Upon hearing this, Lawrence suddenly showed an expression of disbelief, turning his head left and right, as if searching for where the deep space beside him was.

"This battle is not small..."

Chen Bofu said worriedly, looking at the huge whirlpool that was constantly breaking apart in the sky, and couldn't help but think of the shocking miracle he witnessed in the Huangwang Courtyard.

"Sixteen whirlpools...there seems to be more farther away..."

Yanque stood on tiptoes and looked into the distance, only to see a huge whirlpool appearing in the sky every tens of kilometers.

These holes created by the sky itself were very terrifying, and they continued to expand from the moment they appeared. The vortex almost shattered everything around them, leaving only overwhelming "snowflakes" falling down.

Snowflakes are like ashes.

If you touch it with just a little force, it will turn into powder.

"When that child went to the Yellow King's Courtyard to advance to the rank... he caused changes in the world..." Chen Bofu's brows were full of worry, "I thought it was just that one time... I didn't expect that this time the battle would also happen. Not small……"

"It's better than that time." Yanque reminded, "At least this change didn't start from us. Those whirlpools all appeared at the same time, making it difficult for outsiders to locate us."

"I hope so..."

The worry in Chen Bofu's eyes did not diminish, but at this moment, he suddenly found some colorful light spots appearing in the deep black sky.

"Is that the splendor of deep space?!"

The sea of ​​old.


In a brick house built next to the coastal lighthouse, several figures were sitting quietly around an oil lamp.

The pigherd was holding a bunch of grilled fish with bulging eyes and was munching on it. The jade snake next to him frowned, as if he disliked the pigherd's eating appearance, and kept leaning to the left to avoid the incoming fish. Spit stars.

On the prelude night, he sat quietly and drank hot tea.

The Sheriff named Bai En was sitting in the corner with the darkest light. There was no head on his neck, only a huge eyeball. His pupils were constantly dilating and shrinking with the flickering of the oil lamp and candlelight. His whole person was eerily quiet.

"Bai En, don't worry all day long." Xu Ye looked back at him and said with a smile, "It's not like I won't go back."

"Chief, Bai En has no head, and he has a big eyeball on his neck. You can see that he has a frown on his face, right?" the pigherder said with a silly smile.

"Stop thinking nonsense." Yu Hui seemed to know how Bai En was feeling, and sighed and advised, "Even if you were in Yongye City at that time, you couldn't change anything, not to mention that your weakness is the moonlight. Seeing Gehe Luo probably died faster than anyone else..."

"I just regret it."

Bai En's voice was extremely low when he spoke, and his eyeball-like head seemed to have some kind of strange vocal organ.

"I haven't even seen the last of the congressman..."

As he spoke, Bai En lowered his head, his fists clenched and trembling.

“We are able to achieve what we have today because of the help of Senator Randolph. He treated us like his own children...but when this father left, I was not able to see him. "

Compared to deep hatred.

The last thing everyone wanted to face... was actually the death of Senator Randolph.

As Bai En said.

To them.

Randolph was not a leader, but a kind and kind father.

So when Bai En mentioned the old man, everyone couldn't help but fell silent. Even the swineherd stopped eating and looked at the swaying oil lamp in a daze.

"Come out and see!!!"

Suddenly, an old man shouted in surprise from outside the house.

Although everyone didn't know what was happening outside, when they heard the old man's voice, they didn't dare to hesitate and got up and ran out.

outside the house.

A thin, stooped old man wearing a gray shirt stood in the yard, carrying an old fishing rod with peeling paint on his shoulder. His slightly curly gray hair was neatly combed, but the square-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose looked a bit old-fashioned. .

"Professor Armitage! What's wrong?!"


The old man named "Armitage" pointed at the constantly fragmenting sky, his old face trembling slightly, and his cloudy eyes looked exceptionally clear at the moment, as full of vitality as the eyes of a young man.

After hearing the old man's words, everyone thought of looking up.

This look.

Everyone was stunned immediately.

At some point, dense whirlpools appeared in the sky. They tore the original blue sky and white clouds into pieces, leaving only a black hole that continued to expand and extend.

"The world is about to change..." Professor Armitage raised his hand to catch the "snowflakes" falling from the sky, and adjusted his glasses tremblingly, "Deep space is about to come to this world... It has crawled out of the dimensional hell. Out……"

Deep space?

Hearing these two words, everyone couldn't help but look at each other for a while, and Chen Jing's slightly childish face flashed across their minds in an instant.

"Is this related to deep space?" Xuye didn't seem to be afraid of this drastic change that was sweeping the world. Instead, he stood on tiptoes like a little girl, trying hard to catch the bigger "snowflake", with the smile on his face still So gentle.

Professor Armitage did not answer Prologue's question because he was thinking about something that would have a huge impact on the future.

"Have the deep space resuscitators come this far..." Armitage murmured, staring blankly at the "snowflakes" in his palm, "The boundaries of dimensions are once again blurred by deep space... Could it be that those distant creators It’s coming again…”

Chapter 326 The world trembles due to deep space (Part 2)

Hanging in the city.

Taishang Palace.

In the main hall at the moment.

A group of alchemists wearing seminar robes were sitting on their respective futons.

The eyes observe the nose, and the nose observes the heart.

No one dared to look at the two people, one old and one young, chatting quietly under the holographic projection of Lord Turing.

"My dear disciple, I heard from the people in the seminar that you went to the virtual network to practice this time... and failed?"

"It doesn't count."

