All the materials touched by the pus are being corroded rapidly.

This urban area with a diameter of only one kilometer has become a real place of death.

It is like a huge abnormal beehive, with dense and terrifying holes everywhere.

Compared with the buildings that were corroded and collapsed one by one.

The first to fall were people.

In just a few tens of seconds.

This urban area covered by the pus rainstorm was completely cleared.

Apart from the first group of [Dawn Foundation] armed members who fell, there were thousands of innocent people who died in this "rainstorm".

"Run! That alien is coming after us!"

"Wuwuwu daddy—I want mommy!"

"My grandson is still looking for the cat at home! How did the house suddenly collapse!"

"Get out of the way, old man! Don't block the way!"

"Didn't the Foundation say that they would be responsible for dealing with this alien? Is this how they deal with it?!"

"I think the Foundation did it on purpose! The [Ether Association] can obviously help us eliminate that alien! They just drove away all the people in the association!"

"Who can come to save us..."

Screams, cries, and roars.

This historic city seems to have not been so "lively" for a long time.

The cross street was crowded with desperate refugees.

After witnessing the "human python" destroying a city area in an instant, people realized...

This is the end of the world.

It is the end of the world for mankind.

It is not the "human awakening era" that is often mentioned in the plane forum.


Old descendants?

Those lucky ones who are called the saviors of mankind?

Where are they?

Everyone thought that they would be like the protagonists in superhero movies, rushing out to stand in front of the people in times of crisis and solve problems for the world... But now, everyone suddenly woke up.

There are no superheroes.

This world has never changed.

Whether it is before or after the end of the world.

Ordinary people will always suffer.

"Minister Feng... If it doesn't work, we will..."

"Shut up!!!"

In the command room of the [Dawn Foundation], everyone stood by the window and witnessed the whole process of the human python destroying the city.

Some people were afraid, some were angry, and some...

were desperate.

Just like Minister Feng.

At first, he was desperate to drive the [Ether Association] out of the city. He was also the one who directly issued an attack order as soon as he arrived at the command center, choosing to encircle and suppress the human python hiding in a building in the commercial district...

At that time, the human python was only about ten meters long.

It was far from being as terrifying as it is now.

It was precisely because of that encirclement that the human python fell into a state of stress.

It no longer hibernates silently like it did at the beginning, but directly becomes a "madman", attacks and devours all creatures in sight without scruples...

Maybe Minister Feng's original intention was good.

But unfortunately, the human python was not eliminated in the end. Instead, it escaped into the river and began to "evolve" until it became what it is now.

Compared with the small commercial area destroyed by the human python before, the area it destroyed at this moment is larger and has more victims...

"It's not my fault... It's all my superiors..."

Minister Feng looked at the terrifying giant python that was showing off its power in the city with a dull expression, and his blood seemed to coagulate in his body, and his brain was blank.


It was all the orders of his superiors.

It was my superiors who asked me to find a way to get more opportunities for the Foundation to show up in front of the public. It was also my superiors who urged me to start exterminating the human python. They firmly believed that conventional thermal weapons should be able to eliminate this creature...

"Don't be afraid, we have Raphael." My superiors once gave me such a hint, "If you can't solve that alien species, Raphael will help you..."

That's what my superiors said.

But now no one can contact Raphael.

Even my superiors don't know where Raphael has gone.

That damn Moonlight Saint...Didn't he say he could come to help? ! Where are he? !

"Minister Feng?"


"Minister Feng, have you thought about it?"

The man who spoke was about the same age as Minister Feng, very thin, and looked like a weak scholar.

"If we don't take action, that alien species may destroy this city..."

"Xiao Wang, what do you suggest?" Minister Feng asked calmly, seemingly beginning to calm down, but from his faintly trembling hands, it can be seen that he is still uneasy in his heart.

