The desert covered with diamond-shaped giant rocks began to tremble violently.

Countless deep space energy began to spread crazily into the depths of the desert with the sword of flesh and blood as the medium.

With Yegetos as the center.

Countless terrifying cracks cracked open.

Those cracks like deep gullies were like scars on the desert, and a hint of scarlet light was revealed in the dark color.

At this moment, the desert in front of everyone was like broken glass.

The countless cracks on the surface were cracks in glass.

They divided the desert into hundreds and thousands of parts.

The earth trembled and the wind blew.

Under the impact of deep space energy, the desert finally couldn't bear it, as if Yegetos had detonated the explosives buried under the gravel. With bursts of terrifying noises, the desert seemed to usher in a new round of sandstorms, and the earth was instantly engulfed by the sand and dust splashing all over the sky.

"Has he always been so barbaric..." Chen Jing spat out the sand in his mouth with a sound of "Puh", and covered Xiao Anu's eyes with his hands, fearing that the oncoming sandstorm would blind her.

"Yes." Bai Aji kept his mouth tightly shut and dared not open his mouth. He always communicated with Chen Jing by telepathy. "Maybe his self-esteem was hurt by the deep space strangeness. Anyway, he has been a little weird recently."

"What about you?" Chen Jing asked back.

"I have no self-esteem." Bai Aji answered truthfully, as if he had thought it through after the second rebirth. "Anyway, I'm not a combat-type deep space immortal species, and it's not shameful to lose to it!"

"You adjust your mentality quickly..."

Chen Jing squinted his eyes and looked around while chatting with Bai Aji.

Although they were observing along the way when they came, and they also confirmed that there were no creatures nearby, the movement made by Yegotos was not small, and it might attract some troublemakers.

They were not worried about creatures with lower sequence levels.

It is estimated that they ran away in an instant after sensing the explosion of deep space energy.

After all, this magnitude of energy explosion is equivalent to a silent warning.

The content of the warning is also very simple and clear.

"There is a creature with a high level sequence here that is "losing its temper". If you don't want to die, you'd better get out of here."

And those creatures with higher sequence levels will basically choose to avoid here.

Because no one wants to fight with high-level creatures of the same level for no reason.

After all, for most wasteland creatures, fighting is based on conflicts of interest or survival needs. If there is no basis for these, then fighting is simply meaningless.

But it is undeniable.

Whether in the real world or in the other world, there will always be a lot of people who have fun.

There will always be some creatures with extremely strong gossip hearts who will take the risk to come and see.

It's not for fighting for something or wanting to do something.

It's just to watch the fun.

That's all.

Just like now, Chen Jing found several figures moving quickly from a distance.

One of them looked like an enlarged version of the "starfish", perhaps a kind of polluted species with a higher IQ, while the remaining few were all human figures, and should be powerful old descendants.

Chen Jing could find them, so could Bai Aji.

After all, his eyesight was more than a little better than Chen Jing's.

"Kill them all?" Bai Aji asked.

"Now many people know that the deep space has revived, so our identities are very sensitive now. It is best not to expose our tracks if we can... Do you understand what I mean?"

Bai Aji hummed and said he understood.

Then it slowly opened its huge mouth full of ferocious fangs, and an energy ball emitting a strong deep air smell quickly gathered in its mouth.

Silently, the energy ball in Bai Aji's mouth exploded instantly.

The light ball formed a terrifying black energy beam, which shot directly at the "starfish" polluted species that was approaching here at a high speed. The other party had no time to react and was pierced through the body by the beam until it was blown into powder.

Then Bai Aji turned his neck again and aimed at several old descendants on the other side.

The old descendants seemed to realize that this flying monster was not easy to deal with, and that it was unethical to fight without any martial ethics, so when they saw Bai Aji turning his head, they turned around and ran back.

Unfortunately, Bai Aji was faster.

He exhaled a few breaths lightly in an instant.

"These people are so boring. Why do they watch all the excitement? They dare to join in the fun with the strength of only Sequence 3..." Bai Aji muttered in confusion.

At this time, Chen Jing saw that the dust began to dissipate gradually, so he slowly loosened his hands covering Anu's eyes.

"Send Anu back to the fortress first, and then rush back as quickly as possible."

Chen Jing looked up at the darkening sky, thinking that this wasteland was even more outrageous than the Evernight City. The sky changed at any time.

The sun was shining the previous second.

The next second, it was as if a black curtain was lifted from the sky to cover the sun.

It was so inexplicably dark.

"Why did it get dark so quickly?" Bai Aji also reacted at this time, turning his head to look at the sky above his head, "It was still sunny just now..."

"It's getting dark, maybe there will be more troubles..."

Chen Jing waved his hand to disperse the dust in front of him, lowered his head and took a look, only to see that a deep pit with a radius of nearly a thousand meters had been "blasted" by Yegetos in the desert. At this moment, Yegetos was standing at the bottom of the pit and waving at him.

