"Do you think I'm you?"

Hassard retorted unhappily, and the four mechanical followers standing beside him were motionless, as if they were down.

To be honest.

Chen Jing still doesn't understand the principles of these mechanical followers.

They look like robots.

But when they were bewitched by the murals before, they were also inexplicably deceived.

"What I want is down there..."

Hassard's face reflected the light of the pool water and the starry sky, and the colorful colors looked indescribably weird for some reason.

"Another world I saw in my dream... The inhabitants of the stars seem to have seen it too... He painted it into this painting..."

As soon as the voice fell, Hassard suddenly laughed excitedly, standing on the edge of the pool and jumping, feeling that he would accidentally fall into it at any time.

"I found it!!!"

"The answer is here!!!"

Chapter 296 The Color of Deep Space·Nameless Haze (Part 2)

Everyone followed Hassard and looked into the depths of the pool.

They only found that there were many concave patterns on the stone wall of the pool, which were different from the murals they had seen in the spiral staircase.

The painting style of these patterns was still simple and plain, and it can be seen that they were painted by the same painter as the murals on the staircase.

"This painting seems much more normal..." Chen Bofu squinted his eyes and looked carefully into the depths of the pool.

"Are those also words from the old days?" Chen Jing glanced at the word-like totems that occupied almost 80% of the content of the mural, and turned back to ask Yegetos.

"No." Yegetos seemed to be a little confused, because those "words" were indeed something he had never seen before.

"It's the words of the old days!"

Hassard said excitedly, taking out a palm-sized notebook from his pocket, which looked about the same thickness as a dictionary in the real world.

"I found this in another ancient ruin. It records the special language of the Star Residents, which is completely different from the common language of the old days..."

"That should be the case." Yegetos nodded, confirming what Hasad said, "Some of the old kings created their own language, but this is only a minority, because most of the old kings are busy dealing with endless wars and don't have the time to spare."

"I remember the names of the three ancient rituals are all written in the common language..."


Yegtos nodded, as if he knew what Chen Jing was suspicious of.

"That's his trophy."

"The trophy?" Chen Jing looked back thoughtfully, only to see that the light cocoon formed by Wei Nan and the others had not dissipated yet, and it seemed that it would take some time to complete the promotion ceremony.

"Some ancient instruments are buried in those three ancient rituals. I can vaguely feel their breath, but unfortunately I can't dig them out before the ritual is activated..."

Yegtos sighed, looking a little lost.

"That's the restriction that the Star Residents placed on those ancient instruments. Only creatures that meet the conditions can start the ritual and unlock those ancient instruments sealed underground."

"According to what you said, these things are gifts specifically for them?" Chen Bofu asked with a grin, as if he didn't believe what he said.

"Of course not."

Yegtos shook his head and looked up at Hasad who was immersed in the murals at the bottom of the pool.

Hasad seemed to be a little crazy. Looking at his momentum, he almost wanted to dive into the pool.

"In fact, when I first got here, I felt a little strange. This place doesn't look like the tomb of the old king..."

"I think so too." Chen Bofu nodded. After all, he was an old hand who had been wandering in the wasteland for many years. He had seen at least seven or eight old tombs, but he had never seen such a thing. "Besides, if this is really a tomb, where are the bones of the Star Residents?"

As he said this, Chen Bofu seemed to be amused by his own sense of humor and couldn't help laughing.

"It can't be thrown into the pool and soaked, hahaha!"


Hearing Hasad suddenly say this, Chen Bofu's expression froze.

"Where is it?" Chen Bofu frowned slowly, imitating Hasad's look into the pool, "Where is the old king's skeleton in here?"

"In fact, the content of the murals at the bottom of the pool is not difficult to understand, but from my angle I can only see a part of it, and these liquids simulating the starry sky have a great impact on my vision, so I can only interpret part of the content temporarily..."

Hassad's expression was no longer as excited as before, and he was so serious that he seemed to have become another person, and his voice gradually became low.

"I have limited time to interpret, so I can only interpret a general idea. I'll give you a long story."

Hearing Hasad say this, everyone couldn't help but quiet down.

"When the Old War ended, the Star resident Jacarlot, who had fled to the universe to avoid the war, was ready to return to this world to settle down. For him, this was his hometown, an irreplaceable home..."

"Then why didn't he come back to protect his home?"

Yegotos stood behind Chen Jing, his laughter full of disdain, as if he was mocking the hypocrisy of the Star resident.

"His hometown was burned down, and he waited until the fire was out before saying he wanted to go home. This kind of scum actually..."

"Can you stop interrupting!" Hazard couldn't help but interrupt Yegotos's sarcasm.

"Okay, go on." Yegetos leaned against the edge of the pool, seemingly having lost interest in the story of the Star Residents.

Hazard glared at him unhappily, then poked his head out and continued to look at the bottom of the pool.

"After returning to this devastated world, he found that his territory had disappeared, and he had no choice but to look for territory again... The new territory was in a place called 'Monati', but he didn't expect that 'Monati' would eventually become his burial place."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

Monati... should be the location of this ancient ruins, right?

"In the second year after the construction of Monati, it was an extremely hot summer night. A comet emitting a strange light fell from the sky, not only smashing through the palace's indestructible dome, but also piercing through its body, leaving an unhealable wound."