"I suggest... act decisively." Xiao Wang frowned and said, not realizing that he had dug a hole for himself. "Abandon a quarter or even half of the city and use more effective weapons to strategically block the alien species."

"Are you sure?" Minister Feng's hands stopped shaking and he seemed to be completely calm.

Because someone took the initiative to help him express his thoughts, even if he was held accountable by his superiors afterwards, he could easily throw the blame away.

"We have no choice. Raphael has been out of contact, and the support from the headquarters is also..."

Before he finished speaking, Minister Feng suddenly interrupted.

"Okay, do as you say!"

After saying this, Minister Feng called the communicator and planned to start deploying further strategic precision blocking.

Abandon half of the city.

Perhaps half of the people will be abandoned as well.

This seems to be a high price, but... this is the only option at the moment.

It is better to kill half of the people than to kill all of them.

It is better to destroy half of the city than to destroy the whole city.

So... do we really have to do this?

Minister Feng was silent with a dull expression, looking at the walkie-talkie in his hand, and having a fierce ideological struggle in his mind.

And just at this moment.

The people in the command room suddenly stood up and ran to the window, looking at the sky and exclaiming.

"What is that?!!"

"It can't be another alien species..."

"There are two people on the back of that monster!"

Hearing the discussions of his subordinates, Minister Feng instinctively put down the walkie-talkie.

He walked quickly to the window and looked up like them... He saw that in the sky about four or five hundred meters above the ground, a strange creature that seemed to exist only in nightmares was slowly flapping its huge wings and hovering there.

"This monster... I seem to have seen it somewhere..." Minister Feng muttered subconsciously.

But before Minister Feng could recall the identity of this monster, it suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and an object similar to a black light ball began to gather in its mouth at a high speed.

The next second.

The strange black light ball turned into a beam of light and was spewed out by the monster.

Accompanied by a sharp sound that tore through the air.

In countless eyes.

It only took a moment to pierce the body of the alien python.

"President Huangfu, didn't you say that this monster was hiding in the building? Why did it run out?"

"Maybe it wanted to come out for some fresh air..."

Chapter 216 The Savior Under the Sun

When the alien python was pierced through by the black light, the panic-stricken city area instantly quieted down.

There was silence, and you could hear a pin drop.

That alien species that was so powerful that it was immune to thermal weapons... was killed instantly by the monster in the sky? !

"Look! There are people on the back of the monster in the sky!"

"Those two people are also old descendants?!"

"Is it the support called by the [Dawn Foundation]?!"

"We are saved! Finally someone came to save us!!!"

There were about 50,000 to 60,000 residents who had not had time to evacuate from the city. Apart from the thousands of victims who were completely melted by the human python's pus, there were at least 50,000 survivors.

The dense crowd crowded on the main road near the cross street. They witnessed the whole process of the human python wreaking havoc in the city, and saw with their own eyes how it easily destroyed this area.

So far.

These humans living in modern times understand what the end of the world is.

Death is always the main theme of the end of the world.

It is definitely not a joke in the plane forum.

When they saw their fellows being melted by the pus of the human python, almost everyone was scared and pale, and at the same time they were cursing the [Dawn Foundation] in their hearts.

Without diamond drills, they still took on this porcelain job!

Before the first firepower encirclement and suppression, the situation could at least be controlled.

The alien had been lurking in the building, quietly like a little club.

As a result, the [Dawn Foundation] was smart and opened fire without evacuating the people, which immediately stressed the alien.

"The Foundation is a bunch of trash! Evacuate the people earlier! Why do so many people have to die!"

"Who said it wasn't! When they started to evacuate! The alien was already running around the city killing people!"

Most people at the scene have begun to doubt the ability of the [Dawn Foundation].

Didn't the foundation pat its chest to guarantee that it could deal with the alien?

Didn't it guarantee that it would not endanger the lives and property of the people?

What about now?

The house that was bought with a 996 loan and emptied the family's wallet collapsed.

The unlucky family and friends died.

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