Chen Jing would dislike it, so she added, "Actually, they are not dirty. They are all born from the origin of life. Yes, it’s not what you think…”

Chen Jing nodded silently, then ran home in three steps and two steps at a time, and took a large black plastic bag.

"It doesn't matter whether it's nourishing or not." Chen Jing explained to Qiao Youning while picking flowers and putting them in plastic bags, "The main thing is that I like to drink this kind of pure natural stuff..."

After picking these weird flowers, Chen Jing took Qiao Youning back to his old house.

have to say.

Qiao Youning is considered very capable among her peers.

As soon as she returned to the house, she started to clean up, from the guest room arranged for her by Chen Jing to the inside and outside of the old house, and even the yard.

Chen Jing persuaded Qiao Youning several times, telling her not to worry about it and that he would take care of it later.

But Qiao Youning didn't listen, and only said that she couldn't do nothing when she came here to stay, and Chen Jing was a thin-skinned person...

So in the end...

He could only clean up with Qiao Youning.

In the middle of the process, he took the petals and soaked them in hot water for two cups. The drink tasted sweet and cooling, which was unexpectedly delicious.

"Then, grandma took me to see the Mother Buddha..."

"According to what you say, that old lady should be very nice to you!"

"Yes, my parents are far behind compared to my grandma!"

In the living room.

Chen Jing and Qiao Youning, who had just finished cleaning, were sitting on the sofa chatting with hot water cups in their hands.

Qiao Youning seemed to hide nothing from Chen Jing. From the time she entered the other world to the time she met when she came back...without exception, she would tell Chen Jing without any secret.

Chen Jing will also reveal some experiences in the other world from time to time, but he has basically deleted most of the key content.

But Qiao Youning didn't care. Although she also wanted to know Chen Jing's experience in the other world, since she felt that Chen Jing was unwilling to say more, she naturally stopped asking.

Early the next morning, Qiao Youning was going to make breakfast for Chen Jing.

She had seen the refrigerator before, and there was still a lot of stock in it.

However, most of the refrigerators are filled with frozen products, so I still have to go to town to replenish some.

At least we should buy another batch of fresh vegetables... Old people also need to have balanced nutrition when eating!

Just when Chen Jing got up and was about to give himself a cup of refreshing scented tea to wake up, a light curtain suddenly popped up in front of his eyes.

This time it was not a prompt for additional questions, but a message from a friend.

"There is a gathering of old descendants today. Come to Mangshan Temple at two o'clock in the afternoon. I will wait for you here."

As soon as Chen Jinggang read the news, Qiao Youning in the kitchen had already ran out wearing an apron.

She was still holding the steaming spatula in her hand, looking surprised.

"Li Mobai just sent me a message! Let's go to a party in the afternoon!"

"I also received."

Chen Jingding nodded, not feeling like he wanted to go.

Although he knew that this kind of gathering was good for him and he should be able to obtain some useful information, but when he thought about the large number of people... as a social fear, he was inevitably a little irritated.

"Do you want to go?" Qiao Youning is very good at observing people's words and seems to have seen Chen Jing's inner struggle. "If you don't want to go, we won't go. I'll make delicious food for you at home!"

"Let's go." Chen Jing scratched his head, "I also really want to see who the other ancient descendants are..."

Qiao Youning hummed obediently, turned around and entered the house. After a while, she heard the sound of cooking coming from inside.

at the same time.

Chen Jing quietly walked out of the room.

He hesitated again and again, and finally decided to summon Bai Aji.

How can I get to Mangshan Temple, which is far away in the provincial capital, without a means of transportation?

It's a mess outside and it's obviously unrealistic to take a taxi there.

In terms of running... After this trip, although his physical condition was bearable, it was definitely uncomfortable.

We can't let Qiao Youning carry it on her back, right?

So after much thought, Chen Jing decided to let Bai Aji show up.

After all, it has been seen by many people in Yongye City, and outsiders only know that it is an ancient species and is almost never associated with "deep space"...

to be honest.

Baiage is a rare animal that lived in the old days. Did it join any special organization, such as deep space or something like that... Who knows?

What's more, at this stage, Chen Jing also needs a helper. He can't let Qiao Youning and the others take over every time he encounters trouble, right?


