So, Dr. Pickman really took Chen Jing to take a shortcut.

That was known only to the top leaders of the association, a safe passage dedicated to evacuating researchers from the ruins.

It was an elevator hidden behind the wall.

The space was very large.

Even Bai Aji could barely squeeze in.

"Those ancient buildings outside are not actually the main body of the ruins. The throne you mentioned is further down the ruins..."

"Thank you for your hard work..." Chen Jing held the elevator handle, holding his stomach with a face full of pain. Most of the violent emotions in his mind disappeared, and he seemed to have returned to normal. "I'll treat you to dinner when I get back..."

"Okay, okay!" Pickman nodded in response, "I like to eat Jiangyang cuisine in your country! I also like to eat..."

"Shut up."

Yegtos glanced at Pickman coldly.

He knew that Chen Jing was not feeling well now, because he sensed the energy fluctuations from the "Origin of Deep Space"... It was in Chen Jing's stomach, as if it was rushing out.

Perhaps remembering Xue Shiguan's miserable state before, Dr. Pickman could only smile awkwardly at this moment, no matter how crazy he was, and dared not make any more sounds.

The elevator was moving very slowly.

It took almost three minutes for it to slowly stop.

When the elevator door opened, Chen Jing almost ran out in a panic, staggering as if he couldn't stand steadily.

This is the deepest part of the ancient ruins.

It is also the soul of this ancient ruins.

In this huge square.

Tents arranged by the association can be seen everywhere.

They should all be used by staff, and many unknown instruments and tools are placed in the transparent tents.

"Yes... this is it..."

Chen Jing looked up tremblingly, and in the air about a hundred meters above the ground... he finally saw the goal of this trip, the ancient throne that had existed for who knows how many years.

It was consistent with Smith's original description.

This huge throne that seemed to be made of gold was suspended in the air.

It seemed to be out of the influence of gravity.

When Chen Jing looked up and stared at it.

The sound of bells ringing also happened to be heard from inside the throne.

The solemn and long bells seemed to come from the end of time, and Chen Jing felt that it was filled with a kind of sadness after going through many changes in the world...


This is what Huang Yin longed for.

The throne that once existed in deep space...!

Chapter 229 Chen Jing is missing


Dong, Dong.

Chen Jing could clearly hear his heartbeat at this moment, which was a rhythm like a war drum that appeared with the sound of the bells.

The moment he saw the throne, he found that the "Seal of the Yellow King" suddenly calmed down, no longer continued to impact the outside of the body, but gradually sank from the surface of the body into the flesh and blood.

"Dr. Pickman, you leave here first."

Hearing Chen Jing's words, Dr. Pickman seemed a little hesitant.

Because the staff in the ancient ruins had almost retreated, it could be said that there were only two of them left in the entire ancient ruins.

Pickman was not a fool.

He could see Chen Jing's "greed" for the throne, so at this time he didn't want to leave here at all. He wanted to see what Chen Jing was going to do.

"Let's go." Yegetos's armored palm gently rested on Pickman's shoulder. The cold touch made the doctor sober up. "This place will collapse soon. You will die if you stay here."

"Then... what about you?" Pickman asked cautiously.

"You don't need to worry about it." Yegetos said coldly.

Perhaps because he noticed that Yegetos's attitude became a little impatient, Pickman didn't dare to ask more.

In his opinion, this terrifying family can't be understood from a human perspective...

It's not Chen Jing.

There is no patience.

If it really feels unhappy, I'm afraid the broadsword in its hand will have to swing towards its neck.

As for whether Chen Jing can stop it in time... Pickman doesn't dare to bet.

"I'm leaving now!" Pickman turned around and ran towards the elevator, as if he was afraid that the earthquake would bury him underground. "You must come out in time! I will apply for support from the association headquarters!"

No one responded to him at this moment, and even Chen Jing didn't bother to say goodbye to Pickman.

At this time, the throne had attracted all of Chen Jing's attention.