Hearing Li Mobai's expressionless response, the old alchemist couldn't help but frown. Although his body had long been replaced with various bionic prosthetics, it didn't seem to have the "raw feeling" that people in Hanging City disliked.

A prosthetic body such as this one, which comes from within the Research Institute, is unimaginable in terms of both physical functions and bionic levels.

"When you were in a state of trance, could you see Lord Turing?" the old alchemist asked.

"In Lihentian." Li Mobai nodded and replied.

"In Lihentian's ancestral court, listening to Tianzun's teachings, can you gain some insights?" the old alchemist asked again.

Li Mobai shook his head and said no.

"Stupid!" The old alchemist suddenly became furious. He seemed to have changed into a different person. There was no trace of kindness or kindness on his face anymore. He pinched Li Mobai's neck like a cannibal, "How could I accept this useless thing like you?" apprentice!!"

"Tianzun said that I still need to practice hard for a while." Li Mobai did not resist, because he knew that in front of this old man, resisting was almost equivalent to seeking death.

"Brainless thing!" the old alchemist yelled angrily, "I heard it from the seniors of the research association! It was you who actively refused the 'Shen Fusion'! How could you understand the true Dharma without the guidance of the Supreme Being! You are killing yourself!"

"There's more than one avenue."

Li Mobai's neck was almost deformed by the old man's pinch, but he still did not show any fear. Instead, he stared at the holographic projection of Lord Turing beside him with extreme calmness.

"I have my way."


"Master, all the alchemists in the research association have been blessed by 'Shenrong', and they are all devout disciples guided by Tianzun..." Li Mobai sighed, "But in the history of Hanging City, who among them can Reach the legendary state of 'transforming into an immortal'?"

Hearing Li Mobai's words, the old alchemist couldn't help but be startled, and slowly loosened his grip on his apprentice's neck.

"Do you know what it means to find other 'Taos' in Hanging City?"

"Meaning betrayal?"

Li Mobai shrugged noncommittally, with a smile on his fair face, and rubbed his sore neck.

"I will never betray the Hanging City." Li Mobai said so, but only he knew the truth.

"If you betray this city, I will kill you with my own hands." The old alchemist said expressionlessly. The emotion revealed in his artificial eyes was one of extreme contradiction and entanglement.

"Don't worry, Master, you still can't trust me?" Li Mobai said with a smile, and then looked back at the holographic statue of Lord Turing, "I will not betray the city, let alone the Lord. After all, everything I have now, They are all given by Heavenly Lord..."

"As long as you know."

The old alchemist snorted coldly, turned around and looked at his disciples who were meditating.

"These bastards were all led astray by you!"

Li Mobai couldn't help laughing when he heard the old man cursing and complaining.

"Master, don't say that, they are all good children!"

The old alchemist glared at Li Mobai and said to himself, "I don't know what the nature of these brats is?" No one who is so bad is qualified to enter the gate of our Taishang Palace!

"Right now, everyone in the research institute is busy dealing with the resurgence of deep space. Please be quiet when you are doing your work..."

Deep space.

Hearing these two words, Li Mobai looked calm, but the alchemists who were meditating couldn't help opening their eyes and raising their heads. Everyone's expressions were a little complicated.

"What are you afraid of?"

Li Mobai glanced at everyone with an expressionless expression, and saw that they all lowered their heads and began to meditate, and then the corners of their mouths slowly curved into a nice curve.

"He's just a deep space resuscitator. Since my senior brother will deal with him, you should calm down and practice hard..."

Before Li Mobai could finish speaking, the old alchemist raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

"It's just you?!" the old man scolded mercilessly, "You should also calm down and practice hard as a teacher! Don't worry about those worldly things!"

at this time.

An electronic alarm suddenly sounded outside the Supreme Palace.

The piercing buzzer caused chaos in the hall, especially those "candidates" who had just joined the seminar. They had lived in the Hanging City for so long, but they had never heard the Taishang Palace alarm sound.

"What the hell?! Did someone call in?!"

"Who dares to come and cause trouble in my palace?!"

"Shut up, everyone!"

The old man suddenly shouted and stopped the commotion in the hall, and then walked out of the hall step by step with a sullen face.

"A bunch of worthless things, how could they be so frightened by the alarm? If it weren't for Mr. Dao, I would be in a good mood today and I would have to give you all these embarrassing bastards..."

The words behind.

The old man didn't say anything.

Because he was involuntarily stunned at this moment.

"What's going on?"

Li Mobai followed the old man silently, looking up at the vortex in the sky that was constantly tearing the space into "paper scraps", and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"It's deep space..."

The old man raised his hand tremblingly, constantly pinching his knuckles, as if calculating something.

"Not good... the secrets of heaven are messed up!"

The old man suddenly turned and ran into the palace, intending to connect his own intelligent brain to the Taishang Palace host. Only with the help of the host's computing power can he try to crack the disrupted "secret data of heaven".

"Master is going to open the altar for divination! You protect me!"


When the old man in Taoist robes entered into meditation, Li Mobai sat aside to protect his master. It seemed that he was concentrating on the old man, but the actual situation was... He was constantly using the friend function of the exam forum to frantically send Chen Jing's messages, but the other party did not respond.

Just when Li Mobai was at a loss, the old man who was in meditation finally woke up.

Before Li Mobai could ask about the divination result, the old man who claimed that he was only half a step away from becoming an immortal suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood with a metallic taste, and collapsed on the ground gasping for breath.

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