"Sequence 5?" Lawrence asked.

Hassad hummed, and the more he spoke, the more unsure he felt.

"That guard's strength is at least Sequence 6. Although Madman Chen, your strength has declined, but if you all come together to help... you should be able to do it!"

"Can you please don't mention the decline in my strength?" This is what Chen Boxu hates to hear the most right now. He can't help but frown when others mention the decline in his strength.

"If you still maintain the strength of Sequence 7, it should be easy to get rid of that guard, but now it will probably take a little effort." Hassad sighed, and then looked at everyone carefully, "So you guys Do you agree? If you agree to cooperate, I can tell you all the information about the ruins."

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you first and then take over the ancient ruins?" Chen Bofu showed a malicious smile.

"Not afraid." Hassad shook his head.

Chen Boxu couldn't help but feel a little relieved when he heard that he trusted him so much.

It seems that this old guy is quite discerning. He knows that he doesn’t talk about anything, but what he talks about most is loyalty!

"The worst case scenario is that I'll fight you." Hassad added in a blunt tone, "Besides, I want that mural and nothing else, and there is no conflict of interest with you..."

"Who is the King of the Old Ones buried in that ancient ruins?" Chen Jing was thinking about this "deal" in his mind and asked one last time, "Tell us this first, otherwise there will be no need to discuss anything else."

Hearing this, Hassad couldn't help but fell silent, as if he was hesitating whether to reveal part of the information first.

But on second thought, this information doesn’t seem to be that important.

"Okay, let me tell you, what's buried there is..."

"Black Pharaoh, Black Pharaoh, Black Pharaoh..."

"What are you mumbling?" Hassad glanced at Chen Jing strangely, then lowered his voice, "That ancient ruins buries the resident of the stars, Jakarot, who returned from the starry sky."

"I'm not interested, I won't cooperate." When Chen Bofu heard that he was not a "black pharaoh", he immediately lost interest in this ruins. "Let's talk about repaying the money. You don't want us to destroy this walled city." Was it lifted?"

"Damn it, why did you fall out so quickly?!" Hassad was stunned.

"Otherwise? Do you think I'm joking with you?" Chen Bofu scolded angrily, "I thought you could come up with something. You still have the nerve to cooperate with this little-known ancient relic. Do you think I care about it? My grandson is..."

Just when Chen Bofu rolled up his sleeves and was about to argue with Hassad, everyone suddenly felt two strange energy fluctuations in the air.

"What are you doing?" Chen Boxu stopped and glanced at Wei Nan, who had a dull expression, and then at Yan Que, whose eyes were dancing with moonlight, "Are you ready to beat him up with me?"

"I...I seem to have heard divine revelation..." Wei Nan said blankly, like a lottery player who gritted his teeth and bought lottery tickets for ten years in a row and finally won.

"Me too!" Yan Que rarely showed his true emotions in front of outsiders, and his face began to turn slightly red with excitement, "I heard a revelation from God!"

Divine revelation?

Is it time for both of them to reach the promotion sequence together? ?

"Did your divine inspiration come together?" Chen Jing asked half-convinced and half-questioned.

"It seems so." Yan Que nodded hurriedly.

"Hahahaha I'm finally going to be promoted!!!" Wei Nan jumped up from the sofa like crazy, imitated a koala and hung on Chen Jing's body, shaking his head crazily, "A Jing! You Boss, I’m going to be one step ahead of you again!”

"Why are you talking to my king?" Jegertos stood up and shouted mercilessly, "Get down! There are no rules!"

"Okay, okay, don't be harsh on her..." Chen Jing patted Wei Nan's back helplessly to calm her down, "This kid has waited for so long and finally saw signs of promotion. It's normal to be crazy with joy."

"Wait a minute..." Chen Bofu seemed to realize something and looked at Hassad with a frown, "Isn't your promotion sequence related to the ancient ruins he talked about?"

"Yes, yes! I'm going to the ruins of the Star Residents! There are ancient rituals there for me to complete the promotion sequence!" Wei Nan was so excited that she hugged Chen Jing's neck tightly and refused to come down.

Yanque on the side also nodded, saying that the divine inspiration he received was exactly the same as that of Wei Nan, and the method of promotion was also the same, and both required the use of the ancient ritual.

