Chapter 208: One stone stirs up thousands of waves

When Chen Jing took Qiao Youning back to Sentinel Ridge, Li Mobai had already contacted the headquarters of the [Ether Association].

He synchronously transmitted Chen Jing's personal information...especially the "sequence level" line of information, which was in bold font.

Li Mobai knew how much trouble Chen Jing would cause by joining the [Ether Association], so after transmitting this personal information, he added another important sentence...

"This is my only brother, and I worked so hard to bring him in."

From a certain perspective, Li Mobai's words were correct.

There are now two forces involved in the ancient Antarctic ruins. In addition to the [Aether Association], there is also the [Dawn Foundation]. In other words, Chen Jing actually had two choices... but in the end he chose the [Aether Association].

Even though there was some unpleasantness with the association because of the old man stealing the stone tablet, overall... the advantages of choosing the [Ether Association] outweigh the disadvantages.

Today's situation is different from the past.

According to Qiao Youning, although the competition between the two forces is secretive, the actual situation is almost like fighting with a bayonet to see red.

Although the [Ether Association] is considered an established force, it initially relied on the support of countries around the world.

Now that people from all over the world have withdrawn, only a piece of chicken feathers are left... Relying on the support of those capitals who only know how to make money, the association is indeed a bit powerless.

To put it bluntly, the truth is still the same.

Power is always greater than capital.

Money may be omnipotent in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the face of real power, sometimes it really can't do anything.

Because of this, Chen Jing had the idea of ​​joining the [Ether Association].

Compared with icing on the cake, it is easier for the association to appreciate the help provided when it is timely.

As for the stone tablet... Chen Jing believes that no one will pursue it again.

At this juncture, wouldn't it be foolish to pursue the issue with your own people?

Chen Jing felt that the association was not stupid enough to do such a thing.

In addition, there is another important reason why Chen Jing joined the [Ether Association].

Because he found that Li Mobai had a high rank within the association.

Having such an acquaintance inside can be of great help in many cases, and the chance of being cheated will be much lower. He firmly believes that Li Mobai will not harm him...unless he sees the wrong person.

"We can be together again in the future!"

On the way back, Qiao Youning sat on Bai Aji's back and was not honest.

She was so excited that she kept laughing stupidly. When she flew through the white clouds at high speed, she would raise her hand to grab it, as if she could really catch the white and flawless clouds.

“It’s great to study together and now be able to work together again!”


Chen Jing is not that outgoing. Even if he is happy, it is difficult to be like Qiao Youning... But then again, Qiao Youning's personality change is too big, right?

Thinking of the girl with low self-esteem and introversion in his memory, it was really difficult for Chen Jing to connect her with Qiao Youning at this moment.

"You should be like me!"

Qiao Youning had a smile on her face, looking up at the blue sky just around the corner, her temples flying in the wind.

"When I'm looking for a job, I always want to go to a company where I have friends. I'm not used to going to unfamiliar places alone. I feel like I'll die... It's a pity that I didn't have any friends at the time. It's so annoying!"

"That's true." Chen Jing smiled and nodded, "When I was looking for a job, I didn't have any friends around me, so in the end I had no choice but to find a job to support my family..."

"It won't happen now, we are all with you."

Qiao Youning saw the oncoming clouds and subconsciously reached out to catch them, but just like before, she still didn't catch anything.

But she still didn't seem to want to give up.

As long as there are white clouds passing by around her, she will keep trying, as if she can really catch it...

"Tell me more about the other world!"

"What's there to say..."

"Just talk about the people around you! Last time you talked about Ryan... tell me about the girl named Wei Nan!"

"Damn it, they say this is true, why don't you believe it!"

Li Mobai was still in the Main Hall of Mangshan Temple at this time.

While he was frantically typing words on the light screen to communicate with the "seniors", he was cursing non-stop.

When the surrounding association staff saw this scene, no one dared to say a word.

In fact, the matter of Chen Jing joining the [Ether Association] is not as simple as a few words of understatement.

When Li Mobai sent this "good news" to the association's top management through the forum... it is no exaggeration to say that there was an earthquake within the [Ether Association].

The first reaction of the senior management was that Li Mobai was joking with them.

Because this kind of thing has never happened before.

Several times, Li Mobai's little humor in the association made his boss want to skin him.

"Are you sure you're not kidding us?"


"'ve done a great job!"

Seeing the last message that popped up on the screen, Li Mobai curled his lips and did not reply.

He didn't need to think about it to know how the top brass would react.

That's right.

This is no different than pie in the sky.

It’s just like getting steamed buns when you’re hungry, and pillows when you’re sleepy.

As an "industry insider", Li Mobai knew very well that Raphael's move to reveal his identity and change jobs was a huge blow to the [Ether Association], and its impact has been incalculable...

