He rose through the ranks.

It was almost equivalent to helping Baiaji and the others advance to the rank.

The promotion from Sequence One to Sequence Two may not be that obvious yet, but when they reach the watershed of Sequence Three... the changes in Baiaji and the others are already visible to the naked eye.

Compared to Yagertos, whose aura has become significantly stronger, Baiaji's change is more significant. Previously, everyone's attention was focused on Gehro in the sky, and no one noticed Baiaji's change. …

Its wingspan originally only had a wingspan of more than twenty meters, but now it has extended to nearly fifty meters, and its slim and slender body has also extended from a length of ten meters to more than twenty meters.

Bai Aji was crawling on the ground like a giant dragon with a weird posture, and his whole body exuded a deeply ominous aura.

"Let's sit down and worship Aji."


Facts have proved that Chen Jing's reaction was extremely decisive.

Less than five seconds after takeoff, the moonlight of Eternal Night City erupted... The moonlight emitted from Gehro's body swallowed everything at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just half a minute, the entire Eternal Night City was enveloped. In a dense white light.

The white moonlight spread very quickly. After devouring the city, it began to spread to the wasteland, but their speed was far slower than Bai Aji...

After Chen Jing was promoted to Sequence 3, Bai Aji's speed was much faster than before, and could even be said to have doubled several times.

But unfortunately, these "passengers" were too weak, and Baiaji simply did not dare to use his ultimate speed.

Because if it wants to fly at extreme speed, it will not be able to use energy barriers to protect the people on its back.

And once there is no energy barrier for protection, the "passengers" on its back may soon be blown into rotten flesh by the oncoming strong wind.

"In the end we failed..."

Hearing Randolph's voice, Chen Jing, who was sitting on Bai Aji's head, turned around and looked over. He saw Randolph lying there with a pale face, and beside him was an old man who had returned to his human state but had an equally gloomy face.

"It's all life." Chen Bofu spoke in a very soft voice, which seemed weak, "It's good that we can survive. Are you still thinking about those people in the city?"

Randolph looked painful and wanted to look back in the direction of Yong Ye, but no matter how hard he struggled, he lost the strength to get up. In the end, he was able to sit up slowly with the help of Xu Ye and Chen Boxu.

"My whole life has been dedicated to eternal night..." Senator Randolph smiled miserably, and his tone seemed to be mocking himself, "You should also know what this city looked like in the beginning... It was like a chaotic place. Hell... There is no difference between the people living here and the refugees in the wasteland..."

"I know, I know." Chen Bofu patted Randolph's back gently, as if he knew that he had reached the end of his life.

In fact, some of the insiders here know very well that Senator Randolph should have left this world a long time ago, but he has been using external forces to forcefully extend his life.

The final battle with Gehro... No, that might not even be considered a battle in the true sense. It was just the death struggle of a prey when faced with the hunter's gun.

The giant clock that blocked Gehro had exhausted the last life force in Senator Randolph's body.

"Besides me, there were also Aaron, Bai Jianghe, Lu Sixiang..."

Councilor Randolph rattled off many names, and these names happened to be familiar to everyone...the first batch of councilors in Evernight City.

“Our initial ideal was to build an orderly city where everyone could live freely under order and without harming anyone. But then everything changed... They are getting closer and closer to me. Far, only you are willing to listen to my nonsense."

In the past, Chen Boxu might have taken the opportunity to laugh at him, but at this moment, the old man only had a sad expression on his face.

"People change." Chen Bofu said in a low voice.

"Yes, people will change, but why should they change? I really don't understand..."

"Those who are pure and stoic fall in love with the pursuit of fame and wealth, and those who want to overthrow injustice are obsessed with the power of life and death. It seems that they have forgotten what we were fighting for in the first place. After that, the parliament gradually fell... But fortunately, I found a good candidate in Xuye."

Randolph smiled with difficulty and looked back at Suye, whose eyes had already filled with tears.

He raised his hand with difficulty, and touched her hair gently like a kind father.

"She and I have the same awakening sequence and the same heart. We both know what the other wants to do, so I can safely leave everything to her, but now there is no chance, and the eternal night has become history. ”

"We can take revenge..." Xu Ye's delicate face is no longer calm and indifferent as before, and tears flow down silently, "We can rebuild the eternal night..."

Randolph seemed really tired. Hearing Xu Ye's words, he just smiled and shook his head, then turned around and held Chen Bofu's hand tightly.

"Old man, I can't come to you for tea again."

"There is a chance." Chen Bofu held Randolph's withered palm tightly, tears glistening in his cloudy old eyes, "You are a stubborn donkey who has been tired for a lifetime. It's time to put down your burden and take a good rest... "

"I remember that you had such a bad temper that no one wanted to be friends with you. On the contrary, I have friends all over the mainland, but over the years... you are the only one left around me who can talk to me. "

Randolph's voice became lower and lower, and the pocket watch on his lap quietly fell into the mane on Baiage's back.

"You said...did I make a mistake from the beginning...did I never do anything right in these years..."

"Everything you did was right." Chen Bofu gently patted the back of Senator Randolph's hand that was gradually becoming transparent. "You once saved Yongye. Everyone remembers you. You are a real hero!"


Senator Randolph smiled, his body gradually dissipating.

Even though he is surrounded by many people who care about him.

But at this moment, his thin figure also looked particularly lonely, like a helpless person who had been abandoned by the world.

"The price of becoming a hero is too heavy..."

"Maybe the world doesn't need heroes at all..."

"Old man... maybe you are right..."

"I'm really a little tired... maybe I need to take a nap... maybe when I wake up... maybe..."

Chen Jing kept his back and did not dare to watch Randolph say goodbye to the old man, because he knew exactly what he was afraid of.