"How can two ancient descendants of completely different ranks be promoted to the same rank through the same ritual?" Chen Bofu stared at Hassad suspiciously, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the other person's collar, "It can't be you, old man. Set a trap for us? For example, let them have auditory hallucinations or something..."

Hassad was so confused that he forgot to explain.

"It looks like that's it!"

Chen Bofu unceremoniously reached out and grabbed Bai Aji's head on Chen Jing's shoulder. As if pulling a spring with all his strength, he forcibly stretched Bai Aji's neck and pulled it in front of him.

"Good dog! Let me eat him!"


Chapter 276: Believers in Deep Space

"Then it's settled."

After discussing the cooperation, Hassad obviously felt much more relaxed, as if he had solved a major problem in his life. He collapsed on the sofa and smiled brightly.

"Yeah." Chen Bofu frowned.

"Then you rest in the walled city for a few days, and I will call you when I am ready. Then..." Hassad said enthusiastically.

"I understand, don't be nagging." Chen Bofu interrupted Hassad and waved his hand impatiently, "Hurry up and arrange a suite for us. We want the most expensive, best and most luxurious one. Don't forget to agree. Our business!”

Hearing this, Hassad stood up quickly and nodded eagerly.

"I won't forget it! That one you just mentioned...the tomb of the Black Pharaoh, right?! I will pay attention! If there are any clues, I will notify you as soon as possible!"

"It's not about paying attention." Chen Boxu warned, "I want you to help us find it, do you understand?"

"I understand!" Hassad nodded.

Asking Hassad to help find the Black Pharaoh's tomb was part of the deal.

The old man said it before.

Compared to everyone.

Hassad obviously knows more about some hidden areas in the wasteland. He also knows much more information about unknown ancient ruins than anyone else, so having him help to find them can really save a lot of trouble.

What's more, Hassad is mentally unstable.

Paranoid to death.

He is only interested in "the other world".

As for other things, it doesn't matter to Hassad, so there's no need to worry about what he will think about it, let alone that he will spread the news.


At this stage, everyone is in a "wanted" state.

The Hanging City just wants Hassad to die.

And Chen Jing is a deep space resuscitator who is being targeted by many parties... and he can be regarded as having the same problem.

"Anu! Anu!" Hassad raised his wrist and shouted at the electronic watch with a red indicator light, "Come to me quickly! I need to see you if I need anything!"

"Who is it?" Chen Boxu asked curiously, "Your subordinate?"

"That's right." Hassad nodded. After shouting, he put down his wrist and sat lazily on the sofa. "I picked her up from the wasteland a few days ago. I thought she was pitiful so I left her in the walled city. , you can usually help me run errands..."

At this moment, someone suddenly knocked on the door of the house.

After Hassad shouted "come in", the person outside the door carefully opened the door and walked into the house.

The person who walked in was a little girl, maybe only about ten years old. Her dusty face was stained with oil, and the work clothes she was wearing were also dirty and exuded a strong smell of machine oil.

"Grandpa Hassad, what are you calling me for?" The little girl put the 18-point wrench in her belt and took off her gloves while looking at everyone. Her calm and composed demeanor showed a look far beyond her peers. Mature, like a little adult.

"These are distinguished guests!" Hassad stood up and walked over, saying with a smile, "Take them to the room downstairs, the one with the best and most luxurious decoration!"

"Understood!" This was not the first time Anu ran errands for this kind of thing, so he knew exactly what he should do. He jumped and ran ahead with his ponytail swinging, and glanced at everyone before going out. "Everyone, please follow me. !”

"I'll find you later." Hassad picked up the work clothes that were placed on the sofa and put on a pair of thick dust-proof glasses. When he looked at Chen Bofu, the smile on his face was still bright, "When the time comes Let’s have a drink and catch up on old times!”

"Okay." Chen Bofu nodded, and then followed the pace of everyone.

have to say.

Chen Jing discovered that children in this world are indeed much precocious than those in the outside world. It should be related to the environment in which they grew up. For example, Ryan and the little girl in front of everyone are still at an age when they should be studying, but they are crawling around in the wasteland. …

"Little girl, how old are you?" Chen Bofu followed behind with a cigarette in his mouth and asked curiously.