If you want to go to a place like the ancient ruins in Antarctica, I'm afraid you really need Bai Aji to show up as a "stepping stone."


"If I let you come out to play, just be honest and don't talk nonsense outside."


Baiaji was lying prone outside the courtyard, his huge body like a strange black hill in the sun.

It seemed like it was aware that someone was in the house.

While having a spiritual conversation with Chen Jing, he kept looking at the old house frequently.

"That guy's been watching us."


Hearing Bai Aji's words, Chen Jing turned around subconsciously and saw Qiao Youning standing silently by the window.

I don’t know when she came, but there was a curious expression on her little face.

"I'll go back first. Just be honest and don't run around."

Chen Jing gave instructions, turned around and entered the house.

A steaming plate of freshly fried twice-cooked pork was already placed on the dining table in the room, and the room was filled with the smell of smoke and smoke.

"Who is it?"

Qiao Youning cautiously came to Chen Jing's side, as if she was afraid that her question would make Chen Jing unhappy, so she hurriedly added.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it! I just think it's strange that it appears. I didn't even feel its breath..."

"My friend." Chen Jing replied with a smile. At the same time, he also carefully observed the expression on Qiao Youning's face to make sure there was nothing unusual about this girl. Then he continued, "Let it take us to Mangshan Temple later."

"Run over?" Qiao Youning asked curiously.

Chen Jing shook his head and pointed to Bai Aji's folded wings outside the window.

"Fly over."

Chapter 200: Targeted by the Foundation

This is the first time Bai Aji has flown with an outsider in the outer world.

Although it has been praised more than once for its "smooth flight and excellent five-star captain experience", this time it really fell short of the standard...

Chen Jing could feel that it was a little awkward when flying.

From time to time, Baiage suddenly dropped the height, and from time to time, he increased the speed. In short, it just happened as long as it was unstable.

"Why did I have to be a mount when I first came out... I thought there was something fun... Even if I was asked to kill a few people..." Bai Aji kept complaining in Chen Jing's mind.

After returning to deep space hand in hand with Yegertos, it also heard about what happened in the Yellow King's courtyard, so it regretted... Why was it such a bad guy! Why did you die so early? Not a single exciting thing happened!

Fight for the king!

What a glorious and great thing this is!

Why didn't I catch up? !

Baiaji had been holding back his depression in the deep space. When he was first summoned to reality, he was still somewhat hopeful. He thought to himself, has the opportunity for me to show off come? !

The result is to be a mount.

In addition to the master, another outsider must be brought along.

"Not happy, not happy, not happy..."

Listening to the complaints in his mind like a repeater, Chen Jing was so helpless that he didn't know how to comfort it.

Qiao Youning, on the other hand, didn't seem to be affected at all. She wasn't even afraid of falling from the sky. She was as excited as a child from beginning to end.

"Is your mount always this bumpy?!"

Qiao Youning sat behind Chen Jing and hugged his waist tightly. The oncoming wind was so loud that she could only shout with all her strength.

"It's so rubbish! Wait until we go back to the other world! I'll help you find a better mount!"

When Chen Jing heard this, he knew something bad was going to happen.

as expected.

Baiaji snorted coldly, accelerated suddenly and began to dive.

It was different from the feeling of riding on Baiaji in the past. In other words, this time Baiaji's power no longer protected the "passengers". The intense weightlessness made Chen Jing couldn't help but lean down and hug Baiaji tightly. neck.

"You keep making trouble! Believe it or not, I will throw you into deep space and forget about it!"


"Be good, why are you so angry..."

Chen Jing felt that the diving speed had slowed down, so he raised his hand and gently stroked the mane on Baiaji's neck, comforting him like a child.

"Look at why I didn't let Yegertos come out? Why did I only let you come out? Have you thought about this problem? Because I..."

"Because I can fly." Baiaji said decisively.

"You're not cute anymore." Chen Jing sat up straight and said seriously, "For the sake of the new king of deep space, what's wrong with letting you fly with people for a while!"

Chen Jing's words seemed to trigger a switch in Baiaji's brain.

It calmed down instantly, and even felt an extremely strong sense of guilt deep in its heart.


The king is the supreme being.

How could I be... so disobedient? !

Am I not loyal enough to the king? !


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