She didn't know where Yegetos came from, and she only heard Chen Jingfu's somewhat perfunctory introduction: "They are my dependents."

After that, Qiao Youning didn't ask any more questions, and deliberately cooked more when cooking, even worshiping Aji.

"You guys should take more care of him outside."

Qiao Youning stood next to Bai Aji, raised her hand and touched Bai Aji's neck. This was also the special treatment Bai Aji gave her for dinner.

"Don't let anyone bully him." Qiao Youning looked at Bai Aji with wide eyes.

Baiaji snorted, nodded and said nothing.

"You Ning... don't treat me like a child, okay..." Chen Jing held the big and small bags in his arms with a grimace, like a naughty child listening to his parents' nagging, "You go back first! I probably can't use it. How long will it take to come back?”

"Know it."

Qiao Youning took a step back and waved her hand.

"Be careful on the road! Stay safe!"

After waving goodbye, Baiaji accelerated and took off at Chen Jing's urging, heading straight for the Antarctic.

The buildings on the ground are getting smaller and smaller.

Even Qiao Youning turned into a blurry white dot.

So far.

Chen Jing withdrew his gaze and began to study the world map he bought in junior high school.

"It's quite delicious." Jegertos suddenly said.

"Huh? What?" Chen Jing raised his head and glanced at him.

"Dinner." Yagtos scratched his helmet and said tentatively, "Baiaji also thinks it's delicious. I can make more next time..."

"You two are both hopeless, so you're just too greedy..." Chen Jing complained angrily, "Who said in the first place that no one is allowed to have close contact with your 'King of Deep Space'?"


"You were bribed with just a little food... I'm embarrassed to say that to you!"


In fact, when he first brought Yegetos home, Chen Jing was a little worried that Qiao Youning would ask questions.

It turns out.

She's really not the kind of person who talks too much.

Qiao Youning just asked: "Does your friend want to have dinner here?"

After that, she didn't ask another word.

In the end, Chen Jing couldn't hold it in any longer and took the initiative to explain the origin of Jegertos.

Family members.

This thing is not common in the other world, but it is not rare either.

When returning to the surface world this time, it seems that a very small number of candidates came back with their dependents.

"She has really changed a lot..."

Chen Jing looked at the map and recalled it in his mind.

Qiao Youning was not what she is now.

Introverted, low self-esteem.

He always keeps his head down.

Even if it is to talk to myself, I am embarrassed to speak.

But now...

Seems to have grown up?

That kind of extremely gentle but silent attitude made Chen Jing unable to feel any resistance.

Although he was a little embarrassed at first and always said not to treat him like a child, but in fact... he quite enjoyed it.

In the outside world, the only person who had ever taken care of him was his grandma.

In this world...

Let’s not talk about “that Chen Jing”, just talk about himself.

After traveling through time, he was only taken care of by an old man, and the way the old man took care of him sometimes made him laugh and cry.

Qiao Youning didn't talk much and rarely asked him questions.

If Chen Jing wants to say something, she will listen patiently from beginning to end. Occasionally, when Chen Jing takes the initiative to ask questions, she will answer them without any scruples...

"Wang...bring me a bag of potato chips..."

Jegertos interrupted Chen Jing's memories.

"Eat! You just know how to eat! I'll see what you'll do if you finish it all in a while!"

"We can go down and grab it..."

"You are really shameless...a gentleman loves money and takes it in a proper way, don't you...well, you probably really don't know."

Chen Jing threw the potato chips to Yegetos and told him not to make any noise to disturb him while he was chewing the map, otherwise he would never give him snacks again.

"The direction is correct..."

"With your speed, it shouldn't take long to get there..."

Chen Jing looked at the rapidly changing scenery below, and suddenly felt a little unreal.

It all feels like a dream.

In the morning, I went to Songjiang City in the southeast.

At noon, we circle back to the southwest and rest.

In the evening we headed straight to Antarctica.

Thinking about it this way, Baiage's practicality does seem to be higher than that of Jagerthos.

Not only does it fly faster than an airplane, it is even much more convenient than an airplane, and it only consumes one dinner for 10,000 kilometers...