Although the old descendants of "Sequence 2" are still in the ordinary category, it will not make all countries around the world helpless. To eliminate them, you only need to pay a certain price... However, Sequence 2 is only the beginning, not the end.

Judging from the information brought back by the candidates, the future of the old descendants is not only the future of mankind... the end of continuous promotion may be gods!

Therefore, top students are always susceptible to preferential treatment, not to mention the old descendants who were selected from tens of millions of candidates and promoted to Sequence 2 first.

To the major forces, the old descendants of Sequence 2 are good seedlings and are worthy of key cultivation.

As for ordinary humans and other candidates... isn't the unique Sequence 2 old descendant the "big boss"?

In a human group with a very serious herd mentality, the emergence of such a "big boss" who does not belong to one's own forces is a fatal blow to the [Ether Association].

Because the Association knows that’s just how humans are.

When facing drastic changes in the environment, even if they have extraordinary abilities, they will only fall into a state of stress... They don't know what to choose next, and they don't know what will happen tomorrow.

The future is a blur to them.

Each of them is filled with fear of the unknown.

Therefore... when a similar person who is far more powerful than them appears, the choices made by that person are often imitated by countless people.

It can be seen from the sharp increase in the number of members of [Dawn Foundation] in the past few days that Raphael's appeal far exceeds most people's imagination.

The actual situation is even more severe than what the association's top leaders expected, and many people have even imagined that the association will be completely suppressed by the foundation soon...

Until Li Mobai brought them the news.

That is until they were repeatedly convinced that "another Raphael" was joining the Society.

"I can arrive at your city early tomorrow morning."

The information on the light screen in front of Li Mobai kept jumping, and the seemingly calm words revealed how excited the old man was.

"Before that, I hope you can protect him. Although the foundation has reached a consensus with us on friendly competition before, there is no guarantee that anyone will interfere with it..."

"I know, you don't need to tell me."

Li Mobai replied like this, remembering what Chen Jing said to him before leaving, he hurriedly added another sentence.

"But there are no conditions for him to join our association. I almost forgot to tell you that he wants to go to the ancient ruins in Antarctica..."

Chapter 209 If you lie to him, I will kill you

"Are you home yet?"

"Arrived a long time ago."

"Holy shit! That thing you're riding is faster than a plane?!"


"Can you let me ride it next time?!"

"not good."

In the living room of the Chen family's old house, Chen Jing, with his hair still wet, was sitting on the sofa chatting with Li Mobai through the plane forum.

Before he could dry his hair after taking a shower, Li Mobai's message came.

If it were normal, Chen Jing would choose to blow-dry his hair first, then open a bottle of soda comfortably, and then slowly chat with him.

But now... Chen Jing still couldn't let go. After all, he was still waiting for Li Mobai's reply.

So when he saw Li Mobai's message prompt, he instinctively put down what he was doing and chose to reply immediately.

Because he was also curious about how the [Ether Association] would react to his request.

"What did the association say?"

"I agree, do you still need to ask?"

After receiving this confirmed reply, Chen Jing subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

But at the same time, he couldn't help but want to complain.

Even if he couldn't see Li Mobai, he could imagine Li Mobai's stinky expression through this short sentence.

"Tomorrow morning, the vice-president of our association will come to see you. Pay attention then and be careful not to oversleep and no one will open the door for him!"

"Aren't you coming?" Chen Jing asked subconsciously.

"I would like to come, but that old guy has arranged a lot of work for me. If I don't finish it, my salary will be deducted..." Li Mobai replied, "You don't have to worry too much, he deliberately pushed me away. It’s probably not to trick you.”

"Are you sure?" Chen Jing was a little worried.

"Sure." Li Mobai's reply came quickly, with a sense of certainty in every word, "He knows your grandfather and said he wants to talk to you alone."

Seeing Li Mobai say this, Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Does the vice president of [Ether Association] know the old man?

How come I don't know about this?

Forget it if the old man didn’t say it himself. He didn’t seem to have mentioned it when I met Smith at Sentinel Ridge last time...

at this time.

Qiao Youning walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe and wiping her hair.

Her wet long hair hung casually on her shoulders, the skin on her neck was white and rosy, and her eyes were misty with moisture.

When she saw Chen Jing, she smiled and said hello, but Chen Jing seemed not to notice and did not dare to look back at her.

"The hair dryer is in the bathroom upstairs. Go and dry your hair quickly. Don't catch a cold." Chen Jing huddled in the corner of the sofa like a quail.

He was still a little unaccustomed to the sudden addition of a member of the opposite sex to his family.

"Well, I'll go now." Qiao Youning nodded obediently, and said as she walked upstairs, "I've swept the water on the ground, and I just opened the window to let some fresh air in. Don't rush to close the window, otherwise it will be too humid inside."


After a brief conversation, Qiao Youning went upstairs.

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