Hearing him say this, Chen Jing instantly became alert.

"Which ancient ruins did you see it in?"

"In the depths of the wasteland, a place called 'Yellow King Courtyard' by the local tribe..."

Chen Jing wanted to continue listening, because he was also curious, how could the reward given to him by the examiner be so deeply connected to this world?

But unfortunately, the old man did not intend to say too much, of course, it might be useful information, and soon the old man changed the subject.

"Did your grandfather give you this ancient relic?"

"You know my grandfather... Do you know who I am?!"

"I have seen you before."

Hearing this, Chen Jing was stunned at first, and then thought of the conflict between the old man and his grandfather that Wei Nan had said...

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

The hole on the old man's face suddenly tore apart to reveal an extremely weird smile.

"If I wanted to harm you, I would have stopped when you were surrounded by those people."

"Thank you..."

"Don't thank me." The old man smiled strangely, not caring what Chen Jing would think of this. "If I wasn't afraid that your grandfather would be angry with me after you died, I would definitely not have taken action. After all..."

The old man slowly came forward and looked at the handsome face in front of him carefully.

"I like to see the desperate expression on people's faces before they die the most."

Chapter 19 Lawrence's auspicious appearance

"To be honest, I have always suspected whether you are your grandfather's child..."

The old man seemed to have seen Chen Jing more than once. At this moment, he was looking at the handsome face in front of him and marveled.

Unlike the old man who had a tense face like a piece of iron all day long.

His grandson is good-looking.

He looks delicious.

"You don't look like him at all."


Seeing that Chen Jing was silent, the old man seemed to have suddenly thought of something and stood up straight in a hurry.

"Oh no, shouldn't I tell you this... It's not good for your grandpa to know!"

"I won't tell you."

Chen Jing covered his head and stood up slowly. He felt dizzy and his legs were weak. He felt light as if he was stepping on cotton.

"After all, you saved me..."

"That's right." The old man laughed.

"By the way, this is for you."

Although he had experienced so many things in just a few hours, Chen Jing never forgot the old man's instructions. He took out the last property fee receipt from his pocket and handed it to the old man.

"Mud man?" The old man took the receipt and looked at it. He laughed instead of being angry. "Why did you write my nickname on it?"

"Is this really a nickname?" Chen Jing was stunned for a moment.

"Someone called me that a long time ago, but now only your grandpa dares to call me that..."

The old man first smiled and put the receipt in his palm, and then slowly inserted his right hand into his muddy abdomen, as if that was where he stored things.

"My name is Lawrence."


Chen Jing found this foreign name strange, because among the people he met in the other world, the only one who used this foreign name seemed to be the old man in front of him.

"I! I! Ryan!"

The little skeleton who had been afraid to speak suddenly spoke and tried hard to introduce himself to Chen Jing.

"Sir! You saved my life! Can I follow you!"

"I'm not a gangster, why would you follow me..." Chen Jing said with a smile.

"These little bastards in the wasteland like strong people, although you... forget it, you are still strong with that ancient relic, at least in his eyes."

At this moment, old man Lawrence was still laughing, but his laughter sounded a little malicious to Chen Jing.

"You are in a very poor physical condition now, and you have lost too much blood in your body. Remember to ask your grandfather to help you adjust it after you go back, otherwise..."

Lawrence spread his hands, and the smile on his face showed a hint of gloating.

"The blood I gave you might kill you."

"Blood transfusion?!"

Chen Jing suddenly realized that he might have fainted before because the Holy Grail drew too much blood.

So he was able to wake up now... all because of the blood transfusion from this old man?

But looking at his appearance, could there be blood in his body?

It couldn't be mud...

"What does the blood you gave me look like?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

Lawrence stretched out his right index finger and pressed it against his abdomen, shaking the asphalt-like mud on his fingertips.

"It's these dirty things. I hope you, a spoiled young master, don't dislike them..."


Before Chen Jing could feel the nausea in his heart, he heard a familiar shout suddenly from the darkness not far away.

"Little brother!!"

"Little brother, are you here?!"

"Mud man! The traces outside are left by you! I can recognize them! I warn you not to mess around! Otherwise, my fist as big as a sandbag will not recognize anyone..."

Lawrence looked back at the sound, and the smile on his face collapsed instantly.

Then he laughed again.

"I didn't expect that someone other than your grandfather would dare to call me like that..."

As soon as the voice fell, Lawrence began to slowly sink into the ground, and his body, like mud, instantly merged with the floor.

Seeing this, Chen Jing hurriedly persuaded him.

"Don't be angry with her." Chen Jing was so cold that he couldn't walk. The little skeleton Ryan tried hard to support him on tiptoe, fearing that he would accidentally fall.