"Antarctica... I have only seen it in books... I never thought I would have the opportunity to go there in person..."

Chen Jing sat on Baiaji's back near his neck, combing his mane out of boredom while looking at the ever-changing sky and sighing.

Compared with the familiar night sky at Sentinel Ridge, the night sky here seems a bit blue.

The closer you get to Antarctica, the bluer the sky becomes.

There is no industrial pollution or light pollution.

The sky here is almost navy blue, and there are more stars visible to the naked eye than ever before.

Since Baiage's power has been protecting Chen Jing and Yegetos, they can't feel the temperature change at all at this moment.

Until I saw that spectacular and shocking paleness.

Only then did Chen Jing realize...

Antarctica, arrived.

Viewed from a great distance.

The entire Antarctica is like a weird and absurd pale giant beast, crawling silently at the extreme edge of the outer world.

The unchanging cold weather and frozen ground for thousands of years made the visible ice fields present a miserable tone.

Looking from a bird's-eye view.

Those countless icebergs and hills are like spikes growing on this pale beast, or like some geometric totems engraved on the surface of the beast, which makes people confused, as if this pale world has become a part of it...

"The wonders of nature are really unimaginable... The Antarctica I saw in the book is not so shocking..."

Just as Chen Jing was staring at the Antarctica getting closer and closer.


He heard a strange sound.

It was a sound that should not appear in such a bitter cold place.

"The sound of the bell... It's the sound of the bell that Smith said!!"

Chapter 222 An acquaintance who met unexpectedly

"This is the sound of the throne bell..."

Chen Jing patted Bai Aji's neck and looked back at Yegetos.

"Can you hear it?"

At this time, both of them were in a daze, and even Bai Aji had forgotten about flying. He fluttered his wings stupidly and just hung in the sky without moving.


"There is a huge golden throne there. It seems to be unaffected by gravity. It has been suspended at a height of about 100 meters from the ground from beginning to end. And every 30 minutes, a sound similar to the ringing of a bell will be heard from the inside of the throne..."


"This sound is very familiar..." Yegetos suddenly stood up and walked unsteadily, as if he would accidentally fall from a thousand meters high at any time, "It seems to have been heard in deep space..."

"King... Palace..." Bai Aji murmured, and vague fragments seemed to be pieced together from the incomplete memory, "It's the sound of the palace... It's Kakosha... Kakosha after the black star rises..."

From the few words of Bai Aji and Yegetos, Chen Jing can probably piece together a useful piece of information.

The bell sound came from the golden throne.

The throne was probably from deep space, or from a place called Kakosha.

"You all pay attention and follow my orders."


After receiving this unanimous reply, Chen Jing opened the light curtain and sent a message to Li Mobai.

"I'm in Antarctica."

After almost five minutes, Li Mobai replied to Chen Jing's message.

"Fuck? You went there by rocket? You got there so soon?"

"... Where is the base?"

"Wait, I'll arrange it now, and you'll pay attention to the flares later."


After closing the chat page light curtain, Chen Jing sat on Bai Aji and began to wait patiently, while also taking this opportunity to appreciate the scenery of Antarctica.

I don't know if it's because of the "end of the world" or if Antarctica is like this, it's not the same as in the books... The ice fields here are not that flat.

The corners of the icebergs are also very sharp, and even 90% of the icebergs present a strange and sharp triangle.

The entire continent was not soft at all, just like a big ice block that had just been taken out of the freezer and suddenly shattered... The edges were uneven and there were cracks everywhere.

After a while.

In a corner of Antarctica.

A green flare suddenly rose into the air and exploded.

"Fly there." Chen Jing raised his hand and pointed to where the flare rose.

Bai Aji nodded and began to dive and accelerate.

In fact, Chen Jing was also curious about where this ancient relic was. After all, he had only heard vague introductions from Li Mobai and others before, saying that it was deep underground...

"We also built a very large base around the ancient relic. At the beginning, it was temporarily used as the headquarters of the association. Later, the headquarters was moved to a ship..."

When Bai Aji carried Chen Jing and Yegetos to the target location, it had quickly dropped from more than a thousand meters to a hundred meters.

Chen Jing could see the familiar person standing on the ground waiting for him at a glance.

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