It was as if it had some kind of indescribable magic... Chen Jing's clear eyes reflected the golden throne hanging high in the sky, and his heartbeat became faster and faster.

This throne is different from the one in the Yellow King Courtyard.

It is about three meters high.

It seems to be cast in gold.

But there are many black scratches on the dark gold surface, as if they existed when it was first made, and the dark dents are very deep.

At the top of the throne back is a relief of the Yellow King totem.

There is a groove in the center of the totem.

This made Chen Jing feel familiar no matter how he looked at it...

"Clear the place."

Chen Jing suddenly spoke up. Even though his mind was almost confused by the throne, the remaining rationality still warned him.

"Go and destroy all those cameras."


Chen Jing turned around and raised his hand to point at the devices installed on the four walls of the square.

"Destroy them all, otherwise it will easily leave evidence."

"It's not that troublesome..." Yegetos seemed to have a better idea, whispering, "I can create a field that isolates the outside world..."

After that, Yegetos slowly raised his head and looked at the throne suspended in the sky.

The next second.

The black matter under his helmet surged out without warning, like a black flame covering the sky and the earth, isolating the area where Chen Jing and his companions were from the outside world in just a moment.

From the outside.

It seemed that a black pillar of fire with a diameter of about 30 meters appeared in the center of the square.

Silently burning black flames.

Isolated from the prying eyes of all interested people.


Yegetos suddenly knelt down on one knee to Chen Jing, and Bai Aji also bent his knees and knelt slowly.

The throne in the sky was calling Chen Jing, the last of the kings.

Both Yegetos and Baiaji could clearly sense that when they came to this level and saw the throne, the endless breath of deep space spread out from the depths of the throne...

It has been waiting for the new king to come!

It must be like this!

"That is the only throne in deep space... The Yellow King will fall on this throne at the end of his life..."

"That is the supreme authority..."

"It is a symbol of your future visit to deep space..."

Chen Jing could not listen to these nagging and tedious "prayers".

His body trembled violently, and thousands of long golden threads as thick as hair emerged from the pores on his body and began to dance and sway in the air.

After a while.

These golden threads gradually connected and gathered into pieces, until they turned into countless pieces of thin and soft yellow silk...

At this moment.

It was as if someone was playing a silent jigsaw puzzle game on Chen Jing's body.

The silk was spliced ​​together.

In the end, the yellow robe that had been hidden in Chen Jing's body appeared.

"Help me up..." Chen Jing didn't know what happened. It seemed like there was a fire burning in his chest. His whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and even walking became a problem.

Hearing the words of his master Chen Jing, Yegetos, as a loyal minister, couldn't help but tremble, and felt only supreme honor.

"As you wish..."

Yegetos supported Chen Jing and jumped up to Baiaji's back.

At the same time.

Baiaji also seemed to have suddenly turned into a "beast".

That solemn and solemn look.

It was hard to imagine the way it used to swear like a human.

It flapped its wings and came into the air.

Chen Jing slowly walked up to the throne with the help of Yegetos.

"What's going on... It seems like my blood is burning..." Chen Jing muttered to himself in his heart, and fell on the throne with a plop.

Under the hood of the yellow robe.

Even Yegetos and Baiaji, who were most familiar with the deep space, could not see the true face of Chen Jing hidden in the hood.

Under the hood is a void that cannot be accurately described in words or text.

But in this void.

A totem that Yegetos is very familiar with gradually lights up.

That is the totem of the Yellow King.

"The Seal of the Yellow King... turns out to be it..."

At this moment.

A golden object gradually emerges from under the hood.

It is about ten centimeters in diameter.

The whole body seems to be cast in gold.

It looks like a gold coin or gold cake with uneven edges.

There are countless spells from deep space engraved on the side.

On the front, a clear totem of the Yellow King is highlighted by relief.

"It turns out that it is part of the throne..." Chen Jing struggled to open his eyelids and witnessed the whole process of the Yellow King Seal leaving the body.

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