He was actually very afraid that there would be people around him who were separated from each other.

He is not a person who easily lets go and reconciles with himself.

So if you don’t want to look at those sad scenes, don’t watch them.

This will always make you feel better.

Behind him came the whimpering sounds of Xu Ye and the Jade Snake Herdsman, and Chen Jing heard the old man let out a long, trembling sigh.

The pocket watch that fell into Baiaji's mane was ticking.

The second hand under the glass is still beating forward slowly.

It seems like it will never come back.


Chapter 265 The end of eternal night, a new beginning

Chen Jing didn't know how far it was from Yongye City at this time.

But what is certain is that this place must be much further than he could imagine, and even the ruins of the Yellow King's Courtyard have been passed by long ago.

It was different from the wasteland environment Chen Jing had seen before.

No moss grows here.

The ground is soft and dense green grass, and not far away there is a plain with "sunflowers" growing there.

Although those plants look very similar to sunflowers in the real world, judging from the fact that Wei Nan almost had his arm bitten off by the flowers when he ran to pick them... they still have extremely strong characteristics of the other world.

"Damn you are so stingy! I just want to get some melon seeds to eat!"

When Wei Nan ran back, she still had the head of a sunflower on her arm. If her skin hadn't been tough and highly defensive, those strange flowers might have bitten her arm off in just that moment.

Everyone sitting around the campfire saw her running back, but no one said anything.

At this time, this mindless person can still be stupid and happy.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

Wei Nan held several sunflower trays in her arms. After asking around, no one answered. In the end, she could only hold them by herself and sit on the side slowly eating melon seeds.

"Even the protagonist in the game can't have everything smooth sailing, so why don't we look downcast when we suffer some losses..." Wei Nan muttered softly, as if he thought this was comforting everyone, "The worst thing is that we can fight back if we have a chance in the future. We lost once." It can’t explain anything…”

At this moment, Chen Jing was chatting quietly with Xu Ye. When he heard what Wei Nan said, he felt that it made sense and couldn't help but nod.

"Just fight back later. Now let's find a place to grow..."

Chen Jing sat on the grass, his expression rarely relaxed.

The evening breeze blowing in his face ruffled his hair, and there was a worried expression on his slightly pale face.

"So you really don't want to come with us?"


Suye sat aside with her knees in her arms. Her previous aura of an intellectual and strong woman was gone. Instead, she looked like a helpless little girl who had been wronged.

"Congressman Randolph has actually prepared for the worst, so we want to listen to him and follow his backup plan to go to the south of the Sea of ​​​​Old. There are his old friends there..."

"Old friends?" Chen Bofu used Bai Aji as a pillow and lay carelessly on the grass beside him to rest. "It's good that his friends don't hate him. You still want to join him...wait, you are talking about old friends." South of the Sun Sea?"

Chen Bofu seemed to suddenly remember something and sat up suddenly, grinning in pain.

"Yes." Xuye nodded.

"That so-called old friend...can't be that old bastard Armitage?!"

"You know him too?" Xu Ye looked a little surprised.

"How could I not recognize him!"

Chen Bofu acted even more surprised than Xu Ye, as if he heard something unbelievable and kept scratching his snow-white afro.

"Isn't that old bastard dead a long time ago? Are you going to find him to summon his soul or something?!"

"The congressman said that he seemed to have come back to life a few years ago, and he contacted the congressman not long ago..." Su Ye said in a low voice.

"How come I don't know!" Chen Bofu was stunned, and his expression became more and more puzzled, "That old guy Randolph didn't tell me anything!"

Xuye didn't answer the question, but looked hesitant to speak, as if he knew the answer but it was inconvenient to say.

"What's going on?!" Chen Bofu frowned and asked with confusion on his face, "Logically speaking, Randolph has no reason to hide it from me..."

"Professor Armitage specifically told the congressman not to tell you, lest you go and cause trouble for him again, and keep stealing those old books in his study."

"That old bastard actually looks at me like that?! I'll skin him alive sooner or later!" Chen Bofu was so angry that he beat his chest and stamped his feet, hating that he had misjudged someone, "He judged a gentleman by his own mean heart! He's really something! Am I that kind of person!"


At this time, Chen Jing had already stood up and walked to Yan Que.

He had heard Yan Que cough a few times before, and she should be about to wake up.

"She's really lucky."

Kuai Nan squatted beside Yan Que with a sunflower plate in her arms, eating melon seeds and throwing melon seed shells at Yan Que's face. She didn't feel that she was bullying the wounded at all. After all, she was usually suppressed by Yan Que, and there were not many opportunities for her to fight back without scruples.

"Why are you so rude..." Chen Jing pulled her in a bad mood, "Go, go, go and play somewhere else, or chat with Bai Aji, don't bother her here..."


Bai Aji sat up with a whoosh, and then looked at Wei Nan with a vigilant look.

"Wow, you guys are so realistic, if I hadn't reacted quickly and took this dead bird man and Ryan away, they would have been dead long ago..."

"She's right."

Suddenly, Yan Que's slightly weak voice reached everyone's ears.

Chen Jing looked down.

I saw that she had woken up without knowing when.

"We lost?" Yan Que asked.

Chen Jing nodded and said, we lost.

"It should be." Yan Que didn't seem to be surprised, but was still sighing, "But I didn't expect you to run away..."

As soon as the voice fell.

Yan Que struggled to sit up from the ground.

"Where's Ryan? I remember he was more seriously injured than me."

"He's still in a coma."

Chen Jing took a step back to let Yan Que see Ryan lying not far away.

Although his lost eyeballs and broken limbs gradually healed, he was still in a coma.

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