Hearing Chen Jing's voice, Lawrence slowly raised half of his head from the ground.

"Grandpa Lawrence, I apologize to you on her behalf." Chen Jing sighed, "She is just too worried about me. I hope you don't mind..."

Lawrence was strangely silent, looking at Chen Jing with those empty eyes, and said nothing for a long time.

"You are definitely not your grandfather's son." Lawrence suddenly said this inexplicably, and then slowly lifted his mud-like body completely out of the ground, seemingly giving up the idea of ​​"teaching" Wei Nan a lesson.

"Am I really nothing like him?" Chen Jing didn't know why he asked such a question, maybe it was an instinctive reaction.

"It doesn't look like that."

Lawrence shook his head, his old steps seemed particularly heavy, and his body gradually became stooped.

"If you were him, you would have dug me out of the ground just now, then tore open my mouth that speaks poorly, then dug out my internal organs and roasted them for eating, and finally..."

Lawrence seemed to think of some bad memories, and couldn't help but shudder with sudden fear in his heart.

"Anyway, you have a much better temper than your grandfather."

"..." Chen Jing didn't know what to say.

Is this a compliment?

"But you are much weaker than your grandfather. You are just like an ant being raised by humans..."

After saying this, Lawrence suddenly covered his mouth again, shaking his head in surprise and annoyance.

"It's bad, it's bad, I seem to have offended you again with my words."

"It doesn't matter."

Chen Jing didn't take Lawrence's words to heart, not to mention what he said was the truth.

"I originally wanted to visit you today with a gift...but I didn't expect to encounter such an accident..."

"A gift?" Lawrence was startled.

"Eyeballs." Chen Jing remembered the hint in the garbled text, but he was too embarrassed to say that the gift he prepared was dug out of the chicken head.

"You...how do you know I like eyeballs..."

Lawrence couldn't help himself with his surprise, because "eyeballs" were his only hobby.

And this hobby has never been exposed to others.

"Do you believe me when I say I guessed it?"


Chen Jing looked at the silent Lawrence, and then glanced at the terrifying holes in his body. A sentence suddenly came to his mind, and he said it without any thought.

"You have so many holes on your body, it would look better if you decorate them with eyeballs."

"Are you serious?" Lawrence was stunned.

Chen Jing didn't know how to answer, so he could only nod.

"I didn't expect you to have the same aesthetics as me..."

Lawrence sighed in surprise, his empty eyes revealing the joy of finding a "soul soulmate".

"I once met an alchemist from the [Turing Research Society] in the wasteland. In order to repay my favor, he used the brain network to connect to the research society's host. With the help of the host's computing power, he calculated the heaven that belonged to me. "It's auspicious for people," saying that walking around in this shape will help me be taken care of by noble people..."

At this moment, Lawrence was blabbering about his wonderful encounters, but Chen Jing couldn't listen to a word because he started to have a severe headache not long after he woke up.

It was as if his head was about to explode, as if countless steel needles were stabbing into his brain tissue in turn.

The tearing pain was unbearable for him. He could grit his teeth and hold on to persuade Lawrence not to move Wei Nan. This was the limit...

"That's right! Do you still want those people outside?"

Hearing Lawrence's words, Chen Jing hurriedly waved his hands and said no, because he could hear the desire from the soul in Lawrence's tone...

"You don't want it? That's great, great..." Lawrence paced back and forth, obviously too excited to control himself, "I can only stay here to recuperate... so it's very inconvenient to want blood food... and the eyes are full of greed." She’s quite pretty…”

"If you like it, I'll give it to you." Chen Jing said with a headache.

"Give it all to me?" Lawrence suddenly looked back at him, with a hint of vigilance in his tone, "Why are you so nice to me?"

"I want to make friends with you." Chen Jing felt that his headache was getting worse and he directly stated his purpose.

When Lawrence heard these sudden words, he was stunned for a moment, then fell silent, and carefully looked at Chen Jing, whose face was full of pain.

"Are you kidding me?"


"I don't think so either..." Lawrence murmured to himself, with a hint of confusion in his empty eyes, "I feel like your tone of voice is very serious..."

At this moment, Chen Jing suddenly heard a squirming sound coming from Lawrence's body, as if there were many invisible bugs crawling inside his body. The sound that was thick and rhythmic made people shudder. .

"Strange...you are such a weirdo..."

Lawrence was still talking to himself, and the strange holes in his body continued to shrink until...

The eyeballs belonging to different creatures drilled out from the depths of the hole.

Looking at the hundreds of "eyeballs" scattered all over Lawrence, Chen Jing's dizziness was relieved by half in an instant, and he felt that all the hairs on his body stood up.

Could this be what he said before...

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