"Send her back first."

Chapter 314 Grave Robbers (Part 2)

The climate change and alternation of day and night in the wasteland can be said to be completely irregular.

Chen Jing had seen this before in other places.

But he had never seen a place that changed so quickly like the one in front of him.

From sunshine to nightfall.

This process does not take more than five seconds.

As Anu said.

This is the legendary place where two stars hang high.

It is different from the night skies that Chen Jing had seen in the wasteland.

There are no twisted star tracks or stars as dense as rice grains in the sky here.

In the murky night sky, there are only two cold and pale stars hanging high.

They look much larger than ordinary stars, almost bigger than the moon in the real world.

The white light that seemed to chill people to the bone, covering the sky and the earth, only reminded Chen Jing of a living celestial body that made him grit his teeth.

"Damn Gehro..."

Chen Jing walked towards Yegetos, and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

At this moment, Bai Aji had already flown Anu back to the fortress.

Under this 1,000-meter-diameter tiankeng in the desert.

Only Chen Jing and Yegetos were left.

"King, come and take a look at this..."

Yegetos squatted on the ground as if he was studying something. When he saw Chen Jing coming over, he hurriedly stood up and gave up his position.

"What is this?" Chen Jing frowned and walked over.

In fact, when the dust had dispersed before, Chen Jing realized that it might not be so easy to find the mausoleum.

Because under the blasted desert, Chen Jing could not see the mausoleum at all. At a glance, there was only a gray bedrock layer at the bottom of the pit.


Yegetos did find something interesting.

"Is this a human skull?" Chen Jing squatted on the ground and gently wiped the gravel on the rock layer with his hand. The familiar outline became clearer and clearer. "Why is it embedded in the rock..."

"There is still one here." Yegetos pointed to the rock next to him.

"What else?"

Chen Jing raised his hand and waved it, and the deep space energy in his body instantly turned into golden holy light and left his body.

These golden holy lights condensed into a light ball as big as a balloon beside him, suspended in the air.

It must be said that after gradually practicing the operation of energy materialization according to "his" prompts, daily life has become much more convenient.

At least he can summon a large light bulb at will when he needs a light source.

Although he also has a similar "night vision" ability after becoming an old descendant, it is undeniable that as an ordinary human being, he has developed a habit for a long time, which still makes him subconsciously want to get a light source.

Chen Jing followed Yegetos with the "light" and carefully checked the pit.

There are surprisingly many corpses scattered here, and the closer to the central area, the more corpses there are...There are human-shaped old descendants, and there are also polluted species. Without exception, they are embedded in the rock layer by some force.

The more detailed the inspection, the more details Chen Jing found.

In addition to the corpses embedded in this rock layer, there are also some relics of the dead embedded in it, most of which are incomplete "relics" and decorations, and most of them are metal.

"This is the totem of the [Great Buddha Mother Temple]..." Chen Jing saw a familiar pattern on a black ring embedded in the rock layer.

Then he found a palm connected to a circuit board a hundred meters away.

That should be the bionic prosthesis from the Hanging City.

There is the logo of the [Turing Research Society] on the circuit board.

"It seems that my initial guess was right..." Chen Jing looked around, looking at the corpses embedded in the rock layer, and muttered in his heart, "Someone should have been here a long time ago..."


At this moment, Chen Jing's mind also rang with the voice of "him".

"The giant rock formations scattered throughout the desert and the twin stars that never fall in the sky, these features must have been noticed by people a long time ago, and some people even knew that the Black Pharaoh was buried here before they came..."

"We are not too far from the polar day here. If the people of [Great Buddha Mother Temple] knew that this is the tomb of the Black Pharaoh, they should come in groups to excavate it."

Chen Jing frowned tightly, as if he had encountered some difficult problem that he couldn't figure out.

"But the corpses here seem to have existed for a long time. From what Qiao Youning said, it seems that the temple didn't determine the specific coordinates of the Black Pharaoh's tomb in the end..."

"Maybe some information was not transmitted back in time, so the temple didn't know about the tomb, and those who could determine the coordinates were dead." The "him" in his mind was still smiling.

Just then.

Chen Jing heard Yegetos suddenly exclaim.

"King!! Why is that rock lit up!!!"

Chen Jing subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

Only to see that about 200 meters away from them, the previously dark rock layer with countless corpses suddenly emitted an extremely strong white light.

Like two stars hanging high in the sky.

In that white light.

The rock layer seemed to have turned into liquid.

The next second.

An irregular spherical object with a diameter of about 1.5 meters slowly rose from the liquid rock layer.

It looked like some kind of mineral crystal, with many flat-cut cross-sections.

Chen Jing took Yegetos forward to count, and found that there were 38 cross-sections on this crystal, which was consistent with the 38-faceted heteromorphic crystal mentioned by Qiao Youning.

“Is this the gate to the mausoleum?”

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