"The comet broke apart the moment it touched the ground, and the strange substances hidden inside flowed out like clear water. It infiltrated the land of Monati and lived there. Everything became its nutrients, even..."

At this point, Hasard paused for a moment, as if he saw something unbelievable.

"Even he is no exception." Hasard uttered the second half of the sentence.

"Are you sure you didn't translate it wrong?" Chen Bofu frowned, and suddenly had an ominous premonition, "Even the resident of the star became 'it's' nutrients?"

Hasard ignored Chen Bofu and continued to translate on his own.

But this time.

He used the "first person", not a rhetorical translation, but a direct retelling of the original text.

"I have no chance to survive, so I have to do this. I have to seal it in the deepest part of the palace, otherwise it will eat up the whole world sooner or later."

"The palace is the ritual formation that seals it, and the three 'media points' are the balancers that ensure the stable operation of the ritual... I no longer have the ability to leave 'Monati', and this is all I can do."

"On the day when it devoured me, I finally remembered who it was."


"It is the Yellow King's family, but it is not an immortal species."

"It is the strange color from deep space... It is the curse called the material universe, the nameless haze that devours everything!"

Chapter 297 Legendary Cosmic Creatures (Part 1)

Hearing the last words of Hasard, everyone present looked confused, even Yegetos who lived in the old days was no exception.

He seemed to have never heard of it...

"The Yellow King's family? It also came from deep space?!" Yegetos suddenly felt that his brain was not enough.

"You don't know?" Chen Jing looked at him with surprise.

"I don't know!" Yegetos was more surprised than Chen Jing. "Did you translate it wrong? Or are the inhabitants of the stars talking nonsense?! I have followed King Huang for so long and never heard of it..."

Speaking, Yegetos suddenly added a sentence with absolute certainty.

"All of King Huang's followers are immortals! There is no doubt about that!"

"Not necessarily."

At this moment, Bai Aji, who had been silent all the time, seemed to suddenly remember something.

Lying behind Chen Jing, it was like a giant dragon lying on the ground, and slowly stood up while talking.

"There are indeed some exceptions among the Yellow King's followers."

"Are you talking nonsense?" Yegetos said directly to it, feeling that his intelligence was insulted, "I have been in deep space for so many years, but I have never heard of any follower who is..."

"I am the one who gets along with the Yellow King day and night!" Bai Aji snorted, his words full of undisguised disdain, "You are only concerned with fighting in deep space and the outside world every day, which is not like me, at least I can chat with the Yellow King..."

Yegetos couldn't refute what Bai Aji said.

If it is just about the length of time spent with the Yellow King, I am afraid he really can't compare with Bai Aji as a mount.

"Do you know who is the 'it' that killed the residents of the star?" Chen Jing asked on the side.

"Didn't he say it just now?"

Bai Aji glanced at the old man Hasad, and his tone gradually became solemn.

"It is this that killed the inhabitants of the stars, the Nameless Haze!"

"What is this?" Yegetos was confused. "Is it also a deep space creature?"

"No, it is a cosmic creature... but I don't know if it counts as a creature."

After the words fell, Bai Aji was silent for more than ten seconds, as if he was choosing his words.

"It should be considered one of the first followers of the Yellow King. At that time, we did not exist, and the Supreme Yellow King was not yet the master of the deep space..."

According to Bai Aji.

The follower named "Nameless Haze" was actually accidentally encountered by the Yellow King in a corner of the material universe.

At that time, it was still very weak, but it showed a brutality beyond most creatures, as if it was born to devour matter...

"On its menu, creatures with flesh and blood only account for a part, and the rest are all kinds of incredible substances, even the stars in the universe are on its menu."

When he said this, Bai Aji was silent for a while, as if he was recalling the "story" that the Yellow King told himself.

"Its main body looks like a strange halo, like a 'color' floating in the empty universe."

"Color?" Chen Jing felt that this description was a bit vague.

"Yes, although the name given by King Huang contains the word haze, in fact it is neither liquid nor gas, nor is it composed of any known substance. It cannot be touched or sensed, which is completely beyond King Huang's cognition of 'life form' at that time..."

"Is it very strong?" Yegetos asked unwillingly.

"Anyway, King Huang said it is very strong." Bai Aji answered truthfully without any exaggeration, "If it weren't for the ambush they encountered later and an accident during the dimension jump, it would not have disappeared in the turbulence of the dimension gap..."

"You mean, the nameless haze that disappeared at the beginning is the one that the residents of the star later encountered?" Hasad couldn't help asking.

"Not necessarily."

Bai Aji shook his head and didn't say it too absolutely.

"After all, even King Huang hasn't figured out the origin of that monster. Maybe there is a tribe of them..."

"Wait!! Have we forgotten something!!!"

Lawrence, who had been silent all this time, suddenly shouted, his expression was inexplicably terrified, and his voice was trembling slightly.

"If this is really 'Monati'! It is the palace where the inhabitants of the star are buried! Then isn't the nameless haze you mentioned sealed here?!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"Fuck!" Chen Bofu cursed subconsciously, and his expression suddenly became solemn. "If the old man translated it correctly, the place we are in should be the ritual array used to seal the 'nameless haze'."

"Then the ritual for the three of them to advance to the next level is..." Chen Jing's face suddenly changed.

At this moment, Chen Jing couldn't help but think of what Hazard had translated before.

The palace is the ritual array that seals "it".

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