"Ten years old!" Anu was walking in front. Seeing a few swaying drunkards blocking the road, he immediately pulled out the metal wrench on his belt and knocked hard on the copper water pipe next to the wall, "Ms. Ganlin! I can’t see any distinguished guests coming! You drunkards, please stay out of the way!”

Hearing Anu's cursing voice, the drunken people suddenly sobered up a lot. They almost stuck to the wall like a mural, making way for everyone.

"Ouch, what the fuck?" Wei Nan's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered someone similar to him, he walked forward and gently patted Anu's ponytail with his hand, "The little guy is awesome!"

"It's okay." Anu wiped his dirty face and showed a bright smile, "They are all afraid of Grandpa Hassad! Anyone who disobeys will be driven away by Grandpa Hassad. !”

"For those who can only stay in the wasteland, this walled city is indeed a good shelter." Lawrence sighed.

"Not bad?! Grandpa, please understand!!" Anu turned around and looked at Lawrence. Although she could sense the aura of high-ranking old descendants on Lawrence, she still had to retort, "This walled city Awesome! ”

"Okay, okay, what do you mean..." Lawrence sighed.

Lawrence is not an easy person to get along with, but after leaving the wasteland and living in Eternal Night for a period of time, his personality and temper have also changed a lot. At least now he will not hear others refuting him and slap them away with a raised hand.

"Why have you been staring at people..."

Suddenly, Baiage's voice sounded in Chen Jing's ears. When he looked back, he saw that it was complaining about Yegetos who was walking beside him.

"Are you hungry and want to eat people?" Baiaji asked curiously.

Yegetos shook his head, but his eyes were still on Anu's back, and he was so silent that it felt a little weird.

It was at this time that Chen Jing realized that Yegetos seemed to be a little strange. He fixed his eyes on Anu as soon as she appeared, and it was still the same until now. It seemed like a look of scrutiny...

"What are you looking at?" Chen Jing asked softly.

"The tattoo on her neck looks a little familiar." Yegetos explained in a low voice.

Hearing Yegetos' words, Chen Jing subconsciously looked forward and saw a black tattoo on Anu's neck.

It looked like a black star.

"In the old days, many people regarded deep space as a belief. They offered sacrifices to the Yellow King and prayed for blessings and protection... I thought they were all dead."

At the end, Yegetos sighed.

"Do you mean this little girl is a believer in deep space?" Chen Jing asked in disbelief.

Yegetos nodded, and his tone became a little complicated.

"If I'm not mistaken, the tattoo on her neck should be the totem of the deep space black star."

Chapter 277 The Faith of the Last Generation

It turns out that Hasad's words cannot be trusted.

He really said the same thing as the old man.

He is really an old lunatic.

It seems that his understanding of "luxury decoration" is different from that of everyone else.

"Little guy, are you sure this is the best room in your city?"


Anu stood in front of the anti-theft door covered with mottled rust and pointed to the empty hall inside.

"Because there are too many residents in the city, everyone can only live in a crowded place. There are not many big houses like this with three bedrooms and one living room!" Anu stood outside the door with his hands on his waist, and couldn't help but look back at Ryan.

Among these distinguished guests, the one who made her most curious was Ryan. After all, they were all about the same age, so Anu had always been curious about Ryan's identity.

"That old man..." Chen Bofu's mouth kept twitching.

This three-bedroom, one-living room house is not small, and the sanitation is also relatively clean, but to be honest... it looks no different from a rough house. The cement floor seems to be old, and the walls and ceiling are simply whitewashed.

Except for the murals and simple clocks hanging on the wall near the window.

There is no furniture here, not even a sofa.

Walk into the house and take a look.

The three-bedroom, one-living room that Anu said is correct. There is also a separate bathroom and balcony here. There is a steel-framed double bed in each room, and the sheets and quilts on it are washed white... The sanitation conditions are nothing to say, but this is too shabby!

"Are the living conditions in the fortress very bad?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"It's... it's okay..." Anu seemed to be afraid of being looked down upon. With a red face and head held high, he tried to answer confidently, "Everyone is living well... At least this place will not be attacked by polluted species... nor will it be attacked by other wanderers..."

"It's okay."

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